View Full Version : Dungeon Defenders (Game)

Sep 15, 2010, 01:14 AM
So, I only just found out about this game today, and it looks promising. Thought I'd let you guys know:


Basically it's your classic Action RPG bred with Tower Defense. Each of the four classes has access to various towers and skills, and you work as a team (4 player co-op, offline or online, with online having 2 player local splitscreen capablities (!!!!!!)) to defend your...base...or whatever.

I'm not a fan of Tower Defense games, but I can appreciate 4 player co-op hack n' slash, and from what little research I've done, it sounds like the player has quite a bit of control over their build, allowing you to focus on tower defense, or hack and slash based approaches. Also, ala PSO, armor has no effect on your character's appearance, only the weapon does. You've got access to familiars, multiple weapon types with individual stats (for instance, guns have reload speeds, magazine capacities, fire rates, etc) and according to the dev's, about 40 hours of gameplay just to max your character, though apparently you can also upgrade/level up your equipment in some fashion. Also, your player transfers over to everything, so a character started in single player can go to local co-op, or online.

They're also talking about adding a lot of DLC, including a PvP mode that would involve players not only defending their own bases, but sending out waves of enemies to their opponents, or (i assume) taking the fight to them.

It's definitely coming out for PC (Steam DL confirmed), PS3, and 360. Supposedly theres some commotion of PS3-PC being able to play together, dunno how true that is though. Current tentative release date is November 1st.

It has a lot of potential, though my first impression is that some of the combat feels "soft" from the video. I love co-op hack-n-slash's though, and my brother loves tower defense games, so this shit was made for us. Also, replayability is a must for me, and 40 hours per character seems to be as much as you can ask for in this day and age, so thats a plus as well.

But yeah, just thought I'd fill you guys in on this, if it keeps looking up for this little gem it'll probably turn into a day one purchase.

Sep 15, 2010, 02:36 AM
Looks pretty fun! I'm gonna have to save up my money (hard to do when you're unemployed, lol ;_; ) for all these games that are coming out lately... and a new TV too, I think mine's trying to die on me... and a new PC, mine's 5 years old now... @_@