View Full Version : PSO on PC?

Oct 8, 2010, 11:59 AM
So I came back today to try and catch up on all the PSO news. My problem is that there are so many Phantasy Star games now, I don't know which to pick up.

A little back story: I used to play PSO back in the dreamcast days and damn did I love that game. After I had a break from it for a while I decided to go pick up a DreamCast from GameCrazy. Mind you, this was when GameCube was the hot Nintendo system.

I remember walking into the store and seeing Phantasy Star Online for GameCube and damn near soiled myself. Safe to say I bought the game and played the ever living heck out of it. Got the modem and all.

Then I played it yet AGAIN on Xbox 1. I just couldn't get enough of it.

Fast forward to Xbox 360 days of Phantasy Star Online... erm... Universe. I honestly couldn't get into it. It was a button mashing fest... What happened to the timed combos? What happened to mags?

It just wasn't doing it for me at all and I gave up on it entirely.

So now, I finally have a decent PC and have been playing a number of games on it and decided I would look into what's going on with Phantasy Star Online for PC. Do people play it online anywhere? Is there any other new PSO game I would be interested in that's akin to the Dreamcast one?

Again, I didn't see the appeal to PSU at ALL. Was I missing something?

Thanks guys.

Oct 8, 2010, 12:09 PM
You want to start playing Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst which is a port of PSO Episode 1 & 2 GC, but with an added Episode IV, there is servers around for it, but I'm not too sure if we can mention them(I think I can PM them),

Oct 8, 2010, 12:09 PM
PSOBB has a private server Google it,it has episodes 1,2,4 on it,add Blue.(Also there was a PSU PS2/PC version,but it was shut down sadly,because the community was so low.)

Oct 8, 2010, 12:10 PM
Awesome. Thanks guys; I can't believe how fast you responded haha.

If I recall, Episode III was a card game right?

And Krigo, I am open for a PM! Thanks again.

Oct 8, 2010, 12:11 PM
Awesome. Thanks guys; I can't believe how fast you responded haha.

If I recall, Episode III was a card game right?

And Krigo, I am open for a PM! Thanks again.
Yeah Episode III is a strategy-card game, unfortunately not on PSOBB but it's pretty fun when you get into it. I've been playing it recently actually, I didn't like it until now :P