View Full Version : hopes and dreams

Oct 20, 2010, 01:46 PM
we all play video games....... alot of us like/ love phantasy star and it's realted games, but beyond them are our beliefs, and our dreams. my dreams is to one day be a legendary artist that connects his drawings with the people around them. to teach and inspire people hope, for today and the future. my dream is to be a symbol for everyone. i believe in everyone no matter who they are, even if they don't believe in me. that belief inspires me to draw, that belief inspires me to become a legend. so my question for this wonderful community is.....what are your dreams? what are your hopes? what inspires you to be the person that you are?

Oct 20, 2010, 02:04 PM
An interesting topic to make, as more often than not the true hopes and dreams of people are often very personal. I myself am cynical and bitter, probably because I lack said inspiration, but I'm perfectly fine with that.

If there's anything I really want to do, it's to travel, but that's more escapism than a hope or dream I wish to follow.

Oct 20, 2010, 02:44 PM
This topic... It reminds me so much of how I felt when I just started playing PSO...
I was very into .hack - I wanted to make a name of myself, find a partner and reach the same status as Orca and Balmung had.

I wonder if it has its roots there... But just like you, hbmizzle10, I also want to be creative - I want to draw and contribute with something that can lighten up the life of people. Maybe not exactly to become a legend... But have my work known and appreciated.
And I think it is something that will stick with me till the day I die. I just will not be able to stop trying or dreaming of it...

And good luck to you!

Oct 20, 2010, 03:34 PM
I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

Oct 20, 2010, 04:14 PM
faremkar u said u lack inspiration right? what is it u really like to do? there is something there, u are jus blocking it no? there is something ur really good at, i believe it. share with me. and yueri thank you. dreams are wonderful yes? it is what creats inspiration and determination. amtalx ur goofy. oh and another thing for yueri.......why not be legendary? if you have the talent and you know u can help everyone, why not do so? it is only selfish when you keep to yourself no?

Oct 20, 2010, 09:39 PM
I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

truly what is best in life

Oct 21, 2010, 01:47 AM
oh and another thing for yueri.......why not be legendary? if you have the talent and you know u can help everyone, why not do so? it is only selfish when you keep to yourself no?

Well I would say it is the hard work that turns me off... Like it seems like you would have to sacrifice a lot to obtain such a title.
I would rather keep it 50/50 to be honest... for now. :)

Chukie sue
Oct 21, 2010, 12:07 PM
I'd really like to step up my freestyle soccer a lot.

Oct 21, 2010, 01:49 PM
I gave up hopes and dreams a long time ago. Like FarenKar, I'm cynical, bitter, and pessimistic. I just go day by day now, trying to eek by. So, in a weird way, I guess you could say that my hopes and dreams are simply to survive each day as it comes. Nothing more than that.

Oct 21, 2010, 03:03 PM
if u are alive today then there is no reason to give up hopes and dreams big olaf. why give up? u control ur destiny, not anyone else? u live ur life jus once, why throw in the towl.

Oct 21, 2010, 03:27 PM
if u are alive today then there is no reason to give up hopes and dreams big olaf. why give up? u control ur destiny, not anyone else? u live ur life jus once, why throw in the towl.

That's just how I feel about it. Sorry you disagree. Life is crap, and always will be. I'm just trying to block out the smell.

Oct 21, 2010, 05:15 PM
why give up? u control ur destiny, not anyone else.

We are not in control of our own destinies. The very idea is a contradiction in terms, because if we did have that level of control necessary ~ then it would no longer be destiny. We live in a world of uncertainty and change, and the fact that terms such as "taking control of one's destiny" are still popular is a testament to how alluring and comforting the idea is... and betraying just how precarious our situation really is. While we can make meaningful interactions with the natural world and our own social/cultural institutions to advance towards goals, the attainment of that goal is by no means guaranteed no matter how diligently you strive for it. And not everyone will face the same challenges. The effort required to attain a goal for one may be far greater than that required of their contemporaries, some of whom will just get lucky and not have to put much effort into it at all.

