View Full Version : do you have any favorite gamecube games?

Chukie sue
Sep 30, 2010, 06:00 PM
I sure do. Nope, it's not Melee. (But that doesnt mean you cant put melee in the spotlight) Nope, it's not James Bond Agent Under Fire (REALLY good one though ;o). Nope, it's not The Matrix. (Another amazing game)

It's the Super Monkey Ball series!* These games were just so amazing. You're a monkey in a ball (yarly) navigating through mazing and overcoming obstacles to reach the goal in 60 seconds. It was truly addicting. this, however, is only half the game. Believe it or not, the minigames (which include bowling, flying, soccer, etc) deserve just as much praise.

Anyway, one of the cool things about the mazes is that sometimes you could find little loopholes like this:


Here's another fun thing you could do:


This game was, and always will be (as far as Im concerned), the -best- party game. (I am intolerant >:D) Truly a game that could make you smile with your friends after sitting down to play it for just a couple minutes.

Sometimes I feel like some of the Gamecubes GEMS went almost completely unnoticed because of the PS2's greatness. Oh well.

Here's an article that's somewhat related.


* I am referring here to Super Monkey Ball 1 & 2, -not- Super Monkey Ball Adventure. However, I enjoyed that game as well :p

Sep 30, 2010, 06:17 PM
I hope you're joking, about everything.

Sep 30, 2010, 06:21 PM

I think that's it.

Sep 30, 2010, 07:12 PM
We got this far without mentioning F-Zero GX? :(

Seth Astra
Sep 30, 2010, 07:14 PM
inb4 mention of PSO ep. 1&2.

In all seriousness... I'd have to say... Let me think... Ah, I think I'd have to say Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Best Sonic game ever, IMO.

Sep 30, 2010, 07:14 PM

Its really fun in multiplayer. Other than it being aggravatingly cumbersome in the requirements (GBA>GCN cables)

Sep 30, 2010, 07:16 PM
We got this far without mentioning F-Zero GX? :(
Top/First 3 good enough?



Anything less is uncivilized Chainsaw sounds - bonus blah, and not the OG.

Look at them cheesy wipes, was supposed to be some Ganados or other enemies fade into shakey stuff, maybe next time.

Sep 30, 2010, 07:41 PM
I fucking loved the Gamecube.

Resident Evil Remake ( I played this shit to DEATH) Fucking Invisible zombie mode.
Resident Evil 4
Zelda: Windwaker
PSO: Episode 3
PSO: Ep 1&2

Sep 30, 2010, 07:55 PM
Gamecube was my most played system of last gen.

Tales of Symphonia
Zelda: Windwaker
Megaman Network Transmission
F-zero GX
Metroid Prime 1 & 2

Sep 30, 2010, 07:59 PM
Resident Evil Remake ( I played this shit to DEATH) Fucking Invisible zombie mode.

Invisible Forest Speyer. What a dick.

Sep 30, 2010, 08:06 PM
Zelda: Twilight Princess
PSO Ep1&2 Plus
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Kirby AirRide
Tales of Symphonia
and somewhat Pokemon Colosseum

Chukie sue
Sep 30, 2010, 08:10 PM

Its really fun in multiplayer. Other than it being aggravatingly cumbersome in the requirements (GBA>GCN cables)

Thanks for reminding me :)

Chukie sue
Sep 30, 2010, 08:15 PM
Zelda: Twilight Princess
PSO Ep1&2 Plus
TimeSplitters Future Perfect
Kirby AirRide
Tales of Symphonia
and somewhat Pokemon Colosseum

Oh yes, Kirby AirRide and ToS.

Anyway, I thought I'd explain one of the reasons I like James Bond Agent under fire so much. Multiplayer. I played with my brothers (with cheats to obtain the grapple hook and jet pack) and it was -so- much fun. Actually, if you've played Metroid Prime Hunters, I can relate this experience to multiplayer on that game. Jumping all over, grappling to get to otherwise unaccessible. I can distinctly remember going from roof top to roof top (usually via jetpack) shooting homing missles at the sky. This resulted ten rockets swirling around in a circle above head, then all locking on to the targets at the same time. It was -great-.

