View Full Version : B 50% light vishic

Oct 20, 2010, 05:56 PM
I don't care if it is broken, but It must be able to get to 5/x, or already 5/x

- 50%, 5/10 is best (most meseta)
- 50%, 5/5 is acceptable

If it broken and NOT at 5 grind, I want at least a x/7

Post or PM with your asks...

Oct 20, 2010, 05:58 PM
i have a 50% light Vish Feara for sale.

Oct 20, 2010, 06:32 PM
Hi Dex,

thanks! 2 reasons I want the vishic:

1. confuse
2. A-rank (as opposed to S)

Oct 20, 2010, 08:13 PM
Buy the [b] and make it yourself probably is cheaper just to do that.

Oct 21, 2010, 01:40 PM
Buy the [b] and make it yourself probably is cheaper just to do that.

I figured I'd post the add first, see if anyone was selling. If not, then synthing is my only other option.

I have already synthed 20 or so, and failed 20 or so...

Kubara wood: 5K/Piece * 120 Pieces = 100 attempts = 600K
Gra-photons (cheap right now): 500/piece *1000 = 100 Attempts = 500K
Slaterian 1K * 200 pieces = 100 atempts = 200K

I have an endless supply of vestaline, no not counting that in the price.

That's 1.3 million for 100 attempts. IDC if I spend 4x that buying it straight up.