View Full Version : leveling

Jul 29, 2010, 07:48 PM
what would be the best way to lvl a fresh newly started newman that has all spells and in the future will be a masterforce with all lvl 50 spells? sounds like a lot but i realy want to do it and i want to find out the fastest way to accomplish this challenge.

Jul 29, 2010, 08:49 PM
For exp start on The Mission Innocent Girl at the GRM Shop until lvl 50 then move to White Beast at the Pavillion Of Air from 50-100 then 100 and higher do seed express S2 at Paracabana Coast which will be the best xp and the best way to level your spells.

CJ Johnny
Jul 29, 2010, 11:05 PM
There is no 'Fast or Best way' in any of the Phantasy Series.

Only a better way, then again.
It all depans on each individual.

With what you've asked.
Assuming you start at Level 1.
And by the time you have all done at 50 Tech's. I mean all.

It should put your charater approx of LV 75 to 80.

After reading the above.
If you really enjoy quick, quick and quick.

HALO Reach should be more suited to you. Coming out Sept 14, 2010

Jul 31, 2010, 04:13 PM
For mission points (AKA Getting Wartecher out of the way), there's White Beast, where you can often find big quick parties, or Egg Thieves (Parum Guardians Branch) which requires a party who know the map. Rare missions give the best MP, Phantom Ruins is number 1 of the four.

For EXP, there's Innocent Girl C; once this becomes long and tedious you can always switch to the hotspots. White Beast again, or SEED Express (B and A rank have ridiculously low level requirements). Once you get past 120, Dark God S2 is nice because of the two bosses, both of which give good EXP. Rare Missions give the best EXP as long as you can tag enemies. Debuffs are nice to use before you go to MF, as you generally won't get booted for running ahead with Jellen & Zoldeel, unlike everyone else with their shotguns and tornoobo dances rudely slaughtering everything.

For tech levelling, most agree on Sakura Blast (Neudaiz, hot spring) for safe spots, predictable Boomas (even on S2) and (on S2 again) a 1 in a million chance at a Milla each run. Alternaticely, SEED Express blocks 1 and 2 have some nice safe spots and predictable pannons/delsabans. Clear those, abandon, repeat. Pal of mine got every spell to 50 by doing that.