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Oct 11, 2010, 12:37 AM
Just for anyone that has a use for the tethering app, it's actually pretty useful!

I downloaded it cause I'll be on a bus for the first half of the trip I'm taking, and I'm bringing my computer.
As long as my phone has a 3G network, my computer will get internet! (and pretty fast too!)

The free version works just fine with all the sites I usually go to, I'm on it now.
It's pretty fast too! (I guess it's not working with HTTP ones? But it does... :o)

Just a heads up for anyone that cares... which is probably no one.

Oct 11, 2010, 12:51 AM
Tethering has saved my ass a few times while on vacation. I went to Ocean City with some pals, we stayed at Alan's uncle's beach house but he didn't tell us the net was shut off. We all had our laptops, and then we got there and we had no home internet.

Thanks to the miracle of tethering (which we also used in the car to keep a constant connection to the net on the trip down) we were able to continue contact with the outside world whenever we were back inside.

You just gotta be careful not to download any big files, if your provider detects unusual bandwidth usage for a phone they can and will charge you nasty amounts of extra money.

Oct 11, 2010, 01:06 AM
Tethering has saved my ass a few times while on vacation. I went to Ocean City with some pals, we stayed at Alan's uncle's beach house but he didn't tell us the net was shut off. We all had our laptops, and then we got there and we had no home internet.

Thanks to the miracle of tethering (which we also used in the car to keep a constant connection to the net on the trip down) we were able to continue contact with the outside world whenever we were back inside.

You just gotta be careful not to download any big files, if your provider detects unusual bandwidth usage for a phone they can and will charge you nasty amounts of extra money.

Hell yea, so I'll definitely be thankful for that while I'm on the bus!

And on my flight back, while I wait in the airport, it'll definitely be useful, if it doesn't have wi-fi..
Shit, even on the plane! Haha.

And really, the carrier will charge extra?!
I have an unlimited data plan (comes with the Android deal), so if they charge me, I'll drop them quick!

Cause that would be some BS!
Thanks for the heads up though..
Might not have downloaded anything, but it's nice to know.

Oh- I also kinda forgot, my phone gets charged while plugged in! Hahah, so all I have to worry about it the laptop dying on me.
With a full connection, it should last over 5 hours, unless I'm watching Youtube a lot or something like it.

Oct 11, 2010, 01:27 AM
Most carriers give unlimited data plans specific to usage for their phone, and get upset when you tether without paying them for a tethering service or something. So long as you don't try downloading full albums and keep files small, you'll be plenty fine.

Oct 11, 2010, 01:30 AM
Yea, I'll do that.
I'll mainly be using it for quick Google searches, or here, PSU forums, and Facebook or something.
Nothing too large.

Oct 11, 2010, 11:43 AM
It's kind of absurd that I don't have unlimited data access, but Verizon still wanted me to pay an additional monthly fee to use tethering.

They're already providing me an allotted amount of bandwidth and reserved the right to charge me more if I go over the limit - how does it make any sense whatsover that there should be an additional charge for how I use that bandwidth?

All I can think of is that this is like if my cable company charged me extra for using my desktop on my router versus my netbook.

Oct 11, 2010, 12:37 PM
I always wanted to tether my Android, but he keeps breaking my chains.

Oct 11, 2010, 01:32 PM
It's kind of absurd that I don't have unlimited data access, but Verizon still wanted me to pay an additional monthly fee to use tethering.

They're already providing me an allotted amount of bandwidth and reserved the right to charge me more if I go over the limit - how does it make any sense whatsover that there should be an additional charge for how I use that bandwidth?

All I can think of is that this is like if my cable company charged me extra for using my desktop on my router versus my netbook.

I agree!
T-Mobile said they might start charging their customers too, for the LIMITED bandwith!
Though, I was talking to several T-Mobile employees yesterday, or the day before, about "WTF" You kidding, I use over 10 GB a month.
They said if you're an existing customer, already WITH the Android/Unlimited Data plan, then you will be grandfathered in and you will keep unlimited. Thank god!

AT&T also did that.
They limit the iPhone users to 2GB a month, which would go super fast for me.
I could use over a GB a night, listening to the internet radio, and surfing the web while laying in bed.
Not only that, but I do download a bunch of apps if they look cool. Most of the time, I end up uninstalling them though.

I was ALMOST thinking about switching to AT&T, and of course, getting the iPhone, but when I found out for some reason, I'd need to put a $750 deposit down, I said FUCK YOU!

I don't understand how I can get 4 lines, no deposit from T-Mobile, and then get a $500 credit towards any phone I wanted... but on AT&T.. ugh..
And I have excellent credit, so I feel bad for those with bad credit!

Anyway, if you have an android phone, download this thing called PDA Net, it's what I'm using, and it's easy to install.
You need an app for the phone, and software for the computer, which you can download, then transfer to your PC/Mac from the phone.

The app is free, so you might not have to deal with Verizon's tethering fee..

I always wanted to tether my Android, but he keeps breaking my chains.


Which Android phone do you have?

Oct 11, 2010, 02:16 PM
It's a lot like this--


Oct 11, 2010, 02:29 PM
That one's nice.
Although, I like this one more-

Oct 11, 2010, 02:30 PM
That's a Hands-Free device.

Oct 11, 2010, 05:00 PM
Yup, the best.

Oct 11, 2010, 08:10 PM

I don't even want to count the Imessages in this bizzy. End up going around and around, and back again, the neverending phone story. Like we're on the phone with him and he, just, won't, stop, talking!