Justice... fairness... reciprocity... these concepts often do not even factor into it beyond the human components, and even then they are often given too little consideration. Simply deserving something for the efforts or actions you've followed is largely irrelevant to the matter of whether or not you will receive it.

The problem with dreams is that we tend to idolize and enshrine them as precious... even to the point of self-definition at times. That makes us hesitant to make changes or set new and more realistic goals as the situation dictates.. and many people loose their dreams to a life of dead-end jobs they hate, but have to take just so they can survive. Some dreams are lost in the pursuit of new and expanding ambitions... either by building a career or a family, or making some fatal decision which opens their minds to a new lifestyle or purpose which gives them greater fulfillment than their faded dreams.

Big Olaf claims he is a cynic, but cynics are merely optimists who have been hurt. Reality can do that to you. It most likely will do that to you. Perhaps you're setting yourself up for cynicism as well, seeing as how you're fairly upbeat and confident about it all. So by all means, chase your dreams... but set your goals realistically, learn to adapt your goals to what life throws at you, and try not to get too disappointed when you find yourself in a very different place 10 or 20 years from now, than where you envisioned and aspired to be.

Oct 25, 2010, 10:02 PM
ur right. by definition u have no control over destiny. we have no control out of the outcome. but that does not mean we do not have control over the paths that lead up there. u are also right that we idolize our dreams, but without that where is the hope for a better future? when we dream we see ourselves in a better tomorrow, seeing ourselves at our pinnacle, our peak. so if that dream is truly positive, then what is wrong with it? jus because our dreams may define us doesnt mean we live in some sort of hopeless "self" reality, being unaware of what is "really" going on, to the point that it harms us. my dreams give me hope, that hope give's me faith. i am happy with that. i know reality. i know what i can accomplish. i know what i can't accomplish, and i'm not going to let anyone tell me otherwise. i may not have control over the results, but i do have control over getting there, and that path will be in positive faith for the future, whether it comes out how i envisioned or not. i believe in something u should believe in something too.

Seth Astra
Oct 26, 2010, 08:11 AM
I'm with the people who have no dreams left. Although, I would say I'm a bit young for giving up all my dreams, but whatever. Also:

Life is crap, and always will be.

^ This.

Oct 26, 2010, 01:13 PM
I want to marry Scarlett Johansson............That's my hopes.

My dream is to get a better job and a better car. Something realistic :P

Oct 26, 2010, 02:02 PM
I dream of becoming a comic book artist. someday I'll grow up.

Oct 26, 2010, 06:05 PM
I'm with the people who have no dreams left. Although, I would say I'm a bit young for giving up all my dreams, but whatever. Also:

^ This.
NO DREAMS?! U MEAN TO TELL ME U HAVE NO DREAMS FOR YOUR FUTURE?! HOW DO YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE SIR? WHAT DO YOU JUST LIVE YOUR LIFE ON A RANDOM EMOTION ON A DAILY BASIS, HOPING SOME GOOD COME OUT OF IT?! you do know that what ever you do not onlys impacts what and how you look at life, it also impacts the people around you. giving up ur dreams at an early age? that's more than sad.....that' pathetic. so ur throwing in the towl before u even began.
what influenced you to believe this?

Seth Astra
Oct 26, 2010, 06:20 PM
Eh, I was optimistic about my future for... Well, quite a while. But, then, I got real. Best I hope for is that my job doesn't involve working for an idiot, and that I manage to be in the middle class. That's it.

Oct 26, 2010, 08:08 PM
such pessimism.........sad really no? all you are is limiting ur self. u are giving ur self that boundary that reality. ur reality is what you allow urself to be limited by. i however, will not be limited by what people call"reality" nowadays. my reality is different than urs......as so is also you. This is why i'm optomistic about a lot of things nowadays. so my optomism can spread to you also....here is a saying i believe in: I rather be naive and hopefull rather than to know what "they call reality" and be hopeless. I hope u understand the saying, if u dont, u will eventually. i could expound upon it if you like

Oct 26, 2010, 08:10 PM
Eh, I was optimistic about my future for... Well, quite a while. But, then, I got real.

