View Full Version : Xbox 360 Splitting up GAS customizations

Sep 29, 2010, 04:18 PM
For you non humans out there...

How are you guys splitting up your GAS customizations?

I have a CAST who is a ForteGunner, Guntecher, and Gunmaster. Lots of options, not a lot of slots.

I wanted to know how others are breaking things up.

As a example, here is what I am thinking about;

Base Abilities (4):
Fortegunner: Def+, ATP+1
Guntecher: Sta+ (Rabol Orachio+SUV+female GT+STA+ = 21), ATP +1

None for now

Weapon Skills(10):
Fortegunner: Spears+, Grenades+, Crossbows+, Rifle+, (4)
Guntecher: Bows+, Crossbows+, Sabers+, left hand+ (4)
Gunmaster: Shotgun damage+ (1)

I want mechguns+ for someone...but who?

Attributes will be all GT (the only one with techs.)

Sep 29, 2010, 04:46 PM
You can put the full amount of customs to every type you have.

You also have to grind them out for each type.

Sep 29, 2010, 05:01 PM


Sep 29, 2010, 05:24 PM
Right now I have this setup for my Fighmaster:
Sword Damage+
Spears Damage+
Double Sabers Damage+
Axes Damage+
Elemental Weapon
Elemental Field
Trusty Partner
All Crushes Available

Oct 5, 2010, 03:36 PM
ok! I though of another questions.

Techers (ATs, WTs, GTs, and FTs) have this ability to add levels to thier Techs.

UNLIKE bullets, it is better to get higher levels of techs, because you get damage and elemental % increase.

But with 6 techs, even humans cannot max them all out. What to do?

so...tell me what you have done, and why....or share your strategy. Be sure to include your race and job. Here's mine:

Female, newman, AT (15 mods)
Ice +5
Ground +3
Light +3
Dark: +1

Ice freezes with lockdown, that allows you to spam ice over and over and over on enemies, and they don't shake out. Ice also has the poorest damage modsm hence the level 5

Ground: Really this is just for Diga, to kill mother brains arms faster. I mean yeah, it's nice to do more with damdiga (poison 4), but lets' face it, before Parum GBR who gave a sh*t about damdiga? Buying level 3 just makes it more "worth it)

Light: Regrants is SO good. So good it makes me want to play a FT with a 10/10 Psychowand. It also is one of the few techs that gets 2% damage per level at 31-40) (nosmegids is the other). That modifier starts off farily poor though, so investing 3 levels gives it the extra omph.

Fire: so, the thing about fire is, as long as you can ge to burn 4 (which both foie and gifoe get to at level 30), the tick damage is going to outpace any damage mod increase you can buy, so basically you are jsut getting this for the extended range and +1 target for rafoie. YOu could argue that this should be a +1 only

Lightning: the only reason to buy up lightning AT ALL is noszonde. For an AT gizonde sucks (30%+ lightning whips are dirt cheap and hit harder). Razonde has limited applicability (and causes rafoie-like slowdown). Zonde is interesting, but for AT the better choice is barta or megids. +1 onry

Dark: I am considering not increasing dark at all. the only realy reason to use dark is for dammegids infect 3. and in most cases Foie is the better choice. Dark techs cost more in general as well, so keeping them at 30 keeps the cost in check. +1 would go to light. Did I mention how badass regrants is?

Oct 5, 2010, 04:23 PM
Ground: Really this is just for Diga, to kill mother brains arms faster. I mean yeah, it's nice to do more with damdiga (poison 4), but lets' face it, before Parum GBR who gave a sh*t about damdiga? Buying level 3 just makes it more "worth it)

All of my techs were 50 long before Parum GBR and I've used Damdiga in hive missions since it was released. Damdiga has a higher damage modifier than damfoie and before AoTI only damdiga and dambarta cased flinch. Creatures would run straight through damfoie and dammegid which made them useless in hive missions back before the adjustment.

My point being, just because you didn't use it doesn't mean other people didn't.

Oct 5, 2010, 08:24 PM
ok! I though of another questions.

Techers (ATs, WTs, GTs, and FTs) have this ability to add levels to thier Techs.

UNLIKE bullets, it is better to get higher levels of techs, because you get damage and elemental % increase.

