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View Full Version : status that flashes different colors

RaTeD R SupErStaR
Aug 7, 2010, 05:05 PM
so i was sitting on the GC 4th floor and this dude next to me, his status was flashing and changing different colors. and it was typin itself. so any idea how to do that?

Aug 7, 2010, 07:23 PM
Chat shortcuts.

Use "/os" to set your online status.

Aug 8, 2010, 03:35 AM
? hows that

Aug 8, 2010, 04:00 AM
in game, just type /os [whatever you want as status] and your status will change to that. for example:

/os gone to lunch
/os went to laundry
/os not here, brb

Or just for fun, like everybody xD:

/os beast women are the best
/os im in ur psu steelin ur rarz
/os i'm with stupid →

Also the colours:

/os {red}Do not read my status!!
/os {gre}Vegetables are good
/os {bla}I'm your father

Combining colours:

/os {blu}Ice {yel}& {red}Fire
/os Current status: {gre}ONLINE
/os {blu}|||{pur}|||{gre}|||{yel}|||{red}MAX!

Aug 8, 2010, 04:29 AM
i see on how that bit works but i am more intriged with the changing clors and flashing at once lol, i know how to change on the fly, but howz to do that XD

Aug 8, 2010, 04:48 AM
Put stuff in your chat shortcuts like Ryudo posted the examples, and alternate them with Shift+ a F key (Shift+F1, then press Shift+F2, and repeat F1; for example)

Aug 8, 2010, 06:20 AM
kool ty but alos is there a way so that u dont have to always hit the F_ keys just like a permenate loop

Aug 8, 2010, 06:35 AM
kool ty but alos is there a way so that u dont have to always hit the F_ keys just like a permenate loop

No, there's not AFAIK. Besides i've never seen a flashing online status o_O

Aug 8, 2010, 07:30 AM
I just saw a "flashing status" a few minutes ago on 4th floor. My guess would be that it's a macro designed to hit all of your /os f1-f12 shortcuts in sequence, and then repeats. The person might be using a keyboard with macro buttons, or possibly a controller with that option.

I haven't really given this much thought, but that's my guess as to how they're doing it while afk.

Aug 8, 2010, 05:29 PM
i'd love to know how to do it as well but its against the rules to openly speak of glitches on forums even if they arent harmful :(

Aug 9, 2010, 10:25 PM
Alright check it out...
Things you'll need:

1: Make sure you haven't typed anything at all since you signed in. So hit the Up arrow on your keyboard and see if you typed anything. If you did, Dashboard it then go to Step 2.
2: Type your desired Text Ex:
/os {blue}Hi (Hit Enter)
/os {red}Hi (Hit Enter)
/os {yellow}Hi (Hit Enter)
3: Now what you do is hold down 'Enter' then the "down" arrow... then all the text should start flashing by on the right side of your screen.(sometimes takes a couple of tries to get it started) Then while holding Enter and the Down arrow and while its flashing hit the Xbox Guide button.

Very similar to the Keyboard glitch for spamming or whatever. Any questions? PM me :D

Aug 10, 2010, 12:30 PM
What are all the possible color codes?

Aug 10, 2010, 03:41 PM
{purple} (like a pink)
{violet} (more of a purple then purple)
{yello} (its like a beige color)

annnnnnd... I think that is it :D

Aug 10, 2010, 05:23 PM
Awesome, thanks for the list!

Aug 10, 2010, 11:44 PM
beige itself is also a color :P lol but im sure its the same as yello :P

Aug 10, 2010, 11:56 PM
Color Codes
{red} - Red
{blu}, {blue} - Blue
{gre}, {green}, {grn}, {gree} - Green
{yel}, {yellow} - Yellow
{ora}, {orange}, {org} - Orange
{pur}, {purple}, {vir} - Purple
{vio}, {violet}, {bro} - Violet *{Bro} is slightly lighter than purple.
{bei}, {beige} - Beige
{gra}, {gray}, {gry}, {bla}, {ble}, {bra} - Gray
{whi}, {white}, {whit} - White
{blk}, {black}, {pla} - Black
{orang} - Pale Orange
{yello} - Off Pink