View Full Version : GC Inquery of a GameCube PSO player.

Jun 19, 2010, 02:51 PM
While I'm definitely more active on private Blue Burst servers, I would find it convenient to have some new quests and ability to trade on my GameCube PSO Ep. 1&2.

I was curious as to how to get quests such as TTF and others available offline. Being as I came in late to the PSO party, the servers and crap were already dead. Though, not like I would have payed-to-play anyway, lol.

That and another most likely 'no duh' question.
My GC PSO game cannot connect online with my Wii's internet capability can it?
I seriously doubt it does, as convenient as that may be. They probably aren't set up for compatibility in those particular areas.

Thank you all for your cooperation.

Vyp "Da Trashcan" or

Jun 19, 2010, 10:09 PM
Getting TTF and other custom quests offline is easily doable. But I'm pretty sure we can't talk about it here. There's a particular subforum at the bottom of that particular private server's forum, everything you need will be there. Hope that makes sense. You'll need a network adapter for your Gamecube and you're all set.

And no, GC's online won't work with Wii.

Jun 20, 2010, 12:25 AM
doubt GC runs off a wifi. so its all hard wired.

Jun 20, 2010, 02:17 PM
Getting TTF and other custom quests offline is easily doable. But I'm pretty sure we can't talk about it here. There's a particular subforum at the bottom of that particular private server's forum, everything you need will be there. Hope that makes sense. You'll need a network adapter for your Gamecube and you're all set.

And no, GC's online won't work with Wii.

Ahh, thank you.
However, I'm pretty sure the aformentioned private server starts with an "S" and ends with a "K", is one I do not play on.

However, I suppose I could try and give that a shot.
As for locating the topic for which to retrieve the quests, I'm sure if I dig enough I could find it.