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View Full Version : Sick of megid...

Mar 4, 2003, 10:23 PM
I'm sick of cocky little forces that use megid in everysingle battle! I consider it to be very cheap and cowardiss... what do you think?

Mar 4, 2003, 10:27 PM
If ya can't the heat stay outta the kitchen! http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif It's a fair tactic to use, all you gotta do is just carry or equip extra dark protection and your fine.

Mar 4, 2003, 10:31 PM
moves that kill in one hit... espassially megid lvl 30 shouldn't be able to be used in battles, the regular game is fine though... I don't mind grants at all in battles but megid is just too freaking cheap.
all of the dark resists in the world would have a hard time with megid 30...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 19:32 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2003, 10:44 PM
On 2003-03-04 19:31, Lman90245 wrote:
moves that kill in one hit... espassially megid lvl 30 shouldn't be able to be used in battles

So Rangers should never use powerful weapons that can kill FOnewearls in one hit? Hunters should never use "hard" attacks? Hunters and Rangers should never use "Dark" type weapons that have a megid-like special attack? Heck, Hunters and Rangers should never attack at all, because they may get a critical hit in, which may drop a Force's HP to 0?

Megid isn't cheap. It's a useful tactic. If Sonic Team didn't want Forces using it in battle, they would have disabled it.

Mar 4, 2003, 10:52 PM
name one weapon that rangers can use to kill in one hit that is as powerfull as megid level 30

Mar 4, 2003, 11:03 PM
Heck Rifle

There ya go. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif

Mar 4, 2003, 11:12 PM
no sorry rifles are not magic, no matter how you think it is it is not a substitute for megid 30. you can't block megid* the last I checked

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:21 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2003, 11:18 PM
i think its a strategy... a smart player would learn to anticipate all strategies and not whine about 'cheap' ones

Mar 4, 2003, 11:22 PM
you call a move that kills in one hit no matter what it hits period... stratigy? I fear for the world...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:25 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2003, 11:23 PM
You can block a rifle shot with EVP.

You can resist a megid spell with EDK.

I don't see what the problem is? o.o

Mar 4, 2003, 11:24 PM
well take this idea... if you were facing a much stronger opponent that has higher stats in all catagories... you would most likely megid him/her right?? i mean no sense sending yourself to your own death if you dont plan to kill him

Mar 4, 2003, 11:26 PM
no I would take him to rule 1, and besides i'm not a force...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:48 ]</font>

Mar 4, 2003, 11:49 PM
Megid is a cheap way to win. You say equip Dark Resistances but that would require us to have a 4 slot armor and use all 4 slots for Dark Resistance; making us weak in every other category. Any move than can traverse a whole area and instant kill someone is a cheap victory no matter how you look at it.

Mar 5, 2003, 12:05 AM
And if you used a dim type prefix weapon, your opponent would also have to give up his unit slots for evasion AND dark type units in order to avoid it.

What you want is to have no true weakness. There is a little bit of strategy incorporated into PSO battlemode, you can't excell at everything. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Mar 5, 2003, 12:06 AM
I think they need a cure/megid slot...
anyway i'm out for the night later...

Mar 5, 2003, 01:07 AM
Uh... who really does rule 1 and the oh so pointless Forest 1 battles anyway?

Mar 5, 2003, 01:13 AM
I don't know, but forces in Rule 2 own my HUcast ass! ;_;

*gets zapped with zonde*


"Hi Abdur LOL!!" -opponent

"...watch the beautiful corpse plz." -Abdur

But no, megid is fine. Besides, I'd rather have to go up against megid rather than grants. X_X

*megid ball in-coming*

*runs away*

"ahahahaha, nooooooo *smacked with megid ball* "

"Abdur, you almost made it that time." -opponent

"...." - Abdur

Mar 5, 2003, 01:16 AM
On 2003-03-04 20:49, IronKnight wrote:
Megid is a cheap way to win. You say equip Dark Resistances but that would require us to have a 4 slot armor and use all 4 slots for Dark Resistance; making us weak in every other category. Any move than can traverse a whole area and instant kill someone is a cheap victory no matter how you look at it.

