View Full Version : I've made my final choice

Prince Noah
May 26, 2010, 11:38 PM
I thought about it for a while, and I'm leaving this board. It's really no better than PS Cave is. The rules are ungodly too strict, and there's far too much hostility here. People have scolded me over trivial things. I can't even use the avatar I want to use. I have to use the ones the site has. That's stupid.

I knew it was like that for a very long time, and I hoped it would change over the years. Instead, it's more worse now than it was before.

Good luck keeping this site alive, you'll need it.


Nitro Vordex
May 26, 2010, 11:56 PM
Who are you?

This is more of a Lounge related thing.

Also, if you're posting in PSU threads, that's probably where your hostility is. The rest of the site ain't so bad.

May 27, 2010, 12:14 AM
The rules really aren't that strict, they're just in place to make sure that everyone has an enjoyable time. If you read the custom avatar thread, or use the search function you might understand why we can't have custom avatars. I also agree with Nitro, the PSU boards are a lot more hostile than the rest of the site.

May 27, 2010, 12:23 AM
Good luck keeping this site alive, you'll need it.

I lol'd. PSOW isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

Powder Keg
May 27, 2010, 01:31 AM
This place is far from strict, especially compared to other places. The only thing I can say I'm really not fond of is preferred post-editing. If something is bad, it should just be removed, not changed to something you clearly didn't type.

May 27, 2010, 02:00 AM
Going to move this to rants, as that would be a more appropriate place. I hate seeing anyone leave on a bad note, especially without first taking the time to contact a staff member with whatever issues seem to be ruining their experience here.

I don't see any infractions on your account, so it doesn't appear that you've any problems with the site's rules. I think we're pretty lenient with things, so long as people aren't spamming the site or being overly hostile. The rules that do get enforced strictly are necessary to keep the site manageable for the volunteers that spend their free time running it. I don't think that's unreasonable.

Anyway, people come and go over the years, it's just the way things work. I can tell you that as long we have the means to keep the site up and running, it will be here... whether there are 10 people visiting or 10 million. We'll be celebrating 10 years in 2011 and are still going strong, so it can't be all that bad. The site was built for the community, by the community, so the best way to improve it is to get involved and provide feedback, content, etc.. Vague "quitting" threads aren't really that helpful to us, unfortunately :(

May 27, 2010, 02:27 AM
I thought about it for a while, and I'm leaving this board. It's really no better than PS Cave is. The rules are ungodly too strict, and there's far too much hostility here. People have scolded me over trivial things. I can't even use the avatar I want to use. I have to use the ones the site has. That's stupid.

I knew it was like that for a very long time, and I hoped it would change over the years. Instead, it's more worse now than it was before.

Good luck keeping this site alive, you'll need it.


>>Join Date: Mar 2010

The Last Baron
May 27, 2010, 02:29 AM
I rather enjoy this forum xD.

Powder Keg
May 27, 2010, 02:59 AM
>>Join Date: Mar 2010

Probably a previously b& user.

May 27, 2010, 07:45 AM
Yea, I looked at the join date and wondered wtf myself.

This is probably one of the most amazing forums out there.
You can say almost anything you want, as long as it's not super racist, or bashing someone personally (and that's to an extent).

The rules aren't that strict at all. Like I said, bashing someone, or being super racist, or spamming are pretty much the major rules here. That's not so hard to follow.

Too bad you aren't sticking around, you made such an impression on this community in your short time. :wacko:

Have fun wherever else you go. We'll see you when you realize you just left an awesome forum.

May 27, 2010, 08:26 AM
He shall be missed for that awesome lama...

May 27, 2010, 02:16 PM
Doctor! we need 200cc's of Man the fuck up. STAT!
Now get out of here you big girls blouse

May 27, 2010, 04:24 PM
I love the huge defiant "I'm leaving" post that's immediately followed by a string of replies saying "Who was that guy?"

May 27, 2010, 05:19 PM
Haha, yeah.

Also, posting here because it's quickly becoming a Who's Who of retroish PSOW people!

May 27, 2010, 08:33 PM
Anyway, people come and go over the years, it's just the way things work. I can tell you that as long we have the means to keep the site up and running, it will be here... whether there are 10 people visiting or 10 million. We'll be celebrating 10 years in 2011 and are still going strong, so it can't be all that bad.

