View Full Version : Urgent warning to all users of Nexus VMU's

Mar 4, 2001, 01:07 PM
There's something to be said of the multitude of warnings regarding the qualify of off-brand VMU's. While data integrity has never been a problem, getting my PC to recognize my Nexus 4X card has been.

After trying desperately to back up my save via email (which didn't work, since I'm a poor little Broadband user), I thought I'd try connecting the Nexus to the PC for the 2307503298572th time. Don't ask how I got it to work, but it did. Let my mistake be your lesson:

Never, ever, EVER, E*V*E*R use the Nexus DC Linker software to delete files!!!!!!!!! ONLY use the Dreamcast's file manager for deleting saves!!!!

Before copying my PSO save to the hard drive, I thought I'd copy some other file first, in case some glitch corrupted it. Copying my Bangaioh save from Page 4 worked great, so I proceeded to delete it from the VMU......which somehow deleted my PSO save on Page 1!

Near as I can tell, the VMU defaults to Page 1 after completing an operation. The file that I was deleting LOOKED like my Bangaioh save....alas!

*waves bye to Lv69 Ranger* There go 183 hours down the toilet! If you use a Nexus or Pelican product, or any VMU that enables PC connectivity, place your primary save on some page BESIDES Page 1. If someone reads this and even remotely knows what I'm talking about, please post a reply or write me at [email protected]. It'd be great to know that my loss wasn't COMPLETELY for nothing......

Mar 4, 2001, 03:37 PM
I hate to hear those kind of stories. Its sad because all that time and one little glitch ruins the whole process. I feel your pain, but you got to come back in the game and triumph over all glitches !!

Mar 4, 2001, 09:51 PM
I'm not out of the game by a long shot! It's nearly 1:00 pm now. I aim to be at Lv30 before I go to bed tonight http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_smile.gif