But with 6 techs, even humans cannot max them all out. What to do?

so...tell me what you have done, and why....or share your strategy. Be sure to include your race and job. Here's mine:

Female, newman, AT (15 mods)
Ice +5
Ground +3
Light +3
Dark: +1

Ice freezes with lockdown, that allows you to spam ice over and over and over on enemies, and they don't shake out. Ice also has the poorest damage modsm hence the level 5

Ground: Really this is just for Diga, to kill mother brains arms faster. I mean yeah, it's nice to do more with damdiga (poison 4), but lets' face it, before Parum GBR who gave a sh*t about damdiga? Buying level 3 just makes it more "worth it)

Light: Regrants is SO good. So good it makes me want to play a FT with a 10/10 Psychowand. It also is one of the few techs that gets 2% damage per level at 31-40) (nosmegids is the other). That modifier starts off farily poor though, so investing 3 levels gives it the extra omph.

Fire: so, the thing about fire is, as long as you can ge to burn 4 (which both foie and gifoe get to at level 30), the tick damage is going to outpace any damage mod increase you can buy, so basically you are jsut getting this for the extended range and +1 target for rafoie. YOu could argue that this should be a +1 only

Lightning: the only reason to buy up lightning AT ALL is noszonde. For an AT gizonde sucks (30%+ lightning whips are dirt cheap and hit harder). Razonde has limited applicability (and causes rafoie-like slowdown). Zonde is interesting, but for AT the better choice is barta or megids. +1 onry

Dark: I am considering not increasing dark at all. the only realy reason to use dark is for dammegids infect 3. and in most cases Foie is the better choice. Dark techs cost more in general as well, so keeping them at 30 keeps the cost in check. +1 would go to light. Did I mention how badass regrants is?

lol fT

Oct 5, 2010, 10:18 PM
lol fT


Oct 6, 2010, 11:47 AM
Ice +5
Ground +3
Light +3
Dark: +1

I'd say 5 levels for your favourite two elements, two for your third runner, and one each for the other three. Why? Because a level 40 spell has 50% element! It gives all your spells from your fave elements a 50% rating, and the others with just one (or two in one case) upgrade still get the next SE where applicable. So boosting Ice because it has crap modifiers... yeah, alright, but they'll still be pretty crap, and you'll still have the next stages of SEs for Gibarta and such at 31 anyway.

So, depending on what you fight the most, ground & dark seem to be the most popular choices, being (generally) the best against robots (mostly lightning flavour or susceptible to Megid, even though Megid doesn't get a SE boost) but your mileage may vary. Gizonde still has lv4 shock at 31 now, which isn't entirely terrible, and it's sure pretty, but yeah.

For my WT I planned
Fire +2
Ice +1
Lightning +1
Ground +5
Light +1
Dark +5

Of course this was after I get Whip +5 and Twinclaws +5... and anything else I wanted. Spells for WT aren't as important as a spells for AT, as you know :P

Oct 7, 2010, 12:15 PM
All of my techs were 50 long before Parum GBR and I've used Damdiga in hive missions since it was released. Damdiga has a higher damage modifier than damfoie and before AoTI only damdiga and dambarta cased flinch. Creatures would run straight through damfoie and dammegid which made them useless in hive missions back before the adjustment.

My point being, just because you didn't use it doesn't mean other people didn't.

I would argue that burn 3 outweights damdiga's higher damage mod. Unless you are getting the elemental benefit as well, and in that case, of course damdiga wins by far. I would ALSO agrue that this comment does not really apply to Masterforces, since they cannot increase tech levels, so I'm not sure why you'd nitpick like that

Oct 8, 2010, 08:03 AM
I would argue that burn 3 outweights damdiga's higher damage mod. Unless you are getting the elemental benefit as well, and in that case, of course damdiga wins by far. I would ALSO agrue that this comment does not really apply to Masterforces, since they cannot increase tech levels, so I'm not sure why you'd nitpick like that

Damdiga nuff said.

