View Full Version : Google PSOBB

Red Ring
Jul 5, 2010, 11:28 AM
Or Type PSOBB into Firefox address bar

Jul 5, 2010, 11:37 AM
yeah, got this:


and this:


Thanks dude, i apreciate your help.

Red Ring
Jul 5, 2010, 11:57 AM
I wish they let western countries play on that.

Jul 5, 2010, 11:59 AM
Comes up with a regular search term. Kind of irronic that the very first match is a private server. The Japanese servers are pretty much a non-factor. They don't want our business, and I hear they even block our credit cards if you try and sign up for them.

Take it with a grain of salt that the JP PSOBB servers have out-lived not only english PSOBB, but also PC/PS2 PSU and will likely outlive PSU XBox360 too.

JPPSOBB is even still receiving regular updates and events... we really are guilty of what is apparently the cardinal unforgiveable sin - we are not Japanese. =(

Jul 5, 2010, 12:28 PM
don't forget to mention that "we" hacked PSO to death

i'm not really surprised they decided to go with a JP-only and rest-of-the-world-server since PSOBB, after all the shit that had happened on PSODC and PSOGC.
I don't want to say that japanese players don't cheat. In fact, i've seen some who did, and i would consider their crazy homebrew quests cheating as well, but 99% of the harmful cheaters who FSODed/corrupted other players came from america/europe.
And seeing that JP PSOBB seemingly still has a big enough palyerbase to get updates from sega makes me wonder if they'll ever decide to make international servers again =/

Jul 5, 2010, 02:26 PM
, but 99% of the harmful cheaters who FSODed/corrupted other players came from america/europe./
So where exactly is this statistic coming from? Does the God-like glow *cough cough* from the far east give you the power to pull facts from you butt?

Jul 5, 2010, 03:39 PM
Most of this is coming from personal experience, and it's really hard to discredit him. I was on Gamecube too and faced the FSODers. I was FSOD'd more times than I care to admit, and it was always english player. Not a single time did a japanese player ever FSOD me - and I spent a LOT of time on the JP ships. Any person that was on Gamecube can confirm that it was the english that were doing the FSODing. You'll be hard pressed to find even a singe case where it wasn't an english player that FSODed you. Believe me Puppet_Papaya, I'm just as ashamed of it as you are. It's not a proud thing for any of us reputable english players.

Note that we are not counting random in-game FSOD that is a result of a game error and not a deliberate attack.

Jul 5, 2010, 03:56 PM
So where exactly is this statistic coming from? Does the God-like glow *cough cough* from the far east give you the power to pull facts from you butt?

as Cranberry said, it's just personal experience.

i've played PSO online from 2004 until.. well, i still play ;)
i spent most of the time on european and japanese servers. going on vega (main US server) was like begging for FSODs, and whenever someone FSODed me (or friends) they were western players. and there were lots of FSODers..
in fact, i can only think of 1 japanese cheater who used FSOD cheats and caused my friend's memory card to corrupt, namely RTS, if you know him...

i don't want to say the majority of the western players were trouble causing assholes, but the few who were definately ruined PSO for thousands of others and are most certainly the reason why Sega decided to seperate the servers, and as a result the reason why PSU and probably any Phantasy Star game in the future sucks/will suck for western players ;(

Jul 6, 2010, 07:40 AM
This is old news though. I signed up for PSOBB Japanese version before it was even released in America/Europe. In fact, I still get e-mail updates weekly from the PSOBB Sega group. I could post them here if you'd like but they're all in Japanese. At the very least I could update you with the newer quest information XD.

On the other hand it should be noted that my time on PSOBB JP was limited. I will say that the player base was not HUGE but maybe that of PSO EP1&2 on the GCN. A small group of dedicated fans who refused to give up. Also there were no major updates. No level cap changes, no new episode or zone types. It was all expanded or new missions that took place on the already defined PSOBB zones. Sometimes it felt a bit uninspired.

That being said it would be nice to have updates. I don't see ANY reason why locally we can't generate more missions. Perhaps that's just me though... I'd have to see the game server code and creation tools..