Oh yeah, a couple more amazing games - Minority Report and Soul Calibur 2 :D

I still remember when my older brother would punch me for beating him ;D

Neo Flint
Sep 30, 2010, 09:25 PM
Super Mario Sunshine
SSX On Tour
Soul Calibur II
Custom Robo

Sep 30, 2010, 09:47 PM
Chibi Robo
Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime 1 and 2
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker and Twilight Princess
Tales of Symphonia

Sep 30, 2010, 10:02 PM
Ah! I forgot Wind Waker!

Sep 30, 2010, 10:08 PM
Resident Evil Remake ( I played this shit to DEATH)

I agree WHOLEHEARTEDLY with this statement. Hell, I still play that damn game.
My other favs are as follows:
Viewtiful Joe
Mario Sunshine
F-Zero (Also, "played this shit to DEATH")
Sonic Adventure 2 BAttle
Oh, SSX Tricxky and Custom Robo (that got WEIRD at the end)

Sep 30, 2010, 10:16 PM
PSO Ep. 1&2
MGS: Twin Snakes
Eternal Darkness
Skies of Arcadia: Legends
Metroid Prime
Resident Evil 4
Rogue Leader

Gamecube was a damn fine system.

Sep 30, 2010, 10:23 PM
both Metroid Primes, SSBM, Star Fox Adventures (yeah yeah), SA2:B, Bloody Roar Primal Fury, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, PSO Ep. 1&2, Tales of Symphonia, James Bond Agent Under fire (multiplayer was a blast), Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, Skies of Arcadia, SSX Tricky, F Zero GX...

Easily my most played console of last gen. Then I wonder why half of these franchises don't have legitimate entries on the Wii (WHERE THE HELL IS STAR FOX!?).

Chukie sue
Sep 30, 2010, 10:44 PM
both Metroid Primes, SSBM, Star Fox Adventures (yeah yeah), SA2:B, Bloody Roar Primal Fury, Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door, PSO Ep. 1&2, Tales of Symphonia, James Bond Agent Under fire (multiplayer was a blast), Pikmin, Luigi's Mansion, Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, Skies of Arcadia, SSX Tricky, F Zero GX...

Easily my most played console of last gen. Then I wonder why half of these franchises don't have legitimate entries on the Wii (WHERE THE HELL IS STAR FOX!?).

Bloody Roar Primal Fury - thank you for reminding me! You have great taste.

Sep 30, 2010, 11:32 PM
Doh. Forgot Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Seth Astra
Sep 30, 2010, 11:34 PM
Gamecube was good. Shame the Wii can't bring in as many good titles. Ah well, still a good system... *Prepares to be flamed.*

Sep 30, 2010, 11:39 PM
The Resident Evil games, Wind Waker, Killer 7, Timesplitters FP, Smash Bros., Metroid Prime, etc, etc, etc.

Loved the Gamecube.

Oct 1, 2010, 03:22 AM
Some of my favorites:

Luigi's Mansion
Wario World
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Mega Collection
F-Zero GX (why hasn't there been one for Wii yet!?)
PSO (mostly Ep. 1 & 2, but I liked 3 as well)
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
Animal Crossing
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Soul Calibur 2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (minus the connectivity shit)

Zelda: Windwaker, Starfox: Assault, Mario Sunshine, and Double Dash were good too, but I didn't like them as much as some of the other N64 or Wii games in the same series.

I've heard Tales of Symphonia was an awesome game, but I never got a chance to play it. =x

Oct 1, 2010, 10:58 AM
PSO (v3, I've never played ep3) of course, also melee, mario kart double dash, both super monkey balls which I was just reminded of, paper mario 2, both sonic adventures even though I had them on dreamcast too, just to name a few. Also 007 Nightfire was one of the few shooter games that I've ever actually liked.

