View Full Version : what is the least played character type/race?

Jun 15, 2010, 07:31 PM
im not the guy usually on here, i just got the game for myself and i was wondering.
what is the least played character type/race on here because thats what i'm going to be.
my cousin here seems to think it's the female Human techer.
lets hear it people.
opinions if you will.

Seth Astra
Jun 15, 2010, 07:35 PM
Let's see... I've seen a FOmarl before on freeplay, once. The male forces seem rarer, although RAs are probably the rarest.

Jun 15, 2010, 07:40 PM
Just be a Ramar! They are pretty well the most useless class on the game.

Jun 15, 2010, 08:15 PM
The RAmarl and HUcaseal seem to be the two classes I see the least of on my F/C roster and on freeplay.

Chukie sue
Jun 15, 2010, 08:16 PM
RAmarl is a class I've only seen twice other than myself.

Jun 15, 2010, 08:39 PM
Those I see the most on freeplay/Friend roster (higher up being the most seen):

-AFROnewm (he's cool so it's only natural that he's there)

-those I see the least (lowest being the least seen):

...I swear, I NEVER saw a HUcaseal on Wi-Fi other than myself. Creepy.

Jun 15, 2010, 08:47 PM
I've seen HUcaseals on Free Play, but not too many.

RAmarls are likely the least played.

The ones I can't stand playing with, but are over populated are the HUmars. If I see one pop-up on the Free Play, my DS gets turned off/on. Worst designed character in the game.

FOmarls aren't that uncommon actually.

Jun 15, 2010, 08:50 PM
I've seen HUcaseals on Free Play, but not too many.

RAmarls are likely the least played.

The ones I can't stand playing with, but are over populated are the HUmars. If I see one pop-up on the Free Play, my DS gets turned off/on. Worst designed character in the game.

FOmarls aren't that uncommon actually.

It seems like the worst players on freeplay use the HUmars and the one thing some of them love to do is spend what seems like five hours going through the menu.

Chukie sue
Jun 15, 2010, 08:55 PM
Funny how HUcaseals are one of the least played classes when you consider how (they're arguably) better than HUcasts (assuming you get your ATA to 520/540).

Jun 15, 2010, 09:08 PM
I actually see HUcaseals fairly often. More often than FOmar, FOmarl or any ranger. They're not that uncommon. At least in my Free Play experiences.

Jun 16, 2010, 10:00 AM
I play a HUcaseal and I often get comments when playing with friends along the lines of "Oh, I never play with one of these!" I like HUcaseal quite a bit just for the extra heal traps.

Jun 16, 2010, 10:08 AM
I very rarely see RAmars and RAmarls. A lot of people say there aren't a lot of HUcaseals but I occasionally see them. Good class though. Everyone seems to use HUcasts and FOnewearls.

Jun 16, 2010, 11:56 AM
you could be a FOcast XD
i don't see many of those :p

Jun 16, 2010, 12:55 PM
Rarest I've seen in Freeplay (in order):
RAmarl - The rarest in both English and Japanese players. I've only seen them once.
HUmarl - Another rare class. I blame the stats.
RAcaseal - I've seen them around a few times, but always by Japanese players. I blame their cuteness.
FOmarl - Another rare class that's mainly played by Japanese players.
RAmar - They're not all that rare to me. But when I do see them, they're lower leveled and not playing in SHard rooms yet. (like my RAmar). I'm guessing some folks have RAmar as a 2nd or 3rd character.
RAcast - I've seen them around.
FOmar - battle mages never gets old.
HUcaseal - I see them all the time. My main is a HUcaseal and I take note if I run into another HUcaseal in the party.
The rest of the classes are too plenty....

It might be the times you guys play that you're not seeing a certain class often enough. I ONLY Freeplay, and usually late at nights, so I get a mix of English players and Japanese players.

In the end, the rarest class is the RAmarl and HUmarl for me.
The rarer classes tend to be played by Japanese players (from my observations). Them being Fomarls and RAcaseals.

