View Full Version : Fan Art Pirrip's Art Thread(Updated 3/19/11)

Jun 10, 2010, 09:23 PM
Welcome to my art thread, where I post all my new and old PSZero and PSU fanart! (and some other art, too!)
The end of the thread has newer stuff too... @o@


I drew these at Dragon*Con last year. One is from Monster Hunter, one is from Phantasy Star, and the others are original characters of mine. DONT FORGET TO CLICK ON IT TO SEE ALL OF IT... some of it might be cut off.

This is fanart from Dead Space and Dead Space 2:

I also got a monthly feature on deviantart for making this comic:

These are two animations I've worked on lately. One is advertising for my Hetalia doujin, the other is an ongoing animation project(updated as of March 19th 2011):

This one is from Axis Powers Hetalia:

These images are from a story I'm writing.

You can view this one a little bigger here! (http://pirrip.deviantart.com/#/d32bfco)
I have this wonderful story developing in my head--that I've begun to write-- about a snow witch and her castle in the snowfields and tundra...
She happens to have a dog she can grow to any size to mount and ride into town, and then shrink again to bring along with her on her errands, but she's still regarded as a terrible witch.
These are all images from this





This Malt, in exchange for my Helga! <3 THANK YOU MIMO!
[SPOILER-BOX]http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/OMGlittle-1.png http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/Helgabymimo.png
GO VISIT MIMO's ART THREAD TO SEE MORE: Mimo's Sweet Art X3 (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=164793)[/SPOILER-BOX]

This is still a work in Progress... it's Noto--or Notebook-- Ninja traditional animation project. [SPOILER-BOX](I've added more frames to it since my last update from 10/20)

This Persona 3 work in progress illustration is recent-- I'll be painting it later-- and a preview from the Loveless doujinshi my boyfriend and I printed recently:

A preview for the doujinshi I made:

This is my newest Phantasy Star one! I drew it on some notebook paper in class, and decided to add some colour! It's my HUmarl, HELGA with her Chato and the pastry set!

There's more to this picture, actually, but you'll have to visit my my deviantart (http://pirrip.deviantart.com) to see it. ^_^ [/SPOILER-BOX]

This one is actually Phantasy Star Portable 2 fanart, for Volcompat321's contest! Wish me luck!

[SPOILER-BOX]EDIT: I didn't win anything... T_T Oh well... See the results and other contest entries here: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=180691


I love the new Braver/Vanguard class! It's about time they expanded on PSO's old class system![/SPOILER-BOX]

I gave a RAcast a cameo in a doujinshi based on the series "Loveless" I printed:

I made these over summer vacation:


If you want to see the lineart, for it, this is it:

This is still new, maybe a week old?:


Here's just a snapshot of the lineart for this one if you want to see...

This is pretty recent...

Here's another snapshot of the lineart for the one above... like, if you want to see a comparison:

These are older pictures:

Oh! Here's a link to my deviantART (http://pirrip.deviantart.com) account for more of my other stuff.

Jun 10, 2010, 11:34 PM
Pretty good!
I like the first one especially!

Jun 11, 2010, 01:37 AM
pretty good indeed!

Jun 11, 2010, 04:34 AM
Good stuff.

RAcaseal with giant claw looking more natural that way than the Space Ninja, PSZ version, HUcaseal this time around? HUcsl getting no love anymore. HU weapon looking better on a RAnger!

No fault of yours, I must say. Just a quick comparison, semi-tangent.

Like the topmost Helga with all that hair/beast ear contrast coloring. Well done.

Jun 11, 2010, 08:18 PM
Wow, it's pretty good, I would like to see more.

Jun 11, 2010, 08:54 PM
I like the PSZ human, she's cute :3 You have a good skill in that medium ^^

Jun 16, 2010, 11:19 PM
BUMP! I've updated some new lineart, soon to be coloured illustrations!
One for PSU, and one for PSZero!

Jun 16, 2010, 11:39 PM
Oooh, second one is especially nice!

Hey, I don't know how to invite people to groups, so click the link here- http://phantasy-star-arts.deviantart.com/
and join!
I'm an admin on it, you'd think I know how to invite.
Anyway, Qoxolg from the forums here made the DA group, and it's picking up quite nicely!

Jun 17, 2010, 01:15 AM
Hello WIPs

FOney power!

Jun 17, 2010, 01:55 AM
i really like your Basalt :D

Jun 17, 2010, 07:04 AM
Oooh, second one is especially nice!

Hey, I don't know how to invite people to groups, so click the link here- http://phantasy-star-arts.deviantart.com/
and join!
I'm an admin on it, you'd think I know how to invite.
Anyway, Qoxolg from the forums here made the DA group, and it's picking up quite nicely!

XD I joined your group just before becoming active in the forums, actually. It wasn't until last week that I realized that the members here actually ran the club.
Expect to see the latest two pictures posted in the club once I finish them.

Jun 17, 2010, 12:53 PM
Oh awesome!

I didn't even know you were a member there!

Jun 20, 2010, 12:39 PM
I like your traditional works along with your pencil coloring. It's very rare to find a fantastic artist who does good quality pencil line. :3

Jun 22, 2010, 10:32 PM
BUMP! One more WIP! See the original post and click the spoiler to see!

Jun 23, 2010, 02:43 AM
Your linework is fantastic :]

Jun 23, 2010, 12:32 PM
Ohhh nice Fonewm *⌐* I use that type of mechanical pencil! XD Lately I haven't been scanning from sketches though s: Great work, keep it up :3

Jun 23, 2010, 01:30 PM
Ohhh nice Fonewm *⌐* I use that type of mechanical pencil! XD Lately I haven't been scanning from sketches though s: Great work, keep it up :3

Yeah, I don't want to scan so many sketches anymore... but just to show my progress, I'll take a snapshot of it. I'm sitting in front of these now, ready to colour them.

