View Full Version : The Social Network aka "The Facebook Movie."

Oct 4, 2010, 08:35 PM
Anyone go see that? I thought it was pretty good but man did Mark look like such a douche in that film.

Oct 4, 2010, 09:00 PM
I saw it last night. I thought it was really great. Jesse Eisenberg did a fantastic job portraying Mark. It was nice getting to know the back-story of facebook. I look at Zuckerberg in a completely different way now.

Oct 4, 2010, 09:08 PM
I think a movie about Facebook, or any "internet phenomenon", whether it be a meme, or a whole website, is absolutely asinine. I won't be seeing it. Sorry, that's just how I feel about it. It's not worth my money.

Nitro Vordex
Oct 4, 2010, 09:13 PM
I bet there's at least 3 movies you've seen that are internet phenomenon.

Oct 4, 2010, 09:21 PM
I think a movie about Facebook, or any "internet phenomenon", whether it be a meme, or a whole website, is absolutely asinine. I won't be seeing it. Sorry, that's just how I feel about it. It's not worth my money.

You obviously have a pre-conceived notion about what you think the movie is about. Maybe try to have a more open mind about it? I guarantee it's nothing like you think it is.

Oct 4, 2010, 09:24 PM
You obviously have a pre-conceived notion about what you think the movie is about. Maybe try to have a more open mind about it? I guarantee it's nothing like you think it is.

It's about the origin of Facebook, is it not? That's something I'm not exactly interested in, and something I certainly wouldn't go to the movies, and pay money, to see.

EDIT: Maybe if it was a Mark Zuckerberg biography on the Biography Channel, or even a special on E!, I might watch it. But, going to the movies for that? Nah.

Oct 4, 2010, 09:58 PM
Pretty sure Mark is a douche, like many over-privileged male undergrad students. It's what has brought him such success.

That said, I won't be seeing the film, but a roommate is reading the book it was 'based on' which may be a more even-handed account.

Oct 4, 2010, 10:18 PM
It's about the origin of Facebook, is it not? That's something I'm not exactly interested in, and something I certainly wouldn't go to the movies, and pay money, to see.

EDIT: Maybe if it was a Mark Zuckerberg biography on the Biography Channel, or even a special on E!, I might watch it. But, going to the movies for that? Nah.

Well the movie could be about the creation of anything but with the way this movie was structured it wouldn't even matter. It's more about Zuckerberg's interactions with the parties suing him and how he went about doing what he did. It's basically a trust and betrayal story, as Zuckerberg pretty much screws over and alienates anyone he comes into contact with.

Oct 4, 2010, 10:42 PM
Pretty sure Mark is a doucheThat's like my entire reason for not wanting to see it. Obviously from the trailers and commercials and such it's going to try and make him out to be a character the audience can empathize with. Yeah okay, buddy, you're 26 years old, you grew up wealthy and privileged going to prep schools, then you went to Harvard and you're already a billionaire. Empathy my ass.

Oct 4, 2010, 10:57 PM
And I bet thats exactly why its gonna be an interesting watch. I haven't watched the movie, but I probably would on some outing. As I see it, Mark Zuckerburg is no different then any corporate wolf who wants to get as high as possible. They do what it takes to be number one, even if they need to step on people to do it. Of course the movie will dramaticize it. But I guess that's how it is in the corporate world.

Oct 4, 2010, 11:15 PM
I want to go see it.
Not that I care about Facebook, and it's back story that much, but it just seems like an interesting story, and it's TRUE(or something like that), which makes it even more interesting!

Oct 4, 2010, 11:16 PM
Half the people in this thread, "Don't like this" and now are blocked from what are those things, wall write posts?

Likeable guy in Zombieland, now you hate him, like the kids hated Harry Potter for doing that horse theater one.

PSOW better not ever, have a "Like button" with "1,000 people liked this!"

Oct 4, 2010, 11:20 PM
Likeable guy in Zombieland, now you hate him,

I don't recall saying that I hate Jesse Eisenberg. But, ok.