Same. Sorry, but I don't do the whole "there's a better future on the horizon" stuff. Call me what you will, or think what you want, but it won't change how I feel. My only hope and/or dream every day is just staying alive for the next 24 hours, and even that is becoming taxing, sadly.

Oct 26, 2010, 08:17 PM
since i can't change ur opinion, then my good sir tell me why do you think so pessimistic about ur life?

Waki Miko Syamemaru!
Oct 26, 2010, 08:27 PM
I want to crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and to hear the lamentation of their women.

Wasn't that from Conan the Barbarian? Amtalx mah boi! This is what all true barbarians strive for!

I hope to be the best archeologist I can be. Damn you Indiana Jones for making your job seem so awesome.

Oct 26, 2010, 09:01 PM
since i can't change ur opinion, then my good sir tell me why do you think so pessimistic about ur life?

Well, it's a compilation of long, drawn-out stories that I really don't feel comfortable sharing with a (no offense intended) complete stranger. Apologies. Suffice to say, I don't see why it would really matter to anyone except me, anyway. I'm sorry that I put a damper on this thread, so I'll stop talking about it now. Hopefully others will come and talk about their dreams.

Oct 26, 2010, 09:10 PM
i am only a stranger because u don't know me that well. but i am here for the benifit of the people. i am here to help. i am here to learn. their is nothing u can say to damper my spirits big olaf. so i hope everything goes well for you

Nitro Vordex
Oct 26, 2010, 10:10 PM
I hope to turn every person into a better person.

AKA, this.


Oct 27, 2010, 10:41 AM
Well, it's a compilation of long, drawn-out stories that I really don't feel comfortable sharing with a (no offense intended) complete stranger. Apologies. Suffice to say, I don't see why it would really matter to anyone except me, anyway. I'm sorry that I put a damper on this thread, so I'll stop talking about it now. Hopefully others will come and talk about their dreams.

Pretty much in the same boat; it's not the easiest thing to talk about, and sorry for my responses being few and far between; I don't lways have internet access.

I'm not saying it's bad to have things to hope for, but I've hit my limits, both physical and mental, and know what I'm capable of. It's just a simple fact of reality that a human can only do so much. I don't have dreams and hopes, so to speak, but I do have plans; plans I work hard for. I keep my head down, do what I need to do, and I can come home at the end of the day knowing I've still got something. Hard work is a soul cleanser, it really is.

Of course, I'm also a student of Machiavelli and Marx. I see dreams and hopes in a very different light than most people, I'm sorry to say. Dreams and goals of others, in my sight, have become little more than a tool for my own ends.

Cynical and bitter, sure, but effective.

Oct 27, 2010, 11:38 AM
Now, plenty of people have reasons for being pessimists - depression, sickness, poor financial situation, teenage angst, internet tough guy talk, reality not matching your sense of entitlement, etc. - but most of the time it's safe to call bullshit on people in internet forums.

If you guys literally have no hopes/plans/goals/whatever you want to refer to them as, then you should probably be talking to somebody about it and I don't mean an internet forum.

However, if you somehow think that a lack of professional, romantic, or social ambition means you don't have goals, you should probably look up those words again, because I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

There's also the fact that having serious goals are usually driven by momentum. If you set a realistic goal and work towards it a little bit every day, nine times out of ten you'll be able to hit it. If you don't start up and keep working on it, then you wind up wallowing in self pity. It's usually pretty easy to figure out why you haven't achieved a goal. It's the whole "being mature enough to recognize failures and improve upon them" that most people have trouble with.