Jun 24, 2010, 12:16 PM
Bump! Update for coloured illustration!^_^

Jun 24, 2010, 04:54 PM
Bump! Update for coloured illustration!^_^

Wow your details is working very nicely!

Seth Astra
Jun 24, 2010, 05:00 PM
Good job on the art.

Jun 25, 2010, 12:03 PM
I like your traditional works along with your pencil coloring. It's very rare to find a fantastic artist who does good quality pencil line. :3

Thanks! I don't really do digital work... I can, sort of... but I mainly like to stick with traditional media.

I use that type of mechanical pencil!
It's been a godsend! I even found some non-photo blue graphite that I filled one of them up with so I can use that kind of pencil to make my under-drawings!

Good job on the art.
Thanks! Expect another update soon! I'm more than halfway done painting the FOnewearl.

Jun 25, 2010, 03:29 PM
Wow. That looks fantastic.

Jun 25, 2010, 06:43 PM
BUMP! Another painting completed! See original thread topic~

Jun 25, 2010, 10:19 PM
Snowman better sweat, your FOrces are too stylish. Accessorized :fire: hotness, finger gun or no.

Wasn't expected tan skin FOney, pleasantly surprised!

Jun 25, 2010, 11:30 PM
Holy crap that's awesome Pirrip! <3 The colors are so vibrant and I love the heart designs on the clothing and mag x3 If you don't mind me asking, what kind of watercolors did you use? o:

Jun 26, 2010, 12:01 AM
Holy crap that's awesome Pirrip! <3 The colors are so vibrant and I love the heart designs on the clothing and mag x3 If you don't mind me asking, what kind of watercolors did you use? o:

Thanks! I'm glad someone noticed the hearts!
I don't mind you asking at all, but I actually used really crappy watercolours... I used a couple of those cheap palettes that probably cost only 99 cents in the crayola aisle with eight colours in them. I usually like to use copic markers, but for just the FOnewearl, I wanted to play with my watercolours after not doing it for a little while.

Jul 1, 2010, 02:46 PM

New Art on page 1.

Jul 1, 2010, 03:37 PM
Wow Pirrip, such colors~ *w* I like the chest hair and the hair... down there too or are those scars on the blonde one o,o I like the boots on him too, they look leathery -touches boots- *0* Very beautiful piece :3

Jul 1, 2010, 04:17 PM
Wow Pirrip, such colors~ *w* I like the chest hair and the hair... down there too or are those scars on the blonde one o,o I like the boots on him too, they look leathery -touches boots- *0* Very beautiful piece :3

That is hair down there... I figure burliness can come packaged with happy trails sometimes. Those boots might be the leather of one of Moatoob's buffahumps.

Jul 1, 2010, 05:20 PM
That is hair down there... I figure burliness can come packaged with happy trails sometimes. Those boots might be the leather of one of Moatoob's buffahumps.

Wow very nice battle scene!:-o

Jul 1, 2010, 08:59 PM
Wow very nice battle scene!:-o

Thanks! ^_^

Jul 16, 2010, 02:52 AM
So much detail, so much Beast. In both official what those guys are and slang version associated with strong dudes/sports 'heroes' who can't be stopped/etc.

Yes, navel hair chest hair. Not bloomy marshmallow bishie beasts with sparkles!

Jul 16, 2010, 10:42 AM
So much detail, so much Beast. In both official what those guys are and slang version associated with strong dudes/sports 'heroes' who can't be stopped/etc.

Yes, navel hair chest hair. Not bloomy marshmallow bishie beasts with sparkles!

Thank you, though I'm partial to either one, brawny or bishie! ^^;
I was thinking that it's always fun to have a partner to play with... sharing battle arm in arm with your brother.

Aug 15, 2010, 09:20 PM
A RAcast has made a cameo in a Loveless doujin my boyfriend and I are printing soon. Phantasy Star related, so...


Aug 16, 2010, 11:16 AM
Man, all these images are 10/10 to me!!! ^^

It's like you can make your own Phantasy Star Anime!

Aug 16, 2010, 03:21 PM
Man, all these images are 10/10 to me!!! ^^

It's like you can make your own Phantasy Star Anime!

I WOULD if Sega wanted it. ^_^ I like GONZO animation(which worked on the animated cutscenes in Phantasy Star ZERO, and anime like 爆裂天使[BURST ANGEL]). I would totally work with them if they wanted me.

I'm considering doing a Phantasy Star doujinshi sometime in the near future.

Aug 29, 2010, 11:22 AM
I WOULD if Sega wanted it. ^_^ I like GONZO animation(which worked on the animated cutscenes in Phantasy Star ZERO, and anime like 爆裂天使[BURST ANGEL]). I would totally work with them if they wanted me.

I'm considering doing a Phantasy Star doujinshi sometime in the near future.

I'd love to see you post a Phantasy Star doujin/comic, your art is quite good. Even 4koma/panel joke Phantasy Star comics have been scarce, so its great to see more fanworks. Keep up the good work ^^

Sep 1, 2010, 05:32 AM
I'd love to see you post a Phantasy Star doujin/comic, your art is quite good. Even 4koma/panel joke Phantasy Star comics have been scarce, so its great to see more fanworks. Keep up the good work

Alright, then I shall, with this shameless self bump! I have new art for Volcompat321's Phantasy Star Portable 2 fanart contest! See?