Yeah, but Megid isn't as all-powerful as you say. Otherwise, NO ONE would make it through ultimate mines.

Megid is slow-moving, relatively. If you keep sticking and moving, it will be VERY tough for a Force to draw a bead and nail you with it. it's not as easy to avoid in a crowded room, but remember a Force can only hit ONE of you with it. If he casts at one, he leaves himself wide open for the others to dogpile him (As they SHOULD, if they're smart). Rifles and handguns also have superior range, if I remember correctly. Megid DOES require some footwork and smarts to avoid, but it's hardly the magic bullet. to be honest, it's probabyla Force's only hope from keeping that HUcast from ramming his big sword right up his... well, you get the idea.

Mar 5, 2003, 09:13 AM
On 2003-03-04 20:12, Lman90245 wrote:
no sorry rifles are not magic, no matter how you think it is it is not a substitute for megid 30. you can't block megid* the last I checked

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:21 ]</font>

What is the Sinow Beats Blade's special attack?

Oh that's right Megid.

Mar 5, 2003, 09:20 AM
hm and on ult, every lily is killing you instantly, hm?
how about some strategy in approaching said force? dont storm heads first and in one direct line onto said force, i'd say - other than that...
instead of whining here you should think yourself a strategy or stop battling forces... maybe that sounds harsh but its as easy as that...

Mar 5, 2003, 09:37 AM
You goddam inferior HUmars should die.

*spreads level 30 Megid all over DBZ and FF'esque HUmars*

Mar 5, 2003, 10:11 AM
I think that you should stop whining about Megid. What about androids and their Freexe traps???? So then can the Force whine about being frozen and taking all the damage from the full hucast YAMATO combo??? I didn't think so.... amways there are more fun ways to kill people than Megid.


*Hit's you with Barta*

*laughs and Revs you, then heals you*

*Lets you hit him once with your Flowen's Sword*


polishedweasel "this may hurt a bit"

*Mr. Adroid catches the Foie and falls over*

*The Weasel laughs as he Revs you again*

*Mr. Android leaves battle mode*

See? Wasn't that fun?

Mar 5, 2003, 11:36 AM
On 2003-03-05 06:13, Silhouette wrote:

On 2003-03-04 20:12, Lman90245 wrote:
no sorry rifles are not magic, no matter how you think it is it is not a substitute for megid 30. you can't block megid* the last I checked

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:21 ]</font>

What is the Sinow Beats Blade's special attack?

Oh that's right Megid.

WRONG! sorry but the beats arent ranged and again... its a weapon... not magic I may have said this before but, you can block s beats just by leveling up a bit megid doesn't care what level you are...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 08:52 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2003, 11:38 AM
On 2003-03-05 07:11, polishedweasel wrote:
I think that you should stop whining about Megid. What about androids and their Freexe traps???? So then can the Force whine about being frozen and taking all the damage from the full hucast YAMATO combo??? I didn't think so.... amways there are more fun ways to kill people than Megid.

um... I don't have a problem with that for you see there is such a thing as cure/freeze...

Mar 5, 2003, 11:41 AM
instead of whining here you should think yourself a strategy or stop battling forces... maybe that sounds harsh but its as easy as that...

not harsh at all people are intitled to thier opinions and mine will never change...

Mar 5, 2003, 12:15 PM
On 2003-03-04 22:07, Sanity wrote:
Uh... who really does rule 1 and the oh so pointless Forest 1 battles anyway?

if I have to be a broken record I will... I PLAY RULE 1! and most of the battles i've joined have been mostly forest battles until now... cause I don't think battle mode is that profitable anyway.

Mar 5, 2003, 04:12 PM
Once again using megid is the equivalent of relying on infinite Redeemer rounds to win in Unreal Tournament. No matter how much you want to say about resists and whatever it doesn't take away from the fact that a megid win isn't even a win... It's a joke. Anyways, this game doesn't take much skill to play anyways (Ax3 combo) so I'd rather concentrate on the community aspect not battle "strategies".

