View Full Version : Mission magashi plan, side story

Sep 22, 2010, 01:01 PM
I want to confirm a few things

1. Is the drop rate really higher - that is what it says during the into to the mission, but it's tough to tell...

2. In the last room, or the last block (escape) - the SEED Venas - better to wear fire armor to prevent getting one shotted, or dark armor vs his melee arracks

3. What's a "good" time to be completeing this mission in? I'm at 25+ minutes, and that seems, long, but there are a LOT of enemies...

Sep 22, 2010, 01:54 PM
1) The drop rate in the end boxes is higher than a normal mission. The creature drop rate seems higher, but that could just be because you kill more creatures in a shorter amount of time thanks to their reduced HP. I know I've gotten more Melan Fists and Knuckles (5) in Magashi Plan than I've ever gotten from Bladed Legacy (0) or Citadel of Sand (haven't even seen the rare map)

2) I wear dark armor for the entire run. I guess fire armor is fine too, but the Seed Venas dies pretty quickly IMO, so I never really thought about it. If I were to switch armors, I would wear fire for the first block (Drua Gohra) and dark armor for the rest of the run. The Bafal Bragga, die before they even have a chance to do anything and the Bil de Vear are less of a problem than the Carriguine. Of course if you get the Bil de Melan or the Jaggo map, you might want to swap off of the dark armor to a neutral armor, but even then I really wouldn't bother.

3) I normally finish between 20 and 25 minutes. It's a pretty long run, and you can't skip spawns. Remember you aren't comparing this to White Beast (a three block mission where you can skip 50% of the enemies) or Seed Express (again, three blocks and skip 30~40% of the enemies). Not only that, but you are forced to wait two minutes each run for Magashi to run around like an idiot and hit you.

You should be hitting block B-2 (galdeen and Vanda room) somewhere between 8~12 minutes.
Then you will probably get into the Magashi Fight between 12~15 minutes
Start the gaozoran room 14~18 minutes
Start the final push 17~21 minutes
Finish the run 20~26 minutes

Sep 22, 2010, 04:52 PM
1) The drop rate in the end boxes is higher than a normal mission. The creature drop rate seems higher, but that could just be because you kill more creatures in a shorter amount of time thanks to their reduced HP. I know I've gotten more Melan Fists and Knuckles (5) in Magashi Plan than I've ever gotten from Bladed Legacy (0) or Citadel of Sand (haven't even seen the rare map)

Who many kubara whips (which is what I am hunting...

2) I wear dark armor for the entire run. I guess fire armor is fine too, but the Seed Venas dies pretty quickly IMO, so I never really thought about it. If I were to switch armors, I would wear fire for the first block (Drua Gohra) and dark armor for the rest of the run. The Bafal Bragga, die before they even have a chance to do anything and the Bil de Vear are less of a problem than the Carriguine. Of course if you get the Bil de Melan or the Jaggo map, you might want to swap off of the dark armor to a neutral armor, but even then I really wouldn't bother.

Maybe I need a better strategy for the Bafal. I have been using yo-yo daggers, to keep them stunlocked (alos works on dru gohra). I'm assuming you use majarra on everything?

3) I normally finish between 20 and 25 minutes. It's a pretty long run, and you can't skip spawns. Remember you aren't comparing this to White Beast (a three block mission where you can skip 50% of the enemies) or Seed Express (again, three blocks and skip 30~40% of the enemies). Not only that, but you are forced to wait two minutes each run for Magashi to run around like an idiot and hit you.

You should be hitting block B-2 (galdeen and Vanda room) somewhere between 8~12 minutes.
Then you will probably get into the Magashi Fight between 12~15 minutes
Start the gaozoran room 14~18 minutes
Start the final push 17~21 minutes
Finish the run 20~26 minutes

ok, so I'm a little slow, but not painfully slow. remember I am not a fightmaster. And I don't have 50% weapons (though they are all decent percents)

Sep 22, 2010, 05:39 PM
Who many kubara whips (which is what I am hunting...

12 or 13. I don't really keep track of the whips.

Maybe I need a better strategy for the Bafal. I have been using yo-yo daggers, to keep them stunlocked (alos works on dru gohra). I'm assuming you use majarra on everything?

Rising Strike as an Acrofighter. Shotgun as a Gunmaster. I don't run it as a fighmaster very often, but when I do, I'm either using Spiral Dance or Anga Dugrega.

Gunmaster (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G2hZDpkZOWs&fmt=22#t=5m26s)

If you want, I can make a video of Acrofighter (human female) or any other class. It's not really anything complex though.

ok, so I'm a little slow, but not painfully slow. remember I am not a fightmaster. And I don't have 50% weapons (though they are all decent percents)

My human female acrofighter can finish it in 25 minutes pretty easily.

