View Full Version : why do they look french pirates?

Aug 31, 2010, 12:25 AM
so... they added humans to the game..... why do they look french pirates? so whats next? psp3 will have bat people, and a sub newman species of ninjas?(ninjutsu arts instead of force tech)

i just don't see why french humans deserve there own "class"

Aug 31, 2010, 12:27 AM
are DUMANS...............

and basically newman and beast are subspecies from humans...

also...ask the designers why they make them like "pirates"....

oh yeah...the story of psp2infinity has something to do with this race and they are beings with dark/SEED influences so thats make them unique....

did you read something of infinity or you just find the pictures and......"wtf, human pirates"....dŽuh

Aug 31, 2010, 12:28 AM
By adding, you mean the Dumans for the Infinity expansion? Your post is a headache.

Humans were always there, Dumans which is the mutated humans with eye patches are the new ones. And if anything, they could look more like vampires than french people.

Aug 31, 2010, 12:35 AM
? Your post is a headache..

iŽll second that

and yeah....the first picture i saw of dumans they look more like raphael on soul calibur 4 and castlevania alucard/ Vampire like

Aug 31, 2010, 12:51 AM
i just dont see why they would add another human race, all of these races are made by humans. why not add a race that has not been influenced by humans at all?

i think there was an ancient race before humans where around right? why not have them appear from a chamber.

there story? we need to finish what we started! destroy ALL the seed.
backstory? they found the seed and enhanced it to try and make a new form of power, it fought back and almost killed them all. leading to sealing themselves away.

how does infinity take place? TIME-LOOPS
becuase as we all know... time is not a line, its a circle... thats why clocks are round.

what does this race look like? good question, cute sea creature girls/ squid guys aka squiggly race (for lols)

as you can see french pirates(from the 16 sentry) is just another bleh, another human.

look what sega did to my newmans, they made them almost identical to humans. now they add dumans...

Aug 31, 2010, 12:54 AM
Well seeing how the Idea for all the other races were based off humans its only natural that mutations would happen. Whats really shocking is how long Sega took to put something like this in the game.

Aug 31, 2010, 01:09 AM
duman would be a great idea if they looked different from humans. but all they added was an eye-patch and make them, have from my understanding, have paper for a line of defense. hell maybe add some del saber look to them like dark armor or maybe a different pigment in there skin(adjustable i know but still). maybe since its seed go with a plant look. all i see is old french clothing and an eyepatch...

don't get me wrong though, maybe they will have interesting traits that are not available yet.
like maybe they can make monsters temporarily on your side by some mind control.

Aug 31, 2010, 01:18 AM
I miss the way Casts looked back in the day...IMO they look "TOO HUMAN" now lol
I do wish they would make some sort of alien race to play as. Like a hybrid of one of the species of Phantasy Star and a Human...Could be wicked and interesting

Aug 31, 2010, 01:23 AM
So am I the only one who thinks the male Duman looks like a Bull Fighter?

Aug 31, 2010, 01:27 AM
yeah casts looked more like robots back in the day than cyborgs. newmans have improve in looks from back then but now there just humans with a little more tech. i mean newmans have been F*@ked over from pso to nowadays. cast now can be a force type.... WTH, newmans where they best now its a choice of what cloths to ware. you want a suit or a kimono? thats how you decide from humans and newmans.

Aug 31, 2010, 01:27 AM
So am I the only one who thinks the male Duman looks like a Bull Fighter?

Nope, they totally do haha

Aug 31, 2010, 01:41 AM
So am I the only one who thinks the male Duman looks like a Bull Fighter?

this was what i was waiting for, i have been saying french pirates. no one corrected me in tell now :D

what i find odd is the duman girl with the katana doesn't look anything like that.

i'll respect this game if you can finally play on the somewhat dark side of things or maybe co-op story mode. that would be great.

Aug 31, 2010, 01:45 AM
this was what i was waiting for, i have been saying french pirates. no one corrected me in tell now :D

what i find odd is the duman girl with the katana doesn't look anything like that.

i'll respect this game if you can finally play on the somewhat dark side of things or maybe co-op story mode. that would be great.

Well, she's an NPC and a main character, so she's going to look a little different.

Same with Lou and other Casts (Tiny differences), and Leo, Tonnio, and Laia compared to other Beasts. There are going to be tiny differences that'll separate them.

...Though it would be fun if the game gave you a choice if you wanted to be on the good or bad side. Honestly, I'd rather play as a Rogue than a Guardian any day.

Bad guys ALWAYS have the best theme songs.

Aug 31, 2010, 01:51 AM
YUS always, it would be great to get different weapons based off of good or bad endings. maybe do a sa2 thing and have a true ending O.O

Aug 31, 2010, 01:54 AM
I like the outfit designs of the new dumans have. Hopefully they'll have outfits you can get for your character based of them. Other then that I don't really like the dumans. They look like most things I dislike, vampires and pirates.

Aug 31, 2010, 02:01 AM
I like the outfit designs of the new dumans have. Hopefully they'll have outfits you can get for your character based of them. Other then that I don't really like the dumans. They look like most things I dislike, vampires and pirates.

could be worse... they could be glittery pirates.

Aug 31, 2010, 08:02 AM
omg don't even get me started on glittering crap.....
but you're right that would be worse. I just saw the males, someone hide the bulls!

Aug 31, 2010, 09:26 AM
All the races are human except maybe the Casts.
But you split hairs they are all human.

Aug 31, 2010, 09:32 AM
To me, just from the pics, I was thinking the Dumans were the Alucard race. (Yep. Alucard has his own race now)

So I guess we'll see folks jumping 3 stories high. Yelling Soul Steal! And when they enter a shop to buy something they say, "I like this."

Of course, I'm kidding around, but I'm a bit curious as to how in the world they'll actually be unique enough to really add to the gameplay. If not, they might as well be humans made with larger options for skin color and new outfit choices.

Aug 31, 2010, 09:36 AM
Hey,it could be worse.What I don't get is the weird naming sense,Dumans? They could have think of a better sounding name.I guess next we'll see an official seed/human or variant Helga-ish playable character.

Aug 31, 2010, 09:07 PM
helga like .hack? that would be awesome

Aug 31, 2010, 09:23 PM
They meant Helga Neumann. But yes, .hack Helga is awesome.