View Full Version : Game The 3rd Birthday

Aug 11, 2010, 03:54 AM
3rd Birthday...or can also be called Parasite Eve 3 coming soon for the PSP.

Those who have played Parasite Eve 1 and 2 should be familiar with the main character, Aya Brea. The first game '97 introduced us to the mitochondria which where the story revolves around a unique battle system (for its time) while the 2nd game was a bit different and more like it felt like Resident Evil due to its camera angles. Its story is about new mitochondrion creatures and experiments to create new life while being grown in a confined nature like environment.

PE1 Trailer:

PE2 Trailer:

it was only shown briefly on this year's E3 SONY conference so i guess its under the radar for most who weren't familiar with the game.

The 3rd Birthday's battle system is very different from the past 2 games since Aya can now shoot while moving unlike the PE1 and PE2. And as she takes damage, it can be seen from her clothing due to the wear and tear which also means she'll take more damage(?)

Official Site: http://www.square-enix.co.jp/3rd_birthday/




Aug 11, 2010, 09:44 AM
I've always liked the Parasite Eve series, but I think the only people paying attention to this are the old fans of the series, and not much of general gamers. I think partly this is due to the fact that we haven't heard much of anything about the game for a rather long time since its original announcement (as a cell phone game in Japan).

The game really does look interesting, it's just unfortunate that it's just a PSP game, mostly due to the fact that mine has a pretty terrible battery life and doesn't last long when not plugged into a wall (inb4 stuff about brightness settings).

Aug 11, 2010, 10:17 AM
I enjoyed the first Parasite Eve. It was a cool take on a standard RPG (I loved that the setting was modern day NY - it worked out really well.) It's kind of a shame that the battle system was chock full of problems, the worst being that Aya ran way too slow.

I heard that the second was a much better game, but the thematic and stylistic changes that they made to the story and setting turned me off and I had no real interest in tracking it down.

What I've read of this game sounds pretty neat, though. Apparently it's sort of a Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker type game, except you can jump your control from teammate to teammate by having Aya possess them.

Aug 11, 2010, 11:46 AM
I remember watching my friend collect pieces of 'junk' in the first PE to build some super weapon. I always thought it looked cool, but never played it myself. However, I do have a bunch of music from the original score. Great music indeed.

I might look into the new game, but being a PSP game is an instant turn-off for me.

Aug 11, 2010, 06:48 PM
Yeah, I was kind of hoping this game would go to the PS3. I don't play the psp much.

Aug 11, 2010, 07:15 PM
I love PE1 and like PE2, and I am looking forward to this. I don't mind it being on PSP, personally, I"m just glad Square is giving this series another go

Aug 11, 2010, 08:27 PM
Putting sequels to old Playstaion games on PSP just seems like a big prank from Sony.
Sony: "Hey, you guys like Parasite Eve?"
You: "yeah! I loved playing that on PLaystation back in the day! Is there a new one coming for my PS3?"
Sony: "Naw, PSP bro. You like Monster Hunter?"
You "Aww yeah! I remember back on my PS2 I...."
Sony: "PSP, bro. Phantasy Star Universe?"
You: "Yeah....Is there a new one of that too...?"
Sony: "Yeah, on a PSP lalw. Go buy one."

Aug 11, 2010, 09:11 PM
Look, PSP games are cheaper. They have smaller budgets.

Parasite Eve is a series that hasn't had a game in ten years. Odds are we'd never see this game if the only option was a costly PS3 release.

Try to look on the bright side. Handhelds and download titles give certain games a chance they wouldn't have had before.

Aug 11, 2010, 10:07 PM
I think I'd rather see the game be a downloadable title for home consoles, really - the Xbox Live Arcade still gets some pretty impressive, low-budget games onto it (and, in my opinion, has one of the better libraries available to it, even compared to the retail boxed games of some consoles).

Aug 11, 2010, 10:13 PM
I think I'd rather see the game be a downloadable title for home consoles, really - the Xbox Live Arcade still gets some pretty impressive, low-budget games onto it (and, in my opinion, has one of the better libraries available to it, even compared to the retail boxed games of some consoles).

Oh, me too, but Japan loves its multiplayer PSP games, so yeah.

Aug 11, 2010, 10:23 PM
Ah Aya Brea, the first videogame character I actually liked.

I love Parasite Eve, so I'm going to be following this now.

