View Full Version : Movie Inception

Jul 4, 2010, 05:04 AM
This movie has got me more excited than a Russian prostitute on a Sunday morning. I can't wait to see it. I'm expecting huge things from this cast and from this director. The storyline for once doesn't seem dumbed down to appeal to the nearest idiot. If this movie holds up to my expectations I may just have a new top 10 in my pocket.

What are your thoughts?

(Site linked here)


Jul 4, 2010, 08:54 AM
First I've heard of it actually. Looks really interesting and...."unique" I think is the right word. Pretty decent cast, I may go and check this one out. Now about that Russian Prostitute on a Sunday morning :o

Jul 4, 2010, 05:11 PM
So pumped to watch this baked...

Jul 4, 2010, 10:09 PM
This is the only movie this summer that has any promise, at all. That's sad. Summer should have more than one "good" non-Pixar movie. (only because Pixar movies are usually awesome)

Jul 5, 2010, 01:11 AM
I'm expecting some decent twists from this movie, and not just in the funky folding landscape.

Jul 5, 2010, 01:40 AM
First, believe me when I say never trust a Russian prostitute on a Sunday morning. At the same time, never trust a prostitute when she says she doesn't have STD's.... HUGE mistake.... :(....

Anyways, the movie seems to have a real and driven plot, not just wish-washy sci-fi settings and imagery. I also am a huge fan of Ken Watanabe in his American appearances. I really can't imagine him volunteering for a bad American film. Letters From Iwo Jima was just too damned good.

Jul 5, 2010, 10:28 AM
Looks pretty good.

It's just a shame that the visuals and soundtrack seem like their ripped straight out of the latest Batman movie. I loved Nolan's work on those films, but hopefully he's not being pigeonholed into using the exact same style in all his works.

Jul 6, 2010, 03:15 AM
Looks pretty good.

It's just a shame that the visuals and soundtrack seem like their ripped straight out of the latest Batman movie. I loved Nolan's work on those films, but hopefully he's not being pigeonholed into using the exact same style in all his works.

I don't really see the visuals as being similar except that they're city-scapes. The music on the other hand, most certainly is similar. It is actually done by the same composer so that makes sense though.

Oh yes, I thought I'd also add this.


Jul 7, 2010, 12:03 AM
I assume that Outrider is talking about the typeface, music and editing of the trailers. It's all very Dark Knight-esque. I'm pretty sure that the typeface is the same for both movies and the music and editing are very similar. I thought the same thing when I first saw the trailer. I wondered why they were advertising the movies the same why. It's my understanding that the movies are very different, but I guess we won't know until the film is released.



I did some research and found this quote which pretty much sums up the posters similarities.

The poster for a movie is an important extension of the film itself. Not only do you want to have a sales impact with cool design, it often helps to brand your film with a similar style as your previous work. The Star Wars posters all followed the same basic form, so audiences would immediately know what they were looking at: a Star Wars product (or Indiana Jones, for that matter). This is a bit different, as it appears the filmmaker is branding himself, but its effect is still valid (if a bit lazy). via: Neatorama (http://www.neatorama.com/2009/12/15/inception-movie-poster-looks-like-dark-knight-poster/)

Jul 7, 2010, 01:46 AM
I assume that Outrider is talking about the typeface, music and editing of the trailers. It's all very Dark Knight-esque. I'm pretty sure that the typeface is the same for both movies and the music and editing are very similar. I thought the same thing when I first saw the trailer. I wondered why they were advertising the movies the same why. It's my understanding that the movies are very different, but I guess we won't know until the film is released.



I did some research and found this quote which pretty much sums up the posters similarities.
via: Neatorama (http://www.neatorama.com/2009/12/15/inception-movie-poster-looks-like-dark-knight-poster/)

It's not uncommon for movie producers and directors to re-use fonts, particularly popular ones. Do a search for Trajan. I worked at a printing company for awhile as their network engineer and Trajan was the running joke. It's basically the font to about 50% of summer movies trailers/posters.

The poster on the other hand is somewhat uncanny. I would assume it's true that he's trying to make the point that this is a Christopher Nolan film but... oh well.

Jul 8, 2010, 07:36 AM
It looks very interesting and alot of the reviews seem to be very positive. It's not out yet over here in Ireland but I will definetly have to make time to see this.

Jul 8, 2010, 10:24 AM
Heard a lot of good things about this movie. I just need to see something that isn't a sequel or animated (or both) for once.

Jul 8, 2010, 02:22 PM

Does Leo's character wear clothes with his name on it? The Joker did. (Or no name self made, unbuttoned 5 sleeve there looks useful) And even though he wore his own clothes, he still got arrested. :(


3D hasn't caught up yet to the movies with expanding it so when they do their "entire world set changes" you won't see it like the press the button 2D -> 3D Super Paper Mario stuff?

Better no 3D than tacked on.