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View Full Version : top 5 wii games not yet made

Mar 27, 2010, 12:47 AM
this is a list of game i wish they would make. this is not for games that have been announced .

1. Star Fox Wii
2. PSO 2
3. Sonic Adventure 3
4. Kid Icarus Wii
5. Donkey Kong Country 4 or a DK game like 64

what about you guys?
after awhile ill post more.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Mar 27, 2010, 01:35 AM
1.Star Fox Wii, for sure. We've all seen that the Wii can do good Graphics, and Online.(As bad as it is, lol) And the controls can be easily done with the Wii Remote. Make it happen, Nintendo.

2. MadWorld 2. The first one was awesome, but waaaay too short.

3.F-Zero for the Wii.

4.House of The Dead 4.

5.An Ace Attourney game. Don't know why. But I'd like to see one on the Wii. (And not as a DS Port)

Mar 27, 2010, 01:45 AM

1. Sequel to Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (really any full-fledged Pokemon game for consoles)
2. Baten Kaitos sequel
3. Mario Tennis/Golf game (New Play Control doesn't count)
4. Waverace Wii
5. Custom Robo Wii

Mar 27, 2010, 02:34 AM
As I am sans-Wii (harhar), I am not very familiar with the catalogue... but here goes.

5] I'd like to see a Seiken Densetsu make it to the Wii, as long as the combat stays well away from Soul Calibur Legends territory.

4] PSØ sequel/prequel might be cool.

3] SD Gundam: Scad Hammers was fun, how about a Zeon-side spinoff?

2] Hm, Jet Set Radio spinoff featuring balance board support?

1] New Pilotwings.

Mar 27, 2010, 03:45 AM
1. Kirby Wii(Oh god please let it come true)

2. Phoenix Wright Wii

3. Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2

4. Pokemon Battle Revolution 2

5. Megaman X9 for Wiiware

Mar 27, 2010, 04:29 AM
#1 marvel vs capcom 3
#2 f-zero
#3 starfox
#4 some sort of aliens vs predator or even alien extermination arcade port
#5 pso (must be at least an online version of gc plus)

Mar 27, 2010, 05:55 AM
I'd be satisfied with a new Custom Robo game, assuming it's actually superior to the N64 version this time.

Mar 27, 2010, 09:46 AM
No more Heroes 3
Resident Evil 2 Remake
Another Silent Hill game
Another new Vanillaware game, like Muramasa
New Starfox

Mar 27, 2010, 09:53 AM
Super Mario Sunshine 2.

...What? I liked Sunshine.

Mar 27, 2010, 11:59 AM
Super Mario Sunshine 2.

...What? I liked Sunshine.
seconded. Sunshine wasn't the best Mario, imo but I thought the environment and music was really cool.

Some games I want on Wii:
Smash Bros. that doesn't suck.
Pikmin 3 would be nice this decade.
Donkey Konga with liscenced music and dlc.
New Cell Shaded Zelda not on the DS.
New Mario Party that doesn't suck.

To all the requests for PSO2 on Wii, I don't think that's a good idea. PSU was basically gimped from day because of the lack of a hard drive. The Wii suffers from the same thing and in this day if an MMO-esque game doesn't have significant dlc and updates then it will fail. The next PS game needs to be on PC/PS3/360.

Mar 27, 2010, 12:18 PM
I'd like to see some games that actually use motion control in a way that make it feel at home on the Wii, like a new Okami game. The biggest problem with the Wii is that a vast majority of the games are better suited to a standard controller, and are ruthlessly crowbarred into the Wii's motion controls.

Mar 27, 2010, 01:32 PM
I'd like to see some games that actually use motion control in a way that make it feel at home on the Wii, like a new Okami game. The biggest problem with the Wii is that a vast majority of the games are better suited to a standard controller, and are ruthlessly crowbarred into the Wii's motion controls.