Aug 12, 2010, 08:50 AM
I think I'd rather see the game be a downloadable title for home consoles, really - the Xbox Live Arcade still gets some pretty impressive, low-budget games onto it (and, in my opinion, has one of the better libraries available to it, even compared to the retail boxed games of some consoles).

I fully support this suggestion. I love me some Parasite Eve, but I hate me some PSP controls. I mean shit, If we're getting PS 1 and Dreamcast games as downloadable titles why not let me play PSP games on my PS3. I really like the PSP library too. I was excited to hear Valkyria Chroncles got a sequel, but equally disappointed to hear it was a PSP title.

Aug 12, 2010, 12:28 PM
I've been waiting for this game for awhile. I don't mind that this its PSP, because this system needs some effin' games. Glad SE didn't choose the DS.

For some companies, it's a money thing, and risks. A lot of developers show an interest to making sequels this gen, but it the cost to make them may not get enough profit in the end. The PSP is better to test out popularity of series & sequels. If it sales well, then it shows that a console version has a better chance being suppport by gamers.

I read somewhere Segduh would being VC series back to the PS3, if there's enough people supporting VCII.

Okay, how long has the Castlevania series been stuck to portables? For couple a years already, but Konami is finally giving it a chance to come back to consoles this fall. Hopefully it turns out well.

Aug 12, 2010, 01:33 PM
Personally, I think the PSP needs to hurry up and die. It's been a sinking ship for years. Stop bailing water and let it go already.

Aug 12, 2010, 02:43 PM
So how does the newly revived Playstation Phone (http://kotaku.com/5610661/report-sony-ericsson-making-playstation-phone-based-on-googles-android) concept make you feel?

Aug 12, 2010, 03:27 PM
So how does the newly revived Playstation Phone (http://kotaku.com/5610661/report-sony-ericsson-making-playstation-phone-based-on-googles-android) concept make you feel?

Unless it has a nuclear reactor for a battery, it's going to be miserable. Despite my affinity for the OS itself, Android has the worst power management of all the smartphone OSes. Large high-resolution screens exacerbate the problem. Throw the PSP's already abysmal battery life and processor intensive games in the pot, and you've got a recipe for your means of entertainment and communication lasting about 4 hours before you're bored AND you can't talk to anyone.

It also seems to suffer from the same identity crisis that plagues a lot of Sony products. Apple, Nintendo, and to a lesser extent MS, all have an image associated with their devices. It sounds silly, but it goes a long way. The PS3 and PSP in particular have had a real struggle finding an audience until recently. They are technologically wonderful devices, but it's painfully clear that no one wants to buy a device that's a jack of all trades and a master of none. A PSP/Android mash-up weakens the PSP's already muddled identity.

Aug 12, 2010, 03:40 PM
I can agree with you there. Their identity crisis is because they're too stuck with what they thought made PS2 a major success. A game machine you can play DVDs on, when many people didn't have DVDs.

Now they think a game machine that can handle all kinds of multimedia. Their slogan "It only does everything" also doesn't exactly sell it. They need to get back to basics and say, "Ok folks! This machine is made to play GAMES on it!"

The Nintendo Handhelds thrived on that kind of image. It's a game machine first, anything else a major distant 2nd and everybody knows it.

Still, I'd also love Sony to make updates to the PS3 that add REAL features that affect gameplay. So far, for all my PS3 updates, it pretty much seems like we *got* minis, but almost every other Gaming function Sony has sought more to remove than add. The added functions are mostly for *other* media instead. I can sort of see Netflix, because it's popular on any device that gets it, particularly ones attached to a TV.

They also need to integrate a more robust communication system. Right now, it feels like you have communication when you're on the main menu, and then something completely different once you launch another piece of software. So instead of how Live has consistant communications, the whole time, since the system is turned on, it's like a bunch of different communication protocols barely connected by a thread. Just about the only thing communicated, in more places, is when a friend signs on and off. Not all the time, though.

It's way ahead of the Wii, no doubt. But it really feels like they came from the same source, sans Friend Codes.

PS3 is starting to gain some ground, which is good. But to me, it still puts itself as the Single-player game system, much like the Wii does (outside of local multiplayer, which it has a lot of).

