View Full Version : Chousei-sou, Tornado Dance and Nosuzonde Questions...

Apr 18, 2010, 11:12 PM
Hey, just three quick questions...

1.Does Chousei-Sou (Long Range Bow PA. Costs 75 PA fragments) gain additonal range as it goes up in teirs? If it does can it reach Del-Roley/Flaz(?) when they fly away from the raft at max distance at 21+?

2.Is Torndao dance without Fighmasters speed boost on frameskip one faster than walking?

3. Can Nosuzonde reach Del-Roley(?) when he is at max range from the raft at lv 31+?

Thank You for those who reply.

Apr 18, 2010, 11:47 PM
1) Yes Chousei-sou gets additional range as it levels up. No it can't reach de rol le at max distance, but it can reach him from a further distance than a rifle or any other bow bullet. If it wasn't so slow it would be good.

3) Noszonde will hit from max distance, but waiting for it to lock onto DRL is the bigger problem. It only locks onto the face, so if his tail is facing you, it will take a while before it locks on. That and it explodes whenever you block. You're better off using the longbow if he's medium~far range and handgun/cards when he's up close.