I think Metroid Prime 3 had the best implementation of the Wii's unique controls. If they're going to do more gesture based stuff, I'd like it to be small things like the welding or pulling batteries out sections. Instead of a "waggle" to perform an action.

Mar 27, 2010, 01:38 PM
apparently, Red Steel 2 is actually giving MP3 a run for its money as far as implementation goes, though it DOES have the added strength of using motion plus.

I agree with the Kirby sentiment, nintendos been teasing us with screenshots of a new kirby game since the gamecube, its just lame we havent seen it yet.

Mar 27, 2010, 01:53 PM
To all the requests for PSO2 on Wii, I don't think that's a good idea. PSU was basically gimped from day because of the lack of a hard drive. The Wii suffers from the same thing and in this day if an MMO-esque game doesn't have significant dlc and updates then it will fail. The next PS game needs to be on PC/PS3/360.
I agree with this. A new online Phantasy Star game is something that works better in the PS3, XBox360 and PC, due to all of them having support for hard drive. Not having hard drive is something that brought alot of problems to PSO in DC and GC (not being able to patch the game), and is also what basically killed PSU (PS2 version).

Sonic Adventure 3
This is another one that I think that works better for PS3 and XBox 360, to support DLC and better graphics (there can always be a version with lower details and no DLC for the Wii, kinda like Sonic Unleashed).

Games that I think that would be nice in the Wii, I can only think of one, an actually good 3D Pokemon game, a game similar to the DS Pokemon games but for the Wii.
...Nah, probably this would be too much for Nintendo to do. :>

Mar 27, 2010, 02:04 PM
Holy shit, whoever said Donkey Kong Country 4 is my hero. My friend and I, in a fit of extreme boredom over Christmas break, wrote a script for an imaginary sitcom where the only copy of Donkey Kong Country 4 ever made is discovered on eBay and the entire world collapses in on itself because every single person can't stop playing it. (The show's characters then had to build a time machine out of legos so they could go back in time with Iggy Pop to stop the game from being found by a little boy in a wheelchair who got it back in the '90s while doing a Nickelodeon Super Toy Run... um, maybe I should stop talking about this and making myself look nuts.)

Anyway, Donkey Kong Country 4, which would be the most dominant game of all time

A sequel or expansion to New Super Mario Bros Wii, even though it sort of just came out a little while ago

Some type of new Zelda something

Goldeneye 64 remake?

Throw the Thing At the Thing™

Mar 27, 2010, 02:58 PM
Sequel to Twilight Princess (might actually be coming true with the new Zelda Wii)

StarFox Wii


Pokemon Stadium 3 or sequel to Gale of Darkness

PS0 wii (prequel/sequel)

Kirby Wii

6, yes, but since Zelda Wii is to come out, I discount it.

Mar 27, 2010, 03:36 PM
looks like you all had fun.

im thinking of more stuff now.

Mario Party wii motion plus / online

i agree with the mavel vs capcom 3. maybe nintendo vs disney lol

i dont think smash bros ever sucked. but yeah i would like to see a new one with more characters and better moves. no clones. and a tournament mode for all the hardcore people who dont like items or most of the stages. i on the other hand love items.

SOUL CALIBUR 5. dont forget the wii this time guys.

and yeah i would like to see a wind waker 2 as well.

Mar 27, 2010, 04:07 PM
I agree with the Kirby sentiment, nintendos been teasing us with screenshots of a new kirby game since the gamecube, its just lame we havent seen it yet.

I didn't know there was even a Kirby game on N64. Honestly, Super Smash Bros was the first time I ever heard of Kirby.

Mar 27, 2010, 04:10 PM
wow chuck.

anyway yeah kirby 64 was pretty rocking .

Mar 27, 2010, 04:24 PM
Yeah, but Im not talking about the N64 kirby (which I have on my Wii) I'm talking about the Gamecube Kirby that they showed footage of and had screenshots at E3 one year, and they keep on renewing the copyright on the title, but havent said anything more.