Sep 1, 2010, 06:06 AM
Your artwork is just awesome!

I love your style, I'm jealous!

Sep 1, 2010, 11:35 AM
Your artwork is just awesome!

I love your style, I'm jealous!

;A; Thankyou! That means a lot to me, because I work very hard to keep it up.

Sep 1, 2010, 06:15 PM
RAcast = BAMF

Chun-Li = female version of BAMF*
-Badass momma female or something.

Contest entry - Watchout now!

Sep 1, 2010, 07:43 PM
RAcast = BAMF

Chun-Li = female version of BAMF*
-Badass momma female or something.

Contest entry - Watchout now!

BAMF! Brawny and Masculine female, sometimes. Chun-Li is a beast! Like her legs being granted beastly proportion. Seriously.
Chun-Li+Beast= I see a Phantasy Star crossover someplace!

Ranged Arms Corporal And Streetfighter Terrorist... He's gunning for Chun-Li next!

Sep 2, 2010, 01:17 AM
Chun-Li so good, Jackie Chan and recently Producer Yoshinori Ono who sorta looks like Jackie Chan these chubby days, both dressed as her. Yoshi man recently. ;o

There's that cross play. If not Phantasy Star.

PS series lacks the cosplay, to start with. Someone get on that, besides one other topic here in FanWorks.

Sep 2, 2010, 01:34 AM
Chun-Li so good, Jackie Chan and recently Producer Yoshinori Ono who sorta looks like Jackie Chan these chubby days, both dressed as her. Yoshi man recently. ;o

There's that cross play. If not Phantasy Star.

PS series lacks the cosplay, to start with. Someone get on that, besides one other topic here in FanWorks.

Yeah! Seriously... Phantasy Star cosplays are just so few. It's too bad.

Sep 10, 2010, 07:42 PM
New art! See the front page (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2499258)! ^_^

Sep 27, 2010, 10:16 PM

While this isn't related to Phantasy Star more than Loveless, this is a preview of the new doujin my boyfriend and I printed. ^_^
We're also including buttons with them.

Sep 28, 2010, 10:14 PM
This are my newest so far: This Persona 3 work in progress illustration-- I'll be painting it later, after filling in more detail/background and whatnot.

Sep 30, 2010, 10:37 PM
This is something else, a work in Progress... it's Noto--or Notebook-- Ninja

Sep 30, 2010, 11:36 PM
Oh, that's very nice!

It's pretty rare that we get animation in Fan Works.

Oct 2, 2010, 12:54 AM
Bobby ponytail Kunoichi-das female ninjas at that!

Good show.

Training weapon or real weapon that one having this trip wire.. perhaps like that Doctrine Dark fellow of Street Fightering EX?


Oct 4, 2010, 08:08 PM
Nice work.
Especially love animation and P3.

Oct 4, 2010, 08:24 PM
Nice work.
Especially love animation and P3.

Thanks! They are both works in progress. Welcome to the forums, and I'm honored to have your first post in my thread. ^_^

Oct 5, 2010, 02:32 PM
Wow your new art is amazing Pirrip D: I love it specialy the animation

Oct 5, 2010, 04:33 PM
Thanks, Vin! <3
I draw that ninja everyday in class to make the animation, and I got to show my classmates today. ^_^

Oct 10, 2010, 08:37 AM
I've added some more frames since, so it looks like a more completed sequence so far... It's still a work in progress, so there will be more to this animation in the future.


Oct 11, 2010, 02:21 AM
Awesome, so he's tying that weapon to his back! Great progress :3

Oct 20, 2010, 02:20 AM
Thanks, Mimo! (On a personal note: In Tsukuyo's art thread, I didn't mean to sound insulting if it sounded that way. I've been on deviantart for a little while now, and I can't recall a single time I ever commented before reading the artist's description first. It probably reveals my outdated stance on artwork. I actually think that contemporary "new critics" would find your method for deviation trawling much more preferable.)


I was thinking of doing some art trades here on PSO-World? Does anyone want to do an art trade with me?
I'm open to drawing original Phantasy Star or otherwise original characters, in-game monsters, mecha, animal, elaborate backgrounds, anything really... anything that won't break PSO-World rules, of course.

My only terms for trading are:

1. Equivalent Exchange- For example, if you'd like a full-bodied portrait of your original character, I'll ask for the very same of one of my characters. If you'd like a chibi, I'll ask for a chibi in return. If you'd like a serious background in it, I'll ask for one, too. ^_^
If you really want some avant-garde painting of an interpretation of some random emotion or mental process, I'll try to think of something I can ask for in the same realm. XD

2. Time Attack- One week to finish the trade. From the time I can accept it.(I still need to keep up with school. ^^;)

3. Showing It Off- I want to put your work on my art thread's front page. But I would like the same in return. (If you don't have an art thread in the Fan-works section already, make one!)

I'm still working on my little ninja animation, and I have school, so... I may only accept a few at a time, but if you want to trade, post a reply!

Oct 20, 2010, 11:27 AM
Lol it's okay Pirrip! I didn't find it insulting! XD

Also Id love to do an art trade with you. Though Im not sure which char I want.. Probably my cast from JP PSU, but I'll have to dig up some pics of her when I get out of school today. Well for now, I'd like to be on the waiting list! :D

Oct 20, 2010, 01:26 PM
Lol it's okay Pirrip! I didn't find it insulting! XD

Also Id love to do an art trade with you. Though Im not sure which char I want.. Probably my cast from JP PSU, but I'll have to dig up some pics of her when I get out of school today. Well for now, I'd like to be on the waiting list! :D

Yay! Your spot has been reserved on the front post.
I think I'll either want a picture of my noto-ninja, or one of my PSZero characters.

