View Full Version : PSU/PSP clothing sucks

Oct 5, 2010, 08:39 PM
All right, I took Ceresa's call-out seriously and went back through the database of PSU clothes, plus an (incomplete, I believe) gallery of PSP2 additions from these forums.

Some of them are already known and copped to, like this new nipple jewelry "armour." Also the Voloyal and Magical Princess (the fact that Sega didn't design it doesn't absolve them of responsibility; they were the ones that brought in a porn artist and OKed the design). They stand out because they are the worst among the bunch. There are a lot of other stripperiffic clothes, though--not even horribly stripperiffic, just in that grey zone where they wouldn't be so bad if there were more alternatives (that weren't really cutesy). Some of them actually manage some kind of cool-/awesome-stripperiffic hybrid status, but not many of them.

Among the bottoms/legs, there are a whole lot of short-shorts, miniskirts, bikini-/leotard-style bottoms, and stockings, with comparatively few pants. (Also, fishnet.) Yes, we do have some pants, but many of them are silly or otherwise have problems of their own (Boaboas with the tail, Bunbuns with the short-shorts and cutesy "chaps," the Guardless Pants with those goofy neon pads that make it hard to match them with anything that isn't the midriff-baring Guardless Jacket or sometimes a Braves Coat, the Storia's goofy butt-pads and the fact that they are a pain in the ass to match with anything other than the midriff-baring Storia top, the Western Bottoms which look awesome but are a bitch to match with anything but the midriff-baring Phasnis Vest)--better selection and more items to match a variety of tops and shoes, please. See here: http://www.pso-world.com/items/psu/8-1/pants/

Among the tops, there are a lot of midriff-baring items. They aren't all terrible, not at all--some are actually pretty rad, like the HUnewe tank and the Phasnis Vest--the problem is that there's such an overwhelming quantity of them, and bare midriffs generally suggest "teenager clothes" and not "grown-up professional clothes"--and even among the not-midriff-baring ones, many of those still manage to look teenager- or school-age in other ways (i.e., Phanis, Pritia, Bombom, Karawai, etc.), compounding the problem. Also, fishnet. See here: http://www.pso-world.com/items/psu/8-2/jacket/

(I will, however, say the midriff-baring would be a bit less of a problem if we could get in on those abs and biceps the guys get; then some of the above outfits would at least manage to look far more warrioriffic. The Phasnis and HUnewe tank, again, come to mind. Also the Laia Replica. Hell, from the right angle, she had some pretty bangin' biceps as it is.)

Among CAST-gal parts, there are fewer stripperiffic items (Batrelle Torso, and to a lesser extent the Epicarel Torso), but unfortunately a lot of silly-looking items among the non-stripperiffic/cutesy/etc. items. Then again, I think the guy CASTs kind of get this problem, too, though they have more badass-looking torsos.

Gonna throw this out there, too: my queendom for a version of the Guardians Formal with a) flat-heeled boots instead of high heels and b) no flower accents. For srs. Actually more flat-heeled boots in general.

Some offenders from PSP2 beyond the Magical Princess (some aren't too terrible, but they're still kinda stripperiffic):
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/9f101x.jpg (Yes, it's a longcoat, yes, it's cool, but finally we get our longcoat and it's worn open pretty much over underwear? Really?)
http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-portable-2-knights-of-steel-dlc/ (We had to have a bra window and show some leg? I'm sure that was very critical to the outfit, so critical that it was somehow not critical for the boys.)

There were some good clothes added in PSP2, but beyond the stripperiffic ones, still a glut of cutesy ones--and why does the female version of every outfit with both male and female versions have to add thigh-flaunting and a skirt for the women? I didn't realize women weren't allowed to wear pants. Hell, even a lot of the better clothes still have (in comparison to the rest, minor) issues--Ursula's outfit is awesome, but still looks like someone said, "Let's take a CEO outfit, but make it sexy!" This would actually be entirely fine--hell, I'd wear it--if not for the fact that they do that with pretty much every outfit and it's kind of like this (http://www.entertonement.com/clips/kfgvxdflpj--Evil-vetSeth-Green-Mike-Myers-Austin-Powers-International-Man-of-Mystery-Dr-Evil-). Just replace the word "evil" with "sexy," and it's pretty much right on.

Now, if Sega actually brings in the awesome Slide to Nights (http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Slide-to-Nights.jpg), my bitching might be temporarily allayed... but ten bucks says they'll decide it's not sexy enough. (Also note all the boys screaming "UNISEX PL0X." Maybe when we can actually start getting more of the "unisex" outfits with pants, for fuck's sake.)

Oct 5, 2010, 08:51 PM
*Well-informed rant*

Everything you mention are valid points, yes. But, as I said in another post: the majority of Japanese persons, especially those that have media outlets, such as video game developers (Sega, for instance), tend to glorify female sexuality. Heavily. I don't think the're going to stop just to please the very, very few members of their fanbase that don't care for the stripper-esque, skanky sort of outfits.

Now, I'm not saying it's right or wrong that they don't have more modest, regular female clothes, but there's nothing we can really do about the clothing selection Sega and other developers put into their games.

Oct 5, 2010, 09:16 PM
Sega brought in a porn artist to design a piece of clothing?

I wish they had a design your own clothing tool or something. Generally even if the design is almost perfect there's always that one flaw in the clothing.