The trailer was slick, the game would have 4 player co-op, I'll see if I can find it...

Here we go!


Mar 27, 2010, 04:30 PM
yeah i remember this . i remember my nintendo power seeing this at the end of GCN. i think with the wii coming out this was a bit done with. but it can always come back .

Mar 27, 2010, 05:44 PM
Really my top 5 wii games would have to be


oh whats that???


oh well then i have no list for this then lol im thoroughly satisfied :)

Mar 27, 2010, 05:54 PM
a zelda game built from the ground up for the console (which twilight princess was not)

Mar 27, 2010, 06:16 PM
start with 100 words. what the heck!?

Mar 27, 2010, 09:10 PM

Mar 27, 2010, 11:25 PM
Pokemon Platinum Bling

Mar 28, 2010, 06:15 PM
i want a sweet movie licence game. like from the 90s

Mar 28, 2010, 07:53 PM
Yeah, but Im not talking about the N64 kirby (which I have on my Wii) I'm talking about the Gamecube Kirby that they showed footage of and had screenshots at E3 one year, and they keep on renewing the copyright on the title, but havent said anything more.

The trailer was slick, the game would have 4 player co-op, I'll see if I can find it...

Here we go!


I came.

But seriously, I will steal my brother's Wii or buy my own if they make such a game.

Moreso on topic, I'd definitely like to see a fully-fledged Pokemon game for the console that's not as empty as Pokemon Battle Revolution was. I'd also like to see a Crystal Chronicles game that's more like the original Gamecube one, not anything like Crystal Bearers. Lastly, I'm still waiting on my Star Wars lightsaber sim.

Mar 28, 2010, 08:03 PM
I came.

But seriously, I will steal my brother's Wii or buy my own if they make such a game.

Moreso on topic, I'd definitely like to see a fully-fledged Pokemon game for the console that's not as empty as Pokemon Battle Revolution was. I'd also like to see a Crystal Chronicles game that's more like the original Gamecube one, not anything like Crystal Bearers. Lastly, I'm still waiting on my Star Wars lightsaber sim.
That video is really cool, and I'd definitely dust off my Wii to play it. If you're in need of a quick Kirby fix and if you own a DS, I highly recommend Kirby: Canvas Curse. I've played this game more than any other DS game I own. Its a really great game.

Mar 28, 2010, 11:13 PM
MadWorld 2. The first one was awesome, but waaaay too short.

Have you played either No More Heroes game? I'm not trying to back either series into a corner, but there are enough thematic and gameplay similarities that I think you'll enjoy them if you enjoyed MadWorld.

I really found that MadWorld almost felt like an unofficial spin-off to the NMH series.

House of The Dead 4.

The wikipedias suggest that it would have been ported if HotD 2+3 sold well:


Which is weird, because apparently they sold well enough for them to release House of the Dead Overkill but not House of the Dead 4? I dunno.

Smash Bros. that doesn't suck.

Oh, you're in luck! You should try: Any Smash Bros. game.

I really don't understand the Brawl hate. It's great! The slipping thing is absurd, but they got rid of wave dashing, which is awesome! Every time I come back to this game I'm impressed by how good it is.

Holy shit, whoever said Donkey Kong Country 4 is my hero.

Yeah, screw the recent movement on the internet that says DKC is a bad series. Those games hold up incredibly well. I played through all three of them a few years ago and they're really good. Even the third game, which was sort of the black sheep of the series, has some great gameplay.

a zelda game built from the ground up for the console (which twilight princess was not)

Right, which is what the next Zelda will be.

I'd love for Nintendo to shake things up with the new Zelda game and give it the Super Mario Galaxy treatment. As much as the Zelda framework is a tried-and-true formula for success, this is the perfect time for them to really change things and bring us something new.

Of course, I doubt that'll happen, but a guy can dream, right?