(Again - there are legitimate reasons for some people to have this lack of ambition or to be so pessimistic. I'm not saying you guys don't have legitimate reasons - some of you have explained as much in other topics. It's just unfortunate that more often than not, topics like this become pity parties on the internet, so there's nothing you can do but take every post with a grain of salt.)

Of course, I'm also a student of Machiavelli and Marx. I see dreams and hopes in a very different light than most people, I'm sorry to say. Dreams and goals of others, in my sight, have become little more than a tool for my own ends.

If that's what you got from Machiavelli or Marx, you should probably hit the books again.

They were both pretty idealistic people, sometimes to the point of naivety.

Machiavelli wrote about the freedom of government and the role of a republic - his most famous book, The Prince, is a satire of how he saw the current leaders.

Marx thought that the world would be made better for all people if they worked together to eliminate the barriers of class - if that's not a positive idealist, I don't know what is.

Oct 27, 2010, 12:06 PM
To be fair, I'm stil new to Marx, but it's sort of looking at their work combined with my own veiwpoints that gave me a bit more of a cynical view on these things. And The Prince, I know it's satirical, but when you look at things like that, it holds a bit different a meaning when you come into it with an already bitter mind set. I also just picked up Idiocracy, and while I know the concept, I haven't gotten around to watching it just yet.

(Also, I do happen to be seeing the so called professionals about my veiwpoints as such, but more so I can pull more money out of the government than in actual expectations of it to work. But then, they say you have to want it to work, so an interesting conundrum...)

And yeah, looking on the meaning of the words, I do have said goals, but taking in the connotation of them, they are more plans than goals or dreams.

Oct 27, 2010, 12:54 PM
thank u outrider, i thought i was the only one who had common sense. whether you believe it or not farenkar, a plan is the same thing as a goal, because u have an end means, and a way of getting there. i'm going to say this again for everyone here. so my optomism can spread to you also....here is a saying i believe in: I rather be naive and hopefull rather than to know what "they call reality" and be hopeless. do you know what that means? you don't, do you? let me give you the synoymn of this phrase: i rather be inexperienced to the world and believe in something, rather than to be limited by someone else's version of reality and be hopeless. the path that your going down.....NO THE PATH THAT ALL OF YOU NEGATIVE PEOPLE ARE GOING WILL ONLY LEAD TO MORE NEGATIVITY. YOU WILL STAY IN THAT HOPELESS ABENDON FOREVER. YOU ARE ALIVE TALKING TO ME NOW. YOU ARE TYPING THIS RESPONSE. THE REASON YOU EXIST IS A REASON TO HAVE A DREAM. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE, SO WHY NOT HAVE A HOPE, BELIETH IN THE FUTURE?

Oct 27, 2010, 01:05 PM
i agree with outrider to a point. the point where it stops is plain and simple.....i cannot accept the fact that people has a reason for looking down on life. i haved learned that noone has that reason. you exist. that more than a reason not to look negatively on life. u take your beliefs, and existance for granted. the world isn't cursed. it is you

Oct 27, 2010, 03:46 PM
i agree with outrider to a point. the point where it stops is plain and simple.....i cannot accept the fact that people has a reason for looking down on life. i haved learned that noone has that reason. you exist. that more than a reason not to look negatively on life. u take your beliefs, and existance for granted. the world isn't cursed. it is you

Well, that's sort of ignoring the very real effects of things sometimes out of our control such as our environment or brain-chemistry; but sure, why not.

Oct 27, 2010, 04:06 PM
our enviroment only plays a part. not the entirety

Oct 28, 2010, 08:29 PM
Naivety, go figure.

Oct 29, 2010, 10:09 AM
i have been told that, but what ever

Oct 31, 2010, 10:33 PM
To be fair, I'm stil new to Marx

Keep in mind that Marx's ideals, while seductive and intriguing, are founded upon a pretty skewed understanding of human nature. From it's foundation it's flawed and so what flows from that premise will necessarily also be flawed ~ inapplicable to any real world social construct. Which may explain why a true Marxist socioeconomic power has never been attempted.