Oct 5, 2010, 09:21 PM
To some degree, Big Olaf, you speak the truth--though dare I say that they might have more members to their fanbase that prefer less stripperiffic/cutesy clothes if they actually had a point of entry for people that prefer less stripperiffic/cutesy clothes. Just throwing that out there.

But I suppose I should clarify that the problem--for all my at-length ranting--isn't so much the presence of stripperiffic/cutesy clothes (with the possible exceptions of the Voloyal, Magical Princess, and Nipple Armour, which are the really crazy ones), but that there are so few clothes that aren't stripperiffic, cutesy, or at the very least superfluously sexed-up/girlied-up. If there were actually more outfits for those of us who don't always want to be wearing stripper costumes, schoolgirl clothes, corsets, or miniskirts, then the presence of said stripper costumes/schoolgirl clothes/corsets/miniskirts wouldn't be a problem. I say that as someone who actually likes some of the aforementioned outfits--what bothers me is that there are so few alternatives for when I'm not in the mood/for people who don't want to dress that way.

Oct 5, 2010, 09:40 PM
Among the bottoms/legs, there are a whole lot of short-shorts, miniskirts, bikini-/leotard-style bottoms, and stockings, with comparatively few pants. (Also, fishnet.) Yes, we do have some pants, but many of them are silly or otherwise have problems of their own (Boaboas with the tail, Bunbuns with the short-shorts and cutesy "chaps," the Guardless Pants with those goofy neon pads that make it hard to match them with anything that isn't the midriff-baring Guardless Jacket or sometimes a Braves Coat, the Storia's goofy butt-pads and the fact that they are a pain in the ass to match with anything other than the midriff-baring Storia top, the Western Bottoms which look awesome but are a bitch to match with anything but the midriff-baring Phasnis Vest)--better selection and more items to match a variety of tops and shoes, please. See here: http://www.pso-world.com/items/psu/8-1/pants/

Isn't it natural to have shorts and skirts for athletic activities like killing dragons? Shorts more than skirts obviously, but you don't see women playing volleyball or basketball in long pants. It's not like they're wearing bloomers (unless you specifically pay for that DLC.)

Among the tops, there are a lot of midriff-baring items. They aren't all terrible, not at all--some are actually pretty rad, like the HUnewe tank and the Phasnis Vest--the problem is that there's such an overwhelming quantity of them, and bare midriffs generally suggest "teenager clothes" and not "grown-up professional clothes"--and even among the not-midriff-baring ones, many of those still manage to look teenager- or school-age in other ways (i.e., Phanis, Pritia, Bombom, Karawai, etc.), compounding the problem. Also, fishnet. See here: http://www.pso-world.com/items/psu/8-2/jacket/

Every character is a teenager! Every new Guardianz in PSU was a teenager, it's only natural that your character would be a teenager too and dress like a teenager. The handful of characters that aren't, like Ursula and Laia, have their professional attire. And there's the newly adopted guardian's uniform if you really want to get into the "professional" aspect, which is more fitting than a nice suit, you are a warrior afterall, not the executive CEO of tenora works. I mean come on you don't go play Oblivion and whine there's no suits (or skirts) right? The game has a theme, teenagers saving the universe, dress like one!

Some offenders from PSP2 beyond the Magical Princess (some aren't too terrible, but they're still kinda stripperiffic):
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/a6101x.jpg tail in the back, it's trash
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/a2101x.jpg I don't see sexy or stripper here at all, just moe overload
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/a0101x.jpg It's a cheerleader outfit, and more conservative then a lot of American cheerleader outfits at that...
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/9f101x.jpg (Yes, it's a longcoat, yes, it's cool, but finally we get our longcoat and it's worn open pretty much over underwear? Really?) But you don't complain about the braves coat showing a guy's abs do you? Lot more coverage than underwear.
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/9e101x.jpg It's just a midriff outfit, again more moe then stripper.
http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/1c121x.jpg caseals are hurting for a selection of revealing stuff
http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-portable-2-knights-of-steel-dlc/ (We had to have a bra window and show some leg? I'm sure that was very critical to the outfit, so critical that it was somehow not critical for the boys.) Maybe she wants a raise.

But I suppose I should clarify that the problem--for all my at-length ranting--isn't so much the presence of stripperiffic/cutesy clothes (with the possible exceptions of the Voloyal, Magical Princess, and Nipple Armour, which are the really crazy ones), but that there are so few clothes that aren't stripperiffic, cutesy, or at the very least superfluously sexed-up/girlied-up. If there were actually more outfits for those of us who don't always want to be wearing stripper costumes, schoolgirl clothes, corsets, or miniskirts, then the presence of said stripper costumes/schoolgirl clothes/corsets/miniskirts wouldn't be a problem. I say that as someone who actually likes some of the aforementioned outfits--what bothers me is that there are so few alternatives for when I'm not in the mood/for people who don't want to dress that way.

Rappy suit, guardians formal, koltoban, guardians uniform, quinty lieses, kakwane, ursula, laia, miyabikata, braves jacket, smartia, classica, flaxis, guardless, army jacket, gojgoj, knight kings armor...

Seems like there's plenty of alternatives?

Oct 5, 2010, 09:56 PM
Isn't it natural to have shorts and skirts for athletic activities like killing dragons? Shorts more than skirts obviously, but you don't see women playing volleyball or basketball in long pants. It's not like they're wearing bloomers (unless you specifically pay for that DLC.)

Pants seem pretty popular in militaries, where the bulk of actual fighting takes place. Shorts are popular in fighting sports.

