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Jun 1, 2010, 01:30 PM

Fanboys with their FF7, they remember the cool. Remember to not drool reality aint a fool

Dat ass


Wearing sunglasses inside is what a coke can be

That booty be almost bare. i.d 18+ you must witness if no thong was there.

Those wesel ferret house cats have got the envy of me.

The flames make it shoot futher and make it 3 times as loud

Meanwhile in Australia. Where the steve Irwin was in, but now w0lb0t be a sin.

Jun 1, 2010, 02:27 PM

Jun 1, 2010, 06:49 PM
AU exchange rate dollar dollar bill ya'll. Blingin' outta control, Wall Street looking like 21 jumpstreet, doubledown, why you holdin out.

BP sucks, in RL and in Street Fights. "Looks like its time to oil up?!" But its nothing to go and panic about. Invest in prevention methodologies, such as also defensive maneuvers. Everybody likes offense, but Futbol is the biggest one in the world, even with only low scoring affairs. You fight to maintain pace and ball control, same as control of a footie match, control the footsies on the ground. Let the spammy Forwards throw out Cammy special moves because they are memorized by bootybass and that Ken face. They always do it, block as there will not be a time when they won't. Then you take the opportunity to punish a bad habit and major mistake.

Running solo, like dolo, Yueng with the Bolo, only to get shut down on the baseline, possibly by the last man of defense. Your country now considers your one man commando style completely racist to your own people - get him off the team. Be a team player, with your men ready on the wing for a pass to open angle goalkeep wasn't there to cover. "Youz F*cked up!"

And then if you try to defend your spammy, herpa derp with no sherpa perf, special moves are invincible, I did more, I evaded all defenders, I only play offense, you can't stop me with blockers and leg tacklesweeps to knock me down, it falls on deaf ears. Your instamessage that is meant to say, "u a n00b, my cammy shudla won with yo cheapass .u hella bitch"

But you picked the cheap Cammy, with no ass cover britches, and played like a commando running around going underpantsless, tried to do it all yourself on auto pilot. Cammy "Soccer Hooligan" Combination, the deadliest stream monster known to mankind around World Cup time, drop the ball on the 50 yrd line, play like you mean it

- not World CRAP ITALIA 1990:

OLO, wtf was that about anyway.

Jun 4, 2010, 12:05 AM
There was a World Cup and Street Fighter Tournament the same weekend @ a local big box electronix store.

It was storming up some Hail/Maelstroms, and some things to do at home, so I didn't go.

Def, would have been fun to check-check-go-chex it out.

Jun 4, 2010, 12:30 AM

Jun 4, 2010, 01:14 AM
Well since W0L didn't upload to his albums, its probably not his tag team Nerf wrecking crew. ;o

Flames would make it go faster. Like "Speed Holes" makes the car go faster.