Oct 8, 2010, 10:00 AM
I would argue that burn 3 outweights damdiga's higher damage mod. Unless you are getting the elemental benefit as well, and in that case, of course damdiga wins by far. I would ALSO agrue that this comment does not really apply to Masterforces, since they cannot increase tech levels, so I'm not sure why you'd nitpick like that

Since I was talking about pre-AotI, masterforce wasn't even being taken into account in my statement. Even with the current state of things, Damdiga is better at killing Deljaban than damfoie. Burn and Virus are more important for larger creatures like Jarba and Gol Dova. Poison is more than enough for Deljaban. The only time you should be using damfoie over damdiga would be against ice creatures or ground creatures. Even then I'd probably use dammegid over damfoie on ground creatures. (Although I'd probably just use Zonde instead of a dam tech in any case.)

Oct 8, 2010, 01:21 PM
Since I was talking about pre-AotI, masterforce wasn't even being taken into account in my statement. Even with the current state of things, Damdiga is better at killing Deljaban than damfoie. Burn and Virus are more important for larger creatures like Jarba and Gol Dova. Poison is more than enough for Deljaban. The only time you should be using damfoie over damdiga would be against ice creatures or ground creatures. Even then I'd probably use dammegid over damfoie on ground creatures. (Although I'd probably just use Zonde instead of a dam tech in any case.)

Originally Posted by desturel
All of my techs were 50 long before Parum GBR and I've used Damdiga in hive missions since it was released

how is this not a masterforce comment?

Oct 8, 2010, 02:01 PM
Originally Posted by desturel
All of my techs were 50 long before Parum GBR and I've used Damdiga in hive missions since it was released

how is this not a masterforce comment?

Damdiga has a higher damage modifier than damfoie and before AoTI only damdiga and dambarta caused flinch. Creatures would run straight through damfoie and dammegid which made them useless in hive missions back before the adjustment.

Oct 8, 2010, 04:00 PM
Right, but we are WELL after Aoti. And certainly my comments reflect current use of techs. We call all think back to the heady days of PSU when the only good way to kill bees was to use Damdiga.

Those days are gone.


You typical level 125 Deljaban has about 10,000 HP. If you are also level 125 and a WT, AT or GT, you deal about 600-800 damage per hit with Damfoie. That means you deal about 660 to 880 with damdiga. I think damtechs inflict damage at about 1 hit/sec

Damfoie: 400/tic every 2 seconds
Dadiga poison: 200/tic every 3 seconds

Assume that we wait 6 seonds, and that an enemy catches fire/poison immediately. Let's look at the best damage case, which should favor Damdiga

Damfoie 800 X 6 + 400 x 3 = 6000
Damdiga 880 x 6 + 200 x 2 = 5680

and to death...

Damfoie 800 X 10 + 400 X 5 = 10,000 (dead!)
Damdiga 880 x 10 + 200 x 3 = 9400 (not dead) :-(

Damfoie is the winner by a little over 5%
Damfoie should scale better as well, as the gap in gross damage between the two DoTs grows.

In fact, the only case that could support damdiga is if your total damage in 6 seconds or less would kill the enemy:
1600 x 6 + 200 x 2 =10,000

Can anyone show me a screen shot of a non MF doing 1600 a hit at level 125? I think not...
Here's a video of a (non GAS) lvl 150 MF dealing 1450/hit with a psychowand and damdiga 50

Oct 9, 2010, 08:53 AM
Using Attack Spells as a GT/WT/At is fail anyways

Oct 10, 2010, 04:46 PM
Using Attack Spells as a GT/WT/At is fail anyways

Robots say hi.

Oct 11, 2010, 10:25 AM
Using Attack Spells as a GT/WT/At is fail anyways

not true. i did some testing...interesting results.


OK, the results:

If you buy into DoT contributing to killing your enemies, then Gifoie (non Gas), Rafoie (gas), or even Damfoie (either) is a contender. I dested the Vish Diraga last night with an LPC and while the damage IS higher, you can hit (and will) hit zero's and knock enemies away if you use the second move. As you pile on the levels, you will get TP as a faster rate than ATP, as well. Once better wands (http://psupedia.info/Magical_Piece )and Ohryu become available, then the balance might actually tip in favor of techs

If you are looking to JUST deal damage with out DoT or control, then a 50% Vish Tien + sleep crusher should be the best way to kill SEEDs

If you wanted to control mobs then a 50% light Vish Adac, or a 50% vishic is a fine way to go. To my knowledge there are no 50% vishic for sale on the 360 servers though.