Every character is a teenager! Every new Guardianz in PSU was a teenager, it's only natural that your character would be a teenager too and dress like a teenager. The handful of characters that aren't, like Ursula and Laia, have their professional attire. And there's the newly adopted guardian's uniform if you really want to get into the "professional" aspect, which is more fitting than a nice suit, you are a warrior afterall, not the executive CEO of tenora works. I mean come on you don't go play Oblivion and whine there's no suits (or skirts) right? The game has a theme, teenagers saving the universe, dress like one!

I am not a teenager and I will eat your heart before I will return to puberty.

Rappy suit, guardians formal, koltoban, guardians uniform, quinty lieses, kakwane, ursula, laia, miyabikata, braves jacket, smartia, classica, flaxis, guardless, army jacket, gojgoj, knight kings armor...

Seems like there's plenty of alternatives?

In order: ridiculous; good but needs flat-heeled boots and a lack of flower accents; OK but another skirted outfit; miniskirt (seriously, why can't we get a fucking Guardians Uniform with pants?); actually kinda nice; ridiculous; pretty cool but again runs into the "It's like a CEO but sexy!" problem (which wouldn't be a problem if it didn't plague 98% of the outfits already); good but midriff-baring; a fucking bathrobe; OK; navel-baring and skirted; decent top but booty-shorts-and-stocking bottoms; OK but kinda boring; midriff top and goofy pants that are hard to match with anything else (but can be half-assedly matched with a Braves Jacket at least); decent; kind of boring but I actually did use that for the longest-ass time on Janie for lack of alternatives; awesome but again skirted.

All of the ones listed except for the Guardless bottoms/shoes, Braves Jacket top, AMF, and rappy/kakwane costumes are also obviously from the women's section, which pretty much shuts my darling (and some of my own characters) out right at the door. Really, would it fucking kill anyone for us to get some things out of the men's section without having the pants yanked for a skirt and stockings, or the top ripped open for a bra-window, or the like?

http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-s...-of-steel-dlc/ (http://bumped.org/psublog/phantasy-star-portable-2-knights-of-steel-dlc/) (We had to have a bra window and show some leg? I'm sure that was very critical to the outfit, so critical that it was somehow not critical for the boys.) Maybe she wants a raise.

Yeah, the attitude that a woman should show some tits if she wants a raise is seriously ass-backwards and calls for five upside the dome.

http://raujinn.com/psu/outfits/9f101x.jpg (Yes, it's a longcoat, yes, it's cool, but finally we get our longcoat and it's worn open pretty much over underwear? Really?) But you don't complain about the braves coat showing a guy's abs do you? Lot more coverage than underwear.

Because the guys get longcoats and plenty of other badass clothes that don't.

Seth Astra
Oct 5, 2010, 10:33 PM
@Allison_W: 2 comments: 1. That was more informed than the majority of rants we see on PSOW. Nice job. 2. I would like it it that Slide to Nights outfit came out. I am a guy, and I pretty much play male and female chars equally, and that would definitely be an outfit I'd purchase for at least one of my female chars.

Oct 5, 2010, 10:59 PM
I totally second less absurd outfits for females.

The only good combos i can work with the female stuffs besides Smartia is
Pritia one piece+Classica Short

Flaxo+Braves Shorts

Pritia + Phantis Pants

Phantis + Pritia Shorts

its a shame that the 2 shorts you get from neudaiz's clothing styles have very tacky apperances (default seguya shorts) or has that stupid scar patch (i forgot its name)

Currently i just caved in and use Miku, trauma or Lovely Feathers mainly because feathers hell year

Oct 5, 2010, 11:03 PM
Now, if Sega actually brings in the awesome Slide to Nights (http://bumped.org/psublog/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Slide-to-Nights.jpg), my bitching might be temporarily allayed... but ten bucks says they'll decide it's not sexy enough.

I would like it it that Slide to Nights outfit came out.

I'm going to agree with Allison: Sega will most likely rule it out automatically because it's not sexy enough. As in: it doesn't show any cleavage or midriff. Sucks, too. Slide to Nights looks like an awesome outfit.

...Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, they might put it in. But, they'll edit it in one of two ways if they do: either open the top to show some tittage, or make the shirt shorter to show some bellybutton.

Seth Astra
Oct 5, 2010, 11:06 PM
In PSP2 I have my RAmarl wear the braves jacket + guardless pants, both black and gray. Actually looks pretty nice.

Oct 5, 2010, 11:30 PM
@Allison_W: 2 comments: 1. That was more informed than the majority of rants we see on PSOW. Nice job. 2. I would like it it that Slide to Nights outfit came out. I am a guy, and I pretty much play male and female chars equally, and that would definitely be an outfit I'd purchase for at least one of my female chars.

Thank you. :3 I'll have to source my arguments more often; it seems to make them much more effective. For certain values of "effective," I suppose.

In PSP2 I have my RAmarl wear the braves jacket + guardless pants, both black and gray. Actually looks pretty nice.

My mini-beast tomboy, for lack of being able to dress like the Vol Brothers, wore a black Gojgoj Vest, black Seyagya Shorts, and Boaboa Boots with bandana headgear for the longest time. Then she got a blue Guardians Formal, grew up, and got a haircut.

I'm going to agree with Allison: Sega will most likely rule it out automatically because it's not sexy enough. As in: it doesn't show any cleavage or midriff. Sucks, too. Slide to Nights looks like an awesome outfit.

