View Full Version : Do Spirit Garment stats matter when making an Aura Field?

Mar 10, 2003, 10:57 AM
Do the stats of your base armor (Spirit Garment, Stink Frame) factor into the stats of the final product when you use those rare items on them?
For instance, if I have a Spirit Garment with 100 DFP and another Spirit Garment with 85 DFP, does it truly matter which one I use? Or will my created armor have a random variation in stats regardless of which Spirit Garment I use?

Thanks in advance...

Mar 10, 2003, 11:03 AM
From what I've gathered, a combined armor winds up with the absolute base stats no matter what the original armor had for stat bonuses. That's the reason why a combined armor often has far less stats than the same armor type found.

Mar 10, 2003, 11:26 AM

Man, that sucks...

Mar 10, 2003, 11:33 AM
actually, being someone that made a brightness circle, the defp stats are a little lower than one that can be found, but its still far better than an ultimate frame. i have a sacred cloth i found, cant use yet and wont, and the circle has better defp stats than that does.