View Full Version : Better late than... nevermind...

Aug 30, 2010, 06:15 PM
I was working at a grocery store for the summer. The same one I've been working at for the past 3 years. No problems whatsoever with anything until this summer...

The second to last week came by, and I was about to start a 4-8pm shift, a(nother) night where I was the only one in the department. As I was about to clock in, that's when the personnel coordinator notices me:

PC: "Have you done your safety training yet?
Me: O_o um... no one told me anything about any safety training whatsoever...
PC: O____o;
(Yes. There was no other way to describe her reaction)

Apparently, I was supposed to do safety training at the beginning of the summer when I started work. The store manager told my (department) manager that I needed to do safety training. My department manager never told me (obviously).

I suppose the phrase "better late than never" could describe this situation, as I did do the training on another day that I was scheduled to work (second to last day that I was scheduled to work before going back to school >>), but if this was something that was required by all associates... can't a little bit more communication... oh who the fuck am I kidding?

Aug 31, 2010, 12:54 PM
Jobs tend to suck. I think that may be part of the moral here.

Aug 31, 2010, 03:18 PM
It happens: Absent-minded supervisor/mgr, tardy relayed memo - communication problems. Just do it & get it over. Some higher-ups can get very anal about missing certain safety training.

Sep 1, 2010, 06:20 PM
Safety training is important, as maybe some martial arts too on the job.

Those bales aren't like boards and can hit back!

Think of it as, you were doing such a good job anyway, plenty safe that they all thought you had the training. And after training you might see you were doing all that good stuff anyway. Or see bad workers not getting the talkings to for being unsafe or helpful.

Sep 1, 2010, 06:57 PM
I'm now in a similar situation.

I'm scheduled to go take a safety test next week on slips, trips, and falls I guess (I got scheduled for the earliest time even though I hate mornings, but whatever, 10AM isn't too bad). Our work season for the main part of the job ends after let's say 12 more shifts per person (of the 4 who do the main part of the job). Our season starts in April, they are just holding this now.

Oh, and I'm quitting as soon as I get a proper job.

Sep 6, 2010, 02:49 PM
Back when I was working for Steak n Shake my general manager never did have me get my tests and certificates saying I was trained in the store (which is required by upper management within like a month of training.) The only reason I ever did take them (about 6 months later) was because they wanted to promote me to training, and when that happens I have to be interviewed by my general manager's boss and even higher ups look at the paperwork for some weird reason, so I needed to be certified in everything to become a trainer (funny thing was, well, actually not really funny at all, I came down with crones disease shortly thereafter, and unable to work because of it, had to quit.)

Sep 6, 2010, 11:34 PM
Back when I was working for Steak n Shake my general manager never did have me get my tests and certificates saying I was trained in the store (which is required by upper management within like a month of training.) The only reason I ever did take them (about 6 months later) was because they wanted to promote me to training, and when that happens I have to be interviewed by my general manager's boss and even higher ups look at the paperwork for some weird reason, so I needed to be certified in everything to become a trainer (funny thing was, well, actually not really funny at all, I came down with crones disease shortly thereafter, and unable to work because of it, had to quit.)

Huh... I just hit assistant at a pizza place, and all that was needed was a clear background check and a few "Okays" from my boss's bosses.

Sep 7, 2010, 12:09 AM
Huh... I just hit assistant at a pizza place, and all that was needed was a clear background check and a few "Okays" from my boss's bosses.

It's a company policy, not state-enforced or anything. Though if you want an example of something that is supposed to be at least county enforced in my area, here's one: damn near everyone is behind on their hep A shots. Absolutely everyone in the food industry in Saint Louis county needs to have Hep A shots. The managers really don't give a damn. Everyone gets the first portion when they are hired. No one ever goes through the 2nd one later.