...Actually, now that I'm thinking about it, they might put it in. But, they'll edit it in one of two ways if they do: either open the top to show some tittage, or make the shirt shorter to show some bellybutton.


Oct 6, 2010, 06:41 AM
I am totally agreeing with Allison_W.
It's horrible how many clothes are either revealing or just cute. I would love to have more clothes that go in the direction of the Guardians Formal or the AMF suits, to give your character a more serious fighter look. It's ok if there are those slutty and cute clothes but please give us some badass(unrevealing) and tomboy clothes aswell.
There a lot of character ideas I have, but can't create because the clothing options do not allow me to.
The first moment I saw the new nipple outfit(in the first moment I didn't see how naked she actually is) I was so happy that we finally got a real amour like outfit. Until I saw she is almost wearing a g-string and nothing more then nipple cover ups. Yeah, that's just what you are going to wear in battle...sure.

And I have no hopes for that outfit to win. As seen in the last item design contest, they rather take cheerleader outfits and bathtowels :l

Oct 6, 2010, 08:48 AM
We should totally put more work on Ruby's plate and start hassling him to hassle his bosses to hassle SoJ to get the Slide to Nights in for us not-so-cottoning-to-cutesy-shit Westerners.

Oct 6, 2010, 09:05 AM
I personally enjoy the striptastic outfits for fun and giggles, but very rarely actually equip them unless I'm just messing around. Such as my chubby minimum height character in the magical princess outfit, which makes me laugh. XD

I do very much agree that we need more outfits that aren't sexed-up; you can see my gallery to see what my two primary PsP2 characters wear, though my VAbeast uses the outfit based on one of those silly npc's that just hang out in the lobby. (Still, it's a cool outfit.)

I really do believe this is just Sega going with the age old system of 'sex sells.' They are, first and foremost, a business, so if they manage to package stripper stuff in a game that will already sell to the fanbase despite them, then they can likely hook more of the people who aren't so interested in the game as they are in dressing up their characters in suggestive outfits.

In light of the nipple jewelry armor, I do like the new cast outfit; it very much reminds me of Wartech Senko No Ronde, a game I loved the designs in, so that 'little devil' outfit will probably be Farrence 3.0.

Oct 6, 2010, 09:40 AM
I can't quite tell what Phalanx is wearing in her shot--is it the replica of that one mercenary gal's outfit?

Oct 6, 2010, 09:51 AM
I can't quite tell what Phalanx is wearing in her shot--is it the replica of that one mercenary gal's outfit?

Yeah it is, in Purple. I've been meaning to get a better picture up, but haven't gotten around to it just yet, as my computer that accesses the internet isn't the one I keep my image files on. Haven't posted an updated Farrence yet, either.

Oct 6, 2010, 10:27 AM
Good to know.

Incidentally, what's your opinion on the Slide to Nights? Everyone seems to like it, but everyone also seems to believe that Sega will hate its navel-and-cleavage-covering properties.

Oct 6, 2010, 12:15 PM
I like the design, and that's sort of the hairstyle Farrence used to sport in PsP1. May not use it for my current characters, but I'd like it for my inevitable Duman.

One of the things that I would like is if it's a three piece set; with PsP2, we got a handful of new ooutfits, but it was all full body stuff, so we can't mix and match them. What I want is new parts/clothes that aren't full body that actually look good. I'd love the slide to knights top, with maybe slightly different pants, but I'm fickle so I like to change it often.

Badass > Sexy

Oct 6, 2010, 12:55 PM
Agreed. Maybe more girls would play video games if developers stopped trying to get us to run around in g-strings and pasties.

Oct 6, 2010, 01:23 PM
Agreed. Maybe more girls would play video games if developers stopped trying to get us to run around in g-strings and pasties.

Didn't know what that was until I Googled it.


I had no idea that such creepy things existed.

Oct 6, 2010, 01:50 PM
Didn't know what that was until I Googled it.


I had no idea that such creepy things existed.

Yup, they're around, though I rarely see them out where I live, since it's a cold weather area.

As much as I love boobs, it gets degrading after a while, and if I'm out there kicking butt, I'd rather do it in something that looks cool, not looks cold. XD

Oct 6, 2010, 01:54 PM
Yup, they're around, though I rarely see them out where I live, since it's a cold weather area.

I've never seen them. Probably because they're mostly worn on the beach (and apparently, from what Google told me, by rich women looking for attention), and even though I live 10 minutes from the beach, I hate going there. Not a big fan of people running around 80% naked, at least in real life. Kind of creepy.

Oct 6, 2010, 01:56 PM
I've never seen them. Probably because they're mostly worn on the beach (and apparently, from what Google told me, by rich women looking for attention), and even though I live 10 minutes from the beach, I hate going there.

I'm not a beach going person myself; I usually get all kinds of evil glares, because I'm semi- goth/grunge in how I dress.

I have seen them a few times, but normally on people I'd rather not have seen. >.<

Oct 6, 2010, 03:15 PM
I like this thread.

But it is true. Japan, and by extension Sega of Japan, has a tendancy towards moe-moe sh-... stuff. Westerners in general make up a much smaller portion of their fanbase. And among the Japanese, females in general are not a large portion of their fanbase, either (though stuff like this obviously doesn't help). So I'm not really gettin' my hopes up anytime soon.

