View Full Version : Guidance for a Nooblet starting anew

Jul 30, 2010, 02:12 AM
Hello, all. I'm new to posting here at psoworld, but I have scoured these boards for a while now in search of inspiration to play pso once more.

I have a few questions. Hope you guys can help me out.

I hardly ever play video games now (I know, quite sad), but a few of my friends started reminiscing about old games that we used to play, most of them being rpgs. I told them about pso, and they sounded interested. I wanted to know whether or not the offline multiplayer (4 players) for pso is actually fun. I remember doing this occasionally when I played back in the day, but most of my time was spent playing single player. I'd like to bring those old memories back, but I doubt that I would play again if it were just by myself. Is the prospect of four people starting new characters and playing multiplayer to Ultimate plausible without a considerable amount of single player time?

Also, do you think that pso is a game that someone can pick up now and still enjoy? Are there many players who caught on years after the heydays or are the majority of players today the vets from the beginning? Of course, I would like to say, "yes, anyone can pick up and enjoy pso," but I am jaded by my wonderful memories of finding my first musashi and getting pwnd by dark falz's third form.

So, I must inquire, is there any hope for me to play pso once more?

Jul 30, 2010, 02:51 AM
Well, if you liked playing PSO solo, then you're going to love it when you take it up to multiplayer mode. Monsters are harder, EXP is higher, and there's more baddies trying to take you out, and on top of that, you can hunt with some friends, so the grinding feel of the game doesn't get as boring. As for four people starting up new characters, and enjoying the game entirely, yes, it's very possible to do so with very little solo play time needed.

And PSO, if you've experienced it before, is still a game you can pick up and enjoy. Newcomers may have a little trouble dealing with all the aspects at first but once they sink in, that's when the fun begins. Limitless customization makes way to endless ways to tackle the game, and that in turn leads to a lot of fun, solo or with your friends.

And... I believe I've also answered your last question too :P There is hope for you to play PSO again, as long as you can find some friends who are also interested, which from the sounds of it you have.

If offline local play fails you, you can always try private servers. If you've frequented the boards for some time now, I'm sure you're familiar with what can/can't be said about them, but just in case, we can't talk about them, and can only say "Use Google." Sucks, but that's how it breaks down. Good luck :)

Jul 30, 2010, 04:19 AM
The only thing you'd want to do in solo mode would be to unlock all the areas with the host character, otherwise you need to start from forest/temple and unlock them every time you play multi rather than being able to go to whatever area you want from the start.

Red Ring
Jul 30, 2010, 02:09 PM
just got done playing on google psobb server. bought my gear then sold it. played for about a month before I collected all the rares I like to play with. Then realized the game is repetitive and boring and slashing at retarded mobs of ai with best gear in the game gets dull. the game is good for playing every now and then but i feel sorry for people who don't progress in the game as quickly as i do and spend years playing for what took me half a month to achieve. This is about 3rd or 4th time I quit since game came out. Honestly just wanted to relive the feel of the game then realized why I quit in the first place. The game is very predictable once you got all the good rares. Rinse and repeat til you get a life.

I think PSO would be pretty damn boring if it wasn't for looking forward to the rares or somewhat interesting levels and monsters. Once you learn how the monsters behave and have the rares it's pretty pointless.

Jul 30, 2010, 02:30 PM
If you and your friends never plowed through all or most of the content, I'd say you can still reignite that spark and have a ton of fun. I still introduce PSO to friends today and we still have a blast with split-screen multiplayer.

Jul 30, 2010, 03:36 PM
Sadly, a lot of the mechanics and "features" of PSO are designed for multiplayer, which is why single player can be such an annoying experience. Take the falling blocks in the Ruins for example: not a big deal when you have a friend to play with, but annoying as hell if you are playing by yourself.

Bottom line is, if you enjoyed PSO in single player, you will enjoy it in multiplayer even more, even if it is "just" split screen. It is almost a different game in multiplayer, even if it is just two players. It is the way the game was meant to be played. I can't say if your friends will enjoy it though.

Note: you will need to play single player to unlock levels for multiplayer. You cannot permanently unlock levels in multiplayer, at least offline anyways (never played online, yet). You don't want to face bosses in multiplayer anyways since the cameras gets all screwy during boss battles. But if you spend a lot of time in multiplayer, your character will get through the single player rather quickly and easily.

Aug 1, 2010, 05:48 PM
just got done playing on google psobb server. bought my gear then sold it. played for about a month before I collected all the rares I like to play with. Then realized the game is repetitive and boring and slashing at retarded mobs of ai with best gear in the game gets dull. the game is good for playing every now and then but i feel sorry for people who don't progress in the game as quickly as i do and spend years playing for what took me half a month to achieve. This is about 3rd or 4th time I quit since game came out. Honestly just wanted to relive the feel of the game then realized why I quit in the first place. The game is very predictable once you got all the good rares. Rinse and repeat til you get a life.

I think PSO would be pretty damn boring if it wasn't for looking forward to the rares or somewhat interesting levels and monsters. Once you learn how the monsters behave and have the rares it's pretty pointless.

Ummm, the fun part of the game is leveling up your character and finding new gear gradually, feeling your character becoming stronger over time. If you skip past all that, of course it won't be fun. WTF mate.

Aug 1, 2010, 07:26 PM
multiplayer is awesome with this, i have spent 150+hours playing at friends houses playing multi mode. it is the best. As stated above, the only single mode is unlocking areas.

Aug 3, 2010, 06:06 AM
Much appreciated, everyone. I fully expect to play pso at the expense of my grades. And I blame all of you :-P

Aug 3, 2010, 12:08 PM
Much appreciated, everyone. I fully expect to play pso at the expense of my grades. And I blame all of you :-P
your welcome.