Chukie sue
Oct 1, 2010, 07:13 PM
Some of my favorites:

Luigi's Mansion
Wario World
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Mega Collection
F-Zero GX (why hasn't there been one for Wii yet!?)
PSO (mostly Ep. 1 & 2, but I liked 3 as well)
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
Animal Crossing
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Star Wars: Rogue Leader
Soul Calibur 2
Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles (minus the connectivity shit)

Zelda: Windwaker, Starfox: Assault, Mario Sunshine, and Double Dash were good too, but I didn't like them as much as some of the other N64 or Wii games in the same series.

I've heard Tales of Symphonia was an awesome game, but I never got a chance to play it. =x

I forgot Luigi's mansion! Kinda interesting how I got this one. I was maybe... 10 years old when I got it. I handed my older brother a couple GC games I had gotten bored with and said to him and my dad something like..."Get me a cool game please". They come back with Luigi's mansion, and I was devastated because the game looked stupid to me :/ 10 minutes into playing it and I fell in love.

Also: Star Wars Jedi Outcast 2

Oct 2, 2010, 12:04 AM
Gamecube was good. Shame the Wii can't bring in as many good titles. Ah well, still a good system... *Prepares to be flamed.*

No I think you're right. The only games I liked for Wii are Legend of Zelda, Muramasa, and Fatal Frame 4; all of which were much better when played with a normal controller. The entire system is underpowered, based on a gimmick that doesn't work and completely lacks a library of original titles to make up for it.

Also looking at this list makes me realize how awesome the GC was.
Mario: Sunshine
REmake (insanely awesome game)
Gotcha Force (funnest game ever)
LoZ WindWaker
Phantasy Star
Tales of Symphonia
MGS Twin Snakes
Metroid Prime
RE4 (although admittedly, being able to use and HDD for load times and Ada's story made the PS2 version better)

Seth Astra
Oct 2, 2010, 12:05 AM
Actually, I was getting prepared to be flamed for saying anything good about the Wii.

Oct 2, 2010, 07:22 AM
Well, most of my favorites have already been listed, except for maybe Beyond Good and Evil. So yeah, BG&E was multiplatform... but I had it on the Cube and it was one of the more memorable titles I experienced.

Dreamcast was definitely my favorite console last generation, but the GameCube would probably be my next favorite. My PS2 and Xbox libraries are much larger than my Cube collection, but it still managed to stand out and get more than it's fair share of use. Even when not counting PSO. Wii hasn't been able to hold on to that magic for me, and I find myself more interested in the neat shit I can do by hacking the WiiMote than I am for the vast bulk of what litters it's game library.

Oct 2, 2010, 09:34 AM
Wind Waker
Smash Bros. Melee

Oct 2, 2010, 10:27 AM
Never had a Gamecube nor did I want one.

Oct 2, 2010, 08:14 PM
Gamecube was my most played system of last gen.

Tales of Symphonia
Zelda: Windwaker

those, and pso ep1/2

Oct 2, 2010, 09:34 PM
Never had a Gamecube nor did I want one.
Only XBLOX 360 for you mister! (whatchu got 80 games now?)

Which has far less SEGA representation in any good capacity. (How bout that Stormrise?)

You do not know what you are missing!

Oct 2, 2010, 11:34 PM
PSO ep I & II
Wind Waker
Skies of Arcadia
Resident Evil 4
Crystal Chronicles
MGS: Twin Snakes
Viewtiful Joe

Still play the shit out of every one of those games today, despite having an Xbox 360 with several games I like.

Oct 3, 2010, 08:16 AM
Zelda collection edtion rocks!
It not only has Zelda I, The adventure of link, ocarina of time and majoras mask. It also has a demo of the legendary zelda wind waker!

Oct 3, 2010, 08:50 AM
Zelda Collection was pretty awesome, thats where i beat my ocarina of time game on, and i would have beaten majoras mask, but i lost the memory card about half-way through the stone tower temple *sigh*

Oct 3, 2010, 09:04 AM
im stuck at the beggining of the ikane castle. can you help?