But, yeah, it would be nice if they'd throw us some more practically-designed bones. My tomboy character's worn pretty much one outfit throughout her entire lifetime because there's just nothing else out there that fits.

(I personally tend towards bare biceps and midriff for my characters, myself, but nothing excessively girly.)

My bigger concern, PSO2-wise, is getting, as you mentioned, some kind of control for musculature. I want my character to look buff - not freakish, monstrous body-builder buff, just defined muscles and more mass than the little girl over there throwing around foies every second of the day.

Oct 6, 2010, 03:46 PM
(I personally tend towards bare biceps and midriff for my characters, myself, but nothing excessively girly.)

Yes, I quite enjoy the sexy outfits in video games. Sometimes, it's a little over-the-top, though (Magical Princess). Hell, I even love the Voloyal Set (probably because of the big hips ^^;). In real life, though, I would find a girl wearing such outfits to be a grade-A skank, and *would steer clear of them.

*Well, technically I try and steer clear of all girls, as it were. But, you all know what I mean.

Oct 6, 2010, 05:28 PM
It'd be nice if they had more gender neutral and tomboyish clothes, also long coats that don't have high-heels. I've never been a fan of heels.

Oct 6, 2010, 06:07 PM
Japan And There "Lack" Of Creation I Suppose...

Yes, I quite enjoy the sexy outfits in video games. Sometimes, it's a little over-the-top, though (Magical Princess). Hell, I even love the Voloyal Set (probably because of the big hips ^^;). In real life, though, I would find a girl wearing such outfits to be a grade-A skank, and *would steer clear of them.

*Well, technically I try and steer clear of all girls, as it were. But, you all know what I mean.

I Know How Ya Feel...

Oct 6, 2010, 11:19 PM
Look, I just want some pants. A decent pair of pants!

Oct 7, 2010, 11:40 AM

pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft .
I SO KNEW they were going to take that cowgirl outfit <_<

Oct 7, 2010, 11:45 AM
pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft .
I SO KNEW they were going to take that cowgirl outfit <_<

Don't forget the cutesy cat-girl outfit on the top row....

....and the goth loli dress on the bottom row.

Those two, along with the cowgirl outfit, are hardly surprises to me.

Oct 7, 2010, 11:56 AM
Don't forget the cutesy cat-girl outfit on the top row....

....and the goth loli dress on the bottom row.

Those two, along with the cowgirl outfit, are hardly surprises to me.

Oh god, I didn't even want to mention that loli goth outfit...it's...I just see them all wearing it. uah. That outfit winning is so disappointing.

Oct 7, 2010, 01:58 PM
It looks like Slide by Nights didn't make it in, but all kinds of shit that is completely silly or virtually indistinguishable from shit they already have did.

Dear Segac, please get cancer and die. Eternal Hatred, Allison W

P.S. No really I am kind of murderously pissed and wish all kinds of ill will on these sacks of shit

Oct 7, 2010, 02:05 PM
I think it was made obvious that all Nippons are pedos over 100 years ago.

Oct 7, 2010, 02:24 PM
It looks like Slide by Nights didn't make it in, but all kinds of shit that is completely silly or virtually indistinguishable from shit they already have did.

The only female costume that made it in that isn't skanky or completely lolicon moe-moe would be the Burial Coat (http://phantasystaruniverse.jp/event/itemdesigncontest2010/report/image/item/2882_l.jpg). Notice, that it's actually a unisex outfit, with male and female versions.

Oct 7, 2010, 02:26 PM
The only female costume that made it in that isn't skanky or completely lolicon moe-moe would be the Burial Coat (http://phantasystaruniverse.jp/event/itemdesigncontest2010/report/image/item/2882_l.jpg). Notice, that it's actually a unisex outfit, with male and female versions.

No, it's not a unisex outfit. It's one outfit with a full jacket and pants, and another outfit cut to show off the navel, a miniskirt, and stockings.

Oct 7, 2010, 02:27 PM
No, it's not a unisex outfit. It's one outfit with a full jacket and pants, and another outfit cut to show off the navel, a miniskirt, and stockings.

Well, obviously there will be a few differences between the male and female versions of the outfit. It looks to me that the shirt goes all the way to the skirt, though. I don't see any navel (but my eyesight isn't the best).

Well, at least it's better than the loli goth dress and cowgirl.

Oct 7, 2010, 02:28 PM

I guess we shouldn't put our hopes up for things changing in PSO2, eh? ^^;

Oct 7, 2010, 02:30 PM
Probably not, no. It's unfortunate, because the PS series is really the only series of its kind, but as it stands, the weight of Sega's moral shortcomings is far too great to forgive when it doesn't even show the slightest desire to mend its ways.

Oct 7, 2010, 02:38 PM
Probably not, no. I may yet be forced to write Sega off as a lost cause in its entirety.

The question I'm about to ask may come off as rude, provoking, or a simple case of "none of your business", but I have to know:

What causes you to be so against this kind of stuff?

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just genuinely curious about your views; the "bigger picture" of your whole disdain towards scantily-clad females in video games, or in general. Could you give me/us a little bit of backstory, if you don't mind? Like, where did all this start? When did you realize how common female degradation is in virtual mediums? What about it makes you so angry? Why is it such a big deal to you?

You don't have to explain if you don't want to. I'm just curious. Don't think of it as me trying to argue; think of it as an interview.

Oct 7, 2010, 03:07 PM
I hope that's not a complete list, there were a lot of good entries missing from that page, some of those are actually looking pretty bottom-barrel. Slide To Nights was really classy looking, I'll be upset if it gets left out.