Oct 22, 2010, 11:39 PM
So when do you want to start this? I'll request my made up char if you're gonna want me to draw your ninja. -to be honest he looks tough to draw! I has no confidence XDD-

Oct 22, 2010, 11:58 PM
I'm ready when you are. ^_^ Wanna start now? If you'd like, I can send a reference of how my noto-ninja looks from the front and back.
I would be just as happy with my PSZero Character, or maybe even a completely different original character I have, here: http://pirrip.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2kf2g9

Oct 23, 2010, 02:22 AM
Normally I love art trades, nut right now I seriously should focus on my comic project, or else it will never get anywhere near finished. :wacko:

I have a week off somewhere @ the beginning of november, If by then you're still up for it, I'll let you know if I wanna trade.

Oct 23, 2010, 02:48 AM
Yeah PSZ...! -takes the safest route- XD
Ref at this dump-->http://min-t-drop.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2o16ka

You can draw whichever character (the one you feel like you can work with) choose any outfit you like (in-game clothes if ya want) ^^

Oct 23, 2010, 11:12 AM
Normally I love art trades, nut right now I seriously should focus on my comic project, or else it will never get anywhere near finished. :wacko:

I have a week off somewhere @ the beginning of november, If by then you're still up for it, I'll let you know if I wanna trade.

Yeah, I know how that is. I have a project I could be working on, but I'm taking a break. I wish you great focus in your quest. ^_^

Yeah PSZ...! -takes the safest route- XD
Ref at this dump-->http://min-t-drop.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2o16ka

You can draw whichever character (the one you feel like you can work with) choose any outfit you like (in-game clothes if ya want) ^^

I'll take Malt! (I can use the outfit picked out! It's in the art book, right?)

I have a FOnewearl or a HUmarl I play with mostly. You can see them both on my front page... The FOnewearl(ChocoMochiko) has a slightly customized outfit(like the regular one, but with hearts), but my HUmarl(Helga) with the pastry set can have the regular in-game outfit.

Oct 23, 2010, 05:08 PM
Yup that outfit is in the artbook : )
I'll pick Helga since I've haven't drawn a HUmarl yet! I've always wanted to get some time to draw that cute outfit x3

Oct 23, 2010, 05:25 PM
Yup that outfit is in the artbook : )
I'll pick Helga since I've haven't drawn a HUmarl yet! I've always wanted to get some time to draw that cute outfit x3

That sounds good to me! Consider this art trade initiated. (I have a preference for the outfit with the green, but I'll settle if you'd rather not)

Oct 24, 2010, 05:10 PM
I'm still accepting art trades if anyone else is interested.
In the meantime, I did some more frames for my animation:

Oct 24, 2010, 10:08 PM
Stuff like this makes me wish I could do better than disproportioned stick figures.

Oct 24, 2010, 10:20 PM
Some people make awesome animations with stick figures. I can't think of one off-hand, but I've seen loads of really nice animations with just stick figure characters.

@Mimo: I've drawn and inked your Malt! I can't wait to colour it and send it to you!

Seth Astra
Oct 24, 2010, 10:21 PM
I like the animation. Really cool. Plus, the fact that it's a ninja just makes it cooler. :D

Oct 24, 2010, 10:26 PM
I like the animation. Really cool. Plus, the fact that it's a ninja just makes it cooler. :D

Thanks! I used to not care for ninjas after learning about their history. They really seemed like Japan's version of rebelling farmers and poor people who never properly learned how to use weapons the correct way... Frankly, however, Metal Gear Solid 4's Raiden character changed that for me. I've been swept up by the romanticism of the ninja.

Oct 24, 2010, 11:11 PM
Hey, who can't get down with poison rice hidden away in the scabbard?

Pepper spray? Whatever!

Compact ninja weapons made to sneak thru check points of bigger weapons, yet could still do major damage saw on a documentary, of the wackiest name - yet some entertaining to match that name BBC thing: "Mind body & Kickin moves"

Guy met with "iron skin" Chinese performers and the monks learning it up in the mountains and all kinds of other stuff.

Oct 24, 2010, 11:23 PM
Oh yeah! I found what you're talking about Haya~ I think I'm going to try to watch it all on youtube(while I finish Mimo's picture) Mind, Body, and Kickass moves, or something like that.

Oct 25, 2010, 01:02 PM
Update! Art Trade with Mimo is finished!

Oct 26, 2010, 07:39 AM

I figured out how to make animated gifs from pszero so I could put my HUmarl into my signature to help advertise my art thread and attract the attention of potential playmates. ^w^
(I'll probably be making two more for my RAcaseal and HUnewearl next.)

Oct 26, 2010, 10:09 AM
Oh cool. Japan sensei guy freaked him out with just walking towards with some intent - even though he was smiling, then taught some random womens at the golf range pressure point takedowns, no matter weight/skills.

Other freaky pull cars/trucks by some parts of the body and throw chopsticks into a dartboard guys were up in the episodes too.

Cool Mimo X change.

Animato sig.


Might need to cut down the frame totals, to get that old 35,000 k limit on sigs though. Pretty small nowadays, yes, but rules still rules.

RAcast awaiting character create/selection 'fist smash together' soon a possibility...

Oct 26, 2010, 10:41 AM
*patiently awaits Mimo's half*

Cool stuff, that's why I'm one your many mimions (followers) on DA.

