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Nov 14, 2010, 08:53 PM
OOC: Well...It barely looks like anything PSP2 has. Actually, Frieda's design would be more similar to Mellia's, the alternate protagonist in Knights in the Nightmare.

Seth Astra
Nov 14, 2010, 08:55 PM
OOC: Okay, I will try to find an image of her. I will probably have to spend a while to figure out what your char looks like.

Nov 14, 2010, 09:04 PM
RA:*Looks Off And Sees The Tower In The Distance* Ah Son Of A B*****. The Eternal Tower Mk 2? Fantastic. Just My F***king Luck... Does This Also Count That She Oddly Bears A Resemblence To A Wome I Saw Once In A Game Before... A Very Odd Almost Scary Resembleance I Might Add...

Nov 14, 2010, 09:33 PM
OOC: If you read my uber long post earlier, HUcast, you'd know the tower wasn't THAT far from their location...So you seeing it fainly in the distance would be a paradox...

Sensing the RAcast's impatience, Frieda spoke with a playful tone in her voice...

"Hahaha, is my movement pace too slow to you? Fine then. First one to the tower wins!"

Upon saying that, Frieda warped away at an even faster speed, reducing the already short distance between her and the tower much faster. At this pace, she'd reach it in a matter of minutes...

Nov 14, 2010, 11:23 PM
OOC: Doc? Did you get that gun or how? You said that you had only 2 credits to 500.


Continuing to walk through the town, Amara turned a cornner into the Trade district and to her exsitment, she spoted the group. Seth standing with them, his back to her. Then out of no-where, her mind wipped up a idea. So she sliped into the shadows of a talll building. A faberic vender and his booth sided up against the wall between her and Seth. The shop clurk was busy with a cusummer.

Amara took this opportunity and took a sand colored cloak from the booth, unnoticed, and put it on with the hood up. She would see if Seth was still in practice as she would try to ambush him. She sliped back into a ally, vanishing.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:28 AM
OOC: No, he realized he'd only have 2 credits AFTER paying for the gun and all the supplies. Sorry if that was confusing. :3

Nov 15, 2010, 12:39 AM
*Yawn* Childish Antics. I Dispise Them. F*** You Little Wing Mercenarys. You Fked Up V.3 So Bad He's In Shock. Be Glad I'm Not Beating The Liveing S*** Outta Ya Misstress Percival And Caseal. Not You By The Way. Defently Not You! Nooo... Be Sides Im Slowing Ya Down With My Crap.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:39 AM
Ghoul smiled when she saw the look on Guy's face.
"Yer so much like a li'l kid. It's cute, though."
That feeling- it came back. She glanced up, and caught someone's eyes. A shiver ran down her spine, and she balled her fist up. His eyes seemed to slice through her, and leave a dull numbness like that of hypothermia. She snapped her eyes away.
"I foun' who I said was watchin' us. Or... Me." She said, looking back up- but he was gone. She looked startled by this, but quickly thought, "Of course he'd be able to disappear, stupid, it's a window!" She shook the feeling off- and then she realized he was staying in the inn.
He'd turned and walked out of his room after unlocking and opening the door. He locked it closed behind him, pouring down the steps, stopping in the bar. He looked around, before choosing a table strategically. Now to wait.

Nov 15, 2010, 12:44 AM
Guy could tell Ghoul was unnerved. He quickly walked over to Dante, setting his extra bag next to him. "Do me a favor and make sure nobody takes these, will ya?" Guy said this jokingly, whispering so as not to "wake" Dante. He then attached his new holster to his belt, and loaded the other Radiant to be safe. He walked up to Ghoul again, looking her in the eyes. "Ghoul. Are you alright? You're acting strange." Guy tilted his head. "This guy... Does he know you somehow?"

Nov 15, 2010, 01:03 AM
Amara watched the group from the shadows. Then, for some reason, Ghoul seemed to get a look of slight fear. Amara quickly, turned her gaze to match Ghoul, and came to be looking up at a man in a window. He didn't noitice her, and then turn and walked back into his room.