Oct 7, 2010, 03:53 PM
The question I'm about to ask may come off as rude, provoking, or a simple case of "none of your business", but I have to know:

What causes you to be so against this kind of stuff?

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I'm just genuinely curious about your views; the "bigger picture" of your whole disdain towards scantily-clad females in video games, or in general. Could you give me/us a little bit of backstory, if you don't mind? Like, where did all this start? When did you realize how common female degradation is in virtual mediums? What about it makes you so angry? Why is it such a big deal to you?

You don't have to explain if you don't want to. I'm just curious. Don't think of it as me trying to argue; think of it as an interview.

Oh, it's not that I oppose having the option to show off some skin; it's that it bothers me when the wardrobe selection is so skewed towards it (and that which isn't skin-showing is irritatingly moe-moe or seriously girlied-up, which a lot of women aren't so fond of, my darling included) that it lacks meaningful alternatives. Hence why I said I might temporarily take a chill pill if the Slide to Nights or something like it made it in. But it's looking like it didn't, so fire breath is go.

Now, if you want to ask another question in light of the above, go ahead.

Slide To Nights was really classy looking, I'll be upset if it gets left out.

You and me both.

Oct 7, 2010, 04:54 PM
Oh, it's not that I oppose having the option to show off some skin; it's that it bothers me when the wardrobe selection is so skewed towards it (and that which isn't skin-showing is irritatingly moe-moe or seriously girlied-up, which a lot of women aren't so fond of, my darling included) that it lacks meaningful alternatives. Hence why I said I might temporarily take a chill pill if the Slide to Nights or something like it made it in. But it's looking like it didn't, so fire breath is go.

I see. You're saying that it's ok to have some skimpy clothing, but when 90% of the wardrobe is all overly-revealing, then it becomes a problem. I slightly misunderstood you at first. I thought you were trying to imply that if any clothing at all is scant, that Sega should die in the roaring infernos of Hades.

Oct 7, 2010, 05:00 PM
I see. You're saying that it's ok to have some skimpy clothing, but when 90% of the wardrobe is all overly-revealing, then it becomes a problem. I slightly misunderstood you at first. I thought you were trying to imply that if any clothing at all is scant, that Sega should die in the roaring infernos of Hades.

Nah, I was saying that they should die in the roaring infernos of Hades because they passed on the amazing Slide by Nights in favour of more trash.

Oct 7, 2010, 05:02 PM
Nah, I was saying that they should die in the roaring infernos of Hades because they passed on the amazing Slide by Nights in favour of more trash.

Damn Right. That Clothing Was Awesome. What Next Will They Throw Out?

Oct 7, 2010, 05:10 PM
Nah, I was saying that they should die in the roaring infernos of Hades because they passed on the amazing Slide by Nights in favour of more trash.

Yes, I would've rather had Slide to Nights than that stupid blue cat suit. However, since it showed no skin whatsoever, and certainly wasn't cutesy loli shit, it was promptly stamped with the DENIED sticker, and put into the shredder.

I like a lot of Sega's "dirty" clothing, but I also agree with you in the fact that there isn't much of an alternative most times (for when the player isn't feeling "naughty").

Oct 7, 2010, 05:29 PM
Yes, I would've rather had Slide to Nights than that stupid blue cat suit. However, since it showed no skin whatsoever, and certainly wasn't cutesy loli shit, it was promptly stamped with the DENIED sticker, and put into the shredder.

I like a lot of Sega's "dirty" clothing, but I also agree with you in the fact that there isn't much of an alternative most times (for when the player isn't feeling "naughty").

Would anyone miss that fucking cat suit if it didn't make it in? Seriously. The Slide by Nights would actually fill a need as opposed to throwing more redundancy on the pile.

Oct 8, 2010, 06:58 AM
Well, from the look of those on there, it at least looks like they're expanding their fetishes a little bit. -_-"

And personally, I'll probably run around in the cardboard box cat outfit.

Hmm... maybe we should make a guild that runs around in the default nothing on clothing.

Oct 8, 2010, 07:42 AM
There's a very good chance I won't be joining you, sadly.

Oct 8, 2010, 07:50 AM
You kinda get used to disappointment with Sega; that, or you stop looking forward to things they release entirely.

I'm mad about the outfits Sega ended up going with, but it's not going to stop me from playing, because over all, I still enjoy the game. Outfit wise, my main has looked the same through all of the PSU games, and if I could screencap my PS2, I would. I'm not expecting anything 'new' for Sega to do outfit wise, and while I would like some better outfits, for now I'll stick with classic PSU cast.

Oct 8, 2010, 07:55 AM
Overall, I enjoy the games, too, but I'm too old to take snubs lying down. That, and I've always been the type to cut off my nose to spite my face, as it were.

Oct 8, 2010, 08:09 AM
Something tells me you're not a Fable fan; Peter Molyneux is infamous for making a good game but hyping it up and promising more than it delivers.

The way I see it, if we get one good outfit with each new game/release, then we should have one or two we actually like before they close all support for the game.

EDIT: Also, if they're going to be giving all this fanservice moe/slut stuff, you'd think they could at least give my cast boob-missiles. XP

Oct 8, 2010, 10:41 AM
Actually, I have the Fable III LCE preordered. I don't feel snubbed by Peter just because he lets us in on what he's thinking and can only get 100% instead of 110% into the game.

