View Full Version : Seeking advice about other PS games

Mar 15, 2010, 07:25 AM

I hope no-one minds me posting this here, it's PSO players opinions I'm after here really.

I was hoping you guys could give me some idea of what to expect from the Phantasy Star Portable games.

I've picked up a copy of PSZ and had a good time with it. It seems to be lacking a certain layer of "epicness" in terms of content though + under customization is meh.

I played all of 20 minutes of PSU. I just couldn't get into it (sorry guys, I tried!).

Now I'm interested in playing the PS:P games. I can see it looks alot closer to PSU than the other games but I was wondering how it plays. Is it more a game for PSU fans or PSO fans?

Thanks for your help in advance :grin:

Mar 15, 2010, 09:17 AM
The PSP games play very much like PSU although PSP2 does have some added features like a dodge manouver but they are still fundimentally PSU. Many have said that PSP2 is what PSU should have been from the start. Best advice is go out and rent them and see if you like them. That's the best way to know for sure.

Mar 15, 2010, 09:25 AM
Thank you Mister Freeze!

Dodge manouver ey? Interesting, like PSZ I guess!

I noticed there's a thread on this board for "Introducing PSU players to PSO" lol. It should be the other way round. PSO 1+2 ftw ^^

Mar 15, 2010, 12:04 PM
PSP2 was a group effort from the PSZ team and the PSP team, because of this PSP2 is going to be A. a LOT harder than or = to PSO. B. you'll see the chain system as well as a DODGE system. and C. the game will be SOOO much better because PSZ team was involved in it.

Red Ring
Mar 15, 2010, 08:53 PM
I didnt find the portable games to be rewarding enough. If you get sick of PSO id say wait for the next phantasy star on home console and pc. psp2 is a good time killer but if im going to waste that much time id like to do it in a worthwhile environment. as long as you're on the go and have nothing productive to do then yeah psp2 is ok for that. its by no means a replacement to a home phantasy star game but its very good for a portable game.

Mar 19, 2010, 04:20 PM
If you didn't like PSU, you MIGHT not like PSP and PSP2, but imo, they're quite a change from PSU and I really like the PSP series.

PSZ is great! It basically took (for the majority) the best aspects of PSU and PSO and put them in one. The artwork is a little different (the same people who do the Lunar series), but I found it pretty nifty.

Mar 20, 2010, 07:40 PM
I've played them all, upto and including PS zero and PSP2. I was a massive fan of the original PSO, and out of all of the recent efforts, I think PSP2 is the most fun and impressive of them all. Of course nothing will ever be as good as the original PS online.

Mar 22, 2010, 04:32 AM
I've played them all, upto and including PS zero and PSP2. I was a massive fan of the original PSO, and out of all of the recent efforts, I think PSP2 is the most fun and impressive of them all. Of course nothing will ever be as good as the original PS online.

*High 5*

Yeah I've got PSZ and I've been enjoying it alot. It's not as good as PSO imo, but I do wonder how much of that is due to nostalgia. Though portability is pretty impressive!

I ended up buying PS:P to try it out, at least get an idea of the game for when PS:P 2 is released. Cheers for the advice!

If they released PSO ep 1+2 for iPhone, 3g online play and iControl pad compatible I would have fangasm. Can only dream ^_^