And the sad part about it is that I'M still here, too. >_< I've seen people come and go, some for some stupid reasons such as this. Big deal, so you can't use a custom avatar. I wanted one long ago but never got it. I'm still here. Deal with it. As for the rules, they are there for reason. To keep this place as family friendly as possible, with the exception of FKL. That place should have an NC-17 rating. :P

May 27, 2010, 11:12 PM
To keep this place as family friendly as possible, with the exception of FKL. That place should have an NC-17 rating. :P
I don't think that happens down there. And I've been in there for years too.

May 28, 2010, 12:40 AM
...with the exception of FKL. That place should have an NC-17 rating. :P

Can I edit in a particular name without getting the "Hi, Saner" treatment? To be fair, I'd say 80-90% of cleavage is the result of an unnamed individual.

May 28, 2010, 02:51 PM
Ah, nothing like a good, 'ol attention drawer. Haven't seen one in quite a while.

That said, I'd say that this forum strikes a pretty good (and hard to achieve) balance between the abyss of anarchy and nazi order. And for all intents and purposes, I don't think this board can compare in hostility with certain other sites on the net.

May 28, 2010, 10:06 PM
Can't see how the site is so bad. It's great for all the PSU and avid PS players regarding news updates and getting together with peers.

I still believe PSO-W is a fansite done right.

Seth Astra
May 28, 2010, 10:11 PM
@Zeek: Honestly, PSOW has evoved way beyond fansite, IMO. It's become pretty mainstream, and by my defintion, fansites are much smaller than this. This is what all fansites should aspire to evolve into.

May 28, 2010, 10:23 PM
@Zeek: Honestly, PSOW has evoved way beyond fansite, IMO. It's become pretty mainstream, and by my defintion, fansites are much smaller than this. This is what all fansites should aspire to evolve into.

I completely agree. I was just restating what EGM said.


May 28, 2010, 11:32 PM
I thought about it for a while, and I'm leaving this board. It's really no better than PS Cave is. The rules are ungodly too strict, and there's far too much hostility here. People have scolded me over trivial things. I can't even use the avatar I want to use. I have to use the ones the site has. That's stupid.

I knew it was like that for a very long time, and I hoped it would change over the years. Instead, it's more worse now than it was before.

Good luck keeping this site alive, you'll need it.


I disagree, I've swore on this forum before and the admins don't seem strict at all.

May 28, 2010, 11:43 PM
It also depends on the context you use it in, and which part of the forum.
I think it's less "liked" if you swear in PSU Gen, maybe the trade forums, and whatnot.
In FKL, depending on the words you use, it's almost always appropriate.

May 29, 2010, 07:32 AM
I thought about it for a while, and I'm leaving this board. It's really no better than PS Cave is. The rules are ungodly too strict, and there's far too much hostility here. People have scolded me over trivial things. I can't even use the avatar I want to use. I have to use the ones the site has. That's stupid.

I knew it was like that for a very long time, and I hoped it would change over the years. Instead, it's more worse now than it was before.

Good luck keeping this site alive, you'll need it.


We won't need the luck in keeping this site alive because I for one will be here til I get hit by that inevitable fireball from that 3 headed dragon that will be summoned by the 7 dragon balls. In other news, this site is no where near strict. The Mods are all cool, (at least with me anyway) and so are the people.

May 29, 2010, 08:06 AM
I summon up this in two words.. attention seeker.
Really, if people had so much problem with this site´s rules then everyone would have left by now.

Also, hostililty? Guess i have to search for it to find it.

May 29, 2010, 01:08 PM
We won't need the luck in keeping this site alive because I for one will be here til I get hit by that inevitable fireball from that 3 headed dragon that will be summoned by the 7 dragon balls. In other news, this site is no where near strict. The Mods are all cool, (at least with me anyway) and so are the people.

Yeah the mods really are cool here, and they're also really active. On a lot of boards you just see the mods when a thread is being locked.

Jun 3, 2010, 11:38 AM
I just realized the slight contradiction, in regards to judging a community board, to cite strict rules and user hostility, especially in the same sentence, as two negatives.

If they're not correlated, then I'd imagine these strict rules must fall under the field of things like avatars, as mentioned.

But, I'm probably scolding people over trivial things, anyways.