Also, Fable is one of the few games out there with homer marriage and cross-dressing.

Oct 15, 2010, 10:55 AM
I think PSPo2's clothing and parts are worse than PSU's ever were.

And why can't I get rid of those stupid antennae on my Casts?!

Oct 15, 2010, 11:27 AM
And why can't I get rid of those stupid antennae on my Casts?!

Even worse, why can't we get the damned metal chinstrap off the female CASTs? Hell, Genevieve looks like she has a beard! :argh:

Oct 15, 2010, 05:20 PM
I think PSPo2's clothing and parts are worse than PSU's ever were.

And why can't I get rid of those stupid antennae on my Casts?!

WHAT?! >.> Damn Segac Better Go To Hell. And Rot There For All I F'n Care.

Oct 18, 2010, 08:05 AM
Once I can dress my eight foot overweight male beast in drag and make my female characters at least look sensible, I'll be content.

Still want more mix n' match outfits. As much as I enjoy the one piece stuff, I want more outfit pieces so I can actually customize my character, whatever they may look like.

Nov 8, 2010, 12:28 PM
Finally, I'm glad SOMEONE else is complaining about this. I've been saying this since day 1, and I never get anything but mocks. I generally have a specific theme for my female characters, and can never have them filled because of what we have to work with. Heck, the instant I got the game, I wanted to make a female newman, because I liked those characters in the classic series, and loved my HUnewearl. But when I saw even the starting outfits compared to the caseal outfits, I went caseal and never went back.
And heck, lucky for me, we have the Elaciel, Degiel, and Epicarel sets. I don't think I've ever found anything else that fits my caseal, though I probably could scrape something else together if I made another.

Sha Sha
Nov 8, 2010, 03:04 PM
this is probably one of the main reasons i stick to Male characters in game then females, even though im a female irl.
Every outfit i try to make for my female characters look too slutty to me and if i try to change it it looks horrible. I like that Slide into NIghts, i hope it makes it in

Nov 8, 2010, 09:57 PM
Once I can dress my eight foot overweight male beast in drag and make my female characters at least look sensible, I'll be content.

Support fully.

this is probably one of the main reasons i stick to Male characters in game then females, even though im a female irl.
Every outfit i try to make for my female characters look too slutty to me and if i try to change it it looks horrible. I like that Slide into NIghts, i hope it makes it in

It didn't. I'm upset, too.

Nov 8, 2010, 10:33 PM
Now that I've had PSPo2 for a few days and have gotten a look at all of the outfits, I must say, most of the new Female clothing looks fucking retarded. Seriously, porno bunny outfit? Some fluffy shit with a tail? More fluffy shit with an even larger tail? Super crazy dress/robe/newman shit that has too much flare? Blah. The only good new outfits are the Rossentrim-whatever and the winged-battle jacket thing.

On a side-note: Ursula's Replica is awesome.

Nov 8, 2010, 10:38 PM
On a side-note: Ursula's Replica is awesome.

That's why it's the only outfit my Lilandra wears...

...besides the Bath Towel, on occasion.

Nov 10, 2010, 12:46 AM
And why can't I get rid of those stupid antennae on my Casts?!

BURN IN FIRE YOU INFIDEL DOG YOU!!! There is nothing wrong with antennae!!! >.<


Ok, I am better now. I apologize for my outburst you cretin... >.>;


Best written rant I have come across of for a very long time. And I agree with your sentiment 100%. And I have a fellow veteran of the game that agrees with your views as well.

But this is not only occurs in psp2, psu, etc. I have come across this in many games. Too many to list here.

Its like even FULL ARMOR means show cleavage exposing your HEART to the blade of your enemy... for the sake of a boob shot? Really? Come now.

Or fighting hordes of zombies in a miniskirt and sleveless tops... you know, because you want to be bitten and infected =/

Fighting games where your tactic obviously relies on the ability to distract your opponent with huge gravity defying mammary glands, because your fighting skill obviously is lacking >.>

It appears that common sense is out the window for the sake of t&a approach to gaining more sales.

Nov 10, 2010, 09:32 AM
Well, Allison. You already know I definitely agree with this rant. In various ways, I pointed this out for years. Not in a full rant, mind you. But little posts here and there. I'm very familiar with all the research you did to come up with the supporting references for your point because I've done all of that, myself.

On the other hand, that really was part of my challenge. My first character design was for a tomboy. Which is even more wanting for a different clothing selection than just a character who wants to wear pants and regular clothes on occasion.

So my choices also helped for individuality, since the tomboy is indeed a rare character design choice for an online character. That way, if someone saw me (even from a distance) they know it was me and only me. (It would also, incidentally, help to lower folks hitting on my character because they would see her as "just one of the guys").

However, that choice quickly showed me the major tilt for which so many clothing options were going. Over time, when we got the Western clothes, I was real happy to see at least one combination that would so work. But of course, everybody here knows my kicker. Not necessarily the last straw, but the one that got me talking the most. When they were going to introduce the Casino, and they showed the Beast female wearing the Voloyal outfit and a Cowboy hat.

Of course, I saw the outfit and said "Typical, another outfit I wouldn't dare put on any of my characters." But then my eyes drew to the hat and looking at my current Western combo, I said, "I want that hat!" So I was all in anticipation for this 1 single new outfit choice I've been waiting a long time to get. Only to get denied it when it did come out. Obviously, like that German guy from Three Amigos, who heard about movie magic and trick photography. "I was crushed." Ok, maybe not that bad, but I just had to voice that I wanted that.