Jun 16, 2010, 01:43 PM
My RAmar is my main, at lv94.
It makes me sad that there's not more RAmars out there...

Jun 16, 2010, 01:53 PM
Sad? I'd be happy if I played a less played class/gender combo. That's kind of why I went RAcaseal and not RAcast.

My HUnewearl, though they're pretty common, I'm still happy with. Same goes with my FOnewearl. They were my two favorites in PSO, so I just had to make them for PS0. Different names, due to name length restrictions though.

Jun 16, 2010, 02:05 PM
Sad? I'd be happy if I played a less played class/gender combo. That's kind of why I went RAcaseal and not RAcast.

My HUnewearl, though they're pretty common, I'm still happy with. Same goes with my FOnewearl. They were my two favorites in PSO, so I just had to make them for PS0. Different names, due to name length restrictions though.

I guess I should rephrase;
It makes me sad that not many other people see the fun in RAmar, and then complain that the game is easy.
Try a RAmar/RAmarl, never ever use celeb or life (unless it's a set element, then go ahead), and try spamming Thriller Combo. Tell me how that works out for you. Also, try to use Wipeout right next to the enemy, don't play it safe! It's actually a fun game if you TRY to be dangerous!

Jun 16, 2010, 02:17 PM
My RAmar is my second. So I tend to agree with that. I haven't even remade him on the US version, yet.

My main is a FOmar. Yep, I'm staying human this time. But mainly because of the visual designs. Probably the most interest-looking male designs I've seen in Phantasy Star, for a while. (My opinion, of course)

But the big reason I mained as a FOmar is that it marks my solid return to being a force after years and years of taking a sabbatical from them. It's only because I put well over 1000+ hours of almost nothing but Force play, back in my PSO days. So I wanted to give the other classes some good play so that I wouldn't burn out on just being Force all the time.

Jun 16, 2010, 02:34 PM
@ GalaxTheWanderer:
I didn't make any humans, because in my opinion, the few extra mats don't make up for PP regen or seeing traps + HP regen.

However, I've been thinking of trying out a RAmarl. Not 100% sure though.

Also, any character I play, I rarely use PAs or care about elements (unless lvling, then I find an X element weapon). I just look for good %s. Though lately I've been trying out PAs with my hunter.

Kind of wish PAs weren't added. PS0 is my first game with them, so unsure if they were in others. They take fun out of the game, in a way. Force characters not using their techs and they make rares pointless, if you just have a good weapon with a PA.

Jun 16, 2010, 02:47 PM
@ GalaxTheWanderer:
I didn't make any humans, because in my opinion, the few extra mats don't make up for PP regen or seeing traps + HP regen.

However, I've been thinking of trying out a RAmarl. Not 100% sure though.

Also, any character I play, I rarely use PAs or care about elements (unless lvling, then I find an X element weapon). I just look for good %s. Though lately I've been trying out PAs with my hunter.

Kind of wish PAs weren't added. PS0 is my first game with them, so unsure if they were in others. They take fun out of the game, in a way. Force characters not using their techs and they make rares pointless, if you just have a good weapon with a PA.

Oh, I wasn't directing that at you; I was just rephrasing. Wasn't at anyone in particular..
Anyway, so long as this is here..
Trap Visions are cheap, and last most of a mission, until ofc there's a cutscene. That means that the CASTs built in Trap Vision isn't all that useful when you can just buy 10, and never really run out unless you don't ever restock until you run out of Trap Visions.

HP/PP Regen, that I get; But how long does it take to regen HP/PP at the lower levels, where it may very well matter more? A long time. Also, it won't save you in a boss fight, because you'd have to stand still for it to be best, iirc, so that means being a sitting duck...Also there's always the HP/PP Recov unit, and sure, that's -1 slot, but you know..-25 (stat here) isn't going to kill you. 3 Divine/(type here) instead of 4? Not terrible. -2 slots, one for Compress PA and the other for a regen unit, that would be kind of bad, but again, not terrible. I play as humans because I like them, and I didn't choose two for the extra mats; I chose them because I wanted to be different. I'll admit, FOmars are probably around, but RAmars? I don't see many.

