View Full Version : Formalhaut , some weird server =\

Mar 8, 2003, 02:14 PM
A mate of mine has just got pso and managed to set everything up except when he goes online he can only choose 1 server called Formalhaut or something : i looked through all the jp, eu, and us servers for one called formalhaut, but no such luck , has anyone else had the same problem and know how to fix it, cheers!

Mar 8, 2003, 02:30 PM
i had that problem for a while all that was listed was 01/EU Formalhaut

Formalhaut is the Gamecube equivalent of the dreamcast ship Miranda, as its the 50Hz ship just like on DC PSO you can not play with 60hz players if your gamecube is running at 50hz, as this causes problems with online play.
To get round this your mate needs an RGB lead on the back of his Gamecube, then he needs to Hold down B whil the gamecube starts, until the select 50/60Hz screen appears, selecting 60Hz will bring up the normal ship list this may work witht he normal AV lead.

Mar 8, 2003, 03:04 PM
omg why didnt i think of that !! of course , you genious you !! thanks!

Mar 8, 2003, 05:21 PM
You don't need an RGB cable, only a PAL60 compatible telly. As long as he's not using a crappy portable telly, he'll be OK.