Aug 13, 2010, 11:29 AM
I've been waiting for this game for awhile. I don't mind that this its PSP, because this system needs some effin' games. Glad SE didn't choose the DS.
It probably could've turned out to be pretty amazing if it were a DS game. Square-Enix has published some pretty amazing DS games in the past.

Okay, how long has the Castlevania series been stuck to portables? For couple a years already, but Konami is finally giving it a chance to come back to consoles this fall. Hopefully it turns out well.
Albeit in a completely different formula, yeah. The Metroidvania style, to my understanding, isn't really going to be present in Lords of Shadow - it's going to be more like your Ninja Gaiden/God of War style game.

Which, while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, it's not the reason why people enjoy modern Castlevania (though it could be seen as the logical successor to old-school Castlevania games, when they were more-or-less purely action games).

Aug 13, 2010, 11:55 AM
It probably could've turned out to be pretty amazing if it were a DS game. Square-Enix has published some pretty amazing DS games in the past.

I'll be honest - part of me would like to see a Parasite Eve (or any game, really) that embraces the whole "Final Fantasy VIII meets Resident Evil 2" vibe that I enjoyed in the first game, static backgrounds and all.

That sounds like more of a DS title than anything in this day and age.

Aug 14, 2010, 11:03 PM
Personally, I think the PSP needs to hurry up and die. It's been a sinking ship for years. Stop bailing water and let it go already.
Seems kinda too late to fix the entire control problem, and it wasn't addressed at all with the "GO!" turning it possibly worse like GBA SP from GBAdvance so, agree.

I love PE1 and like PE2, and I am looking forward to this. I don't mind it being on PSP, personally, I"m just glad Square is giving this series another go
Yeah, Squaresoft properties from back then had interesting concepts. Next in line some Vagrant Story perhaps?

Name being an anagram on "Bay Area"?

Wonder how the heck that happened. Nihongo folkmens musta enjoyed the "obon" or Cherry Blossom Festival out this San Fran/San Jose way one year?

Aug 18, 2010, 05:49 PM
Brand new English trailer.


Looks good, narrator could've been better though.

Aug 27, 2010, 05:54 PM
Some brand new info on Aya and the story was released in this weeks issue of Dengeki.
Read the article here: http://www.andriasang.com/e/blog/2010/08/26/3rd_birthday_club_sacrifice

The 3rd Birthday is also confirmed to be released in JPN winter 2010, with a European release set in 2011. Most likely, the US will get it in 2011 as well. This makes me super-duper exicited about the game. X3

Mute City
Aug 27, 2010, 07:37 PM
Personally, I think the PSP needs to hurry up and die. It's been a sinking ship for years. Stop bailing water and let it go already.

Bullshit. The PSP has made Sony a steady stream of income, despite the massive pirating problems. It has seen major releases from both sides of the pond from large franchises and well known studios. Its single handedly responsible for the revival of the Monster Hunter series.
The only time the PSP is going to be let go is when the PSP2 comes out.

You portable gaming haters just need to learn to deal with it.

Aug 27, 2010, 09:43 PM
Bullshit. The PSP has made Sony a steady stream of income, despite the massive pirating problems. It has seen major releases from both sides of the pond from large franchises and well known studios. Its single handedly responsible for the revival of the Monster Hunter series.
The only time the PSP is going to be let go is when the PSP2 comes out.

You portable gaming haters just need to learn to deal with it.

The DS has a commanding 70% market share and a vastly superior library of critically acclaimed games.

The PSP continues to get punished at retail and took half a decade to amass the number of top tier titles it should have had after 18 months.

You may think the PSP is great, but the rest of the world disagrees. Fact.

Mute City
Aug 27, 2010, 10:09 PM
The DS has a commanding 70% market share and a vastly superior library of critically acclaimed games.

The PSP continues to get punished at retail and took half a decade to amass the number of top tier titles it should have had after 18 months.

You may think the PSP is great, but the rest of the world disagrees. Fact.

The PSP has sold ~60mil units world wide. To compare, the GBA sold about 80mil units. For Sony's first foray into the handheld market I'd hardly call that a failure.
The PSP isn't doing DS numbers, but get this no other console is either. Would you call the 360 a failure because its not selling like the DS?
Your opinion ≠ fact. Back it up with some numbers big boy, then we'll talk.

