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Sep 6, 2010, 02:29 AM

Heavy doesn't need it, but gets the help.
Spy fried like a potater










Gaga Doukens the Strongest Styles







Roygbiv-BRITE snuck in to make me blend in. dang.


AIR Bizenders




Earning the right, to bling it up.



Miku Rockin no Leeku required
Black Rock
Space rock - SEGA alien viral advertize







^ Try to see the in air hug capture kodak momento.







^Forreal though












Misc. :ducky: couples



^Emperor's nude clothes?



^double date look closely to the NE of first 2








GGBB Vermillionaire 2010 : Fighting, Keep Rockin... BABY









Stack that :cheese:







Sep 6, 2010, 07:05 AM
Sweet pics, send me to one of those conventions!

There's usually one in uh Indiana that some friends go to yearly, never been able to make it once myself.
Looks like you had a blast!

Sep 6, 2010, 01:11 PM
you meet to many pretty woman Haya

Sep 6, 2010, 04:18 PM
Yeah, Deadpool pretty hot.
Zooming in that's an actual pack of smokes on the helmet?

Also hottest parts of the day, Yellow cat biker helmet head to toe leather suit girl, completely dedicated.

Sep 6, 2010, 04:20 PM
One of these days I'll need to scour the ani-netz for a character I actually look like and go to a cosplay event for shits and giggles. Need to find someone with a handlebar mustache, since I have one now.

Sep 6, 2010, 04:23 PM
Need to find someone with a handlebar mustache, since I have one now.
Hot damn diggity dog. Picture confirmation when you feel up to it.

Like so:


or what?! :wacko:

Lord Ozai Fire Nation had the clip on. Pretty cool, I told em as much, then he liked mine for being real, so one day, both me and that Ronin Coop, gonna rival his. Grow em out for the chin Samson power.


There's always amazing things. I should have bought a GitShell:SAC 2nd.Gig like 150 page art book, $15. RLY
Kicked the crap outta $40 for a Street Fighter one. But I guess I didn't prioritize the moneys and ended up near penniless.

Jar of crunchy rice? choco cookies, Deaf Mutes Laughing man Logo tin only $4, sale. And the cookies, still good.

Sep 6, 2010, 04:42 PM
There. Just took this, so no getting pretty or some shit. Also, I believe I just completely fucked up the SD card, as now none of the pictures or videos are on there. This sucks, because I had a shit ton of videos from the Japanese Festival yesterday that I took for my friend. There was also a bunch of crap my mother had taken as well, and now it's all gone. Probably had something to do with the fucking spring loaded SD entry in the camera that kept popping the SD card back out when I was trying to put it in. The camera is also reading different images on the card than the PC now. Fuck.

Update: Woo, not my fault after all. Turns out mom formatted the damn thing, somehow thinking it would make the images the camera took look clearer. They've been super fuzzy lately for some reason. That said, that's quite a lot of video I lost. Probably about 40 minutes of various stuff, from taiko drum shows to traditional Japanese dance (I guess I should make clear this was not an anime festival, but a genuine Japanese cultural festival, focusing mostly on the traditional arts.) Sure, it was shitty quality, but it was better than nothing.

Sep 6, 2010, 05:09 PM

I feel for you. Especially for having asked, like for a pic of said thing when you felt up to it, did not need to be immediate. I can be blamed here, but it doesn't help matters of much more importance.

I dropped my camera and it said all pictures gone myself the other day during. Luckily and miraculously, popping out and back in when camera off then restart camera let everything come back.

Definitely hope you can recover your media in any way as well. :(


Also deleting some is making unreadable filetypes on my card, then deleting those from the card and restarting camera later, they're there, or twice as much.

SOB, tech camera shit.

Sep 6, 2010, 05:11 PM
Looks like you posted just as I made the update, turns out it wasn't mah fault. Check previous post for the update.

Wasn't that big a deal to take it immediately, we keep the camera right next to the laptop since the SD card can plug directly into it, and half the time gets left in there. So it was right in front of me.

Sep 6, 2010, 05:13 PM
Yeah, Still kinda a major drag. Let your mom know about "format" = term for erase, clean wipe, and all should be good next time around.

An "Oban Festival" perhaps? Late for Cherry Blossom one, I would think.

Sep 6, 2010, 05:24 PM
Trust me, I let her know as soon as she told me.

The festival actually used to be timed to coincide with the Cherry Blossom festival in Japan (especially considering the Missouri Botanical Gardens have many cherry blossom trees. I think we may have the largest Japanese gardens in the US. We've had the Emperor of Japan come a few times.) However, the Gardens had to keep changing schedule every year (this has been going on for quite a while.) One year it was even in October. Anyhow, the date is never set year to year, but they did turn around and make a new Cherry Blossom festival on the proper day. There's just not as much to see as at the cultural festival.

We also have a Chinese festival as well, but that was earlier in the year I think (yes, there's a chinese garden, also a victorian, some sort of middle eastern one, and a few other various types.) The park itself is one of the largest US Gardens as well (though not THE largest.)