Mar 5, 2003, 05:51 PM
i got lv 30 granits and lv 30 every thing now

and i dont need megrid to kill in one hit
im a
lv 122 FOmar
equiped with
df feild 4 slot
2 god techs hence lv 30 techs
1 god ability
1 god mind
gizonde merger
c-sorrcer cane

so i got lv 30 gizonde
+50% added damige to mid lv techs from charicter class
+50% added to mid lv techs from c-sorrcer cane
+30% added from the gizonde merger
= a 130% added to gizonde and 100% added to mid techs

aka if
gizonde is at 1072 power from lv 30
aafter my set up it dos
granits is 3140 power
with the added 30% to granits from my class
so i can have a multi hits spell that can kill most every one or will your in the next room and i cant even see you i can cast granits and kill you one hit

will you be my vodoo doll i got alot of needls for u

Mar 5, 2003, 05:59 PM
not my ranger http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif and BTW its GRANTS not granits

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 15:02 ]</font>

Mar 5, 2003, 06:28 PM
On 2003-03-05 08:36, Lman90245 wrote:

On 2003-03-05 06:13, Silhouette wrote:

On 2003-03-04 20:12, Lman90245 wrote:
no sorry rifles are not magic, no matter how you think it is it is not a substitute for megid 30. you can't block megid* the last I checked

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:21 ]</font>

What is the Sinow Beats Blade's special attack?

Oh that's right Megid.

WRONG! sorry but the beats arent ranged and again... its a weapon... not magic I may have said this before but, you can block s beats just by leveling up a bit megid doesn't care what level you are...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 08:52 ]</font>

That isn't wrong. And range doesn't matter if you can kill in one hit(and there is a 50% chance)and you CAN'T block them if you're using the special attack -it's megid for crying out loud lol. I know what I'm talking about since I've used them for about 1/4 of the time I used my old character.

Mar 5, 2003, 06:28 PM
ok Megid is somewhat un fair in battle i know this first hand. i mean truely if you don't know what your doing your gonna get toast. Grants i have no problem with the thing is "WHAM megid" your dead thats it "Grants *pop* hmm i can TRIMATE"
i'm not saying let go of your Megid forces, but let up there really isn't anything we can do if a poor hunter sneaks up on you pops you once with his whatever you freeze him then you medig his tail before he can typie the words "eep" one hit kill weapons aren't too cool in battle mode if everyone used them it'd be like a game of get killed come back get killed.
and yes you can dodge a lvl 27 megid i don't know how i did it but i just ran around my FO friend as he spit Medig after medig then he froze me.. theni changed tatics, and out teched him, and won. you can out tech a force but you must be willing to fail first.
and dark resistance isn't exactly going to help much, i mean once your froze and the FO realizes "my megid doesn't work" they'll just rain some more RAbarta until i'm sure how i feel i won't vote i'll just play in games with people that don't use Medig/Hell type weapons, coward? no i just like drug out battles

Mar 5, 2003, 06:52 PM
I don't find it bad.

Mar 5, 2003, 07:37 PM
well forces should not battle at all they use any tech and your dead because u dont know where there at and a high lvl FO has a lot of tp so they can do this about 50 times. I have a force and its lvl 52 it can kick the crap out of my lvl 85 hunter....so there is no skill needed to beat a hunter long range..... so just use a hunters/rangers to battle other hunters/rangers and the forces fight the other forces.

Mar 5, 2003, 07:47 PM
Forces are too weak(hp wise). They need some damn good attacks to keep up in battle. I'm fine with it, they will run out sooner or later... muwahahahaha

Mar 6, 2003, 01:10 AM
On 2003-03-05 15:28, Silhouette wrote:

On 2003-03-05 08:36, Lman90245 wrote:

On 2003-03-05 06:13, Silhouette wrote:

On 2003-03-04 20:12, Lman90245 wrote:
no sorry rifles are not magic, no matter how you think it is it is not a substitute for megid 30. you can't block megid* the last I checked

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-04 20:21 ]</font>

What is the Sinow Beats Blade's special attack?

