View Full Version : What now?

Jul 20, 2010, 02:29 PM
okay, it's clear to me now thatPhantasy Star Zero a great game but I stuck on a piece in the game: Mother Trinity. I can not beat and I really want.
can someone help me. very stupid but I'm desperate.
I'm level 34 and I am a HUmarl.
I use the weapon most Doppel Scythe
and I have a Larg of level 60 with Native: Obstinate and a Photon Blast: Flozir
and a Othel of level 43 with Nature: Playful and Photon Blast: Pacifal
I'd love for some tips!


Mana Eterni
Jul 20, 2010, 02:31 PM
Orly? Was mother T really that hard on my first time around? o.o

Jul 20, 2010, 02:35 PM
Well, what is it that's giving you the most trouble with her?

Seth Astra
Jul 20, 2010, 02:37 PM
Hmmm... Let's see... First, I must say that a double saber is generally not the best for MT (not dissing the weapon itself, it's my favorite, but it just doesn't do too well on MT). Go for a sword or spear with % in dark. During the first phase, just attack any two of the pieces so that MT comes in close. Also, when she closes in, try and attack from the side, from as far away as possible, so you don't get hit by MT's head smash attacks. The Photon Eraser is difficult to dodge. Just try and learn the timing for the dodge roll. Or, just keep rolling and hope it doesn't hit you. I can't think of much else.

Jul 20, 2010, 02:43 PM
The timing for the Photon Eraser is something like this; Mother Trinity leans back to begin the attack, and all characters are targeted in red. When she lurches forward so that her head is out over the field, the Photon Eraser will strike about one second after she does so. Try to time it based on that.

As far as equipment goes, I have to agree with Seth that a spear or sword on Mother Trinity is probably your best bet. Make sure you have good, grinded armor. If it helps, selecting the tactic "Saftey First" will cause the AI to heal you more often. If all else fails, back out to gain a few more levels and try it again. Hope this helps. :3

Mana Eterni
Jul 20, 2010, 02:48 PM
And just use the PB glitch for Falz

Jul 20, 2010, 02:55 PM
Heh, I wasn't gonna mention Falz. So I guess I should just say that after you're done with Trinity, make sure that you're set to go for another battle immediately afterwards.

And I wouldn't tell him about the glitch. Glitching on the final storyline battle would kinda ruin the experience. :3

Jul 20, 2010, 03:08 PM
for the chess pieces: kill the ones that DO use lazor beams

for mother trinity: don't get hit. she's fairly easy to evade, try no to use use slow weapons. hitting her head does more damage. her head hitting you does more damage. being on her right side corner is also helpful for evading Fury Swipes and facedesk

Jul 20, 2010, 03:11 PM
for the chess pieces: kill the ones that DON'T use lazor beamz

I wasn't aware that some didn't use lasers. o.o

Chaos Rappy
Jul 20, 2010, 03:14 PM
Basically, he means the Knight piece and the Pawn piece (the one that hits the spots in the L-pattern away in front of them with the lightning balls, and the one that swings its claw-like thing in front to attack you physically).

Jul 20, 2010, 03:20 PM
Ah, now I get it. :3

Jul 20, 2010, 03:21 PM
Knight: spawns lighting balls in a L-shaped pattern

Rook: charges his lasers and shootes down rows and columns

Pawn: swings head at melee range. you would think since its a Pawn it only attacks diagonally, not these guys. they attack liek Kings o_O

make it a priority to kill the first two (the laser pieces) as they cause knockdown and do more damage. Pawn gets annoying but not nearly as annoying as the Rook >_>

and seems there is an error in my post, i'll correct that =3

Jul 20, 2010, 03:23 PM
Is it worth mentioning that as he goes up in difficulty levels, his experience is to be more unique? Cuz I have to say that a lot of the bosses' new tricks kinda caught me off guard. D:

Jul 20, 2010, 03:34 PM
MT gets new tricks? maybe i just didn't notice

Chaos Rappy
Jul 20, 2010, 03:37 PM
I don't believe she does, but I know Falz gets a new trick for multiplayer (d` I've got a lovely bunch of BOUNCING BALLS OF DARKNESS, deely-dee...d`), and Humilias gets one for Hard and Super Hard, at the very least, as well as Reyburn IIRC (flying into the ground creating the lava-y ground), however I think Reyburn may have had that move the whole time...

Jul 20, 2010, 03:38 PM
I'm not certain that she does, necessarily. But you never know. For instance, Humilias. His attack pattern changed and he pulled off that move with the floor panels... Maybe not MT, but I wouldn't be surprised if Dark Falz got some new moves.

Jul 20, 2010, 06:21 PM
I always used a hand gun so that I had space to heal and everything. Yes it'd take a little longer but it's a safe method. Just try shooting from far away. Make sure to always heal what ever injury you have. With mates and resta.

Jul 20, 2010, 06:48 PM
Btw, guys, you can't do the Falz Glitch with the story mission. I tried it. The cutscene ruins the glitch. I still got hit.

Jul 20, 2010, 06:49 PM
Okay, fair enough.