View Full Version : Justin Bieber

Jun 1, 2010, 10:20 PM

[SPOILER-BOX]Just kidding, I'm not that much of a spammer.

I don't have anything against him himself, but more so how much attention he gets. Tween girls are going crazy for him and it's just annoying. Liking someone's music is one thing, but people are going too far with how much they idolize people. Why do so many young girls like him? Because they think he looks good, is a cool person, and can sing. A lot of great musicians may go unnoticed because they don't have the appearance, personality, or connections to be successful. I know Justin Bieber is only one example, but the bigger thing I'm trying to say is this: The fact that a 16 year old can attract so much attention and money says something about our society. It makes it seem like life is one big popularity contest. I do not feel proud to live in a society where people idolize popularity, and I really wish people would pay more attention to more important things, or at least look for true talent in their idols. The music scene has become so much less... music-based than it should be. So I suppose this really isn't a rant about Justin Bieber, or even the music industry, but more a rant about what general people pay attention to. I don't get why people are so fascinated by some of the things they are (like Justin Bieber), or why mainstream popular culture is becoming less and less interesting.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Jun 1, 2010, 10:26 PM
He needs to go away. Peacefully or forcefully, it doesn't matter.

Jun 1, 2010, 11:01 PM
He's just brainwashing people into believing that what he does is music. That's my problem with him.


Jun 1, 2010, 11:01 PM
I keep hearing his name mentioned, and he seems to be oddly-popular, but I've never actually heard mention of what he does until this topic. He apparently makes music or something?

Jun 1, 2010, 11:20 PM
I keep hearing his name mentioned, and he seems to be oddly-popular, but I've never actually heard mention of what he does until this topic. He apparently makes music or something?

He started his career by posting videos of himself on YouTube until he eventually became so popular that he was picked up by a recording company, or so I've been told...

Max B
Jun 1, 2010, 11:20 PM
He's just brainwashing people into believing that what he does is music. That's my problem with him.

YouTube- Raaaaaaaandy Declares War on Justin Bieber (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hza_5WtJq8g)

wow this just me LOL

Nitro Vordex
Jun 1, 2010, 11:27 PM
I'm disappointed Luda made an appearance with him.

Jun 1, 2010, 11:37 PM
I'm disappointed Luda made an appearance with him.
I'm disappointed in Luda also Pimping Marge Simpson to radio audiences.

(here come 2 Pat iMessages... duck n coverup)

Jun 1, 2010, 11:58 PM
He's just brainwashing people into believing that what he does is music. That's my problem with him.

YouTube- Raaaaaaaandy Declares War on Justin Bieber (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hza_5WtJq8g)

Aziz Ansari! :D

OP are you aware of the video of the girl crying over Justin Bieber? It's sad to think a 4 year old girl is worrying about boys.

Jun 2, 2010, 12:01 AM

Yeah...this video is sad.

Powder Keg
Jun 2, 2010, 12:40 AM
I kept hearing about how terrible he is and everything and hadn't seen/heard him until I saw the video where he didn't know what German meant, and when he (somehow) ended up as the musical guest on Saturday Night Live. Terrible, terrible, terriblex1000000000

PS. Aziz rules.

Jun 2, 2010, 12:49 AM
Record industry.

This poor sucker is just one stepping stone in a long line. Tomorrow, there will be another.

Jun 2, 2010, 01:49 AM
I couldn't figure out how he was trending on Twitter for fucking months. MONTHS!

Jun 2, 2010, 04:10 AM
I couldn't figure out how he was trending on Twitter for fucking months. MONTHS!
I like the FatBoyz trying to comeback and be relevant but then make up slang, probably no one will use because of racial implications:

I am the Lochness Monster of Twitter, the Chuck Norris of Tweets, the Mr. T of Twiggaz, I’m nice between the Tweets LMFAO

Where my twiggaz at?

*cricket chirp*

Buddy Holly & the Crickets though, OGs.

Jun 2, 2010, 07:50 AM
I'm disappointed in Luda also Pimping Marge Simpson to radio audiences.

(here come 2 Pat iMessages... duck n coverup)

Nah, nothing much to say about this guy.