Jun 3, 2010, 04:56 PM
Changed so I change too.

I just realized the slight contradiction, in regards to judging a community board, to [s]site cite strict rules and user hostility, especially in the same sentence, as two negatives.

But, I'm probably scolding people over trivial things, anyways.
Like so:

You "cite" the "site" rules with "citations" on the "site." :x

How long have you been here and don't know what's going on man?! <-clearly overblowing the misplacement of a letter, a completely trivial thing. Double technical foul. "Jump ball."[/spoiler-box]


If they're not correlated, then I'd imagine these strict rules must fall under the field of things like avatars, as mentioned.
Custom avatars are nothing when there are soo[sic] many tempting ones to want to switch over to anyway.

Your current cat

I def considered a few times, even as popular as it is.

As well my old Pink haired smug faced HUnewy or some RAcast/HUcast leetness. Maybe some HUcaseal Space Ninjas that get no love anymore.

Jun 4, 2010, 09:45 AM
I'm committing Seppuku. Goodbye cruel world!

It doesn't help that your topic name sounded like a suicide note. :wacko:

Nitro Vordex
Jun 4, 2010, 12:54 PM


Jun 4, 2010, 01:15 PM
I've sworn on the boards, quite a bit in FKL, to the point of it being regular. Still do it in other ones to. Rants is also filled with swears and even sexist and racist statements that sometimes don't get warnings (or if they do, it's not made apparent to everyone else, since the mods like to be hush-hush about who has what warnings sometimes.) Though usually such statements are followed by everyone else belittling that person anyways for being a dick. At least, that's what it was like back when I frequented more often.

And yeah, a few problems aside, this is about the best damn forum you're gonna find.

Jun 4, 2010, 02:43 PM
I think the strictest non obvious rules are the sig and avatar rules really.

Oh man, can't post porn or illegal stuff is like "Hey! No Duh" kinda thing especially when being hosted by a bigger host service, (or being reliant on a company's $$$ to stay a float)

But alas,

Jun 4, 2010, 03:43 PM
In case anyone missed it, you CAN have custom avatar IN YOUR PROFILE page. Many users uploaded real life pics there. That's your own little personal page here, use it to your liking. ;o

Yeah the mods really are cool here, and they're also really active. On a lot of boards you just see the mods when a thread is being locked.
Being active on site is something desired/needed as a mod. I even try to visit the site even when I was on vacation overseas. ;3

Jun 4, 2010, 04:28 PM
In case anyone missed it, you CAN have custom avatar IN YOUR PROFILE page. Many users uploaded real life pics there. That's your own little personal page here, use it to your liking. ;o

Very cool. We didn't even have this one only a few years ago.

As well signatures with images have held it down for user creativity to be known for a cool sig, no matter the avatar used.

Jul 1, 2010, 12:26 PM
I don't think that happens down there. And I've been in there for years too.

How can FKL have a nc17 rating when you don't even know half the people's genders.

But... This is currently the best forum I go to my self. Second best is Bulbagarden Forums, and least... is Smashboards. That place sucks but I go for smash.

Jul 8, 2010, 04:27 AM
good luck thinkin this site will shut down. its the official landing page for PSO
minor stuff like trivial battles and avatars don't matter. I think earning your custom avatar through events is a fun system that's different anyway.
Its getting what you need to know about
from other users that matters. or in sections like these, just hanging out and having a good time.

(your probably long gone) Oh well, this forum isn't for everyone.

Jul 8, 2010, 03:05 PM
Pfft, I don't think it matters. Prince Noah probably doesn't even play PSO at all anymore. Or ever. Who knows. What matters (or what I think should matter) is the people that come and STAY.

Well of course I guess just raking in members for the heck of it would matter, but just as numbers really. But when it comes to the community, I think it matters when the person actually stays and contributes to the boards, and shares interest with others that that person can have fun with.

Community. That is all.

It's the same concept about friends. If a person doesn't treat you like a friend, then I would be glad NOT to spend time with him because that is time wasted.

Noah is not a friend of the boards, he doesn't care. He only posted for attention, and left quickly. So I don't think the community should waste time even pondering why he left. It would only be a one-side relationship. There are other 'friends' that the site has, and I'm sure that it cherishes those friendships. Maybe. Lol just kidding.

Ugh why do I post so much.