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Mar 28, 2010, 11:27 PM
Have you played either No More Heroes game? I'm not trying to back either series into a corner, but there are enough thematic and gameplay similarities that I think you'll enjoy them if you enjoyed MadWorld.

I really found that MadWorld almost felt like an unofficial spin-off to the NMH series.

I've played NMH1 and NMH2: DS, and thoroughly enjoyed both, No More Heroes is actually the reason I bought a Wii. :D
And while you are right about Madworld having similarities, I just wanna see a sequel, just because.:-?

Mar 28, 2010, 11:54 PM
Oh, you're in luck! You should try: Any Smash Bros. game.

I really don't understand the Brawl hate. It's great! The slipping thing is absurd, but they got rid of wave dashing, which is awesome! Every time I come back to this game I'm impressed by how good it is.

I absolutely loved the first two games. Unlocking all of the hidden characters was awesome, especially in Melee. The gameplay in Brawl was really good, and I actually liked the "story mode" thing they added. I hated the fact that the secret characters were extremely easy to unlock and there was way too many re-skinned characters. That was the biggest drawback for me. I also really wish that they would have just left out the online portion of the game. It was so poorly executed and it lagged so badly that it was barely playable. I'm not saying that I hated the game, but I do think that it 'sucked' in comparison to its predecessors.

Mar 29, 2010, 01:03 AM
If the game fairy left a new Jet Set Radio incarnation under my pillow with motion/balance gameplay, I would be forced--forced!--to buy a Wii, even though I'd be terrible at it.

Mar 29, 2010, 01:35 AM
I've played NMH1 and NMH2: DS, and thoroughly enjoyed both, No More Heroes is actually the reason I bought a Wii. :D
And while you are right about Madworld having similarities, I just wanna see a sequel, just because.:-?

Fair enough. I know I'd definitely buy it at full price instead of waiting for a sale this time around as well.

Mar 29, 2010, 05:05 AM
If you want games in terms of having motion controls, then the playstation move actually looks really promising.


In terms of the wii, it was already a last generation console to begin with. It was basically a gamecube with motion controls. I expect a new wii2 (wii-wii) will come out next year with HD, a hard drive, online and more responsive controls. Plus it`s nintendo, so I`d expect more than just a simple upgrade.

For most of the games, i`d rather not see them on the wii as it`s just not powerful enough and online sucks. I expect and hope they push the keep working on their prodjects and push them back to have solid launch games on a system that wont lag on a ds port. In terms of pikmin and zelda miyamoto hinted at them last year (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/01/28/nintendo-report-hints-at-new-wii-titles-other-m-release/). And I`m really interested to see how Other M turns out. Pokemon fans have been screming for an rpg ever since the first game came out. Hopefully that will also become possible with a new system. Jet Grind Radio and Muramasa are just incredible games and I`d love to see them on any system.

As far as the next online Phantasy Star game, anything but Nintendo is fine; as long as sony and microsoft can share their servers. Also it`d have to be linked with JP or else we can expect to be screwed over by sonic team again. Just wait for
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayosfc6FMik to hit NA if you have a half way decent pc.

Mar 29, 2010, 10:24 PM
Spoiler-ed to save some internetz space

[SPOILER-BOX]If you want games in terms of having motion controls, then the playstation move actually looks really promising.


In terms of the wii, it was already a last generation console to begin with. It was basically a gamecube with motion controls. I expect a new wii2 (wii-wii) will come out next year with HD, a hard drive, online and more responsive controls. Plus it`s nintendo, so I`d expect more than just a simple upgrade.

For most of the games, i`d rather not see them on the wii as it`s just not powerful enough and online sucks. I expect and hope they push the keep working on their prodjects and push them back to have solid launch games on a system that wont lag on a ds port. In terms of pikmin and zelda miyamoto hinted at them last year (http://www.joystiq.com/2010/01/28/nintendo-report-hints-at-new-wii-titles-other-m-release/). And I`m really interested to see how Other M turns out. Pokemon fans have been screming for an rpg ever since the first game came out. Hopefully that will also become possible with a new system. Jet Grind Radio and Muramasa are just incredible games and I`d love to see them on any system.

