View Full Version : AotI Protranser Armor

Jul 11, 2010, 01:13 AM
Does anyone know any good s rank armor i could use for my cast protranser. money isn't a big problem for me, any help would be helpful.

Jul 11, 2010, 03:15 PM
Rabol Orachio
Red Line

Those are your 4 slot options, although Red Line isnt the most viable option for the money it costs, over a stack for like 17%'s thats a bit high if you ask me.

Green Green Line
Shinowa Line
Rabol Bistat
Rabol Lumirus Ground Only
De Ragan Line Fire Only
Rabol Vijeri Dark Only
Rabol Gerard
Yiel Line
Rabol Yiel

Now Those are all 3 slot armors, some of them have no body slot and some have no head slots. As a Cast PT you will want, an extra slot for your SUV, so I left out any armors that take away the extra slot or arm slots since you probably will be running a ATP Unit of some sorts.

I would say your main choices would go as follows.

Serafi-Senba, I know the Orachio is a better armor as far as stats but it can only be used by the 4 advanced classes Fighgunner, WarTecher, GunTecher, and Protranser, so it leaves little option to switch classes if you plan on switching without having to buy new armor. The Serafi-Senba is a nice 4 slot armor that has very low DFP requirment so you can use it on low level characters, and the best thing is that you can use it on any class. One other thing is the Serafi-Senba board can be found so the armor can be made, thus you can get high percents. The Orachio can only be found so max percents are 30%.

Next you have your 3 slot armors. I prefer a good body slot over a head slot, so Yiel Line, if you can get one for under 20 mil is a nice armor to pick up, after that all the others have similar qualities. Except that Shinow Line. You can find high perect Shinowa's for pretty cheap but it doesnt have a body slot so you cant increase the Element with one of those Rainbow units that are really nice to have.

Remember this about armors most of the damage reduction is due to the percent of the element of the armor, not individual sats such as evp, dfp and such. So any 10star armor with a slightly higher element than lets say a 13 star armor with lower element, will reduce more damage taken. Serafi senba is most versitile and finding high percents of them are ideal and pretty easy to get imho. But for looks the Rabol Orachio cannot be beaten. The Serafi, when you block, has feathers that come out. The Rabol Orachio, its just to hard to explain how awesome the block of that looks, its just awesome. Maybe a mix of Orachio's and Serafi's is what you are looking for.

Jul 11, 2010, 04:20 PM
thx alot