Jul 6, 2010, 09:03 AM
In JP Blue Burst 6th anniversary, there will be a comeback campaign.

Besides, winners of illustration contest will get all LV30 attack tech disks.

Jul 6, 2010, 07:23 PM
DuRaL, Cranberry, point taken. I've played on DC since release, as well as GC and BB on both Japanses and English versions. I have seen my fair share of carnage. The US ver.2 lobbies were like warzones, I remember. However, you can't deny that the Japanese treat Westerners as if we are second class.

Jul 6, 2010, 07:27 PM
One good thing aboout JPBB servers is that at least they have better drop rates than the private server and the fact that DF isn't combo unlocked which is nice since imo it should not of been combo unlocked.

Jul 6, 2010, 07:44 PM
Thru image search, I got this:



Retell my story about Spread Needle cheapo weap, dropped legit, JP speaking only player with haxed lavis blades ran up and stole it as I killed and got knocked down from Belra ULT arms across room he should have been taking care of.

On Dreamcast.


After the BB official went down, surely I could have added to the surf n turf pic, with BB sucks, now.

BB.co.jp continues going strong. Manga monthly new artwork series on front page, ever more new weapons that change how the game is played, some pretty good ideas that didn't get into the ol Ep 1 & 2 & dumbed down, beta even for a couple years there 4 - outside of Japan.

Jul 6, 2010, 10:02 PM
In JP Blue Burst 6th anniversary, there will be a comeback campaign.

Besides, winners of illustration contest will get all LV30 attack tech disks.

I was reading through the Japanese site now, I don't see any mention of that. I do see thanks for their 6 years, thanks for the 10 years of PSO overall and basically they mentioned PSP2 saying that our growth will continue for another ten years... maybe though. If they do I may come back.

Jul 6, 2010, 11:48 PM
I was reading through the Japanese site now, I don't see any mention of that. I do see thanks for their 6 years, thanks for the 10 years of PSO overall and basically they mentioned PSP2 saying that our growth will continue for another ten years... maybe though. If they do I may come back.


Jul 7, 2010, 01:49 AM

Did you even read this or are you just posting something related to the 6th anniversary? This has nothing to do with a new zone but rather the third Red Box Challenge. Not to be rude but please double check your intel before you post =).

However, to not sound like a fool, I of course could be wrong and have not seen a link on that page but no where on that page you linked does it discuss an actual new episode.

Jul 7, 2010, 06:17 AM
Did you even read this or are you just posting something related to the 6th anniversary? This has nothing to do with a new zone but rather the third Red Box Challenge. Not to be rude but please double check your intel before you post =).

However, to not sound like a fool, I of course could be wrong and have not seen a link on that page but no where on that page you linked does it discuss an actual new episode.
I only mentioned the information about comeback campaign and illustration contest during PSOBB 6th anniversary. Don't misunderstand my post.

Read that Japanese link more carefully, then you should be able to find the information I mentioned. If you keep saying there is no information about comeback campaign and illustration contest at the Japanese link, that only means you are lying, or you can't read Japanese.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with new zone or new episode.

Jul 7, 2010, 06:34 AM
I only mentioned the information about comeback campaign and illustration contest during PSOBB 6th anniversary. Don't misunderstand my post.

Read that Japanese link more carefully, then you should be able to find the information I mentioned. If you keep saying there is no information about comeback campaign and illustration contest at the Japanese link, that only means you are lying, or you can't read Japanese.

Anyway, it has nothing to do with new zone or new episode.

Are you a troll or just an idiot? I really can't decide. The only thing mentioned about a comeback campaign is free play time for new/returning members. It's really not worth mentioning. The way you worded it made it sound like there was new content. My entire post was relevant to new content. Please don't go off on tangents.

Seriously though, everyone here is peaceful. Don't go making statements about peoples abilities or knowledge without having some proof one way or another. Someone misunderstands you, refine what you meant to say so it makes more sense, don't run around insulting people. You just might set off the wrong people like that.