Oh that's right Megid.

WRONG! sorry but the beats arent ranged and again... its a weapon... not magic I may have said this before but, you can block s beats just by leveling up a bit megid doesn't care what level you are...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 08:52 ]</font>

That isn't wrong. And range doesn't matter if you can kill in one hit(and there is a 50% chance)and you CAN'T block them if you're using the special attack -it's megid for crying out loud lol. I know what I'm talking about since I've used them for about 1/4 of the time I used my old character.

RANGE DOESN'T MATTER? lol try to use s beats arcross the room with a force using level 30 megid, yes i'm afraid RANGE does very much matter... and I would love to see you try http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime1.gif and yes you can block its special attack I should know I've been playing pso since dreamcast and I still have PSO v1 and v2 for it... I didn't know about PSO world until PSO GC was comming out though =) v2 dc is the pso version that introduced battle mode (although game shark in v1 could pull off something similar >_<) and i've blocked many s beats special attacks and he|| weapons and demon weapons. Since they are weapons you CAN block the specials since they are part of the weapon.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 22:22 ]</font>

Mar 6, 2003, 01:18 AM
Dude, you should probably stop babysitting your post so much. Anyway you're just a whiny n00b that has to complain about something that you can't handle. It's all legit, it's all preventable, and it's all in fun. People that get mad at games need to go outside and live a bit. As for me..it's bedtime. I gots school in the Morning!!

Mar 6, 2003, 01:25 AM
On 2003-03-05 22:18, polishedweasel wrote:
Dude, you should probably stop babysitting your post so much. Anyway you're just a whiny n00b that has to complain about something that you can't handle. It's all legit, it's all preventable, and it's all in fun. People that get mad at games need to go outside and live a bit. As for me..it's bedtime. I gots school in the Morning!!

whiny little n00b? listen to yourself, at least I don't have to resort to name third grade name calling.. oh and btw this 'whiny' little n00b has been playing since 2000...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Lman90245 on 2003-03-05 22:26 ]</font>

Mar 6, 2003, 01:49 AM
my my, stop it already, all of you.

there was just the question if megid was unfair, i think some posts and the poll show an answer.

maybe ST should think about a cure/megid or some item that has a high dark-defense, but that would be partly wishful thinking... go find yourself a delsaber shield and a ... cant find the name... armor with decent dark-defense...

(for the name - look around psow's japanese partner site - they had an experiment somewhere there about how to survive lily's megid and boost your dark-d around 105 ^-^;)

(btw - could someone pm me the exact link to excite.co.jp's translationpage? i cant find it from the main-page, but it was used here together with babelfish when the famitsu-event was monitored - thank you)

Mar 6, 2003, 03:29 AM
i dont get it i can take a lv 182 hucast with red hand gun out with 1 or 2 grants any were close to me and i not need to aim
but my megrid thats 100% kill is slow moving and he needs to be infront of me and not running like a dumass?
ill take grants

Mar 6, 2003, 08:42 AM
Everyone needs a good offense. With us hunters we can use powerful close range weapons. With rangers they can shoot far away, safe from enemies. But with forces they have the weakest attack, so they depend on magic or megid in this case to have an upper hand in battle. It is only cheap when megid is fired from all sides of the area.(By the way this was written by a hunter.http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_razz.gif)

Mar 6, 2003, 09:27 AM
rena-ko, I don't know about you, but a Cure/Megid unit sounds foolish. How do you cure something that can kill you in one hit? Doesn't make sense to me. If you whiny hunters really want to stand a decent chance against a Megid attack, equip DELSABER'S SHIELD, his armor, and buster. That should give you like 40% resistance to EDK. Plus, you can equip units that have high resistance to EDK.