Is Malt suppose to be a newman or a cast? His outfit looks like a male version of PSU's Vivienne but his ears say he's a newm. I never played PSZ, so its new territory for me.

Oct 26, 2010, 12:39 PM
*patiently awaits Mimo's half*

Cool stuff, that's why I'm one your many mimions (followers) on DA.

Is Malt suppose to be a newman or a cast? His outfit looks like a male version of PSU's Vivienne but his ears say he's a newm. I never played PSZ, so its new territory for me.

Malt's a HUnewm; in PSZ, casts look completely mechanical (which saddens me a bit). The reason why his outfit might remind you of Vivienne is because the outfit Pirrip gave him looks like a modified version of the one the resistance force in PSZ wear, which does bear some similarities with Vivienne's outfit (look at Ana for example).

Oct 26, 2010, 04:00 PM
Yeah, I definitely needed to cut down on the size, but I managed. I didn't mean to encroach.
That RAcast idea is pretty awesome, though. I've discovered that it is quite difficult to reduce the file's size and for it to still look good animated.

Awww! Thank you! <3 And yeah, Malt is a newman. PSZero has a way different style from the other Phantasy Star games, I think.
I can't wait to see Mimo's, too!

Malt's a FOnewm, I'm pretty sure. But the outfit design was in the Phantasy Star Zero art book and never released in-game. And Mimo gave him a colour scheme with the concept outfit.

Oct 26, 2010, 06:45 PM
Yeah, that's the sacrifice. Necessary until limits change. Still looks good.

Oct 27, 2010, 09:45 PM
I learned the hard way animated sigs just aren't worth it
I had this as my sig once
it took 6000 edits to make it small enough ;s.

Oct 27, 2010, 10:11 PM
That's a shame. That would be neat in a signature.
I mean, I guess it's understandable that there are limits in place, but it really is a shame, since you could so many neat things with one. Mine came out alright, I think, but I had to shrink it and do all sorts of other things to keep it under 35kb... Oh well.
I'm happy with mine for now.

Oct 28, 2010, 12:24 AM
OMG! Thank you MIMO!!! <3 I love it sooooo much!
You captured the outfit perfectly, and it's better than I imagined! Thank you so much!

You've been featured on the thread's front page, as well! Here's the full picture:

http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/OMGlittle-1.png http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/Helgabymimo.png

For all other artists: I'm still open to art trades! ^^

Oct 28, 2010, 01:16 AM
You're welcome and many thanks for the Malt picture ^^ I had fun doing this art trade P:

Also, I fixed my front page with your work. I hope the way I featured it is acceptable since I like to keep my posts somewhat organized. xD

Oct 28, 2010, 01:21 AM
Yes! It's just fine!
I was hoping to feature and be featured by other artists, so that way we would all have a chance of having our art seen and our art threads visited! (Speaking of which, I think I ought to provide a link to your art thread on my page. O.O)

Oct 28, 2010, 02:40 AM
Well, as long as there you keep a space open for me, then thats cool :) I am still up for it when I get the time.

Oct 28, 2010, 07:55 AM
I have a space reserved just for you, for whenever you've the time! ^_^

iNomPillows x:
Oct 29, 2010, 03:39 PM
You're really good. I love the animation bit you have up. :3

Oct 29, 2010, 03:55 PM
You're really good. I love the animation bit you have up. :3

Thank you. I'm adding more frames to it constantly.

Oct 29, 2010, 05:32 PM
I learned the hard way animated sigs just aren't worth it
I had this as my sig once
it took 6000 edits to make it small enough ;s.
Yah if you're making animu/game animu artist concept'dinto polygons people.

If you free trial - learning animated gifs with wacky transitions with the zombie movie games...


Anything less is uncivilized Chainsaw sounds - bonus blah, and not the OG.

Look at them cheesy wipes, was supposed to be some Ganados or other enemies fade into shakey stuff, maybe next time.

- then its all good bad! baby!

dark nova
Nov 3, 2010, 11:22 PM
OMG! Thank you MIMO!!! <3 I love it sooooo much!
You captured the outfit perfectly, and it's better than I imagined! Thank you so much!

You've been featured on the thread's front page, as well! Here's the full picture:


http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/OMGlittle-1.png http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l156/aquaphoenixli/Helgabymimo.png

For all other artists: I'm still open to art trades! ^^

I love the detail and color of your drawings. Gives it a clean but realistic look, IMO.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:32 PM
Thank you! It's unusual that anyone sees my pictures as realistic, that makes my evening.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:18 PM
You can see a fuller size version here! (http://pirrip.deviantart.com/#/d32bfco)
This is my latest... it's a pencil illustration. ^_^

Nov 7, 2010, 02:31 AM
Great picture!

Nov 7, 2010, 02:37 AM
Thank you! ^_^ It's a giant Pomeranian!

Nov 7, 2010, 02:44 AM
Well, that's unusual.. But pretty far out.

Your sketching is awesome! :D

Nov 7, 2010, 02:47 AM
Wow, once again, great quality work from you as usual. I especially love 2 things about the drawing:

-how it's in black and white (I've got this weird love for drawings like that >.>)
-the detail in the background

The lines in it make the building where the characters are look so regal. Again, beautiful.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:54 AM
Well, that's unusual.. But pretty far out.

Your sketching is awesome! :D

Thank you! ^_^ It's based on a story idea of mine.
If you're interested, you can read a little about it on the deviation page in the comments...on my deviantart. I do agree with you though, it is kind of an unusual picture.

