View Full Version : JP PSU Photon Arts Guide

May 26, 2010, 05:09 PM
Hello everyone.
As a help for us all, who play on the japanese servers, I made a chart with all Photon Arts and the japanese names of them.

For people who can't open Excel files because they don't have Microsoft Excel, I suggest the "Excel Viewer" from Microsoft.
You can download it here:


Please don't be afraid of downloading from Microsoft's homepage in this case. The Excel Viewer is free of the Genuine Verification. That means, the Microsoft Website isn't check if your Windows copy is activated or such stuff.

What you download here is a .zip file with the following content (Use WinRaR to unpack the .zip-file):

* Photon Arts Chart in Excel 2007 format (.xlsx)
* Photon Arts Chart in Excel 97-2003 format (.xls)

and for those, who don't trust the website of Microsoft:

* Photon Arts.png is included, which is the chart saved as a picture.

For those who use the Excel file: By clicking on the japanese name of the Skills, your browser will open and give you the possibility to download a video of the skill.

If there are any question, don't hesitate to ask ^_^