As far as the next online Phantasy Star game, anything but Nintendo is fine; as long as sony and microsoft can share their servers. Also it`d have to be linked with JP or else we can expect to be screwed over by sonic team again. Just wait for Dragon Nest (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ayosfc6FMik) to hit NA if you have a half way decent pc.[/SPOILER-BOX]

I think Sony deserves a high-five for the Kevin Butler ad-campaign. They're pretty funny, and given Sony's horrendous history of ad-campaigns, they've really hit gold.

Mar 29, 2010, 10:54 PM
Move = Wii HD. No thanks. The only difference between the two is that the camera for Move is mounted above the TV, whereas the 'camera' for the Wii is in the controller itself.

The only things we've seen so far is a bowling and sports mini-game collection, just like the Wii, and a ham-fisted attempt to cram motion controls into SOCOM. I heard the SOCOM controls were nothing short of terrible. Can you imagine playing Killzone 3 or the next Modern Warfare (if there is one) with a motion controller? No? That's because it's a f*cking awful idea and you mostly likely have common sense.

Mar 29, 2010, 11:08 PM
Yeah, I'm kind of pissed that Sony is tacking on PS Move to every game that they can. The LittleBigPlanet implementation looked awful, it could totally be done with a regular dualshock. Even Zipper admitted that Sony made them add support for Move late in Socom 4's dev cycle. I have to applaud Microsoft for not slapping Natal on every franchise they have. (Though I'll probably eat my words at E3) I can't find the link right now but I remember Aaron Greenberg saying that they aren't going to make developers use natal on existing franchises unless it "works."

I do like those PS3 ads though, at least its not the creepy baby-in-room ads that they used to have. I loved the part where he made fun of Wii boxing because that's what it looks like every time I've watched someone play that game.

Mar 29, 2010, 11:52 PM
Super Smash Bros. Royale: I'm making a little fanfic/wish list about this.
Tatsunoko vs Capcom 2
That GC Kirby game that was canceled
The Legend of Zelda: (Insert name here)
Pokemon Battle Revolution 2 (For HG, SS, and pokemon Generation 5. And make it more like Pokemon Stadium, please. Stadium mode, Gym leader castle Mini games [That you can use your own pokemon in like PS2], An achademy to help out teh n00bs, Play handheld on the big screen. Oh and remember the destructible background thing and good graphics in the trailer?
*Cough*Hyperbeam*cough*Blizzard[/SIZE]] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djMyzIiYENo&feature=related Yeah, lets get back on that.

And 1 more just because:

Metroid Prime 4 I saw Sylux's Ship at the end of the game, so yeah....

Mar 30, 2010, 03:39 AM
i have to agree with joefro. the worst thing about the wii was the motion controls. A lot of the games were a lot more fun using a normal controller. When I come home from work/school the last thing i want to do is make an ass out of myself jumping around in front of the tv.

Video related:

I find this video hilarious. Even the actors in a one minute preview look like they`re bored out of their mind. I wonder how much the actual user experience is going to fail.


Mar 30, 2010, 06:33 AM
While I'm skeptical of both Move and Natal, and prefer a controller for all but the most extreme circumstances (Okami and maybe a couple others) at least Natal isn't an unabashed rip off of existing technology. With Move, you'll get upscaled Wii games...that's it, because that's all that it is capable of. We've seen the height of what Wii controls can acheive; Move is no different. Natal is at least a big question mark. While it may turn out to be a steaming pile, at least it has the potential to be different. It's really up to the developers to do something cool with it. So far I haven't seen anything, but who knows.

Mar 30, 2010, 11:13 AM
When I come home from work/school the last thing i want to do is make an ass out of myself jumping around in front of the tv.