I agree with the OP, but people, c'mon, you cant get mad at someone for using the people to get money or fame.
It's how life's been for... forever.

I don't agree that he's a good artist, and I absolutely HATE his music, but that doesn't mean people should hate him for playing everyone.
He found something that little girls want, and he gave it to them.

(Or more so his parents found something the little girls like, and they made it happen. Most likely)

So when he's 23 and still attracting little girls, he can go to jail. You know he's been bangin some of em, that's part of fame. :wacko:

EDIT: God dammit, is that Beiber with Pharell? God dammit, I thought he was better than that.

Jun 2, 2010, 10:46 AM
Have you heard of "Shaved Bieber?" It's an extension that will remove any mentions of Justin Beiber from your browser. The creator gets lots of angry messages from people who think the extension somehow removes the kid from the internet itself, so he posts them on a tumblr blog: http://shavedbieber.tumblr.com/

Oh, and also:

Jun 2, 2010, 12:26 PM
He apparently makes music?

Is that what they are trying to call that whiney, unintelligeble crap out there? I always thought it was the recordings of a dying animal.

Him, that Lady Antebelum and Taylor Twit (as I call that poor excuse for a musician) should all be brought up on charges that they have violated the Geneva Convention for cruel and unusual torture.

Jun 2, 2010, 03:41 PM
The music industry in particular has gone horribly downhill, in the last 20 years or so. It's become much less about selling music, and much more about selling the sounds, thoughts and images of (superficially) attractive people. Then, when someone comes along who genuinely does have some real, honest to God talent, they completely fail to manage that talent for what it is-- and they wonder now, why their sales are declining. Frankly, it's disgusting, and it's ruining music as an art.

Powder Keg
Jun 2, 2010, 04:32 PM
The music industry in particular has gone horribly downhill, in the last 20 years or so. It's become much less about selling music, and much more about selling the sounds, thoughts and images of (superficially) attractive people. Then, when someone comes along who genuinely does have some real, honest to God talent, they completely fail to manage that talent for what it is-- and they wonder now, why their sales are declining. Frankly, it's disgusting, and it's ruining music as an art.

But...but it's the downloadin' that's killing everything!!

:rolleyes: :dead:

Jun 2, 2010, 04:59 PM
YouTube- 3 Year old crying over Justin Bieber (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTCm8tdHkfI)

Yeah...this video is sad.

I cried for the Biebs too. ;~;

Jun 2, 2010, 05:27 PM
this is the truest rant ever, people dont even care about music anymore, i dont hear girls saying justin biebers music is good, i hear them saying "justin bieber is hot", and just as a lot of you said, the real talent doesn't get to shine, because people stopped caring about it and won't help the actual well-made music get out there.

Jun 3, 2010, 01:50 AM
Well guys, at least he's not as bad as naked bros band. Look up there I don't wanna go to school and I swear it's like listening to death.

Also at blue, taylor swift can sing ok actually imo....I'm not too big on country music, but I do like her music.

Jun 3, 2010, 10:46 AM
I just hate his smug face. :-x Seriously, I don't think I have ever looked at anyone and just wanted to punch them for no reason like I do with him. ^^

I know, I'm crazy. :wacko:

Jun 4, 2010, 05:20 PM
Oh. my. no. Microsoft, just no.

Project Natal will be on display at the Biever's concerts.

Boo. I guess this is Microsoft's target for the motion sensing technology.

Jun 4, 2010, 05:25 PM
Well guys, at least he's not as bad as naked bros band. Look up there I don't wanna go to school and I swear it's like listening to death.

Also at blue, taylor swift can sing ok actually imo....I'm not too big on country music, but I do like her music.

Taylor Swift does not sound like country at all, open your eyes industry, it's pop to its very core

Jun 4, 2010, 10:32 PM
Taylor Swift does not sound like country at all, open your eyes industry, it's pop to its very core

Instead of exploring a genre to its fullest, and making really good (for the sake of example) Country music, the music industry seeks to make music which appeals to the widest possible audience. The practical result of this, is a lot of tolerable music, instead of a lot of great music.