Oct 4, 2010, 09:36 AM
I absolutely adored my cute little GC.

PSO Ep 1&2 (of course)
Tales of Symphonia
The two Zeldas
Paper Mario
Crystal Chronicles
Baten Kaitos
Ressie 0

Oct 4, 2010, 08:52 PM
Gamecube was my most played system of last gen.

Tales of Symphonia
Zelda: Windwaker
Megaman Network Transmission
F-zero GX
Metroid Prime 1 & 2
All those games are awesome! i have never played Megaman or F-zero though.
But what about Chibi Robo that game was fun^^

Oct 4, 2010, 08:55 PM
Not sure how I managed to forget Custom Robo.

Nitro Vordex
Oct 4, 2010, 09:19 PM
Never had a Gamecube nor did I want one.

Then get out, since you don't own it and don't care and have no taste.

Oct 4, 2010, 11:22 PM
An old favorite Gamecube game for me... 'Zelda Windwaker' . that was a great game. as well as 'Skies of Arcadia, Legends'. Old school, but a great story.

Oct 5, 2010, 06:22 AM
Technically Skies was a Dreamcast game though, but then I guess so was PSO. The GC was such a nicely made machine too. Looked great and was a better piece of equipment than the PS2. I remember thinking at the time why didn't they make/design PSU on it.

Oct 5, 2010, 07:27 AM
Mines would be:

Metroid Prime 1&2
TimeSplitters 2 & Future Perfect
Biohazard 0, 4 & REbirth
Eternal Darkness
Baten Kaitos (Origins never got released in EU, FFFFFFFFFF-)
Lost Kingdoms 1 & 2 (Too bad it was so short, it was really a fun card-based action-RPG game.)
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Skies of Arcadia: Legends (Yeah both are originally DC games, but the NGC versions have some additional content.)
Soul Calibur II

Had fun with Wario Ware Inc. and Mario Party 5 to 7 (4 was shitty), but I don't put it in my favourite games list because it required three friends (or seven to get full potential of Wario Ware and Mario Party 7) to get the full potential of it. Solo and 2P mode had net to zero interest.

I used to like SSBM when it came out, but thanks to one of my friend's cousin who wanted to play it every single day when I brought my NGC to Spain, I can't look at this game without wanting to puke nowadays.
I found Mario Kart Double Dash terribad.
Tales of Symphonia bored me to death. The gameplay is fun, but the story was too stuffed-up with clichés for me to enjoy it. 80 hours of highly predictable events isn't really entertaining.

Gauntlet: Dark Legacy

Oh god, this game was so damn ugly, but so much fun and a huge mess of explosions and dying monsters in multiplayer. :lol:

Oct 5, 2010, 04:41 PM
Wow, I completely forgot about Baten Kaitos.

Unfortunately I only played the first Lost Kingdom though, but I really liked it.

Oct 5, 2010, 09:38 PM
Technically Skies was a Dreamcast game though, but then I guess so was PSO. The GC was such a nicely made machine too. Looked great and was a better piece of equipment than the PS2. I remember thinking at the time why didn't they make/design PSU on it.
Ikaruga too, but GC made better/less loadtimes on that Skies of Arcadia?

Oct 6, 2010, 11:24 AM
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle was an amazing game. So was Super Smash Bros. Melee.

Oct 6, 2010, 01:12 PM
Ikaruga too, but GC made better/less loadtimes on that Skies of Arcadia?

I really should go check that out. I have my GC set up in the spare room. Fuck knows where my Dreamcast is... probably the loft

Oct 6, 2010, 07:12 PM
Metroid Prime, probably the only game I like more than PSO. ;D

Oct 6, 2010, 09:26 PM
Better load times made me Pay more for Killer7 on GC, then it was a sealed copy at that, when they claimed it as used?


GC controller too, pretty specialized for a special game.