I haven't read Machiavelli yet, but The Prince is one of the books in my DS 100 Classic Books and it caught my eye. I will be reading it, but I'm still working on a second read-through of Paine's Rights of Man (after flipping through Burke's "Reflections on the Revolution" for context) and after that I'm going to read Utopia and Erewhon. So I'll have to get back to you on that part.

Nov 4, 2010, 05:34 PM
Hopes and Dreams? I'd like to be either like to make manga, animations, or develop games(of all kinds) professionally one day.

I'm most likely going to end up making manga out of any of the three, since it's the easiest to produce myself, BUT it doesn't hurt to dream of the rest.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:00 AM
I have dreams that I will be able to build anything material I could want(just as a hobby) and find a woman that will be....whoever she wants to be.

I hope that I won't regret those dreams...? No hope really. I guess I hope that Humanity will continue as long as possible and that future generations don't live in the hellish wasteland critics like to say we will collapse into in the future.

(War sucks. Famine sucks. Disease sucks. Terror sucks. Racism sucks. The only two that are absolutely unavoidable with any and all life are disease and possible famine)

All of you negative people need to come back into this thread when you turn 30(or 50, or whenever you grow up) so you can laugh at your pathetic and immature comments on life. They are so knowledgeable and unique. :roll:

Nov 5, 2010, 12:11 AM
All of you negative people need to come back into this thread when you turn 30(or 50, or whenever you grow up) so you can laugh at your pathetic and immature comments on life. They are so knowledgeable and unique. :roll:

Yes, because you know exactly how "negative people" feel, right? It's all just being a whiner (immaturity), and has nothing to do with bad life experiences or differentiating psychological chemistry. People totally don't have different thought processes, either. How ignorant.

Nov 5, 2010, 11:26 AM
People totally don't have different thought processes, either. How ignorant.

:lol: You put words in my mouth, then label me ignorant for them. Sounds pretty..............


When was the last time you met a teenage kid that hated the world and thought people sucked, huh? Oh right, every one of 'em. :lol:

Now, tell me the last time you met a 35-55 year old who thought this world is terrible, was pessimistic about everything and constantly complained about their lives? Rarely. The ones that do are fcking losers and know it.

All of this "I hate the world" bullshit is immature--it's something 99% of little kids grow out of by the time they have turned 21. Some later on.
Point is that most people move on. Asking a 17 y/o about the world and hopes is about as useful as rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Young peoples outlook(and most negative thinking people in general) simply ignore(hey, it's that one root word of..........Ignorance!!) what's good and precious in life and this world and how that can make all the difference.
Once you experience(opposite of being ignorant is being.....experienced) some part of life that is positive, usually you move on from those pessimistic thoughts and live a happy, positive thinking life.

So who are you calling

(I don't know when I said that everyone has similar thought processes--so I can't argue that)

Nov 5, 2010, 11:39 AM
All of you negative people need to come back into this thread when you turn 30(or 50, or whenever you grow up) so you can laugh at your pathetic and immature comments on life. They are so knowledgeable and unique. :roll:

Some of us are already in our 30's and up, and are speaking for experience. People who realize that a person is not a fixed and immutable construct, but that you grow and change as you experience life. The person you are now is not the same person you were 10 years ago, and you will not be the same person in 10 years hence. The dreams and hopes you have in your youth may become inapplicable or abandoned as you discover more about the world and experience changes your priorities and interests. Having children is a big one, for example, and if you're too busy chasing a idolized dream to explore new avenues of life experience - you may miss your chance to find a real happiness in life that your dream could never deliver.

And many people miss that chance regardless, as the path to happiness and fulfillment is not a well lit and chronicled road. It's different for everybody, and you won't know until you get there, and by then - imagining what lay at the end of other paths you could have took is all "what ifs" and "might have beens". The ghosts of dreams unfulfilled. As the grass is always greener on the other side (and in your imagination), I can understand the sentiment of some for being unhappy in their current lot and cursing dreams and dreamers as idealistic idiocy.