Amara looked back to the group, keeping herself out of direct sight. A little exsitement in her.

Seth Astra
Nov 15, 2010, 01:05 AM
Seth felt a sensation wash over him. "I'm being watched..." he thought. He simply shrugged, continued throwing the red cube up and down, and thought, "Well, I think I'll make it fun for them."

Nov 15, 2010, 01:07 AM
Frieda finally arrived in front of the tower's massive door. She stood in front of it for about half a minute...

"(Hmm...Structural scans do not indicate any similarities to the technology used by our own civilization. The door seems locked too...And I doubt I would manage to hack into its systems to open it...let alone interface with it. Only one thing to do then...)"

She then extended her hand, as if to materialize a piece of equipment through nanotransporter technology, but, something seemed off...

"(This is turning out to be quite a predicament. It seems I'm out of burn traps. How could I have set out without a proper supply of those? Freeze, confuse and heal all seem to be accounted for...Hmm...Perhaps I lost them when the sandstorm hit. Or maybe someone pillaged them from me while I was in sleep mode, buried in the sand? Oh well. No use pondering about it here. Now to head to the closest town to restock...Map data indicates Kerrigan is the closest civilized area in the vincinity.)"

She then turned around and shouted in the RAcast's direction...

"Change of plans! First one to Kerrigan wins! The loser has to pay the winner a full supply of traps!"

Upon saying this, Frieda warped repeteadly and at blazing speed in the town's direction. With her current speed, she'd most likely make it in around 2 hours.

Nov 15, 2010, 01:14 AM
OOC: I'll wait for a bit more movment to move Amara... And seth? What do you mean by Fun? That has me a but nervous.


Nov 15, 2010, 02:09 AM
LOL Seth no... bad serial killer dont have fun with her no bad !!! haha this could get good ! Wow u guys posted alot I missed two pages awsome keep it up guys u rule !!!
By the way wht happend to the part where seth hit BLB char with his bike ? Did u just skip it or wht ?

Nov 15, 2010, 08:58 AM
OOC:That Never Happened. And Newman? Thats His Way Of Adding An Evil Spice To His Char. DERP.

RA:*Yawns And Stretches While Turning Around* Fine. At Least You Had The Heart To Tell Me.*Mumbles*Unlike That One Caseal...Grrr. I Want To Punch That A**hole Thing She Calls A Head Clean Off For Getting Me Outta My Job.F***king B***h.*Slams*His Fists Together* Damn. Just Damn.*Twirls A 7000V Like A Baton While Walking Right Next To Frida*Not Damn!*Whistles That Familiar Tune Known As "I Can Still See The Light". * Such a Beautifull Song...Lovely...

Seth Astra
Nov 15, 2010, 06:19 PM
OOC: @Daak: I'M NOT A SERIAL KILLER!!! I am an assassin. BIIIIG difference. Mostly that assassins get paid, and typically aren't as insane.

OOC: @Neona: Just going to basically hunt the hunter. Mostly just inconveniencing you, for the most part, to my endless pleasure.

Nov 16, 2010, 06:51 AM
Right right but wht do u get when an assassin is insane ... not judging but yah you get a serial killer exp. u killed :
The guy who gave u a job
The dude on the horse ,
The dude on the bike and evryone in the bus u stole ... did i miss anybody ?
So yah ure char is a serial killer =)

Seth Astra
Nov 16, 2010, 01:29 PM
OOC: He only kills if it benefits him. Serial killers don't show the same discretion, I figure.

Nov 16, 2010, 03:40 PM
Ohh right gues u have a point there well I gues tht only makes him a mudere =)

Seth Astra
Nov 16, 2010, 05:38 PM
OOC: Let's just go with "assassin". It sounds cooler, and I feel like the connotations aren't as negative as those of "murderer" or "serial killer".

Nov 17, 2010, 02:00 AM
Phine Seth , now keep writing the story !

