View Full Version : PSP2 acc modules

Oct 18, 2010, 01:54 PM
so i just got my second feril hit module do you guys think its worth getting 2 more or should i go for feril power modules for the last 2 slots (im a beast hunter btw)

Oct 18, 2010, 02:01 PM
I would go with power, or use those two slots for things likes resist mods. Stun is the best, and confuse is usefull too. top that with the freeze resist you get around lvl (8?) hunter, and you won't ever be unable to move.
Not being able to move (or control where you move) is a death sentance, I can't tell you how many times i was killed while frozen or stunned

As a beast hunter, you're the basic close combat/meat shield of the group your in. Not being able to move puts you an your group at great risk. The hit and power mods help some, but not a whole lot, at least not for a beast hunter, you will most likely always hit, and hit relatively high. (depending on your level, hunter level, and weapon type/grind level.) so those mods aren't really important for you although they can help a little, things like freeze, stun, and confuse resist can be a huge help.

Oct 18, 2010, 02:28 PM
I find freeze resist more useful than stun actually. Because most (if not all) things that cause stun can be negated through evasion, while that is not possible for freeze effects.

As for the topic, it depends on which missions you're doing, i.e how much 0's you are seeing.

Oct 18, 2010, 03:01 PM
I use freeze stun and sleep resists...along with my SUV

Oct 19, 2010, 03:29 AM
Feril / Hit can help (much more than Feril / Power), but resist units are always better than stats units.

If you are having trouble hitting, you could use the GH 512 or GH 454, they use Zalure a lot, and Zalure GREATLY reduces enemy evade.