Yep. I turned from a chooser to a beggar. Waiting a good year for 1 piece of clothing you can add to your collection and then see it disappear in a flash. The guardians formal was pretty much the only piece of clothing, since then, that works into Tynselle's motif. Wow. 3 years, and they give only 1 sensible clothing choice? Fast work there, Sega.

Mufonna, my 2nd, was sort of a thing to prove a point. I decided to give her the outfit choices of the cute (not stripperella, but cute. Sometimes way overly doll-like cute). Of course, her outfit choices are pretty high. And it seems to be growing.

Still, I guess one may simply just say, "Well, it's Japan." Because perhaps the demands and such are very different than over here. Sensible buttkicking outfits, are one of the new hotness aspects, over here; but perhaps that never happened over there. I know people don't normally like to hear one say, "Well, perhaps you should try the western-made stuff, to get more of your sensible outfit choices." But in this case, it's pretty much true, until more Japanese developers change their tune.

Nov 10, 2010, 10:03 AM
Still, I guess one may simply just say, "Well, it's Japan." Because perhaps the demands and such are very different than over here. Sensible buttkicking outfits, are one of the new hotness aspects, over here; but perhaps that never happened over there. I know people don't normally like to hear one say, "Well, perhaps you should try the western-made stuff, to get more of your sensible outfit choices." But in this case, it's pretty much true, until more Japanese developers change their tune.

Sadly. I just wish we had developers over here making PSO-like games. There's the Diablo series and its handful of clones, but they're not quite on-target, what with the point-and-click interface and whatnot.

Nov 10, 2010, 12:09 PM
True. To bring the Phantasy Star game style to the west, with western clothing options, pretty much means that somebody over here has to make a game particularly like Phantasy Star. Something hardly anybody else has quite done (Eastern developers or Western). We have western-made versions of all the other types, but Phantasy Star is unique, in that regard. There still aren't other online RPGs that play like this. With everything being a full real-time action game. No turn-based or active-time elements. No cooldowns. No menu system to pull off actions, etc.

Those closest western-thing, I've seen was Sacred 2 on the consoles. Yes it comes from Diablo roots, but on consoles like the 360, it plays pretty much like a fully realtime dungeon crawler, with multiplayer. No click-based stuff at all. The changes for the console interface is pretty much what makes it feel and act like a full-blown action RPG. With the added bonus that you get to actually can select to play as an angelic-type of character that kicks butt.

It would be nice to see Diablo 3 go this direction, but I still doubt they'll ever make it for anything other than computers. Which means, it's probably still going to be heavily mouse-driven, and thus a clicky-experience.

The bad, is basically like most Diablo style games. The only character customization is really what kind of better armor parts you want to wear. So there's little dressing up for just aethetics, involved. So your basic look is decided upon, on character creation. Though to be fair, there are some great-looking armors. (But of course, you also feel bad when the *better* armor choice for you doesn't look as good as what you're wearing now.) But alas, sometimes you will balance whether the boost is worth looking uglier for it. (Like this one *awesome* looking pair of wings for my Seraphim which I would *only* dare trade for a pair that looked as good. Darn the boost from the ugly ones)

Roger Triton
Nov 28, 2010, 06:22 AM
Everything you mention are valid points, yes. .... tend to glorify female sexuality. Heavily. I don't think the're going to stop just to please the very, very few members of their fanbase that don't care for the stripper-esque, skanky sort of outfits

Wow. Just wow.

Isn't it just the opposite on this side of the pond? If it was developed in America, you would have groups like the Mormons & Focus on the Family howling because there was so much skin. And of course exposing the guys a bit would have a similar group saying 'z0mg homosexuals!!1!'

Be thankful that one of these right-wing groups allows games to even be imported from Japan to America. Right now there is a bill in California (which was supported by the previous governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger) that is trying to get rid of violent video games. (Well not really, but I feel the ultimate aim is exactly that.)

I believe this might be one of those cases where we can't have it both ways. We either give up the right to have 'a bit of skank' in the game. Or allow it to be censored to Hell, so that everything is so dumbed down that it doesn't offend anyone.

Blame it on Democracy! *sarcasm*

Nov 28, 2010, 02:10 PM
Wow. Just wow.

Isn't it just the opposite on this side of the pond? If it was developed in America, you would have groups like the Mormons & Focus on the Family howling because there was so much skin. And of course exposing the guys a bit would have a similar group saying 'z0mg homosexuals!!1!'

Be thankful that one of these right-wing groups allows games to even be imported from Japan to America. Right now there is a bill in California (which was supported by the previous governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger) that is trying to get rid of violent video games. (Well not really, but I feel the ultimate aim is exactly that.)

I believe this might be one of those cases where we can't have it both ways. We either give up the right to have 'a bit of skank' in the game. Or allow it to be censored to Hell, so that everything is so dumbed down that it doesn't offend anyone.

Blame it on Democracy! *sarcasm*

I don't see how anything you just said is relevant to the topic (besides the censorship points). You're blowing it into a way bigger proportion than we were even hinting at.

Also, just because a game comes from Japan, it doesn't mean that 99% of the clothes need to be shameless, dirty outfits. Just because a game comes from America, it doesn't mean that there can't be even 1% of shameless, dirty outfits. We were talking about having a happy medium between the two.