View Full Version : PSU Xbox 360 Lag Please Help :(

Jun 28, 2010, 01:28 AM
Hi all,

I'm trying to play PSU again on my Xbox and it's not going so well. I attempted this over half a year ago in November and was suffering from unplayable lag. Basically the upload/download icon on the top right of the screen is a bit odd. From start screen to character select its stupidly fast, quicker than my PC. It takes about 5-10 seconds. But the loading times for spawning in any level/lobby whether it be Parum, Moatoob or Clyez City or at a mission select screen takes from 30 seconds to a minute whereas when I played on PC PSU it was 5-15 seconds. PC online games work fine.

In game the blue download icon in top right of screen disappears alot but upload is constant. The first few enemy attacks seem to work fine, as in you hit and it shows damage almost instantly. But after 45 seconds into any game it starts lagging bad, This coincides with the download icon disappearing and damage won't be registered for each enemy hit and then 10-30+ seconds later all damage will just appear in a big group when the download kicks in again. This is very frustrating. I've tried playing at different times, playing at 6am has seemingly worked best but its not very practical gaming time and still lags horifically. I have tried multiple universes, steering clear of the main/full universes.

I've gone onto my router settings and can confirm UPnP is ON, NAT is also enabled. The connection used is phoneline to modem/router then a cable into the back of my Xbox. I have tried replacing this cable and this has had no effect.

I've filled out as much info as I can about my ISP/connection below:

ISP: Supanet (Router settings state - 7616 kbps download and 448 kbps upload) But I average around 1.5mb/s to 6 mb/s download and ~350kb/s upload.
Topology (cable, DSL, ECT.): ADSL2
Modem Manufacture: Netgear Modem Router (Wired)
Modem Model: Netgear DG834
Router Manufacture: Netgear
Router Model: Netgear DG834
Cable/DSL Gateway: If this is Gateway IP Address it would be - however the URL used to access router settings is Router settings state "Get Dynamically From ISP"
Cable/DSL Gateway Model: I don't know, where do I find this info?
Router/Gateway Firmware version: V5.01.14
Wireless/Wired: Wired
Wireless Version (A/B/G/N): N/A
Wireless Security (WEP, WPA, WPA2): N/A
Wireless Security 2 (WPA2/AES, WPA2/TKIP): N/A
Platform (PS2, PS3, Xbox 360, PC): Xbox 360

The router isn't on the Xbox Live compatible list I've found a netgear that is but for £110 I don't think I can justify it. However I have found an FAQ for help:


I've followed the advise opening the specified ports and switching off UPnP as it's not wireless. But its still not making much of a difference, it seemingly does until about 45 seconds into the game, when AGAIN the download icon starts disappearing and it all goes to hell. I have tried restarting my router and it's had no effect. I have disconnected the other PC connected to router and it's had no effect. I've tried different PSU missions and again it's had no effect. I have manually inputted IP and settings to correspond with tweaks done on router and it's had no effect.

Are there other settings I can tweak on router settings?

Please Help!!! :-( At the very least if router/settings tweaks don't work can anyone suggest an affordable wired router that will definately work?!


Jun 30, 2010, 04:55 AM
Ahh ignore this I've gone onto JP PSU :D


Jul 1, 2010, 04:42 AM
np. if you still end up having problems later feel free to ask. I'm a network engineer so I could probably work with you via MSN to setup your router.

Jul 1, 2010, 05:41 AM

That would be awesome if you could, because xbox live is unplayable on any game and even though I probs won't play PSU on 360 I would like to play other games :)

I'll PM you my email.


Jul 2, 2010, 02:42 AM

That would be awesome if you could, because xbox live is unplayable on any game and even though I probs won't play PSU on 360 I would like to play other games :)

I'll PM you my email.


So I sent you a PM. I'm at work right now. It actually works out well for you 'cause I'm in America, I work nights, when I get home it should be your afternoon so we will be able to get together via MSN to work this out. One thing I'll say though is you said UPnP is on, turn it off. It can conflict with port forwarding.

My guess is your NAT is restricted (ports are either blocked or aren't allowing proper UDP/TCP packets through. There's an easy way to test this. Are you working today? (Friday) and if so, what are your working hours?

Jul 17, 2010, 03:32 AM
Wow sorry for not seeing this sooner, I have been trying to juggle two schedules with work and collage together.

Let me know if you want to look in to this more.

Jul 17, 2010, 04:03 AM
So I sent you a PM. I'm at work right now. It actually works out well for you 'cause I'm in America, I work nights, when I get home it should be your afternoon so we will be able to get together via MSN to work this out. One thing I'll say though is you said UPnP is on, turn it off. It can conflict with port forwarding.

My guess is your NAT is restricted (ports are either blocked or aren't allowing proper UDP/TCP packets through. There's an easy way to test this. Are you working today? (Friday) and if so, what are your working hours?

UPnP is what puts a router on the Xbox Live support list, that list has not been updated in almost 4 years from my last reading it and laughing at it.

Now in a DD-WRT environment when you go to the UPnP screen and turn an xbox on you will see that its maps the port through UPnP, if you turn the xbox off the port un maps.

Turning UPnP off will result in the NAT on an xbox 360 and an PS3 to go to strict, the systems can not map their ports.

I have reproduced these issues on about 80 or so routers from every make and model.

I have a $h!t list of routers I normally stay away from.


Routers that I like stock firmware on.


To get on my poop list is not the hardware its the firmware, sometimes a firmware will come out and fix port mapping (UPnP).

The NAT firewall on a router does not know when to distinguish between port a or port b if the firewall does not know what the port is for it will block it.

Sorry to turn over an old thread like this but if I was to guess then there would be something causing lag between the user in the UK to the PSUX servers in California.

Personally I would start off with pingtest.net between your self and a place close to your location then a place in California to see if the ping is ridiculously high, if you are still having problems then try another modem/router combination and see if it helps. as all in one modem/router combos are usually not the best thing to do.

Your Netgear modem/router is what is called a DSL Gateway, which is a pretty word for "Modem with integrated router".

Gateways are usually less reliable and the few that I have had to work with usually had LAG issues with games. The only one that I ever seen that was working good was a discontinued Linksys DSL Gateway.

Last thoughts,

PSUs servers are currently in a state of flux at the moment, I have two ISPs setup here, Frontier and SuddenLink, DSL and Cable BTW. I can see lag between both of them on PSU.

Out of all the Modems I have ever tested with Cable I like the Motorola 6100 DOCSIS 3 modem and for DSL I like the Westel 6100 compact DSL modem. I personally use a modded WRT600N router that I use, and in my LAB I have about 30 routers sitting around, some bricked, some working, some to be sold someday. Getting off subject.

Personally I think its the gateway but you really need to get hold of some other hardware to be able to test because when i have seen this issue it was usually client end network interface equipment.

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