View Full Version : The Walking Dead.

Oct 10, 2010, 05:05 PM
So, is anyone else looking forward to this show on AMC? To me it looks like it might be a real winner. If you never heard of the show, it's based off a graqphic novel of the same title and story.


Nitro Vordex
Oct 10, 2010, 05:08 PM
So instead of choking my computer on that site, what's this show about?

Oct 10, 2010, 07:12 PM
I am wicked excited about it. I haven't read the comics yet, unfortunately, but my friend lent me the first book in the series so I intend to at least read that before Halloween rolls around. I truly hope it's good. The process of making the first zombie was amusing at least!

On a completely unrelated note, it's hilarious to get "the fabric of our lives" commercials while watching these trailers.

Oct 10, 2010, 07:16 PM
Haven't read the comics, and know little to nothing about it.

But a show about zombies and people during a zombie apocalypse is something I can totally get behind.

Oct 10, 2010, 10:28 PM
There's a link to the wiki for the comic strip.

Oct 10, 2010, 11:54 PM
The comic started off really good, but after about four or five volumes I stopped reading. It just boiled down to page after page of characters dying for shock value.

But like I said - the beginning was really good! Especially the first volume. I'll do my best to watch the show once it's on the air.

Oct 11, 2010, 09:07 AM
The comic started off really good, but after about four or five volumes I stopped reading. It just boiled down to page after page of characters dying for shock value.

But like I said - the beginning was really good! Especially the first volume. I'll do my best to watch the show once it's on the air.

And this is something I completely disagree with. How can dying in a zombie apocalypse be for shock value.

And here is an opening someone made just for the hell of it. Pretty cool.


Oct 11, 2010, 11:34 AM
And this is something I completely disagree with. How can dying in a zombie apocalypse be for shock value.

When it's a random background character with hardly any panel time killing a couple of kids out of the blue? That's almost the definition of "shock value."

Unless the series radically changed after volume 5, I'm pretty satisfied assuming that each additional volume will just be more terrible things happening to these characters. Maybe if Kirkman had an ending planned I'd be willing to give it another shot, but he initially said that he planned on running the series as long as it can possibly go. Which is a cool idea on its own - we never really see stories about life in the long term after a zombie apocalypse - but it became too much "more of the same" for me and I decided not to keep up with it.

Oct 11, 2010, 04:56 PM
When it's a random background character with hardly any panel time killing a couple of kids out of the blue? That's almost the definition of "shock value."

When it was a character that we couldn't "trust" and was alluded to many a time, I wouldn't really call it out of the blue.

Unless the series radically changed after volume 5, I'm pretty satisfied assuming that each additional volume will just be more terrible things happening to these characters.

I find it funny that you say that.

All but 3 are dead

Oct 11, 2010, 05:38 PM
Well then, lets whet your appetite (pardon the pun) for the show with this image.


I swear, Tom Savini would be jealous of this makup job.

Kage Shiroyuki
Oct 11, 2010, 06:48 PM
I'll check it out but I generally like Zombie killing.

When does it start Showing on AMC?

Oct 12, 2010, 12:27 PM
My wife and I are so excited for the show. We've read a couple of the graphic novel collections. A well written comic about zombies. I hope that translates to a well written TV show about zombies too.

Oct 15, 2010, 07:59 PM
this looks pretty cool, ill proly watch the first couple, and if i like it, watch the rest.

Oct 16, 2010, 04:20 PM
High School of the fucking Dead ruined zombies for me. For me the first Night of the Living Dead, and Resident Evil 1-3 were well done. "Shawn of the Dead" and "The Last Man on Earth" added enough of a twist to make them interesting, everything else just seems to be either in what-would-you-do? fan fiction, or using zombies for politically correct violence.

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Oct 17, 2010, 12:34 PM
High School of the fucking Dead ruined zombies for me. For me the first Night of the Living Dead, and Resident Evil 1-3 were well done. "Shawn of the Dead" and "The Last Man on Earth" added enough of a twist to make them interesting, everything else just seems to be either in what-would-you-do? fan fiction, or using zombies for politically correct violence.

I love you Kion. Yea I had high hopes for HSOTD but it turned out to be like the Queens Blade of zombie anime. Anyone who's boob size wasn't the size of someone's head and not a loli died horribly. I shake my fist at Japan for screwing up a zombie genre. From now on High School of the Dead is the Twilight version of zombies. Terrible and rage inducing.

To get back on topic I'm giddy with school girl anticipation at Walking Dead. Oh and was it just me or did someone call the zombies "Walkers"? What is this, Left 4 Dead?

Gettin on my chocolate helicopter....

Oct 17, 2010, 06:20 PM
Zombies are the new Moe.

Oct 17, 2010, 10:42 PM
I love you Kion. Yea I had high hopes for HSOTD but it turned out to be like the Queens Blade of zombie anime. Anyone who's boob size wasn't the size of someone's head and not a loli died horribly. I shake my fist at Japan for screwing up a zombie genre. From now on High School of the Dead is the Twilight version of zombies. Terrible and rage inducing.

