View Full Version : Evasive question.

Oct 10, 2010, 09:29 PM
just wondering how much evasion is needed to avoid almost everything? i'm using the challanging HUnewearl so this would help.

Chaos Rappy
Oct 11, 2010, 01:31 AM
Really, once you get to level 100 and have a Rika's Suit at max grind, you don't need TOO much more evasion, really. If you need more, just find and equip a Rika's Claw while wearing the Suit for the +25 EVP bonus or something, and you're pretty much good to go. You really only should EVER need about 700 EVP to dodge 99% of physicals anyways, but if you go too much, your ATP can take some slight penalties. I say just go with just a Rika's Suit and, if you REALLY want to dodge a few hits every now and then, maybe use about 25 EVP mats, maybe 40, and you'll be set. The rest of your mats should go to Power, and that's about all you should EVER need EVP-wise as a HUnewearl.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:59 PM
thanks, i think i'll be fine sence a lvl 100 an HUnewearl has over 100 eva

Nov 5, 2010, 06:27 PM
I have 820 atm, still not enough!

Nov 6, 2010, 12:06 AM
er typo over 600 eva