EDIT: And PA's were in PSU, just in a different way.

Jun 16, 2010, 03:03 PM
I know you weren't directing it at me. I was just saying why I don't use humans myself.

Good point on the trap visions, but you really don't need any. As soon as you here it, roll and you should be able to avoid it, if timed right. The only traps I hate are those ground square ones, but I rarely ever get trapped by them, let alone have one pop-up.

The PP racial regen + PP regen and cost reducing units = my FOnewearl very rarely ever uses fluids in the ET.

HP/PP regen isn't too useful on bosses, due to movement, I know.


I'll consider remaking my RAcaseal into a RAmarl. It's the only other ranger I care for the looks of. Then again, I also prefer my rangers to always see traps (not needing trap visions). That way they can shoot them, before they're an issue to the group I'm with. But... RAmarls seem to be less common than RAcaseals and have the use of resta and anti.

Jun 16, 2010, 03:07 PM
I know you weren't directing it at me. I was just saying why I don't use humans myself.

Good point on the trap visions, but you really don't need any. As soon as you here it, roll and you should be able to avoid it, if timed right. The only traps I hate are those ground square ones, but I rarely ever get trapped by them, let alone have one pop-up.

The PP racial regen + PP regen and cost reducing units = my FOnewearl very rarely ever uses fluids in the ET.

HP/PP regen isn't too useful on bosses, due to movement, I know.


I'll consider remaking my RAcaseal into a RAmarl. It's the only other ranger I care for the looks of. Then again, I also prefer my rangers to always see traps (not needing trap visions). That way they can shoot them, before they're an issue to the group I'm with. But... RAmarls seem to be less common than RAcaseals and have the use of resta and anti.

Oh, ok.
Anyway, I use a Trap Vision right at the start, every time. That way, I can see traps.
If you were to couple the HP/PP Regen units with the natural HP/PP Regen, then yes it would be good at a boss fight, as they work while your moving at the same rate, AFAIK.
Also, DO EEEET :3
RAmarl is kind of..underused, imo. I've only ever seen ONE.

Jun 16, 2010, 03:25 PM
Now that I think of it, rest and anti > always seeing traps or using traps.
Though I still prefer the look of the RAcaseal, rather than the RAmarl...

RAmarls... I think I've seen a few on Free Play, but they sure aren't common at all.

I should decide quick on if I'll remake her or not. My RAcaseal is who my mag hunt trade thread is for. If I change her, I'll likely change the color I want.

Jun 16, 2010, 04:31 PM
alright... after looking over the gun gallery i noticed most of the guns would look dumb on a big hulky bot so im going with the RAmarl... thank you all for your um all that... 0_0

Jun 16, 2010, 04:35 PM
lol You're welcome.

Now lets all make RAmarls. xD

Jun 16, 2010, 05:01 PM
Let's start a RAmarl club! lol

Jun 16, 2010, 05:11 PM
Let's start a RAmarl club! lol

Yep, we already have a Forces of Nature.
Maybe someone will make the........Rescue Rangers! Heh heh.

Jun 16, 2010, 05:56 PM
Yep, we already have a Forces of Nature.
Maybe someone will make the........Burning Rangers! Heh heh.

Fix'd. :3

Jun 16, 2010, 09:21 PM
Ok. I'll accept that fix. Burning Rangers is much cooler.

Jun 16, 2010, 09:42 PM
Ok. I'll accept that fix. Burning Rangers is much cooler.

Reason for the fix:
Was it not Sega Xtreme who did the soundtrack to PSO? They made an album called Burning Rangers.

So accept it. :-P

Jun 16, 2010, 10:39 PM
Central Dome Fire Swirl...nuf said

A RAmarl clan actually sounds fun tbh...

Jun 17, 2010, 12:28 PM
Burning rangers?! HELL YES!! Now to fill that empty slot on my 2nd card with a RAmarl, log on PSO BB and spam the Burning ranger's disk while playing PSZ. I love that song.