It's all about tactics and strategy. I play Battle Mode with my friends all the time, and we learn from our downfalls. I have a lvl 136 FOmarl, and my friend's 112 HUmar can really dish out a world of pain for me if he gets too close (even a lvl 30 Megid won't save you if he's pounding you). My other friend's a lvl 107 RAmarl. He hits everyone, like, all the time without ever missing. Again, it's all about how you go and play. Anticipate your opponent, and be ready. Whining is USELESS.

- dys

Mar 6, 2003, 10:23 AM
On 2003-03-06 06:27, dys0r wrote:
rena-ko, I don't know about you, but a Cure/Megid unit sounds foolish. How do you cure something that can kill you in one hit? Doesn't make sense to me. If you whiny hunters really want to stand a decent chance against a Megid attack, equip DELSABER'S SHIELD, his armor, and buster. That should give you like 40% resistance to EDK. Plus, you can equip units that have high resistance to EDK.

It's all about tactics and strategy. I play Battle Mode with my friends all the time, and we learn from our downfalls. I have a lvl 136 FOmarl, and my friend's 112 HUmar can really dish out a world of pain for me if he gets too close (even a lvl 30 Megid won't save you if he's pounding you). My other friend's a lvl 107 RAmarl. He hits everyone, like, all the time without ever missing. Again, it's all about how you go and play. Anticipate your opponent, and be ready. Whining is USELESS.

- dys

well how can you cure something that freezes?

Mar 6, 2003, 11:55 AM
They make scape dolls you know

Megid is tactical. You can have a hunter that kills baddies in one hit, it takes Forces at least 5 or so with the strongest weapon they have. So, why isn't it fair for weak melee attackers to use Megid? There is no reasonable explaination. I think that anyone who comes into a game with you now should use nothing but Megid, just to tick you off.

I think this topic should be moved to the Rants section....but I'm not a mod....heh

Agh, screw this, arguing gets us nowhere.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Omni-SqwirL on 2003-03-06 08:56 ]</font>

Mar 6, 2003, 03:23 PM
On 2003-03-06 08:55, Omni-SqwirL wrote:
They make scape dolls you know

Megid is tactical. You can have a hunter that kills baddies in one hit, it takes Forces at least 5 or so with the strongest weapon they have. So, why isn't it fair for weak melee attackers to use Megid? There is no reasonable explaination. I think that anyone who comes into a game with you now should use nothing but Megid, just to tick you off.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Omni-SqwirL on 2003-03-06 08:56 ]</font>

So, whats wrong with grants, and oh yeah the other level 30 techs you can use?

Mar 6, 2003, 05:01 PM
Well considering megid is one of the easiest techs to physically dodge I don't see a problem with it. It's all strategy and crying that it is unfair just proves you haven't found a way to counter it.

Mar 6, 2003, 05:12 PM
On 2003-03-06 14:01, Blood_Dragoon wrote:
Well considering megid is one of the easiest techs to physically dodge I don't see a problem with it. It's all strategy and crying that it is unfair just proves you haven't found a way to counter it.

meh looks like i'll have to find a way... and when I do... be ready to die FO's! ;p

Mar 6, 2003, 05:21 PM
Heh FOs are iritating

Mar 6, 2003, 06:15 PM
not swaying in any directions but.
you say HUs and RAs should find a Del Sheild well, how do you expect that? these things don't fall from the sky. just stating a fact. how about we just make a group effort to stop bothering with this megid thing. if if you can't stand it just nicely ask the FO to not use Megid (as much for no reason). FOs i'm sure you can understand how the other classes feel by not having the Defence that HUs and RAs have so you can justifity this with your awesome techs. so if you really think about it it's equal. Sonic Team god of Sega, good job, i don't care what anyone says, your game is mroe balanced than ever (though everyone being able to use Reverser would have been nice) i mean from a FO point of veiw "oh here he comes crap Frozen shooter" you can guess how you would react the only thing you could to is hail down with the Zonde/Grants etc etc and pray you don't get hit. can i please to stop the Class Bashing i play with all the classes and it hurts me personaly

Mar 6, 2003, 06:57 PM
Funny is using a HUmar against a FO and getting a double KO. . .
I wub my Hell Raygun. . .