Yeah, see - the vast majority of motion control games are not like that. It was definitely more of an issue with launch games when nobody had any idea how to use the motion functionality, but that doesn't really happen in anything but the worst shovelware titles these days.

Saying something along those lines is like putting a stamp on your post that says "I have no clue what I'm talking about."

Mar 30, 2010, 08:33 PM
i love motion controls. sometimes they are weird. you dont need to jump around the tv. i dont. but sometimes i do . .for fun hehe.

a. multi player metroid
b. a brand new really hot arcade style fighting game.
c. non retro mega man
d. a waluigi game. its about time.

Mar 30, 2010, 08:36 PM
A multi player Metroid would be fun!

Like the old Goldeneye game on N64. Or Perfect Dark or something.

Cept it would be better.

Mar 30, 2010, 08:37 PM
yeah im really running out of things that havnt been said lol. i was going to say an adult animal crossing. but im not so sure lol

Mar 30, 2010, 08:39 PM
On the Wii? Nah. :p

Mar 30, 2010, 08:54 PM
city folk was pretty stupid. i wish there were places were you could meet people. and not use those blasted codes.

Mar 30, 2010, 09:05 PM
Well, I was never into the Animal Crossing games, but I'm sure a more adult one, with no friend codes and able to meet random people would be pretty cool.
It would almost be like a Playstation Home though. :o

Mar 30, 2010, 10:05 PM
lol yeah i guess. it can be a fun game. a lot of creative stuff to do .

Mar 31, 2010, 12:05 AM
Yea, I liked watching my friend design shirts and stuff. He had the Gamesube and Wii ones.

Mar 31, 2010, 01:09 PM
While I'm skeptical of both Move and Natal, and prefer a controller for all but the most extreme circumstances (Okami and maybe a couple others) at least Natal isn't an unabashed rip off of existing technology. With Move, you'll get upscaled Wii games...that's it, because that's all that it is capable of. We've seen the height of what Wii controls can acheive; Move is no different. Natal is at least a big question mark. While it may turn out to be a steaming pile, at least it has the potential to be different. It's really up to the developers to do something cool with it. So far I haven't seen anything, but who knows.

That's not true... The move is Sony trying to cash in on that new market Nintendo tore into, but it's been given a few more years of development. It works a lot like the Wii Remote, but in reverse (i.e.the camera is tracking the sensor on the remote, not the other way around).

I'm not arguing that we won't see a ton of ported shovelware, but the games built specifically for the Move will be noticably more accurate. The lag rate is one frame per second behind real life, if I'm not mistaken. Which is pretty neat.
And it's capable of a little more than just "waggling" to perform an action. Yes, Nintendo has Wii Motion Plus, but I can only think of 3 games off the top of my head that actually support it. It's already looking like another unsupported piece of plastic... which is unfortunate.

Oh, and uh, concerning Natal... it's not quite as original as everyone would like to believe. The PS3 Eye has been able to do several things like head-tracking, voice and facial recognition, for some time now. Granted, in a 2D space, but that's becaue it's just one camera. The demand for it simply wasn't there (in the U.S.), so developers never really got behind it.

Anyway, I guess I should make the point that I'm not for the PS Move. I don't want it. I hate it. I think Sony's trying to appeal to a market that just doesn't exist on the PS3. If this came out on the PS2, I think it would've made a lot more sense. It can't really maintain the whole "party" game stigma because it's impossible to play with four Move(motes?) and four subcontrollers because the sub-controllers are wireless... the PS3 can only support up to 7 blutooth devices at any one time. Kind of a dumb move if you ask me.

Luckily, Sony keeps assuring us that they won't be shoving motion control into our face with the "hardcore" titles, but we shall see. I'm sure if MediaMolecule makes a LittleBigPlanet, or maybe new IP for it, it'll rock ass.

Mar 31, 2010, 01:40 PM
It's absolutely true that Move is more accurate than the Wii/Wii Motion Plus, but they are almost identical in terms of design capabilities. I've seen little if anything that a Move can do that Wii Motion Plus can't (albeit, more accurately).