Wow, once again, great quality work from you as usual. I especially love 2 things about the drawing:

-how it's in black and white (I've got this weird love for drawings like that >.>)
-the detail in the background

The lines in it make the building where the characters are look so regal. Again, beautiful.

Thanks! I had a difficult time making the background look just right. It's a very small part of a fictional castle, and it was difficult thing for me to get the perspective right on it.
I ALSO LOVE BLACK+WHITE PICTURES>>> SO SO HARD. Pencils are my favourite tool!

Nov 7, 2010, 03:16 AM
The great mouse Rabbit escape!

Learned a lil 3D design way back when. Great room depth.
Pencil work bringin' back memories.

Nov 7, 2010, 03:26 AM
Oh wow! That's amazing Pirrip! I love the designs like the bunnies at the bottom of the pillars XD The shading on the dogs eyes/mouth are perfect.

Nov 7, 2010, 10:54 AM
You can see a fuller size version here! (http://pirrip.deviantart.com/#/d32bfco)
This is my latest... it's a pencil illustration. ^_^

very nice illustration. can that dog fly? :cake:

Nov 7, 2010, 10:58 AM
holy cow that is pretty righteous !

Nov 7, 2010, 01:13 PM
The great mouse Rabbit escape!

Learned a lil 3D design way back when. Great room depth.
Pencil work bringin' back memories.
That's cool! I wanted to learn to build and render 3D levels and models at one point, but I think if I did, it would eat up the time I'd otherwise be using to make up the things to fill the 3D space. But Pencil is truly the best.

Oh wow! That's amazing Pirrip! I love the designs like the bunnies at the bottom of the pillars XD The shading on the dogs eyes/mouth are perfect.
Thanks! According to the story behind the picture, the stone bunnies at the base of the columns look so realistically sculpted, it is said she constructed the castle right on top of their natural habitat and froze them into parts of the castle.

very nice illustration. can that dog fly? :cake:
It can't fly naturally, but because it's being guided by the witch, she can make it fly if she likes.

holy cow that is pretty righteous !
Holy cows may reside in India, and thank you. ^^

Nov 7, 2010, 02:01 PM
That dog is terrifying.

Nov 7, 2010, 06:18 PM
That's amazing!! I love how much detail you took into the background. It looks great :3

Nov 7, 2010, 10:40 PM
That's amazing!! I love how much detail you took into the background. It looks great :3

Thanks! I <3 details.

Nov 10, 2010, 01:04 AM
Very nice art style. Thank you for sharing.

Nov 10, 2010, 11:11 AM
wow u rock !

A. Zerran
Nov 15, 2010, 07:22 PM
Most excellent art, Pirrip. You make PSZ fans (and me) proud. So proud, I'm a little jealous. So, got any more fantastic art?

Nov 15, 2010, 09:03 PM
I just want to tell you that you are really good. I love the pictures. :D

Nov 17, 2010, 12:47 AM
Very nice art style. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you! :heartcookie:

wow u rock !
Thanks you! :heartcookie:

Most excellent art, Pirrip. You make PSZ fans (and me) proud. So proud, I'm a little jealous. So, got any more fantastic art?
Thank you! :doughboy: I have some on my deviantart page (http://pirrip.deviantart.com).

I just want to tell you that you are really good. I love the pictures. :D

Thank you! :heartcookie:

Nov 17, 2010, 01:57 AM
Serious Ghibli vibes from that last pencil piece, haw.

good stuff! : ]

Nov 17, 2010, 03:37 PM
wow looks really great. awesome!!!

Nov 28, 2010, 09:51 AM
I love your stuff! I'd be jealous if I wasn't so impressed! That PSZ FOnewm looks alot like the one I made. XD Keep up the good work!

Dec 13, 2010, 04:34 PM
These are images all from that story I'm writing... they go with the one with the giant puppy.






Dec 13, 2010, 04:38 PM
I wish I could write and draw. I'm a good writer (as other people say; I don't think I'm good, but whatever), but I can't draw to save my life. I've been trying to learn, but I just get frustrated whenever I "practice" (if you can call it that), and give up.

Dec 13, 2010, 04:49 PM


Is that the giant puppy a few days after it was born? Awww...So cute and fluffly...

Anyways, great drawings once again! Thank you for sharing them ^^

Dec 13, 2010, 04:58 PM
Perseverance is a virtue.
And I suck at writing, to be honest. I'm majoring in English so I may be better at it one day.

It's the very same pup! ^^

Dec 13, 2010, 05:46 PM
nice stuff man!

Jan 18, 2011, 07:43 PM
My battlestation and latest project:


Jan 18, 2011, 09:58 PM
Wow lots of markers! o__o
Your drawings are fantastic thanks for posting them ^^
The animation thing is really cool.

Jan 19, 2011, 06:54 AM
Your copics collection makes me jealous D:

Jan 19, 2011, 12:53 PM
How the hell can you color something with copic markers? the only memory I have of using them as a kid, is that it sucked :wacko:

Jan 20, 2011, 11:40 AM
Wow lots of markers! o__o
Your drawings are fantastic thanks for posting them ^^
The animation thing is really cool.
Thankyou! ^^
They cost a pretty penny, but I love them.

Your copics collection makes me jealous D:
My copics collection makes me dirt poor.

How the hell can you color something with copic markers? the only memory I have of using them as a kid, is that it sucked :wacko:
I've read numerous tutorials and worked with many other artists who use copic markers. I tried using Prismacolor and Neo-Pico markers but I found Copics to be the best when it comes to blending, and they work with many kinds of papers. "To each his or her own," right?

