View Full Version : Fan Movie Costume Design Contest

Oct 24, 2010, 01:20 PM
Hey guys, I decided to start a separate thread on this particular topic in the hopes of getting more entrants. If you haven't read already, Phantasy Star Prime is a live-action film saga being made by the fans for the fans. It takes place in the near future (about a century or so) on Earth and is a prequel story to the original Genesis series of Phantasy Star games.

I was reviewing the wardrobe for the cast in the first movie when I realized that there was one character that I have yet to put much thought into as far as his attire, the Force! I was going to sit down and start drawing up some concept art when I decided to have a little more fun with it instead. Since this is a film saga made by fans for fans, I've decided to let you guys have your influence on the film as well.

I am hereby starting a costume design contest right here on the thread. Post scans of your artwork for the design here and the winner will have their design as a mainstay in all four films, as well as receive $100 American currency (sorry, we don't have much to work with, especially when we're trying to get this film off the ground).

I was going to use the design below from Magic the Gathering as a conceptual jumping-off point because I really like the cloak and hood (only without the rips and tears).

http://img530.imageshack.us/img530/6156/stf99jaceserasure.th.jpg (http://img530.imageshack.us/i/stf99jaceserasure.jpg/)

I still really want the design to have a cloak and hood, but if your design is awesome enough, it may even change my mind. I wanted to do something like a cross between what was in the above image and a design that resonates with Phantasy Star. When designing the outfit, remember that this is pre-Phantasy Star 1, on Earth, in the somewhat near future, like within the next century or so.

The deadline will be January 1, 2011. After that date, I will no longer be accepting entries.

I hope to see a lot of entrants! Good luck to you all!


You can submit your entries to the following e-mail address:

[email protected]

EDIT: 11/18/10

In light of my recent job loss due to medical reasons, I've had to cut spending drastically in order to make it until I get a new source of income, so I will be sending out the prize money once I get back my tax return, so the winner should expect the prize money in roughly late February to early March.

EDIT: 12/31/10

Due to us only receiving one entry so far, the new deadline for submissions will be March 1, 2011.

EDIT: 1/10/11

Below I have included the first teaser trailer for the film. I have had questions as to what the general build and/or appearance of the character will look like. The person who will wear the outfit is the person in the blue/green shirt and black pants in the beginning and the end of the trailer. I will also mention that the shirt itself is slightly baggy, so the character is only a little bit thinner than that.


Nov 2, 2010, 02:31 PM
In other film news, the Sprint 30-second film contest has begun and we at Done Right Productions have decided to submit an entry. We would appreciate it greatly if you would vote on our submission! The top 10 videos will be judged by Michael Bay himself and the winner will receive $25,000 cash. If we win this contest, we would be putting the reward money towards the Phantasy Star Prime project and to get our production company off the ground and legalize our name. The video is below. This would be an instant switch from snail pace to full-throttle for the Phantasy Star Prime project! If you REALLY want to support us, you can vote on the video once a day until November 15th. Thank you all for your unwavering support!

This video stars two people from Phantasy Star Prime:

Jake Perry (Ark the Bounty Hunter)
Dallas Landreth AKA StormBlade (Jeffrey Sykes)

*note that these two actors are not portraying their Phantasy Star characters in this submission*


Oh... And also, if we win, I would be increasing the Costume Design Contest's reward money from $100 to $500 US currency. So if you were thinking about submitting artwork for our contest, voting for our entry in the Sprint contest would pay off big for you. ;)

Nov 5, 2010, 04:33 PM
UPDATE: 11/5/10

Well, it seems we're being demolished in the Sprint film contest. Oh well, we're not too worried about it. In case you were wondering, yes, the costume design contest is still going on, however the prize money is still only $100 (unless I run into some money between now and the deadline).

I've yet to receive any entries. I want to believe that it's because there are at least one or two interested people hitting the drawing boards rather than the result of full-on apathy. :(

Nov 15, 2010, 10:42 PM
HI, there I`m interested but I think you should put it in the Main forums also so you can have more eye`s too see it and get better results. and oh you may need to put a link or e-mail for the picture to be sent so you have entries. you can get ideas for many ppl here on the forums like Arika she really good at hosting Art contests:)

Nov 15, 2010, 10:57 PM
Are you looking for something that looks like it could fit in well with PSU? Like with those nanotranser cylinder things on them? Or are you looking for something more original-- a little set apart from what the clothes look like in the PSU universe?

Nov 16, 2010, 07:32 PM
Looking for something kind of in-between the picture and a PSO-style FOmar outfit. The only thing is that the FOmar outfit is a man-dress and I'm looking for a cloak mostly, unless the design is just really awesome that it doesn't need a cloak.

To put it into context, it is a garb given to the force character in the film by a group of Earthbound Espers/nobles.

Also, I have added the submission e-mail address to the original post.

Nov 16, 2010, 08:33 PM
How old is said FOmar? Are we talking child, teen, young-adult, etc etc.

Would probably help.

Nov 18, 2010, 12:50 AM
Male, mid-twenties, about 6'1", average build.

Nov 26, 2010, 04:14 AM
Do you want the art posted to the thread, sent to the (newly added) email address, or both?

Nov 26, 2010, 01:11 PM
Either or is fine. I check both. It all depends on whether or not you want everyone to see your work.

Dec 31, 2010, 09:36 PM
UPDATE: 12/31/10

Well, the original deadline for the costume design contest was originally tomorrow, but due to the fact that we've only received one submission so far, I'm going to extend the deadline another two months.

The new deadline will now be March 1st.

We hope to see more submissions.

Jan 10, 2011, 03:55 AM
UPDATE: 1/10/11

I'm sure just about everyone has seen the first Phantasy Star Prime teaser trailer by now, and I'm not trying to cram it in everyone's faces or anything. I have only posted it where it is remotely relevant in an effort to raise awareness for the film.

Due to questions I've been getting in regard to the character's build and appearance, the trailer has been added to the original post in this thread for reference to the character that will be wearing the outfit. The character is pointed out in the text above the video.

Feb 27, 2011, 09:29 PM
Just reminding everyone that the contest is still in effect. We have only received a single submission and so far, it seems we're probably going to go with it unless anyone has a submission of their own.