View Full Version : Some PSOBB Questions

Purple Reign
May 14, 2010, 11:57 AM
1. Do you guys play on the keyboard or do you guys use a controller hooked up to your computer?

2. I can't remember, but is there a way to switch targets on the keyboard? I could have sworn that when I played on my GC I would press L or Y to switch targets (cant remember exactly which button it is)

3. What IS episode 4?

4. can PSOBB be played offline as well or only online?

5. How exactly does one earn an S-rank weapon? and are they really good?

May 14, 2010, 01:36 PM
I play on a keyboard, but some people use controllers.

You can't directly toggle through targets, but if you move yourself a little you can change by which way your facing. For weapons with a high horizontal target angle, it can be hard to target what you want sometimes.

It has 2 new areas (which are pretty big), it comes with new items, new enemies, quests, etc.

You can play solo mode, where the enemies have offline stats and you can access the offline quests, but you still need to be online to do it.

You can get an s rank weapon if you clear challenge mode fast enough. There is a set of weapons for episode 1 challenge and a set for episode 2. Most of them are pretty bad, but there are some that are really good.

Purple Reign
May 14, 2010, 02:13 PM
Oh awesome! thanks for the info!

I think I will prefer a controller haha, so used to playing it via GC.

how do I know what S-rank weapons are good?

May 14, 2010, 02:33 PM
Just base it off of what weapons you like to use the most, that's what I did :-P I'm a huge fan of Double Sabers, so when I got my S-Rank, I got S-Rank Double Saber. I really wish the photon color was white though... My only complaint.

Purple Reign
May 14, 2010, 03:33 PM
Just base it off of what weapons you like to use the most, that's what I did :-P I'm a huge fan of Double Sabers, so when I got my S-Rank, I got S-Rank Double Saber. I really wish the photon color was white though... My only complaint.

S-Rank weapons are orange right?

May 14, 2010, 03:36 PM
They're more tan. As for the big hype on S-ranks, they all have unreduced specials and can also have Jellen and Zalure put on to them. Unreduced specials on multi target weapons (mainly needles) can lead to devastating effects.

Purple Reign
May 14, 2010, 04:20 PM
They're more tan. As for the big hype on S-ranks, they all have unreduced specials and can also have Jellen and Zalure put on to them. Unreduced specials on multi target weapons (mainly needles) can lead to devastating effects.

Oh interesting. So when you get a S-rank weapon from the challenge mode, does it tell you what specials it has?

May 14, 2010, 09:35 PM
S-Ranks don't have any specials by default. You have to add them, and that costs PDs.

May 17, 2010, 09:13 PM
is it worth the chalange mode to get a needle?

May 18, 2010, 02:37 AM
Yes, most definitely.