Aug 27, 2010, 10:59 PM
First, don't compare sales numbers between consoles and handhelds; they're vastly different markets. Keep apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

The PSP has sold 60m, yes. However, the DS has sold over 132m and is outselling the PSP nearly 4:1 worldwide as of last week. The PSP is losing ground, and quickly at that.

The PSP's biggest issue is lack of support. The DS and PSP hit retail at roughly the same time, yet the DS library is roughly 1300 games to the PSP's 600. Furthermore, PSP games draw less revenue. Adding the sales figures from the top five selling games for PSP and DS, copies sold are 13m to 99m respectively. In fact, the single top selling DS game, Nintendogs (23m), has sold more than the top ten PSP games combined. It's not just a small margin of victory. The PSP is getting curb stomped.

I hope that's enough numbers for you.

Just because the PSP is a commercial dud doesn't mean that Sony should disappear from the handheld landscape forever. They need to go back to the drawing board and fix the mistakes made with the PSP. I'd like to see a PSP2, but the PSP needs to die first. Similarly, MS's entry into the console market with the original Xbox wasn't a huge success, but that experience enabled them to be more competitive with the 360.

Mute City
Aug 27, 2010, 11:29 PM
First, don't compare sales numbers between consoles and handhelds; they're vastly different markets. Keep apples with apples and oranges with oranges.

The PSP has sold 60m, yes. However, the DS has sold over 132m and is outselling the PSP nearly 4:1 worldwide as of last week. The PSP is losing ground, and quickly at that.

The PSP's biggest issue is lack of support. The DS and PSP hit retail at roughly the same time, yet the DS library is roughly 1300 games to the PSP's 600. Furthermore, PSP games draw less revenue. Adding the sales figures from the top five selling games for PSP and DS, copies sold are 13m to 99m respectively. In fact, the single top selling DS game, Nintendogs (23m), has sold more than the top ten PSP games combined. It's not just a small margin of victory. The PSP is getting curb stomped.

I hope that's enough numbers for you.

Just because the PSP is a commercial dud doesn't mean that Sony should disappear from the handheld landscape forever. They need to go back to the drawing board and fix the mistakes made with the PSP. I'd like to see a PSP2, but the PSP needs to die first. Similarly, MS's entry into the console market with the original Xbox wasn't a huge success, but that experience enabled them to be more competitive with the 360.

You're calling the PSP a commercial dud, which it isn't. Once again, there is no other piece of gaming hardware that has sold like the DS has sold. So the PSP isn't a record breaking machine like the DS, does that mean its a failure? No, it doesn't. Its done very well for itself in markets across the world. Its not a sinking ship, its just not a titanic. Its a modest success, considering Nintendo has had portables on lockdown for decades. PSP games draw enough revenue for Squeenix and other major developers to continue supporting it with entries in major franchises like God of War, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, and more. I don't see how you can call it a failure.
It seems like your logic is that it isn't the top dog in the market, so its auto-fail. I just don't get it.

Aug 28, 2010, 12:09 AM
It's no surprise that God of War, Kingdom Hearts, and MGS all have iterations on PSP. They all began as Sony franchises, and major iterations will probably remain that way. There are certainly offshoots on other platforms (KH 358/2 Days, MGS: Rising, etc.) but proper numbered sequels will most likely stay on Sony systems.

Maybe I'm just competitive by nature, but I don't define scraping by and developers flocking to my competitor's platform as a 'modest success'.

Mute City
Aug 28, 2010, 03:02 AM
It's no surprise that God of War, Kingdom Hearts, and MGS all have iterations on PSP. They all began as Sony franchises, and major iterations will probably remain that way. There are certainly offshoots on other platforms (KH 358/2 Days, MGS: Rising, etc.) but proper numbered sequels will most likely stay on Sony systems.

Maybe I'm just competitive by nature, but I don't define scraping by and developers flocking to my competitor's platform as a 'modest success'.

Well bro, theres obviously no changing your mind. But regardless of what you think, there is still a nice list of games coming to the sinking ship that is the PSP. So either developers have a deathwish, or the PSP must be doing something right, regardless of the fact that they're just scraping by as you say.

Aug 28, 2010, 12:52 PM
Not to interrupt Mute's complete misunderstanding of the importance of software sales over hardware sales in the videogame industry, but...