Oct 19, 2010, 03:02 PM
F-Zero GX is a favorite of mine for GC, and probably my second fave racing game (behind Outrun 2006) across all systems.

Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 -- the game that made me NEED the GC

PSO Ep 1/2 obviously.. I still play this one regularly. Offline. By myself. And it's still fun.

Oct 20, 2010, 10:52 AM
Oh, I forgot BMXXX!!!

I never played it, and I don't own it, but it still one of my favorite NGC games simply because it was such a stupid gimmick to get some of that Hot Coffee-era controversy and shovel off a few more copies. I got more laughs out of it than most games provide these days, so that's got to be worth something at least.


Oct 20, 2010, 08:35 PM
Kirby's Air Ride
Bloody Roar Primal Fury
Sonic Adventure 2 Battle
Sonic Adventure Director's Cut
Bomberman Generation
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Harvest Moon Another Wonderful Life
Harvest Moon Magical Melody
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

and of course PSO I&II

Oct 22, 2010, 09:36 AM
I'm going to say anything but PSO. because its obvious its my all time favorite.
so other than PSO...

Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings Lost ocean. not the remake.
the voicing filter had issues, but other than that I found it to be, a little challenging, different and fun. and the story wasn't bad either.
absolutely beautiful graphics btw.

I'd also say Crystal Chronicles is up there as well. but maybe by one percent less.
Wind Waker takes third position.

Oct 22, 2010, 02:31 PM
Of course, I'm going to say that PSO EP 1&2 is my all time favorite game on that platform. Others that rank quite high are:

Metroid Prime 1+2 (Haven't completed 2 yet though to my regret)
Legend of Zelda Windwaker and Twilight Princess
Super Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Smash Brothers: Melee

Oct 22, 2010, 03:13 PM
Most have been said already, but:

Zelda: Windwaker/Twilight Princess/Ocarina of Time (with that bonus hard mode)
Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
Mario Kart Double Dash (still better than Mario Kart Wii)
Smash Bros Melee
Kirby Air Ride
Final Fantasy Chrystal Chronicles (if you had multiple people; somewhat boring alone)

Had some others, but recently had to sell to get Persona 3 Portable, Dissidia, Phantasy Star Portable 2, and Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep. I loved the games, but times are changing, and I seriously never saw myself playing most of them again (except Sonic, Zelda and Mario Kart).

Oct 22, 2010, 03:36 PM
Mario Kart Double Dash (still better than Mario Kart Wii)

I'm not a big Mario Kart guy and I haven't even played the Wii version, but Double Dash was a blast to play with multiple people. It had one of the weirdest (yet still very enjoyable) co-op dynamics I've ever seen in a game. Working with your partner to lean in the right direction in order to get the blue sparks was exciting every time it happened.

Oct 22, 2010, 03:59 PM
And it had Special items, like DK and his giant bananas and stuff. The fact that they got rid of that in Mario Kart Wii pissed me off big time. I admit, I do like the motorcycles, but it doesn't justify from all the other downgrades it did. I heard they were working on a new Mario Kart, which BETTER be a Double Dash of some sort or I won't even bother with it.

Oct 22, 2010, 04:11 PM
The problem is that a lot of people didn't like the changes done in Double Dash. Like I said, I'm not a big Mario Kart player, but apparently they decided to backtrack from that game after a lot of critics and players complained.

Oct 22, 2010, 04:45 PM
To hell with others! I want to carry 6 green shells at once! o.o;

Oct 31, 2010, 03:01 PM
loved mario kart dd the most of all mario karts , played it with my bro loads , nothing beat big throwin a box or big banana and it landing on somebody!! still play it on the wii !!

Nov 4, 2010, 05:15 PM
Yeah, the only two games I bought for it.

PSO and Skies of Arcadia.

Note that both of those games are directly from the Sega DC paltform. Played them for years on it until I got tired of going through DC's, hoping that a GC would be more reliable. Also because it's PSO online servers were still up and running at the time. Irony? Never once played PSO online.