Jun 5, 2010, 05:03 AM
Have you heard of "Shaved Bieber?" It's an extension that will remove any mentions of Justin Beiber from your browser. The creator gets lots of angry messages from people who think the extension somehow removes the kid from the internet itself, so he posts them on a tumblr blog: http://shavedbieber.tumblr.com/

That was amusing. The pro-shaver comments are even more amusing than the negative ones.

Jun 5, 2010, 09:44 AM
Oh. my. no. Microsoft, just no.

Project Natal will be on display at the Biever's concerts.

Boo. I guess this is Microsoft's target for the motion sensing technology.

Another reason why the Playstation Move will be far superior then Natal.

tr3y 4 lyfe.

Jun 5, 2010, 05:22 PM
Have you heard of "Shaved Bieber?" It's an extension that will remove any mentions of Justin Beiber from your browser. The creator gets lots of angry messages from people who think the extension somehow removes the kid from the internet itself, so he posts them on a tumblr blog: http://shavedbieber.tumblr.com/

HAA. i just about died when someone compaired the creator to Hitler XD

i dont even listen to any of the music that is made now, id rather listin to CCR or zztop :-P
my sister listens to trash like this, im just glad the speakers on my computer are 10X bigger than hers :)

Jun 5, 2010, 07:54 PM
He's 16? All this time I thought he was 13 or something. FFS.

Jun 5, 2010, 10:40 PM
The practical result of this, is a lot of tolerable music, instead of a lot of great music.

That's probably the best damn wording I've heard for where music is at right now. It's freaking hard as hell to really enjoy anything new and get absorbed in it. I keep winding up having to go back a couple decades or more to do that.

Jun 7, 2010, 01:09 PM
There was a humorous Facebook group about Justin Bieber. It was called 'Some legends say we must sacrifice Justin Bieber to appease the Icelandic volcano.'

Chukie sue
Jun 7, 2010, 04:21 PM
I just put Bieber in the same category as The Naked Bros Band and Apolo 3. Though I cant honestly say if I was in his position I wouldnt milk everybody for a couple of years... Heck, I dunno what a Jewman is either :o

Jun 21, 2010, 02:55 AM
he a spontaneous little gimmick isn't he?
his music and the sound is nothing we havn't heard before.

At least he is not giving off the false impression he is a rock star like all those other
"Auto-Tune'd" young ACTOR's.

camp rock? pah-lease. poor youth of today. they have no idea what "true" anything is anymore.

Jul 5, 2010, 10:32 AM
yea lol i hate that kid too...he sucks at singing and needs to get a life once hes like, 18 cuz then he'll realize he's a piece of crap

Jul 30, 2010, 03:57 PM
I'm just going to leave this here.



Aug 2, 2010, 11:35 AM
woooooooow, hilarious.

Aug 2, 2010, 02:51 PM
i heard on the news that he was in an interveiw and it turns out he didnt even know whay Germany was ROFL

Aug 2, 2010, 03:20 PM
i heard on the news that he was in an interveiw and it turns out he didnt even know whay Germany was ROFL

I'm just going to leave this here.

YouTube- Does Justin Bieber Know What German Means? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75nDvFSHCBc)


Uh, yea that was covered, LordNiko.

Aug 2, 2010, 10:06 PM
Adding something...


Aug 4, 2010, 10:09 AM
i chuckel'd at the vid.

Aug 20, 2010, 10:10 AM
Oh man that vid, haha..

Speaking of that dude..Just-in time

Aug 22, 2010, 06:07 PM
This is all I have to say about Justin Bieber...


Oh, and this. :wacko:


Aug 23, 2010, 01:24 AM
The hate is quite infectious I see. I don't dislike Justin Bieber, but I really don't care for his music either. Seems like the new thing to be hating on him everywhere I go. I'll just... Stay on the sidelines. Eventually everybody is gonna get bored of him and we'll move on to hating bigger and better things. XD

Aug 23, 2010, 04:29 AM
Eventually everybody is gonna get bored of him and we'll move on to hating bigger and better things. XD
There's definitely other things going on.