I figured it was worth linking to this article about how good sales of the 3rd Birthday could lead to a return to the PS3 for the Parasite Eve series:


Joystiq hypothesizes that Kitase might be referring to just bringing the first two Parasite Eve games to PSN, but uh... there's absolutely no reason the included quote would be suggesting that instead of a new entry. So yeah, as usual, don't actually read Joystiq for their insight, writing, or general ability as journalists.

Aug 28, 2010, 06:42 PM
I was thinking about who would be a good English VA for Aya. Nomura stated the JPN version will have Japanese voices, as he feels Japan exels in voice-acting more than any other part of the world. It got me thinking who they'd choose to be Aya's VA in the English version.

Aug 28, 2010, 07:23 PM
Nomura stated the JPN version will have Japanese voices, as he feels Japan exels in voice-acting more than any other part of the world.
Okay they should have that first part

Second part:


But the old dudes with the harsh voices in nihongo are pretty badass. Girls who have to voice break 10 years younger or more, not soo good, lastly DBZ Goku: what a bitch (when he's not saying "Kamehameha!" he does that okay).


Game looks interesting.

Took way to long to get another run and gun with semi auto targeting and weapon swaps quick and easy going on game on the PSP here. Not cumbersome full of herky jerky like a Syphon Filter, but one of these actioners that could pick up a big audience for being similar to something everyone can play and can get a grip on easily, surprising there's such a lack of them on PSP up to now. A licensed movie game tried it too, Predator something, but his lock on laser(sight) beam cannons were said to be way overpowered and you didn't have to do anything else, really.

Aug 29, 2010, 09:54 PM
Let's be honest with ourselves - Aya's just going to wind up being voiced by Jennifer Hale, Jen Taylor, or Wendee Lee.

Aug 29, 2010, 10:05 PM
Actually, I think Kari Wahlgren would be a perfect fit for Aya. Laura Bailey is really good too, but for some reason I can't picture her being the VA for Aya, but who knows? I still like the idea of Kari Wahlgren being Aya's VA.

Aug 30, 2010, 06:22 AM
I don't even remember what Aya sounds like in English. I thought PE2 was awesome and I hope the 3rd one is as good.

Aug 30, 2010, 10:57 AM
I couldn't find her voice actress from the first two games in a one minute search on Google, so I have to assume that it's an impossible task.

Or that I should have done a better search. Either or.

Aug 30, 2010, 09:44 PM
Aya's Voice-actress in PE II was Kathy Sokol. I think that's how it's spelled. I just looked it up.XD

Aug 30, 2010, 11:07 PM
Ohh, this is gonna be so fun.
Never expected a sequel. :o

Sep 26, 2010, 08:10 AM
The Official JP site has been updated with a Trailer and a release date...for Japan at least.


Dec 15, 2010, 12:15 PM
Updated first post with 3rd Birthday Final Trailer.

Dec 15, 2010, 01:26 PM
Let's be honest with ourselves - Aya's just going to wind up being voiced by Jennifer Hale, Jen Taylor, or Wendee Lee.

^ Hehe. I almost always think that. It's amazing that I don't get things confused when I hear the same voice from like 5-6 different characters. Then again, I was pretty fine when like a great number of female characters in Oblivion sounded like Wonder Woman......mainly because they were voiced by Wonder Woman. :) But on the other hand, that does mean a whole lot of voices that aren't Jennifer Hale for a change. :)

Dec 15, 2010, 02:35 PM
Well, uh, considering this game was originally released on the cell phone, I'm glad to take it on the PSP.

The game-play itself looks more action-oriented, which I'm not sure is necessarily a bad thing. The one thing I will definitely miss is the battle music, though, if there is none in this title. The original game was interesting, in the very least, and the chill music mixed with a rather disturbing atmosphere made (in my opinion) a great and effective combination.

On the other hand, I don't know what to expect from game developers nowadays. I don't mean that they're coming out with such inventive and groundbreaking designs for games that my feeble mind can't comprehend them; I'm just very disillusioned by a large portion of games that have been coming out in the past few years. Whether that's the waning of my personal interest in certain genres of games or the change in the industry itself, I'm just not as excited as I used to be about many games that are announced.