The idea of tracking a body through the camera wasn't MS's idea. However, making new tech desirable and profitable isn't about doing it first. It's about getting it right. Nintendo is particularly good at this. Atari had an analog stick on their controllers 30 years ago, but it was awful. Nintendo was the first to make it work properly and make it standard. Nintendo didn't do motion controllers first either, but they were the first to make it cheap and marketable. I feel the same about the PSEye. Sony may have beaten everyone else to market, but the software wasn't there.

For the tech nerds: Natal uses a single camera and an infrared depth finder. All movement in 3D space is calculated using a totally bad-ass algorithm, and software based at that. It was hardware based, but the chip was later removed to reduce cost. Now the Natal unit itself leans on the 360's processor to do some of the number crunching.

Mar 31, 2010, 01:40 PM
custom robo wii would be awesome and so would a sonic adventure 3 (not like the wii sonic games)

Mar 31, 2010, 04:17 PM
right no wolf no sword . and enough of going old school. lets go boldly forward to the new school.

Chukie sue
Mar 31, 2010, 09:40 PM
I'd really like to see a Megaman game come to wii. (Lan- PET generation)
First person like Red Steel and such. Many people I've talked to said they'd hate that, but I'd really like to see it.

I also want a new Megaman X game to come out... Though side-scrollers aren't exactly what the wii was made for....

Apr 1, 2010, 12:14 AM
Motion control breakdance game.

Requires Wii motion Plus plus plus though.

Apr 1, 2010, 12:33 AM
you are a silly old man.

so where are all the april fools jokes?

Apr 1, 2010, 01:36 AM
making new tech desirable and profitable isn't about doing it first. It's about getting it right. Nintendo is particularly good at this.

Hey now!

http://images3.souq.com/uploaded/0509/14a6aaaa1bc38b690509f6faf01b084a_60300029211242287 118.jpg
http://di1.shopping.com/images1/pi/ed/22/8c/22398885-260x260-0-0_Majesco+MAJESCO+GBA+Video+Sonic+The+Hedgehog+Vol +1.jpg

Don't give Nintendo too much credit!

Apr 1, 2010, 01:50 AM
All of those probably made more than the SEGA stuff, sadly.

Played PSO with some Australian guy once who said he had to run out to buy an extra set of those bongos, priced way too much, for the family kids in his house who loved that stuff.

Famicom color Micro = impossible to buy now too, probably.

GC BBA is retail price @ Nintendo/bare bones/store dot com

Apr 1, 2010, 01:57 AM
All of those probably made more than the SEGA stuff, sadly.

Played PSO with some Australian guy once who said he had to run out to buy an extra set of those bongos, priced way too much, for the family kids in his house who loved that stuff.

Famicom color Micro = impossible to buy now too, probably.

GC BBA is retail price @ Nintendo/bare bones/store dot com

Oh yeah definitely more than Sega's stuff lol. But I still wouldn't call them a "success"

And I did always want that gold and red Micro... but the DS was announced like a month later :nono:

Apr 8, 2010, 06:43 AM
Sonic Adventure 3

Oh Heck yeah. I'd buy another Wii just to play that, loved the first 2 for DC.

Apr 8, 2010, 08:49 AM
Oh Heck yeah. I'd buy another Wii just to play that, loved the first 2 for DC.

Why would this not be better suited on a console with traditional controls? There are too many good games ruined by being crowbarred onto the Wii. I recently got MadWorld, which was potentially a good game, but even Sega acknowledged recently that putting it on the Wii was a bad idea.

Apr 8, 2010, 12:48 PM
Why would this not be better suited on a console with traditional controls? There are too many good games ruined by being crowbarred onto the Wii. I recently got MadWorld, which was potentially a good game, but even Sega acknowledged recently that putting it on the Wii was a bad idea.