Mosque near Trade Center - OHNOES

Brown v Whitman - Crap.

and that Scott Pilgrim is out now which will make everyone forget a Twilight exists.

Aug 23, 2010, 06:01 AM
I hope the next concert he's at, someone throws a brick at his face. xD

Aug 23, 2010, 06:14 AM
I hope the next concert he's at, someone throws a brick at his face. xD

That's as cool as saying "next time you're at a convenient store, you get shanked by a broken beer bottle".

Honestly, there's no reason to hate on the kid, dislike his music, but hate?
What did he do?

He's just trying to make some money, and believe me, if I could sing like he did, and if I made videos on youtube like he did, hell yea I'd sell out to get as much money as he did.

Fuck you haters. If I ever make it big, I'm not telling any of yous.
(But of course I'd have to do something...well entertaining to make it big).

Aug 23, 2010, 06:20 AM
Silly Volcompat, if you made it big we'd find out. And find you. :wacko:

Aug 23, 2010, 07:09 AM
That's as cool as saying "next time you're at a convenient store, you get shanked by a broken beer bottle".

Honestly, there's no reason to hate on the kid, dislike his music, but hate?
What did he do?

It's not him, it's his little worshippers that post something about him on every fucking youtube vid I watch. It gets real old.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Aug 23, 2010, 06:58 PM
And the haters aren't any better? Seriously, I can't watch a music video on Youtube that has a Justin Bieber comment on it. It's kinda ridiculous.

Aug 23, 2010, 07:32 PM
I hope the next concert he's at, someone throws a brick at his face. xD

You know, I heard someone soaked a watermelon in urine and feces to throw at Tela Tequlia at a concert quite recently. It's kind of disapointing. Not liking an artist because you feel that their music is cheap pop produced quickly to make a quick buck is one thing. Wishing physical harm on the artist for the same reason is twisted. Think about it if it was you. Someone doesn't like your music/poems/novels/games so they decide to toss a brick in your face. Sounds real fun.

Aug 23, 2010, 07:52 PM
My sentiments exactly.

Aug 23, 2010, 07:53 PM
You know what? This world isn't perfect, so yeah, it's almost unavoidable that I'm gonna find something that I hate. Bieber is one of those things. If it means someone ruining his stupid pop career, then I'm all for it.

I wouldn't do anything to harm the little girl, but I know there are people out there who will and that satisfies me.

Aug 23, 2010, 07:55 PM
Not liking an artist because you feel that their music is cheap pop produced quickly to make a quick buck is one thing. Wishing physical harm on the artist for the same reason is twisted. Think about it if it was you. Someone doesn't like your music/poems/novels/games so they decide to toss a brick in your face. Sounds real fun.
And crap like that happens to someone already being pushed and pulled a hundred different ways by producers/PR/the media machine. Their output music really isn't their own anymore, if they ever were in complete control of songwriting et al.

Where were you rebel e-kids with such ideas around the Hitlers/Castro/Kim Jong Il still around.

Oh and the pies to the face, there should be more youtubes and recent ones of those since it seems to be something that people get away with for the time being or are never stopped in time. Plus MLB, "America's way to pass the time - Passtime" does it every other game with the shaving cream - and somebody got hurt - so they may need to make a team rule against it, ya damn grown kids, for the "don't try this at home."

Aug 23, 2010, 08:08 PM
Some people act like the kid murdered their parents, or something here.

Aug 23, 2010, 08:19 PM
You know what? This world isn't perfect, so yeah, it's almost unavoidable that I'm gonna find something that I hate. Bieber is one of those things. If it means someone ruining his stupid pop career, then I'm all for it.

I wouldn't do anything to harm the little girl, but I know there are people out there who will and that satisfies me.

So as long as you don't sully your hands, you're alright for him getting hurt? Yeah, the world really isn't perfect. He may not be all of that. He can be booed and jarred and have his sales plummet. But I don't condone the fact that people want him hurt.

Aug 23, 2010, 09:25 PM
Silly Volcompat, if you made it big we'd find out. And find you. :wacko:

That's scary! :wacko:

Honestly though, like I said in the "I won a million bucks" thread, I'd have a huge FKL party! Lol

Some people act like the kid murdered their parents, or something here.

