View Full Version : Thank you & Farewell T.T (To a Fellow Guardian)

May 9, 2010, 09:21 PM
I was hanging on the 4th floor today being bored, when this guy at the corner of my eye announces that he is quitting and is giving away all his stuff. I looked at his things and asked for his Granahodora. He mailed me back and he send me a trade request and gave me the wand. I said thanks an was surpried that I got it, I usually dont get good stuff in this game and had been hunting the [B] for said wand earlier. I mail back my thanks and ran off to do other stuff. A couple of minutes later he send me a mail to go to his room and I did. He then gave me all of his Techer items and weapons. He had ALOT of rare and high grinded stuff! I was sooo shocked that he was just giving them to me.... I was never really lucky in PSU but today is probaly the luckyest day ever! But al the same time i was also sad to see such a great techer leave, since teching is my favorite class as well. He also said that he has all this stuff because his only character is a techer, so, wow! he also was a Lv 170.

Well all I want to say is Thank You Soooo Very Much, I'll never forget your generosity, and I hope you find happyness in whatever you decied to do now.

(I dont want to say his name just in case he didnt want me too XD)