View Full Version : GC Has my luck just run out or.....

Oct 20, 2010, 07:41 PM
first post!

anyways on with my question. Does using the photon drop glitch in GC make it so you dont get special weps? i mean, before i started using the glitch i would at least find a good amount of specials, no matter how bad they were. now ive been playing for a while and finially got to the mines in ult and after all my grinding i still havent found a single special! not even a DB's Saber! help!

(btw im Hucast and yellowboze if it makes any difference)

Oct 20, 2010, 07:55 PM
Yes, you will not find any more rares until you drop enough PDs to be back in the legit zone (0-99)

And welcome to PSO-World

Oct 20, 2010, 08:24 PM
ah. but i only have around 30 or so. i suppose i have just been unlucky then. oh well. thanks anyway.

Oct 20, 2010, 08:37 PM
Best advice, don't hack.

Kei Kurono
Oct 21, 2010, 01:00 PM
If you have more than 10 Mono-/Di-/Trimates, more than 10 Mono-/Di-/Trifluids, Sol-/Moon-/Star Atomizer or anything else, rares will simply stop dropping. Just drop or sell as many, so you'll have 10 or less in your inventory, than turn your console off and on again. After you've done that, rares should drop like usual.
Hope, I could help ;)