Nov 5, 2010, 12:33 PM

Well, looks like you win :-?. Still not going to change how I feel. Sure, call me immature and pathetic. It's people's attitudes like that that make me so negative. Can't say a nice thing about anyone, no matter what kind of problems the other has.

Oh, and I don't "hate the world". I want nothing to do with the world, there's a difference.

You don't know my feelings, experiences, problems, or even who I am, so don't group a single individual in with everyone else. Generalization is never a good thing. You must be a fully-grown, happy individual with everything going for you. Good job; congratulations. It's not like that for everyone, though. Some people have issues that they can't control, and therefor will never experience the same level of success/happiness that you do, regardless of age.

EDIT: By the way, I know plenty of 30+ and 50+ people who suffer from negative thoughts and depression. None of them are "losers", and that's very rude to say in the first place. Once again, generalization is bad.

Nov 5, 2010, 03:43 PM
Sinue--Good points from a seemingly un-argumentative point of view. I feel the same way about some of your points. Much of the reason why I try to be so positive about my outlooks and such is simply.............

...I don't want to remember myself(in the future) pissed off at things I couldn't help or disappointed in myself.

I want to tell my children and grandchildren that I've always--my whole life--tried to be the happiest person I could be and live the best life. Not that I used to be a depressed ignorant fool that didn't want to associate with the world and it's foreign people.

That's not what your young ones want to hear come from their elders. ....Sad stories of emotional isolation?

Well, looks like you win :-?.
And? What's the reward of this "winning"?

I don't think you understand my initial argument that got you riled up in the first place.

Generalization? Yes, I put those who "hate" the world, and those who just don't want anything to do with it in the same category.

Generalization. Don't put people you know that have depression in the same boat as you. Depression is a serious mental illness that can lead to all kinds(and from) of things.

You are in a group of disappointed individuals that haven't found their "place" or "thing" in the world and resent it for that reason. Is that particularly accurate to you and everyone? No, but it's a general idea of why there are so many people that say they don't have hopes and dreams. Those that haven't found/don't have them typically shun the world that do.
...and visa versa.

I shun those who have a bleak outlook on life because what's the fun in that?

Who and the fuck wants to die knowing they spent the first 20 years or more, or even their whole life, miserable, or out of place, or just plain hopeless??? :-? (that is the definition of pathetic and disappointing)

Nov 5, 2010, 03:56 PM
You are in a group of disappointed individuals that haven't found their "place" or "thing" in the world and resent it for that reason. Is that particularly accurate to you and everyone? No, but it's a general idea of why there are so many people that say they don't have hopes and dreams. Those that haven't found/don't have them typically shun the world that do.
...and visa versa.

I'm not just a "disappointed individual" like you seem to think. I know that depression is a serious mental illness, as I actually do suffer from depression. I was institutionalized for attempting suicide on two separate occasions in 2008. Now, I usually wouldn't divulge that sort information at a place like this, but it's to make a point. Once again: you don't know who I am, so stop judging me based on a few text posts on an online forum. I'm not just trying to be some whiny, crybaby kid looking for attention, or someone who's "mad at the world" because I haven't found my "calling" or whatever.

Hmbizzle made this thread, and I came in and posted my two cents, as per what forums are for. I'm done discussing this now, thank you.

Nov 5, 2010, 05:54 PM
I apologize for my harsh judgments. I think there was a better way I could have made my points/observations.

I still have a hard time understanding why people refuse to associate with the world or what exactly they have a problem with. I'm not the happiest person on Earth, but I have at least some general outlines on positive hopes or dreams....and when I hear people say they have no such thing or that there is no point, ehhh I guess everyone's got their own mind.

I don't get "mad" at people that tend to think more negatively, I just get frustrated out of my own confusion/ignorance of why they think that way in the first place.

Thanks for the interesting conversation.