Also, as you can see if you watch the entire Gunmaster video, I spend lots of time standing around switching elements on my weapons. :)

Sep 22, 2010, 06:09 PM
awesome. love to see AF video as well! Are you GAS'd out?

ok - I need to get Invicibility Beast. it is becoming clear that this would be helpful. Power beast is a waste

Sep 22, 2010, 09:02 PM
awesome. love to see AF video as well! Are you GAS'd out?

She's level 177 in the video and this is from August, so no she's not GAS'd out. In fact, she's still level 177 with no GAS modifications right now since I haven't really played her. I've been playing my masterforce since he needs more AP to get his stuff and Gunmaster doesn't really have anything really worth getting.

ok - I need to get Invicibility Beast.

You certainly don't need invincibility beast. It actually slows you down for this run. I would have gone quicker without it, but I was being lazy. I guess being quick isn't really a requirement though. Anyway, as you can tell from that video which, I believe, was a 25 minute run, you could easily trim it down to 20 by:

1) Not getting knocked around by the king Gaorzoran for a good 30 seconds (that bastard ;) ).
2) Have your weapons setup before you run into the mission instead of wasting your time changing everything around on the fly like I did
3) Don't face the slow down.
4) Don't run around picking up all of the unnecessary garbage. :D

Anyway, I just got back from work, so I'll do a Acrofighter run to show you a compare and contrast. My acrofighter does have a few GAS modifications, but nothing really big. Guard Crush. Knuckles+ (42 max), Slicers+ (42 max), Twin Sabers+ (42 max). I might grab Cards+ if I have the extra AP to spare.

Sep 23, 2010, 12:57 AM
My acrofighter does have a few GAS modifications, but nothing really big. Guard Crush. Knuckles+ (42 max), Slicers+ (42 max), Twin Sabers+ (42 max). I might grab Cards+ if I have the extra AP to spare.

I didn't have enough for Cards+, but here's the Acrofighter run anyway. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0qF-OfPQ1E)

Sep 23, 2010, 11:02 AM
man, acrofighters block a lot! heh. How effective is guard crush?

Sep 23, 2010, 12:06 PM
man, acrofighters block a lot! heh. How effective is guard crush?

It's pretty useful overall vs. high evasion enemies or low accuracy weapons. So it's probably better for a beast fighter than a human acrofighter. That being said, it's good for slicers since it knocks down advancing enemies pretty effectively.

Sep 24, 2010, 02:42 PM
Hey, I ran it again last night a few times. Can't even get close to 20 mins. 26 is my best...

I'm level 151, which I'm sure hurts, and looks like most of your weapons have superior element to mine (nice to see we are both rocking Drill kunckles...mine are only 38% though)

My electric sclicer % is in the 30s

The only gun I have to kill the flying enemies with is pistol (level 18 Ice). I think I am going to GAS the fortefighter pistol bullets to 22.


Assault crush on Single target enemies - crazy, or a decent idea? (the last move knocks Jusugun over and from there, they are toast)
Tornado break to replace yo-yo daggers? (the range on yo-yo is starting to bug me...)

I use invincibility beast to take out the buffed bil de vear and Carriguines. they knock me around enough (and do enough damage) to make it worth it.

I use it again in the last room vs the SEED Venas. He has too many special moves/debuffs, and without a way to set him on fire, it's jsut easier to beat him up (and the deljabans around him.

Other advice?

Sep 25, 2010, 02:41 AM
When I used to run this during STD, I was pulling around 35 minutes (took my time, no use rushing to waste megispheres back then!) using:

Lightning, Ice & Light whip for large spawns of small dudes and Drua Gohras

Ice fists for Drua Gohra, Vanda (take Vanda out one at a time to avoid having two sword buffed onscreen at once) and Bafal Bragga (Falcon Punch!)

Ice Card Regas for the zoona/shagreece/whatever it was. I forget. One shot took them down if all three blades hit, 10/10, lv20 skill, rank 3 buffs. All in all not difficult.

Light Shide-Misaki (now use Twin Falclaws) for Carriguines, used also on the bil de vears. Stun works wonders in that block before Magashi, soon as one guy is stunned move on to the other. One guy not attacking is better than a buffed guy spawning quicker.

This was at lv150, Beast WT. The claws translate to FF, the only other class to get stunning claws. Obviously, no GAS, and WT's old stats.

Sep 26, 2010, 11:07 PM
I bought pistol+ last night (for a variety of reasons, not just this mission). And now I have assault crush at 31+ which makes it more accurate, and hit harder. Slicer PA is now at 40 as well.

I'll split my time between this and spamming the GBR de ragnus for a S rank hit unit.