View Full Version : SPAM (The Ham)

Jun 5, 2010, 02:02 AM
It's yummy isn't it? :)

If you guys like spam I recomend a simple but really yummy recipe. Buy a box of macaroni and cheese (the craf brand) and make sure it's the "Thick and Cheesy" one. Then cut up some fresh spam. make sure that it's cut up into little squares (not that little though just good bite size pieces) then fry them/cook them (whatever) once they are a lil crispy take em out and let them rest in a bow with a paper towel. Then just make the mac and cheese once the mac and cheese is almost done (when it starts getting that nice thick and creamy color) toss in the pieces of spam and just mix it all up. Once everything is mixed nicely just serve it and enjoy an easy but yummy meal.

I'm eating some as I type this. **** is bomb homie n_n

Jun 5, 2010, 03:59 AM
Aha, and here i thought of the Monty Python scetch. XD

The Last Baron
Jun 6, 2010, 10:17 PM
Spam is not delicious. I was tricked into eating it once. I thought my Grandpa made eggs with little chunks of ham in it... then I tasted it. Fucking ass-taste. He laughed and then showed me the can of spam. :|

Jun 6, 2010, 10:39 PM
its pretty good, but i believe it's horribly bad for you, but that "recipe" sounds delicious

Jun 6, 2010, 10:42 PM
I hate spam but I love their logo/packaging. I even own a "SPAM" t-shirt. Like this.

Jun 6, 2010, 11:24 PM
Fake meat held together with Chinese newspapers and rat feces. No thanks.

Jun 7, 2010, 01:32 AM
Spam is not delicious. I was tricked into eating it once. I thought my Grandpa made eggs with little chunks of ham in it... then I tasted it. Fucking ass-taste. He laughed and then showed me the can of spam. :|
'Don't trust any grandpa over grandpa age.'

Hawaiians using it for the sushi sometimes, but I am impartial to it. BBQ chicken musubi instead for me please, definitely a cut above.

Grandma does a similar macaroni + spam, but no :cheese: , but some hearty spices and things to kinda hide the spam more. Even so, canned "corn beef hash" has better fake meat.

Jun 7, 2010, 01:43 AM
Bah, EVERYTHING is bad for us now days haha.

I believe that foods aren't "bad" it's mostly the way we eat them. Fake meat and paper? (or whatever that one guy said) yea I don't know about that. It's mostly pork meat and potato starch. But anyways, i'm not gonna try to defend Spam on here haha. Back to my point. People only get fat cuz they keep eating the :bad" foods like everyday. They never throw in any fruits or veggies in their diets.

But eating some spam like once a month don't hurt at all xD We all gonna die "soon" Humans now days don't even go over 80 years old so. It's no big deal to eat some yummy food a few times in your life. Even if it's not healthy.

As for my diet I pretty much eat anything as long as it's good. Not gonna eat no ****ing liver though haha. However i do try to eat healthy foods such as Tuna, fish and veggies. Throw in some walking or running around your local park and you'll be fine :)

But if you eat spam most of the time or junk food for that matter and dont do **** other than play psu all day then you'll start getting fat xD

This recipe is only for like when you have nothing to eat and you so happen to have some spam and some mac and cheese. It's easy to make, it's fast, and it's yummy :)

Jun 7, 2010, 01:56 AM
That clear slime in the Spam cans upon pulling out the "meat", Grade A materials this one. (maybe where JRPG's always came up with the slime monsters?)

There's probably some war/perishable food history I read around here about this one, embedded on the site forever with smileys too:

but apparently people liked it enough to keep it around/the company in business.

Also reminds me of bad camping trips. Ugh. Never had any solid white albacore. Always that other stuff in cans.

Jun 7, 2010, 02:17 AM
never tried spam, but don't like mac n cheese

Jun 7, 2010, 09:49 AM
Fake meat held together with Chinese newspapers and rat feces. No thanks.

I thought it was Chinese newspapers and apple cores? I was tricked! :(