Hopefully Parasite Eve: 3rd Birthday will be an enjoyable title. I'm not sure how different it will be from other games, but everyone seems to expect or hope for innovation at every corner. It's good to have throwbacks or games that pay homage to older games, but I've noticed a trend in companies milking that aspect of gaming for their retro-loving audience. On the other side of the spectrum, we have people who claim to be creating fresh styles of game-play with crisp stories to engage their consumers the wondrous world they have created. By now, it seems like if you like a particular type of game or a particular series of games that you'll be satisfied as long as it's popular enough to have spin-offs, rip-offs, and other installments of the series being added at a decent rate. Maybe that's how it always was though, before becoming familiar with the styles of game-play that are present.

That being said, Parasite Eve was a game I enjoyed. I hope that this game is reminiscent of the original Parasite Eve and that I can enjoy it. It looks more like an action game, however, which I also tend to enjoy. Since they're coming out with this for the PSP, I honestly hope they come out with PE 1 & 2 for the PSN before they release 3rd Birthday in the US at least.

Dec 15, 2010, 03:29 PM
Did the game actually release on cell phones? I looked into it last time I read a preview and I can't seem to find any evidence that the cell phone game was finished.

It seems more likely that they cancelled the mobile version in favor of the PSP version.

Dec 15, 2010, 03:43 PM
I got my information from Kotaku, so I'm not entirely sure. I can't really find out much else about it myself, so it would be good if anybody else has sources that they can share to confirm or derail this information.


Dec 15, 2010, 04:36 PM
Apparently it was announced in the Tokyo Game Show Press Kits (from I guess 2009?) that it wouldn't be coming out on mobile phones.

That's just from Wikipedia, though, and without any links referenced.

On the other hand, nobody seems to have any information that the mobile phone game exists outside of the original announcement, so I wouldn't be shocked if it did get cancelled after all. We know the same thing happened with the mobile FFXIII spin-off, so it probably happened here as well.

Dec 15, 2010, 04:41 PM
Though I have to admit. A FFXIII clone did make it to the App Store, courtesy of Gameloft. I heard it was pretty good, but boy does it get real close to a lawsuit. Thing is, different story, different characters, and nothing really easily patented was used. Even if they went as far as copying that *companion character AI stuff* utilized in FFXIII.

Dec 15, 2010, 09:23 PM
After looking more into it, it seem like there's overwhelming evidence that the game did not come out on the cell phone. I'm still not entirely sure, but I think you're right, Outrider. It was still technically proposed to come out on the cell phone beforehand, I just wanted to make the point that the PSP is better than its original alternative.

Dec 15, 2010, 10:00 PM
Yeah, absolutely. I was really just curious about the mobile phone thing because it had been bugging me as well.

Jan 3, 2011, 03:51 PM
Look, PSP games are cheaper. They have smaller budgets.

Parasite Eve is a series that hasn't had a game in ten years. Odds are we'd never see this game if the only option was a costly PS3 release.

Try to look on the bright side. Handhelds and download titles give certain games a chance they wouldn't have had before.


And VC3 is also coming to PSP. The more sales both get the more likely sequels will be on a console.

Jan 3, 2011, 10:54 PM
I'm pretty excited about this game. I'm kind of waiting for it to come down in price while avoiding spoilers. Looking at the trailer though, the story looks like it's going to suck. I couldn't find a copy of parasite eve 1, so I've only played parasite eve 2 and the great thing about the playstation was there were no voices. The game was pretty much all atmosphere and only had a few in game dialog boxes to continue the story. So this better not be a metroid prime to other m transition kind of thing.

The huge problem with the game being on psp is controls. It really pisses me off to no end that sony continues to put the d-pad in the main spot while shifting the analog stick down to the bottom. When holding my psp, I always find in need to tilt it back to get a good grip on it. Also there's no dual analog, so playing 3D games is a pain in the ass (peacewalker, you need to stop to adjust the camera). The pspGo did a good job of having a dock, vga out and bluetooth to be able to convert it to a console, I just hope that if Sony releases a system that has better tv connectivity and better 3D controls.

Also the PSP phone came up in this topic; so far this is the only leaked image of the phone http://touchreviews.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Sony-PSP-Phone.jpg. No analog stick; it's going to freaking suck. My psp doesn't need a phone, it would be nice if they gave an option of a 3G or 4G connection to be integrated in the PSP so you could play multiplayer, internet and skype anywhere.

Jan 4, 2011, 01:00 AM
I picked this up over the New Year's holiday but haven't had a chance to play it yet. The in store demo looked fun and if the game has the same kind of gun modification system the first game had, I'll be a happy camper.