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May 6, 2010, 05:50 PM
ok, I admit it - I'm confused on how all the AXP stuff will work in the update.


I know there is AXP, and I know you can affect stats, buy extra abilities (like +10% damage from 10/10 weapons), and improve armor, etc.

What I don't know really understand the way the numbers work.

What would be great is if a few ppl posted the way they intend to (or already have) modified their characters...

...and why?

Some specific questions

Like, if I get Full Custom Power (and I am only allowed 1 special ability at first), can I buy both levels of it, or am I limited to 1?

If I get 6 "Base Abilities" - can I upgrade 6 of my base attributes? or just up to 6 levels in total improvements? Does a level 2 improvement cost 2? or does it cost 1+2 = 3?

May 6, 2010, 05:59 PM
It's just like the page says (I haven't looked in awhile so I don't know the exact numbers but I'mma give you an example, okay?)

Each character gets a certain amount of points they can go towards a stat, or ability or etc.

Say it's 10, for stats, you can use it for ten different stats, but each level of stats cost more points, that doesn't effect how many times you can do it, only how long it'll take you to build up the necessary value. Say, its 1 point for level 1 attack, 3 for level 2, 5 for level 3, etc.

Get it? That's totally an example, not the actual points value, too.

But, most of them have a max level boost of 5, so you can only boost that stat 5 times.

Like for my cast, I plan on leveling my attack to level 5, and my evasion to level 3, since if I recall CAST only get 8 levels =/

With the other stuff, I haven't read into it much, but I know I am getting the 10/10 10% boost. And if I read correctly, I'll get something to level my PA's up more. But, I dunno about that, I don't know if it's to break to cap of level 50, or just helps you level them without putting work into it. If it's the ladder I wont be doing that, lol.

ZIE creations
May 6, 2010, 06:19 PM
From what I read and heard (I was just at page on psupedia) as Shinato said, each race gets a certain amount of "levels" in each catagory.
Base-effects base stats
special-effects weapon damages
weapon-effects pa lvls and skills
attribute-effects technic abillitys/pa lvls

(unverified-just what it sounds like)
In base (and posably weapon, attribute) each lvl will cost one point from your cap.
With special for an ability it will take one from your cap but increasing the lvl shouldn't.

hope i helped, sorry if I'm wrong as there isn't anyway to verify.

May 6, 2010, 08:48 PM
What would be great is if a few ppl posted the way they intend to (or already have) modified their characters...

...and why?
I'm glad in one way that I didn't delete this text file after I quit PSU:
Beast Fighmaster

Base abilities (10):
Base ATP+ LV4
Base ATA+ LV2

Special abilities (5):
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Attack Damage+ LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV1

Weapon proficiencies (10):
Sword Damage+ LV1
Spear Damage+ LV1
Double Saber Damage+ LV1
Axe Damage+ LV1
Sword Element+ LV1
Spear Element + LV1
Double Saber Element + LV1
Axe Element + LV1

Weapon style:
Sleep Crusher

Shield style:
Ragan's Force

Extra style:
Wild Blast

CAST Gunmaster

Base abilities (8 ):
Base ATP+ LV4
Base DFP+ LV2

Special abilities (4):
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2

Weapon proficiencies (10):
Rifle Damage+ LV1
Shotgun Damage+ LV1
Laser Cannon Damage+ LV1
Twin Handgun Damage+ LV1
Rifle Element+ LV1
Shotgun Element + LV1
Laser Cannon Element + LV1
Twin Handgun Element + LV1

Weapon style:
Elemental Weapon

Shield style:
Ragan's Force

Extra style:


Newman Masterforce

Base abilities (12):
Base TP+ LV4
Base DFP+ LV4

Special abilities (5):
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2
Attack Range+ LV1

Weapon proficiencies (15):
Rod Damage+ LV1
Wand Damage+ LV1
TCSM Damage+ LV1
Rod Element+ LV1
Wand Element+ LV1
TCSM Element+ LV1

Attribute proficiencies (15):
Limit Break Foie LV1
Limit Break Barta LV1
Limit Break Zonde LV1
Limit Break Diga LV1
Limit Break Megid LV1

Weapon style:
Weapon Mastery

Shield style:
Quick React

Extra style:
Photon Crafter


Human Acrofighter

Base abilities (14):
Base ATP+ LV4
Base ATA+ LV1
Base DFP+ LV1
Base EVP+ LV4

Special abilities (6):
Full Custom Power LV2
Exact Attack Damage+ LV2
Exact Counter Damage+ LV2

Weapon proficiencies (20):
Knuckle PA LV+ LV5
Twin Saber PA LV+ LV5
Slicer PA LV+ LV5
Twin Handgun PA LV+ LV1
Knuckle Element+ LV1
Twin Saber Element+ LV1
Slicer Element + LV1
Twin Handgun Element+ LV1

Weapon style:
Enchant Stun

Shield style:
Quick React

Extra style:

May 7, 2010, 11:34 AM
Still think evasion would be better than defense and health (for cast gunmaster), for the fact if you block a move, you don't take any damage, x]

May 9, 2010, 12:27 AM
So you can't max everything huh?

May 12, 2010, 06:51 PM
So you can't max everything huh?

Not all at once.

Also, not all the styles are available from the beginning. IIRC, there were 1-2 updates to the GAS system, adding more abilities, allowing some abilities to level 2 or higher, and allocating more points per category for each race.

May 12, 2010, 07:41 PM
and what is the conversion rate between AEXP and Mod points?

May 12, 2010, 08:06 PM
500,000 AEXP = 1 AP

May 12, 2010, 08:59 PM
Its almost like getting from lvl 118 to 119 over and over and over again.

without any exp peanalty.

May 12, 2010, 11:05 PM

so like, how much AEXP does a level 20 enemy give?


Or I guess I could get to 170, and just do regular missions....

May 12, 2010, 11:50 PM
Enemy AEXP payout is the same as their normal EXP payout. Unless you're playing GUARDIANS advanced missions. But that kind of touches on something that I'm not certain how it'll be handled for the 360 servers. See, when GAMs were released in the JP version, enemy AEXP payout was about 2x what the same level enemy would give in a normal mission. The problem with this is that these enemies are all LV30, so a 2x boost is pretty... worthless. Anyway, what they ended up doing was boosting the GAM AEXP payout even further. For example, enemies in Plains Overlord/R were given a 5x boost, and De Ragan was given a 4x boost. Maybe 360 will start off with that boost already in place, though.

May 13, 2010, 12:01 PM
How about the quest rewards - what are those in?