Yeah, I saw that and it's kind of BS answer. It's just not true. The game was critically acclaimed for, among other things, its controls. That is NOT the reason the game sold poorly and everybody knows it. It was a demographic and marketing issue from the start. It really bothers me that Sega is using revisionist history on this one.

Accept that you guys did a poor job and move on. Don't go blaming it on the designers who did a great job.

Apr 8, 2010, 01:01 PM
Yeah, I saw that and it's kind of BS answer. It's just not true. The game was critically acclaimed for, among other things, its controls. That is NOT the reason the game sold poorly and everybody knows it. It was a demographic and marketing issue from the start. It really bothers me that Sega is using revisionist history on this one.

Accept that you guys did a poor job and move on. Don't go blaming it on the designers who did a great job.

I don't understand why it would be acclaimed for its controls. Not a single aspect of that game (that I've encountered so far) is suited to motion controls. Its simply waggle as a substitute for the Wii control scheme lacking enough buttons.

Apr 8, 2010, 01:24 PM
I don't understand why it would be acclaimed for its controls. Not a single aspect of that game (that I've encountered so far) is suited to motion controls. Its simply waggle as a substitute for the Wii control scheme lacking enough buttons.

In all fairness, motion controls shouldn't have to do anything new to be useful. They should just do them better or at the very least work as an equivalent substitute.

To compare it to something like the analogue stick - nobody complained when it simply replaced a D-Pad, but when it added to the gameplay by offering 360 movement and speed control, people loved it.

For a game like MadWorld, I love the motion controlled chainsaw swipes or the directional grabs you do with the Wii remote. They do rely on a lot of QTEs (which I know a lot of people hate these days), but I sincerely enjoy when the character's QTE movements are represented by corresponding motion instead of just button presses.

Sometimes it's silly and almost always it could probably have been done with just analogue sticks/buttons, but it adds to the experience for me. It helps pull me in.

Sure, I could just rotate the stick when my character is swinging a guy around above his head before throwing him into a meat grinder, but swinging the remote gives me that added bit of tactile gameplay that an obvious deviant like myself would enjoy.

(Motion Control Endorsement disclaimer: I know I often point this out, but I just want to keep it on the record that I in now way endorse motion controls as a replacement for all standard control schemes. They are an option and an element that should be used when it adds to the gameplay and ignored when it won't. They should never be shoe-horned into a game. A standard gamepad can do a lot of things that motion controls can't.)

Apr 8, 2010, 02:20 PM
Motion controls remove me from most games, due in part to input lag and lack of precision, but mostly because the physical action rarely fits the on-screen action. One of the main advantages of motion controls is to simplify or altogether remove the step of learning a new control scheme for ever game. If the motion doesn't directly mimic the onscreen action, the use of motion controls is a complete failure.

Take Heavy Rain for example. There is a certain interface in the game that requires you to jerk the controller around to navigate the menu. Even though the character uses his hands to navigate the menu, this tore me out of the game, and I loathed every minute in that interface. I suppose if Natal were the input device it would have been tolerable since I would actually be able to emulate the character directly. Instead I'm stuck suffering the hackneyed adaptation of his actions as required to suit the meager PS3 motion controls. A particularly heinous (and extreme) example of poor motion controls is their use in the Metal Slug Anthology for Wii. Obviously, there is an option for standard controls, but I can't believe they even included an option to tilt the Wiimote left or right to walk in the corresponding direction... Really guys?

However, there are some rare gems that use motion controls to their advantage. Anything that requires drawing (Okami), pointing (Dead Space: Extraction), or gradient strength (golf) work well with the Wiimote/Nunchuk combo.

Apr 8, 2010, 08:39 PM
Why would this not be better suited on a console with traditional controls? There are too many good games ruined by being crowbarred onto the Wii. I recently got MadWorld, which was potentially a good game, but even Sega acknowledged recently that putting it on the Wii was a bad idea.

I didn't say I wouldn't want it on the 360, of course that would be better.;)