Copics aren't even my favourite kinds of colouring materials, I like watercolours and goache better. Graphite pencils are my favourite media all-around.

Jan 20, 2011, 06:09 PM
So when are you going to animate something and post it on Newgrounds and tell us about it?

I sense frogs around that girl ケロ ケロ.

Jan 20, 2011, 07:24 PM
So when are you going to animate something and post it on Newgrounds and tell us about it?

I sense frogs around that girl ケロ ケロ.

I'll post it if I do upload my animation to someplace... I don't have a flash program, so it might be a little difficult for me to upload it to newgrounds... I'll probably make it like a traditional animation and post it to youtube.

And frogs indeed! It's the last thing to bring delight to that little girl's life, too.

Jan 22, 2011, 12:51 AM
Aww very cute! Love the little toad x3 Great work so far and nice marker collection! My friend Yueri makes really nice pics with copics so I too recently ordered a set of 12, just to try it out. They are sooo expensive.. ;-;

Jan 25, 2011, 10:00 PM
Aww very cute! Love the little toad x3 Great work so far and nice marker collection! My friend Yueri makes really nice pics with copics so I too recently ordered a set of 12, just to try it out. They are sooo expensive.. ;-;

I remember, Yueri had the only winning traditional entry in Volcompat's PSP:2 art contest. I'll be using my copics for a lot of things soon. I hope your copics work out well for you.

Jan 27, 2011, 10:09 PM
Copic markers, again:

Feb 10, 2011, 10:13 PM
These are two animations I've worked on lately. One is advertising for my Hetalia doujin, the other is an ongoing animation project:

Feb 10, 2011, 11:53 PM
Wow, that marker drawing is lovely. I'm speechless.

And the animations!! I'm so glad to see you're still working on the one with the ninja. Oh, and I hope that small child doesn't get beheaded by that flying scythe...

Great work as always. I eagerly await more of it from you!

Mar 1, 2011, 01:17 PM
I came up with this during school.


Mar 1, 2011, 03:46 PM
Wow...That...That...That was sad. So VERY sad. And then you have the bright colors making such a sharp opposition to the story's dark and sad tone, making it come out even more. I liked it a lot.

Mar 2, 2011, 12:34 AM
I love the brilliant colors. It helps the sequence of events become translucent. Light, warm colors in the beginning making it's way to a dark and suspenseful conclusion. It makes the viewer open up and appreciate life. Very good job of making this entire piece very silent in contrast with all the motion, except for that Japanese frog. I kind of wish that you didn't add in oriental dialects.. just to keep that traditional story telling of a western tragedy. Overall, this is work done well. An extremely touching piece. It makes me understand a little more that in certain events even with wishful thinking there lies an unsettling feeling of unhappiness and loneliness. Thanks for sharing. : D

Mar 6, 2011, 01:14 AM
Wow...That...That...That was sad. So VERY sad. And then you have the bright colors making such a sharp opposition to the story's dark and sad tone, making it come out even more. I liked it a lot.
Thanks! It was pretty cool, how the colours work in the dark tone's favor in a way.

I love the brilliant colors. It helps the sequence of events become translucent. Light, warm colors in the beginning making it's way to a dark and suspenseful conclusion. It makes the viewer open up and appreciate life. Very good job of making this entire piece very silent in contrast with all the motion, except for that Japanese frog. I kind of wish that you didn't add in oriental dialects.. just to keep that traditional story telling of a western tragedy. Overall, this is work done well. An extremely touching piece. It makes me understand a little more that in certain events even with wishful thinking there lies an unsettling feeling of unhappiness and loneliness. Thanks for sharing. : D

Oh! I will be moving to Japan after I graduate, so I make a Japanese version to all of the comics I do, I thought it was too much work to bother with that part in English. Thankyou for reading it!

On a brighter note, deviantart gave me in their monthly feature for this comic! ^^

Mine is the last one in the group of pictures... It's the only one that looks like one thin strip.

Mar 6, 2011, 01:38 AM
Pirrip you are Talented. Hope that drawing takes you somewhere I had aspirations years ago of being an artist. Now I don't even draw :( You are much more talented than I was awesome work man

Mar 12, 2011, 01:28 AM
Pirrip you are Talented. Hope that drawing takes you somewhere I had aspirations years ago of being an artist. Now I don't even draw :( You are much more talented than I was awesome work man

Why did you stop? That makes me feel so sad. ;A; So long as you're happy with whatever you're doing, I guess it doesn't matter, right?


AND, art update!
I have this posted on my deviantart account, too.

ALSO--I'm thinking about making another Phantasy Star fanart soon... I'm thinking PSO. Should I make a HUcaseal or a RAcast?

Mar 12, 2011, 03:16 AM
Great picture!

And I vote for RAcast. Haven't seen much art of those.

Mar 12, 2011, 04:04 PM
Oh gawd... Awesome picture!! My papa and I just finished that game! ;w; lol at that Necro's face, he just wants hugs D:

Nice detail on the suit and plasma cutter.

Mar 12, 2011, 08:06 PM
Great picture!

And I vote for RAcast. Haven't seen much art of those.
Both are neglected!

Found a few RAcast on the DevArts though, which were very well done.

I say HUcaseal! (got so few avatars here for that class & fanart versions did get worked into the fold before...)

Mar 12, 2011, 10:13 PM
Wow, the detail, the colors...Awesome! Great work, Pirrip!

Also, both of them, because more Casts is always good (BUT! I'm more biased towards HUcaseal).

Mar 19, 2011, 02:49 AM
Great picture!