Nov 17, 2010, 08:52 PM
"Naw... Well, I don' know him, at least... Could be a fran'o my pa's. Or an enemy..." She sighed, shaking her head. "Bu' 'Nyaway, we needa rent out them rooms. One fer me 'N you, 'N one fer Seth. It'll cost less, an' he won' be bugged by us 'N all." She grinned, punching him lightly on the shoulder- then something caught her eye.
Two men haggling a woman, who was gagged. They were directly in her line of sight.
"I'll be righ' back, Guy." She said, looking him dead in the eyes. They told him not to ridicule her for what he was about to witness. And then she was running toward the men. She was on them like a tiger, out of nowhere, and in an instant. The first man was ripped away, smashed into a wall. The second struggled to get his pants up.
Ghoul turned, a gun pointed at her face. She had a mild look of surprise.
"Well, if'n it ain' onna them cocky newman bastards. Maybe I'll have a bit of fun with ya a'fore-" She cut him off.
"You're forgetting something, stupid." The man's face twisted into an angry smile.
"Yeah? Like what?"
A ball of fire blasting upward, directly under the man's chin, catching his face and hair on fire as Ghoul moved to the side, twisting his arm behind him, and smashing him into the wall repeatedly as well. Sand extinguished the flame- and she recognized the men.
Quickly binding them up, she turned to the stunned woman- she hadn't been entirely too late, nothing had happened completely.
"Sorry 'bout that, ma'am. Some guys jus' don' get that us'n girls are people too." She said, helping the lady to her feet, dragging the men across the sand by a rope, leading the girl by her hand. The lady was still obviously in shock.
"Well, Guy, I WAS gonna kill 'em." She looked at him with a wicked grin. "But these'n's got a nice li'l ransom on them heads o' theirs, so they get to keep 'em." She paused.
"Fer now, at least." She chuckled mischievously, before turning to the lady.
"An' you are, ma'am?" She asked smoothly. It was obvious she had experience talking to women.
"I'm.. I'm Meredith Welson.. My pa owns the bar in town. If you need rooms, I can't say I can get them for you for free- he's... Stingy sometimes... But I can get you a reduced price on them, and almost any items you might need before you set off again." Her voice was soft, like the wind, and she had the air of a lady about her- not just a woman, but a lady. Ghoul smiled.
"Thank ya kindly, ma'am, we'd be happy'a take you up on yer offer. I'm Ghoul, 'N this here's my man, Guy. We got another companion, but he's.. Somewhere aroun' here." She said, shrugging.

Seth Astra
Nov 17, 2010, 08:58 PM
Seth then lept down next to them, holding his scythe. "Darn it, Ghoul, why must you have all the fun?" he asked, an innocent smile on his face. Meanwhile, the streets had suddenly emptied at the sight of Seth's weapon. "Oh, right, I forgot... People run when I take this out," he shrugged, returning it to cube form and slipping it into his pocket. Turning to Meredith, he bowed slightly and introduced himself, "Seth, profesional assassin. Pleased to make you aquantance."

Nov 17, 2010, 09:03 PM
Guy, impressed by Ghoul's performance (as always), gave the lady a nod and said, politely, "Nice to meet you, miss. Although I wish this meeting could have been more fortuitous..." Guy then kicked the dust a little. He though to himself, "Well, shoot. Don't I get any of the action? Going and taking those guys out all by herself... Bah." Guy thought this to himself jokingly, a small grin spreading across his face.

Seeing Seth scaring a few people off, he sighed. "I think Seth's having a fun old time right now. Perhaps we should escort Miss Welson home as quickly as possible."

Nov 18, 2010, 10:47 PM
OOC: Another uber long post from yours truly

After traversing quite a distance with her innate ability to warp, Frieda finally arrived at Kerrigan's Stead. She then looked around to acertain the whereabouts of the RAcast. Surprisingly, he wasn't too far away; perhaps 1...Maybe 2 miles at most.