To get back on topic I'm giddy with school girl anticipation at Walking Dead. Oh and was it just me or did someone call the zombies "Walkers"? What is this, Left 4 Dead?

Gettin on my chocolate helicopter....

But that dog looked hilarious.

Oct 19, 2010, 08:12 AM

Resident Evil 1-3 were well done. everything else just seems to be either in what-would-you-do? fan fiction, or using zombies for politically correct violence..

Anyway, I was skeptical this show would be good and that they would be cashing in on the zombie craze but after reading some reviews I'm really psyched for it and pleasantly looking forward to it. Whats really has me looking forward to it.

The Walking Dead hits the ground running, as far as violence goes. I'm not actually sure how they got away with as much as they did, but it's glorious to behold. Not to mention, the violence is highly entertaining. If the sound and sight of one pissed-off police officer taking his axe to the skull of a wandering undead citizen doesn't get you excited, then... this may not be the series for you. Because even though Walking Dead is layered with rich character drama, it still knows how to kick ass.

Oct 29, 2010, 07:59 AM
Sorry to bring this back up, but this Sunday is the premier and I just saw the new extended trailer. I am now even more pumped for this show.


Oct 31, 2010, 10:22 PM
I only caught the last half hour of it and I knew I was going to regret watching.

The only thing that gets at me is seeing an animal die. I'm gonna have nightmares about that poor horse for a week.

Should have learned my lesson after watching I Am Legend yesterday.

Oct 31, 2010, 10:29 PM
After watching it, I have a question. Maybe someone can answer it.

[SPOILER-BOX]How long was he in that gawdamned hospital? Was he in a coma or something? One second his friend is leaving him flowers, the next it's, like, 6 months later or something. The beginning was confusing, but cool.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Oct 31, 2010, 11:00 PM
After watching it, I have a question. Maybe someone can answer it.

[SPOILER-BOX]How long was he in that gawdamned hospital? Was he in a coma or something? One second his friend is leaving him flowers, the next it's, like, 6 months later or something. The beginning was confusing, but cool.[/SPOILER-BOX]

From what I've heard, he was in a coma. No idea for how long. I'm still watching it now. But I like what I see so far.

Nov 1, 2010, 07:23 AM
I feel like that's how 28 Weeks (or was it Days...?) Later started. o.-;

Nov 1, 2010, 11:47 AM
I feel like that's how 28 Weeks (or was it Days...?) Later started. o.-;

And that's where the similarities end.

I do have a question to those that read the graphic novel. Just how LONG was Rick in that coma?

Nov 1, 2010, 01:48 PM
Oh yay! A Walking Dead thread! :D I'm totally current in the graphic novels, and I've been soooo excited for this series. It really is a truly well-done comic, and after seeing episode 1 last night, the TV series looks to be amazing! The entire episode was almost spot on in sync with the comic... with a few exceptions. Like, the door that said "Don't Open Dead Inside" ... I'm glad that in the TV show, he wasn't stupid enough to open it like he was in the comic. And the tank doesn't show up until waaaay later in the books. But that was a pretty cool scene.

I just think that the art direction and scenery in the show is absolutely beautiful. And while thus far, he hasn't had a ton of human interaction, I still get the sense they're going to be taking the time to really delve into the characters. That's what the Walking Dead really is... It's less crazy zombie action, and more a commentary on humanity and moral struggles in the face of a total breakdown of society.

I do have a question to those that read the graphic novel. Just how LONG was Rick in that coma?

He was in a coma for a month. I just wonder how long he was alone in the hospital... cause those IV drips go pretty fast, and you can't last more than a few days without water. I was thinking about this when they showed him drinking from the faucet right after waking up and I was like... "That's right! He should have been dead purely on the basis of no water!" Yay, Fiction! :D

Nov 1, 2010, 08:35 PM
Oh yay! A Walking Dead thread! :D I'm totally current in the graphic novels, and I've been soooo excited for this series. It really is a truly well-done comic, and after seeing episode 1 last night, the TV series looks to be amazing! The entire episode was almost spot on in sync with the comic... with a few exceptions. Like, the door that said "Don't Open Dead Inside" ... I'm glad that in the TV show, he wasn't stupid enough to open it like he was in the comic. And the tank doesn't show up until waaaay later in the books. But that was a pretty cool scene.

I just think that the art direction and scenery in the show is absolutely beautiful. And while thus far, he hasn't had a ton of human interaction, I still get the sense they're going to be taking the time to really delve into the characters. That's what the Walking Dead really is... It's less crazy zombie action, and more a commentary on humanity and moral struggles in the face of a total breakdown of society.

He was in a coma for a month. I just wonder how long he was alone in the hospital... cause those IV drips go pretty fast, and you can't last more than a few days without water. I was thinking about this when they showed him drinking from the faucet right after waking up and I was like... "That's right! He should have been dead purely on the basis of no water!" Yay, Fiction! :D

So the event happened pretty much right after he was hospitalized. Thanks.

And as for the zombie effects, they deffinatly would make Tom Savini proud. :P