Oct 4, 2010, 11:42 PM
No direct quote but since you direct quoted me. I'm not watching the movie either. Maybe in 3 years when its on TV. Where by then, New social nutworkz up, by far better, less douche owned?

Oct 5, 2010, 07:18 AM
Where by then, New social nutworkz up, by far better, less douche owned?...wat

Oct 5, 2010, 07:46 AM
I didn't have any real interest in the movie, but not because of it's ties for Fb or anything like that. To me, it just looks like another one of those sappy 'love me' movies hollywood's been infatuated these past few years.

That, and my limited budget lets me maybe go see one movie in theatres every few months, and I'm saving for Tron.

When it comes out on DVD, or on TV, I might watch it, who knows. (Or maybe pirate it. It /is/ about the origin of FB after all.) XD

Oct 5, 2010, 08:08 AM
I think a movie about Facebook, or any "internet phenomenon", whether it be a meme, or a whole website, is absolutely asinine. I won't be seeing it. Sorry, that's just how I feel about it. It's not worth my money.

Thought the same way. Kinda. Then I realized I was being an idiot and watched a very close to perfect movie.

Also loving everyone saying that Mark grew up privileged. It was obvious that he got in there because of knowledge and not money.

Oct 5, 2010, 12:15 PM
That's like my entire reason for not wanting to see it. Obviously from the trailers and commercials and such it's going to try and make him out to be a character the audience can empathize with. Yeah okay, buddy, you're 26 years old, you grew up wealthy and privileged going to prep schools, then you went to Harvard and you're already a billionaire. Empathy my ass.

Uh, what? Guys, you do realize that Zuckerberg is in no way the hero in the movie, right?

Protagonists aren't always good guys. Sometimes they're sociopaths (like in this case.)

Oct 5, 2010, 12:50 PM
Uh, what? Guys, you do realize that Zuckerberg is in no way the hero in the movie, right?

Protagonists aren't always good guys. Sometimes they're sociopaths (like in this case.)

Daniel Plainview.

Oct 5, 2010, 01:18 PM
Uh, what? Guys, you do realize that Zuckerberg is in no way the hero in the movie, right?

Protagonists aren't always good guys. Sometimes they're sociopaths (like in this case.)Of course protagonists aren't always good guys. I haven't seen the movie. I'm just reacting to what I've seen in trailers, commercials and other advertisement media for the movie, like I said. Is it that hard to believe that a Hollywood film trying to base itself on true events but at the same time reach a wide audience would skew facts in order to be safer/more accessible?

Oct 5, 2010, 01:21 PM
I still want to see it.
I might go tonight!

Oct 5, 2010, 01:23 PM
Of course protagonists aren't always good guys. I haven't seen the movie. I'm just reacting to what I've seen in trailers, commercials and other advertisement media for the movie, like I said. Is it that hard to believe that a Hollywood film trying to base itself on true events but at the same time reach a wide audience would skew facts in order to be safer/more accessible?

Yeah, sorry, dude - your post was just the easiest one to quote without having to edit it. My reply was also intended to everybody else in the thread who is saying the movie is trying to make Zuckerberg into a good guy.

Heck, the trailer itself is cut like a thriller/horror movie.

Oct 5, 2010, 04:43 PM
I'm not even sure how much input he had in the making of the movie (if any). It puts him in a pretty negative light though, so anyone not wanting to see it because they think it's some self promotion flick is pretty wrong.

I thought it was great.

Oct 5, 2010, 05:08 PM
Dude was against the movie specifically for that reason.

Oct 5, 2010, 09:36 PM
Use.net -> Friendster -> Myspace -> Facebook / Twitter -> ??? (MyTwit Friends'SpacesterBook - why are they making me read this?)

Owners of "billion dollar" social network sites always looking to cash out at or near peak saturation for buyout offers to come in, then it will remain unfixed in every broken hole.

Better wait for the next one/boat/go round.

Oct 7, 2010, 11:42 AM
Why does Facebook need a movie?

Oct 7, 2010, 06:07 PM
Why does Facebook need a movie?

Do people purposefully not read. If this was a movie that was anything close to advertisement for facebook they would be doing everything wrong.