"Quite interesting. It seems that older model has quite some speed to it, despite its bulky appearance. I guess I could obtain valuable data by observing him. Now to buy those burn traps..."

She then proceeded towards the town's main street, keeping an eye out for a shop that might have the goods she needed. Soon enough, she found the town's general store, and walked in. The store's clerk greeted her.

Clerk:"Howdy! What can I do ya for?"

Frieda:"Ah, would you, by any chance, have burn traps in stock? I need ten of them."

Clerk:"Eh? Ye lookin' fer Birn Tarps?"

Frieda:"Hahaha...No, Burn traps."

Clerk:"Yeh, yeh, I herd ye the first time. Lemme fetch those tarps in the back for ye. There aren't that many of ye metal people aroun' here, so I dun have a lot of 'em contraptions ye use."

The clerk went into the back of the shop and reappeared moments later with a full set of burn traps...

Clerk:"Well, ye wanted 10 tarps, right? That'll be 5000 credits."

Frieda:"Pardon? These things usually sell for 100 a piece, good sir. But...No matter. I'm not the one who will pay anyways."

Clerk:"Eh? Whuzzat about ye not payin' fer the goods?"

The clerk slid his hand under the counter that was between him and his Caseal customer, seemingly reaching for something. Frieda noticed immediately, and pointed her left arm towards the Clerk's neck, which made its concealed blade extend fully and stop right under the Clerk's adam's apple...

Frieda:"I would advise against that. From my methiculous analysis of the situation and using the gathered intelligence to run 500 simulations of the potential consequences of your plan, all the while including all the possible variables...I have come to the conclusion that any hostile action you'd attempt against me would end with you being severely maimed, wounded, mutilated or dead, at best. It would be unwise of you to attempt fighting me."

Clerk (startled and scared):"...Wa-wat?"

Frieda put her right hand over the set of traps, which vanished, most likely stowed away in a pocket dimension powered by nanotransponder technology, like the rest of her tools and equipment.

Frieda (turning around and walking towards the door):"Like I said...A..."'Friend"' of mine will pay for the expenses. You'll easily recognize him; he's one of those big, bulky Casts who love guns. It would be impossible for you to miss him. Anyways, with that said, I thank you for these tools, and bid you farewell."

Frieda turned towards the Clerk, and, while giving him her most beautiful smile, bowed gracefully. She then exited the shop and walked along the town's main street, taking in the area's scenery...

OOC: WELL. I guess I'm finally a bit closer to the action. Yay for me!

Nov 18, 2010, 11:17 PM
RAcast:*Arm Twirls Pointing To The Shop Which Frieda Stepped Out Of* Yup. In There. I Smell Fear And Whats This? Oh Hell. *Passes By Friedia* I Heard The Commotion. I Got This. *Walks In And Stands In The Door Way With The 7000V On His Back* I Know What Happened Here. *Head Opens Letting Out A Load Of Smoke As It Slowly Opened And Reached His Hand In His Head* Hm, Let Me See. Ah Ha! Here. *Pulls Out A Purple Sack And Tosses It At The Counter, Meseta Spilling On It Like A Unopened Closet* Keep The Change.*Kicks The Door Open And Walks Out* Yawn. * Stretches And Yawns* Man Your Nothing Compared To Hu Frieda. Yet She Sports The Looks... How To Manage The Both With Out Being A Complete A**? I Think Shes Not Being One At All Unless.... Ah Fk It. I See What Course She Takes Against Me. *Cracks His Knuckles* What To Know?

Nov 20, 2010, 12:15 AM
OOC: Ok... not too sure what to do here. To be honest, i haven't though of how to ambush she yet...


Amara continued to watch from the shadows, her new sand colored cloak still on. Ghoul seemed to be the gung-ho type of person who rarely tolerated things out of place. Amara endevered to keep an eye on Seth, but to be with pure honesty, couldn't think of anything to do in terms of an ambush. She just continued to watch from the shadows. Then out of nowhere, an idea found her, and she sliped back into the ally.