Jun 17, 2010, 12:53 PM
Burning rangers?! HELL YES!! Now to fill that empty slot on my 2nd card with a RAmarl, log on PSO BB and spam the Burning ranger's disk while playing PSZ. I love that song.

I actually know some of the lyrics O.o
I don't know where they are exactly, but when you actually find the enlgish version on Youtube...Even thoug the jp singer sounds better/cooler than the english one <_<

Jun 17, 2010, 01:50 PM
My favorite is still the R&B Burning Rangers theme. In the US version, it's the one that starts when the *Press Start* Title screen comes up, after the animation. And "oh yes" the english version, all the way. It gives me the same fuzzy feeling as hearing the R&B version of "Into Nights" sung by the adults.

Jun 17, 2010, 03:00 PM
*sigh* that song brings back such good memories of PSO...

But yeah...I'm totally down for a RAmarl club. My RAcast isn't that high level and a RAmarl is the only character that I haven't looked into messing around with in terms of builds other than Slicer RAmarl.

Jun 17, 2010, 03:25 PM
I actually deleted my lvl 65 RAcaseal, to make a RAmarl the other day. Still lvl 1. haven't even gone into a game with her, yet. Awaiting on getting her a lvl 100 mag first (first mag in my mag hunt), before doing anything with her.

I'd start the ranger thread myself, but I don't want to do all the things the force thread did. An actual social group, meeting days and times... I'd just do a thread named something like "~BURNING RANGERS~ (the ranger club)", to match the force club thread title.

Jun 17, 2010, 03:39 PM
That'll be cool. Because I certainly don't have time to do another soundtrack or anything, just for fun and flexing. I'm already geared to get started on my business projects.

I'm trying to get geared for some more gameplay sessions with FON, but I'm game for checking with other folks who play outside of those times. More PSZ opportunities is good with me.

Jun 17, 2010, 03:43 PM
I definitely need to build up some items and mags for her but I'm down too. We don't have to be strict with meeting times either

Jun 17, 2010, 03:47 PM
Once/If someone sets up a Burning Rangers group/thread, I imagine a hunter one should be made as well.

Jun 17, 2010, 03:52 PM
Once/If someone sets up a Burning Rangers group/thread, I imagine a hunter one should be made as well.

The thing is, if it's JUST RAmarls, what about the few and far between RAmars? D;

EDIT: Oh and, CAST rangers? D;

Jun 17, 2010, 04:07 PM
If a Burning Rangers group/thread was made, it'd be for all rangers.
Just like the force group is for all kinds of force players.

Jun 17, 2010, 04:08 PM
If a Burning Rangers group/thread was made, it'd be for all rangers.
Just like the force group is for all kinds of force players.

Yes, ftw.

Jun 17, 2010, 04:50 PM
Yeah. RAmars are also pretty scarce. We all know the original burning rangers didn't just consist of Tillis and Chris. There were 3 other rangers, you know. :)

Jun 17, 2010, 06:21 PM
that would be cool...

Less work for me TBH >_>

Jun 18, 2010, 02:07 AM
I see this thread went into the discussion of a ranger group.

Jun 18, 2010, 06:49 AM
Least seen... In order from more frequent to least (those not listed I see regularly)...

RAmarls are uncommon. I sometimes see RAcaseals, RAmars and HUmars (but the latter are incredibly dumb). RAcast, FOmar and FOmarl are rare. And I almost never see HUcaseals or HUmarls.

I also run a RAmarl... Delishus officer uniform...

