View Full Version : MonHan Freedom Unite & MonHan Tri

Oct 23, 2010, 10:47 PM
Which is better? A list of pros and cons would be helpful. I haven't played much of the MonHan series other than a few hours of the first one for PSP a few years back.

Also, is it easy finding a party for the PSP one via AdHoc Party these days?

Oct 23, 2010, 10:49 PM
Well, Tri has online built-in. The underwater fights flow similarly to land fights, you just have to watch your (generous) air supply, and you can dodge up/down and such. Weapon attack animations are different, with strong attacks tending to use giant spins.

Oct 24, 2010, 12:12 AM
Haven't played Tri, but while playing MHFU, I often pined the days when I could play Dos on an actual TV and an actual controller. If you have the same gripe I do, you could shell out for the PSP component AV cable... but your hands may still get crampy.

Throw in the new underwater mechanic, plus a more varied arsenal and catalogue of adversaries... perhaps advantage Tri, in that case?

Alternately, depending on your schedule and locale, PSP may provide you with better opportunities for gaming. For instance, the vast majority of my MonHan time is on the train to and from work. Just an example.

Oct 24, 2010, 12:17 AM
Haven't played Tri, but while playing MHFU, I often pined the days when I could play Dos on an actual TV and an actual controller. If you have the same gripe I do, you could shell out for the PSP component AV cable... but your hands may still get crampy.

Throw in the new underwater mechanic, plus a more varied arsenal and catalogue of adversaries... perhaps advantage Tri, in that case?

Alternately, depending on your schedule and locale, PSP may provide you with better opportunities for gaming. For instance, the vast majority of my MonHan time is on the train to and from work. Just an example.

Majority of my game time is often during my breaks at work. I get to play @ home, but I tend to play my 360.

Oct 24, 2010, 12:29 AM
Let's see Con for Tri, it's on the Wii. Pro For Tri you can use classic controller.

Cons for unite on the PSP Pro for unite, none.

There you go, the facts speak for themselves.

Oct 24, 2010, 10:10 AM
You REALLY want a classic controller for Tri.

Of course, the game comes with one, or at least did a while back.

Oct 24, 2010, 12:29 PM
Here are four pros for Tri:
You can play it on a bigger screen by default.(Some players, such as myself, prefer a bigger screen)
You can play using a mic, if you really want to.(Some Copies come with a microphone)
Even better, you can plug in a USB keyboard.(For chatting more easily in-game)
Holding the classic controller(and even the Wii remote) is easier on the hands than gripping the PSP when playing for several hours.

Oct 24, 2010, 04:10 PM
I have both. I play Tri far more because its easier to get online and I prefer to play on the big screen. Graphics are obviously better on the Wii. Unite has far more monsters though 70+ with Tri only at 30+. Tri has therefore a lot less content than other MH games.

Oct 25, 2010, 08:07 AM
I don't have a Wii to play Tri, but I've poured a whole lot of time into MHFU. I'd like to get my hands on Tri, but as things stand, I'll probably just end up waiting until portable 3rd comes out. And one of the reasons I prefer games on PSP is because I can take them anywhere, and when I run out of time, drop it into sleep mode and pick up next I get a few minutes.

I had a Yamatsukami fight going on for about a week in small, five minute increments here and there. Ended up failing, too. >_<

Oct 25, 2010, 09:08 AM
Monster Hunter Freedom Unite has more content than Tri. You can almost think of it as the culmination of content from the first Monster Hunter through the PSP ones. So it has a lot of items and a lot of missions, etc. There are more weapon types as well.

Tri has brand new content, though. It's also a minor reboot of the series. On the other hand, a number of the weapons that did return have a bit more variety in the way they work, making them more dynamic. This might be beneficial since Capcom may decide to bring these mechanics going forward.

As just one example. The often maligned Sword and Shield (SnS) (for being decent beginner material, but fairly shoddy late game material) gets a few new tricks which can still be party helpful. For instance, the shield portion of the SnS now has KO points attached to it, starting in Tri. That means, bashing a monster in the head with the shield will attribute to knocking it senseless and putting it in the dazed state. That adds to a lot of free hits and time for you and your party to rip it a new one until it recovers.

Oct 25, 2010, 09:43 AM
I'm a bit of a die-hard SnS user in Freedom Unite. Heck, SnS was the only way I brought down Fatalis on my own, despite the fact that I often excell with longsword or bow.

Still, the MH community always seems, well, elitist. I have been called a noob before by people several ranks below me just because I like SnS. They can take my Golden falchion and suck it.

Oct 25, 2010, 12:16 PM
Unite has a lot more content, but Tri has a lot of nice little updates, such as the addition of the gunner pouch among other things. If you're a patient man, you could always wait for MHP3rd to come out, since it looks like it's gonna be about the best thing ever.

Also, I never got much flack for using S&S on Tri, I never minded people using them either, because it meant they weren't catapulting me across the room every three seconds.

Oct 25, 2010, 12:19 PM
Good attitute. I often hated the way people would rag on users of certain weapons. Yeah, there might be some techniques which seem like an exploit, but as long as they don't mess up other folks, I don't see the big issue.

Heck, I stuck it out with Dual Swords in Unite, just because I wanted to get the whole experience, trying to get through the game using almost nothing but that weapon class. It was a nice struggle, and due to the way you need to use them, a great learning experience. I actually learned more intimate aspects of certain monster attacks by going that route, than I would with some of the *ahem* easier weapons. Yet they often got dogged on by plenty of the elites.

I also would doubt people would give the SnS user much flak in Tri. I think the good thing about the update to SnS was that it helped give SnS users some flak protection. Anything to help change the mentality of some of the userbase. It also helps that MHTri brought in a lot of newer users. Users who have yet to become elitists. Thus an overall group of players that are more tolerant and understanding that everybody is still learning here.

Oct 25, 2010, 06:07 PM
What are the population sizes for these games like today? Is it easy to find people to play with for both?

Oct 27, 2010, 10:46 AM
What are the population sizes for these games like today? Is it easy to find people to play with for both?

I honestly can't say, primarily because I play pretty exclusively offline, unless I bring up xlink kai, which is a bit of a pain.

On a side note, I recently started challenging myself to fight with the hunting horn. It's vexed me that I could never understand the damn thing, so I'm starting basically from the ground up, simply because it is the only weapon I feel I haven't managed to use effectively yet. Just recently took down Shen Gaoren with one. So very much not looking forward to old Fate with it, though. XP