Guess some people are over exaggerating their dislike.

Why hate the artist for his or her fans obsessing over them?
Hate the groupies, and the freaks that stalk him.

Aug 24, 2010, 03:41 AM
Why hate the artist for his or her fans obsessing over them?

I don't hate Bieber because of his fans. I hate him because he sounds like a little bitch and it's all over the internet. If he wanted to, he could quit, but he still persists on sounding like a little bitch and making little girls' ginies wet.

Well, that's all I'm gonna say on the matter here. I really don't like talking about Bieber, whether it's nice or not.

Aug 27, 2010, 07:39 PM
He's just this generations Aaron Carter, he'll be forgotten in a few years and fall off the planet and into obscurity. Then pop up 10 years later as a washed up dope fiend who mooches off his B-list Celeb girlfriend.

That said, I don't hate the kid. He can't sing, he's not cute (at least in my eyes), he's not talented. But finding talent in mainstream artists these days is a perfect fit for the needle in a haystack analogy. They're there, they're just rare.

Aug 28, 2010, 08:14 AM
I don't hate Justin Bieber, it's his music I hate and voice. He can't sing. At all. To me, listening to him sing is like listening to Miley Cyrus sing. I can't understand why he has so many fangirls because he is not talented.

Aug 28, 2010, 01:07 PM
@ Tskimori: agreed, neither miley cyrus and justin bieber have anything relating to a talent, and i don't know the people, but ican assume based on there "music" (if thats what you call it) and the fact of being teenage celebrities I really doubt i wouldn't dislike them.

Aug 28, 2010, 06:30 PM
Nearly every musical star nowadays is absolutely talentless and generic-sounding.....I'm beginning to loathe the world..... :disapprove:

Aug 29, 2010, 06:33 AM
[spoiler-box]Does anyone know who Miley's mom is?

Then how do I do that with the other parent?

Look at that dude, sass.


Nearly every musical star nowadays is absolutely talentless and generic-sounding.....I'm beginning to loathe the world..... :disapprove:

Scott Pilgrim is a date movie and you'll like that line about "I just found out there was good music like 6 months ago (I'm just a kid!)"

Aug 30, 2010, 12:42 AM
I couldn't help but post this after seeing this.


Aug 30, 2010, 10:05 AM
Oh, i posted that video earlier.
Just from Newgrounds instead.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 30, 2010, 03:14 PM
No one watched it because it was on Newgrounds.

Aug 30, 2010, 10:58 PM
Well, i´m merely pointing out. But if the general population ignores that site, then they do.
Whoopi do.

Sep 18, 2010, 10:35 PM

Tweenies love him now, how bout half of Mick Jagger's age?

Oct 13, 2010, 03:14 PM
Bumping this thread for this video which must be watched by everyone on the planet.


Oct 13, 2010, 04:21 PM
^I don't need to flip a coin in order to guess that kid's sexual orientation. It's also cute how he thinks he knows how to find someone's IP and personal information. Oh, wait, he said he has shady "European connections" that can keylog people's computers....and his uncle works for the FCC. How convenient.

Regarding the Bieber fans being "scared for their lives" due to the epic trolling completely serious death threats : they need to learn what a "troll" is.

Internet 101, people.

Oct 13, 2010, 06:03 PM
Damn, if we dun goof, we're gonna get backtraced...

Consequences will never be the same...

Oct 13, 2010, 06:14 PM
How Else Is He So Pale? "Theres No Light In Closets Ya Know.." Riiiight....

Powder Keg
Oct 13, 2010, 06:32 PM

Oct 14, 2010, 12:58 PM
That kid has NO right to compare himself to Kurt Cobain...

At least I could listen to Nirvana's music (and no, I'm not somebody that praises Cobain, they are just worlds apart).

Powder Keg
Oct 14, 2010, 03:15 PM
That kid has NO right to compare himself to Kurt Cobain...

At least I could listen to Nirvana's music (and no, I'm not somebody that praises Cobain, they are just worlds apart).

I feel the same way. I'm a Nirvana fan, but not so much a Cobain fan. Kids say the craziest things.