And I vote for RAcast. Haven't seen much art of those.
That's one vote for RAcast!

Oh gawd... Awesome picture!! My papa and I just finished that game! ;w; lol at that Necro's face, he just wants hugs D:

Nice detail on the suit and plasma cutter.

I love this game series now! That necromorph is supposed to look like Nicole. ^^

Both are neglected!

Found a few RAcast on the DevArts though, which were very well done.

I say HUcaseal! (got so few avatars here for that class & fanart versions did get worked into the fold before...)
One vote for HUcaseal! (I think that one is neglected a bit more)

Wow, the detail, the colors...Awesome! Great work, Pirrip!

Also, both of them, because more Casts is always good (BUT! I'm more biased towards HUcaseal).

Thanks a lot! ^^ And I guess that's one more vote for HUcaseal? I guess that's what I'll be drawing next.

OH! And I've drawn and added 25 more frames to my animation since last time I updated it. You can see it posted on my deviantart too, of course.


Oh! And that comic (http://fav.me/d3anle8) I posted a bit ago GOT A DAILY DEVIATION! <3 <3 <3 w00h00! I've had loads of comments to go through since.

Mar 19, 2011, 03:03 AM
You know I already said this, but I'm so happy and excited for you! Always lovin' those copics and so proud for your DD!

Sep 5, 2011, 04:42 PM
I drew these at Dragon*Con this year. One is from Monster Hunter, one is from Phantasy Star, and the others are original characters of mine. DONT FORGET TO CLICK ON IT TO SEE ALL OF IT... some of it might be cut off.

Sep 9, 2011, 07:50 PM
UPDATE! My doujinshi circle has a new channel on youtube now, with a video of one of the pages of our latest doujinshi while it was still in progress!


SO MANY DOUJINS...so little time!

Sep 10, 2011, 02:28 AM
Amazing how people still can work like that in this digital age!

The top image of your previous post looks great by the way :D

Oct 21, 2011, 12:16 PM
So where is this HUcaseal at?

Jan 1, 2012, 02:14 AM

I'm going to be putting out one of these kinds of comics every week... I just started a new video game tumblr blog.

Jan 1, 2012, 02:26 AM





Jan 8, 2012, 01:08 AM
Thanks a lot Rockwood!
Here's the GamesRBad4U for this week. I just posted it on the tumblr blog a bit ago.


Jan 8, 2012, 05:18 AM
This is awesome! Sadly kids like this really do exist nowadays.

One little thing: Could you try to handwrite the text bubbles? The computer generated text doesn't do the great art much justice.

Jan 10, 2012, 12:06 PM
You're pretty talented! I enjoyed the animated short. and the illustrations and concept work for your story are great. :)

Jan 23, 2012, 02:43 AM
This is awesome! Sadly kids like this really do exist nowadays.

One little thing: Could you try to handwrite the text bubbles? The computer generated text doesn't do the great art much justice.

Thanks a lot! You know, lettering by hand been suggested to me at least a few times by different people. I'm seriously considering it now!

You're pretty talented! I enjoyed the animated short. and the illustrations and concept work for your story are great. :)

Thanks a lot! I appreciate that. For the moment, I'm trying to get ahead with these Gamesrbad4u strips.

Here're the latest from last week and this week:
http://www.deviantart.com/download/279463861/gamesrbad4u__shadow_of_the_colossus_by_pirrip-d4mdvp1.jpg (http://gamesrbad4u.tumblr.com/post/15869650597/games-bad4u-3-shadow-of-the-colossus)http://www.deviantart.com/download/280839421/gamesrbad4u__pokemon_by_pirrip-d4n7d31.jpg (http://gamesrbad4u.tumblr.com/post/16272569635/games-bad4u-4-pokemon)

Jan 23, 2012, 08:20 AM

I figured out how to make animated gifs from pszero so I could put my HUmarl into my signature to help advertise my art thread and attract the attention of potential playmates. ^w^
(I'll probably be making two more for my RAcaseal and HUnewearl next.)
That looks awesome. Is there any chance you could make one with a red HUnewm (see my sig for reference) and a red Radam mag?

Jan 25, 2012, 04:27 PM
These look great! keep them coming! :D

Feb 5, 2012, 03:23 AM
That looks awesome. Is there any chance you could make one with a red HUnewm (see my sig for reference) and a red Radam mag?

I wouldn't mind--and here's the but-- BUT I had to get a new computer and have not loaded my gif animator on it yet. The other issue is that I don't know how to make it so that I can capture the animation of a radam mag... just the standard starting mag. I basically capture it from a ROM of the game(I play with my legal cartridges so I don't have any saved characters on a ROM. Hence, I'd need to start a whole new game and raise a radam mag before I could animate it for you. I wish I were more clever, but I don't want to go through all the trouble of figuring out cheat codes on a ROM just to manipulate this work--


I'd like to but it's kind of asking a lot at the moment.

These look great! keep them coming! :D

Alrighty then. I am prepared to oblige.
I hadn't posted the one from last week, and I just posted this week's on the site (http://gamesrbad4u.tumblr.com) tonight.

http://www.deviantart.com/download/282092043/gamesrbad4u__mario_bros_by_pirrip-d4ny7m3.jpg (
"http://gamesrbad4u.tumblr.com/post/16680012840/games-bad4u-5-mario-bros")http://www.deviantart.com/download/283360928/gamesrbad4u__sonic_the_hedgehog_by_pirrip-d4opeow.jpg (http://gamesrbad4u.tumblr.com/post/17082057286/games-bad4u-6-sonic-the-hedgehog)