Jun 18, 2010, 11:13 AM
From most rare to least rare:

I have NEVER seen a FOmarl ever (1st place: Rarest)
FOmars pretty uncommon (2nd place rarity)
HUmarl + RAmarl are not quite as common as the rest of the female characters (3rd place of rarest)
HUnewm + HUnewearl + RAmars will take 4th place in rarest
RAcast takes 5th
RAcaseal will be 6th
FOnewm + FOnewearl + HUmar + HUcast + HUcaseal are 7th and last in rarest (aka most common)

Jun 20, 2010, 05:25 AM
Any of the marl class is very rare I say. Next are the RAmar, which is then followed by RAcaseal and then by all the others

Jun 20, 2010, 08:22 AM
HUmarls and RAmarls are scarce because they are weaker versions of their male counterparts. As a Ranger, why would you want more accuracy, evade, mind, or PP in place of pure power? Rangers naturally have more than enough Hit, EVA is useless when you're in the back lines not getting hit, Mind is useless when you're focus is shooting guns, and PP is easily replenished. I suppose you could try a slicer build with a RAmarl, but a HUnewearl or Force would do it better. The same is the case for HUmarls - weaker version of the male counterpart. If you really want to play something on the Power end of the Hunter scale, you play a HUmar because they have that stat. Heck, if you don't mind sacrificing Techs, you might as well use a CAST. If you want to do a more interesting build, you probably will play HUnewearl because they have the mind/evade/hit for a tech/slicer/dodge/gun build.

Jun 20, 2010, 09:48 AM
I actually saw a RAmarl during Free Play last night. They were running around with a spear.

Jun 20, 2010, 12:46 PM
Agreeing with most of the people on this thread that RAmarls are the rarest. Although I don't see many HUmarls either.
I'm a FOmarl and I see them all the time.
I think sometimes people just don't pay attention to the classes that aren't their own.
Otherwise they are all, "Oh look that's my class too"

Jun 21, 2010, 05:03 PM
RAmarl. They got hit with the nerf bat HARD in this one.

Jun 21, 2010, 06:09 PM
*sigh* Remember when they were essentially the best solo class, Holy Trinity of Ranger weapons, level 20 S/D/J/Z, highest EVP of all characters...I miss those days...

Jun 22, 2010, 09:17 AM
*sigh* Remember when they were essentially the best solo class, Holy Trinity of Ranger weapons, level 20 S/D/J/Z, highest EVP of all characters...I miss those days...I don't. I got sick of their ugly pants and berets being everywhere.

Jun 22, 2010, 09:29 AM
Ramarls suck, i've got mine to lv36 and well.. everything is pointless, considering how awesome they where beforehand.. anyway!

Hunter casts and all rangers i see very little off in free-play (one hucaseal and one racaseal in about 20 free-play games).. its mostly forces i see online, which isnt shocking considering how much they own :/

Jun 22, 2010, 09:47 AM
SEGA ensured that RAmarls would never attain the greatness they had back in PSO, for sure.
Then again, you could see that coming considering what they did with the PSU-equivalent class, the Guntechers. When they first launched them, you could easily see all the adjustments of what they can and can't do, from the get go. You could tell that whatever it was, they were doing everything in their power to not create another PSO RAmarl.

To a degree, you can sort of make a similar RAmarl build in PSP2. Not to the same level of PSO, but perhaps arguably a bit better than today's RAmarl or RAmarl-like class.

Oddly enough, that was my 2nd character in PSO. A RAmarl, because I wanted to give gunners a try, yet I wasn't willing to give up strong techs yet. (I started PSO as a big Force-everything guy). That was pretty much at launch. I had no idea that they'd get as powerful as they could.

Jun 22, 2010, 10:17 AM
SEGA ensured that RAmarls would never attain the greatness they had back in PSO, for sure.
Then again, you could see that coming considering what they did with the PSU-equivalent class, the Guntechers. When they first launched them, you could easily see all the adjustments of what they can and can't do, from the get go. You could tell that whatever it was, they were doing everything in their power to not create another PSO RAmarl.

To a degree, you can sort of make a similar RAmarl build in PSP2. Not to the same level of PSO, but perhaps arguably a bit better than today's RAmarl or RAmarl-like class.

Oddly enough, that was my 2nd character in PSO. A RAmarl, because I wanted to give gunners a try, yet I wasn't willing to give up strong techs yet. (I started PSO as a big Force-everything guy). That was pretty much at launch. I had no idea that they'd get as powerful as they could.

Guntecher :wub:
Yeah, my RAmar hit 95!!!