Sep 7, 2010, 12:15 AM
Definitely have to do more of those. Cultural festivals whether one singular or everyone hoedown, always a great time, and can eat several ethnic dishes the same day. Prepare a stomach for it, and don't mix too crazy, ya know. Heh, one related topic outta this thread title? No way man, no way.

Junk be buyin and got bought:


Non poseable really? No need. I'll turn around and he'll be gone.

Sunglasses 8) = :cool:




Black MG Spiegel lookin out of that Guyver, but from G Gundam, maybe next time. $26-28 ish, or so. And not as many wacky weapons. Whip and double reds?! Sign me up even if the pilot is an emo breakdown Shinji kinda wimpery non bro. (I still hope he's not)



Some others don't have pics of yet. Posters. A set of Wolfwood story with poster.

Sep 7, 2010, 03:18 AM
Great shots!
Oh! What is the entriely green person from, by the way? I saw one of those cosplays recently, as well as an all black one, in a similar manner.

Sep 8, 2010, 10:24 AM

Black MG Spiegel lookin out of that Guyver, but from G Gundam, maybe next time. $26-28 ish, or so. And not as many wacky weapons. Whip and double reds?! Sign me up even if the pilot is an emo breakdown Shinji kinda wimpery non bro. (I still hope he's not)


The relationship of pilots is:

Schwarz Bruder >>>>> Setsuna F Seiei >>> Shinji Ikari
True story.

Anyhow, Setsuna's not all that interesting or cool, but he does scream "GUNDAAAAAAM" more than any other protagonist, and allegedly marries the Gundam at the end of Season 1. Oh, and his name in Japanese is the most irritating name I've ever seen to write, 刹那Fセイエイ. THREE DIFFERENT WRITING SYSTEMS!? Madness.

... I woulda gotten the Spiegel myself, but that's prolly also because I just finished rewatching G Gundam as well...

Sep 8, 2010, 02:49 PM
Shopkeep saying this is the remade to MG(rade) Spiegel, 1st time. Gotta paint a few yourself, figures, cockpit speedster thing for him and the girl as well.

Was a cockpit entry flipdown shown on back. If only, some more G Gundam to choose from! :( Or translucent, solid color blade or something, eyes on helmet. That would have sealed the deal. Shiny stuff. But also low funds.

Batman vs Predator Fan movie, 2 hours and half of action, kinda a rip, $15.
"NOOOO!" like Guile to M.Bison.

Sep 8, 2010, 06:10 PM
Shopkeep saying this is the remade to MG(rade) Spiegel, 1st time. Gotta paint a few yourself, figures, cockpit speedster thing for him and the girl as well.

Was a cockpit entry flipdown shown on back. If only, some more G Gundam to choose from! :( Or translucent, solid color blade or something, eyes on helmet. That would have sealed the deal. Shiny stuff. But also low funds.

Batman vs Predator Fan movie, 2 hours and half of action, kinda a rip, $15.
"NOOOO!" like Guile to M.Bison.
There's quite a few Mobile Fighter G Gundam model kits of 1/144 (High Grade) and 1/100 (Master Grade) scale to get. 83 I know that in the last few months I've gotten an (as of yet unopened) G Gundam 1/144. It's a relatively new kit.

Where the 1/100 G Gundam models are concerned, there's Shining, God, Spiegel, Master, 30th Anniversary God (exact same kit, with some clear parts), and the special edition Hyper Mode God and Master ones.

Of course, being Master Grades, you'll end up with a bunch of figures you'll probably never do anything with (WHY DO THEY HAVE TO BE PAINTED ARGH), but I figure it's worth mentioning. Just something to think about once funds have recovered to normal levels.

Sep 8, 2010, 07:10 PM
Hayabusa is pretty in pink.


HOLY CRAP that girl in the background and I could be best friends. I'm pretty sure I own most of what she's wearing, although she needs to lay off the neck jewelry. 4 necklaces = interesting. 26 necklaces = way overdone.

Pimpin' all over the world.[/spoiler-box]

Sep 8, 2010, 08:42 PM
Great shots!
Oh! What is the entriely green person from, by the way? I saw one of those cosplays recently, as well as an all black one, in a similar manner.
I don't particularly know myself!

Maybe his arms grow back too!


Yeah Alnet, must save up for next one but actually they're doing it again in January here. Possibly same vendors. So go back to that Gundam store, with nice shopkeeps, girl and guy, lotsa stuff. Yuppie stuff like Tails Slippers next to uh body pillows that were a big talking point to people, among Gundam wall. Through you, and also having too many already, I avoided all the Gundam Wing! Small but enough, Victory.

G Gundam comeback apparently.


Tessu knows about tha Gaga,
grabbing me when I didn't even ask,
she soon passed out laid out on a bench,

not quite the GAGA of :witch: land Otakon super _luu met. Dem witches:


Yeah, she was doing too much! Psssh. So maybe she wouldn't be half as cool a friend as you Tess.

Last face, at least different, but kinda tired as crap by then.

Sep 11, 2010, 10:56 PM
Shino >>> (| Found it! |)