Minutes later, Amara was in another ally, its walls blocking most of the sun, and making hard to see in. Directly in front of her, no more then 20 yards away stode seth. He was bowing to a lady that they had just meet. Now then, to say hello to her old friend. As seth stode up from his bow to the lady, Amara moved swiftly. From out of the shadows, shot four small ring claws. They shot out very fast and latched onto Seths rists and ankles. With out even time to make a sound, they reeled, lurching seth into the dark. No-one seemed to notice but Guy.

Seth Astra
Nov 20, 2010, 03:50 PM
Seth, unshaken, spun around, grabbed the chains, melted them with concentrated Foie, and did the same with his legs. He then pulled out his scythe and lifted the hood of the person's cloak up.

Nov 21, 2010, 01:22 AM
Seth was greeted with a shy face of a long lost friend. Amara then looked up and smiled at him cheerfully, before lauching herself into a hug around his chest. "Miss me any seth? Its Amara."

Seth Astra
Nov 21, 2010, 01:26 AM
Seth stared at Amara for a second, not recognizing her at first. Then , realizing who it was, he smiled, put away his scythe, and lifted up her chin, looking her in the eyes. "Well, look how you've grown. It's been, what, 10 years now?"

Nov 21, 2010, 01:30 AM
OOC:Hmm. Bring HU/0 Into The Mix? Nah. I Doubt She'd Give It A Go.

Nov 21, 2010, 01:39 AM
"Ya." She smiled back. "I was on a job, but got sighed off, then i saw you. And followed you here. How have you been? "

Seth Astra
Nov 21, 2010, 01:42 AM
"Eh, alive. Got a bit of a damaged leg, so up until recently I havn't traveled as much as I wanted. Although, that town did see a sudden spike in murder victims lately," he grinned, devilishly. He then saddened a bit, and said, "That's about it, I guess..."

Nov 21, 2010, 01:44 AM
"Can we go meet your friemds?" she asked, looking behind seth, with a curiosity.

Nov 22, 2010, 01:56 AM
Okay so its moving slow now days ... u guys busy again ?... well I hope u keep writing, wht u do write is great I like where the story is going ... so I hope it gets a bit faster soon and yah thts it...

Seth Astra
Nov 25, 2010, 01:46 PM
Seth led Amara to the others. "Guy, Ghoul, this is Amara, kind of a little sister to me. Amara, these are Guy and Ghoul," he introduced. "Oh, and thanks for the rescue," he told them, sarcastically.

Nov 25, 2010, 08:15 PM
"Ey, yer a big boy. Even got a warrant out fer ya, livin' or with yer 'ead on a pla'er. I figger ya can stan' up fer yerself 'N all. If you let one person take ya down real easy like, yeh pro'lly weren't worth savin' anyhow." She grinned at Seth, then looked at Amara.
"So, we got another'un taggin' along with'n us 'N all. Suppose it makes the shifts easier if'n we ain't got a camp 'N all. If'n ya wanna stay with Seth's in his room t'night, I'm assumin' it's gon' be jus' him in there. Me 'N Guy gon' get our own room 'N all, mostly cuzza the costs, but y'know what they say 'N all, three's a crowd."

Nov 25, 2010, 09:39 PM
OOC: Seems like someone casted reverser on this thread :D

As she was walking along the town's main street, silently observing the town's subtle charms, Frieda noticed an odd group of organic beings, seemingly in a conversation near what seemed to be the town's inn facilities. They were most likely adventurers who just stopped by for a short rest, since their clothing and maneurisms didn't seem to "blend in" with the rest of the town.

One of them was a slender female. Was she human or newman? Her hair hiding her ears, one would be hard pressed to correctly guess her race. Her posture and way of speech suggested she was quite the battle-hardened warrior, a thorny flower that bloomed from gorging itself upon the blood that was shed in this world's harsher environments.

Next to her was a human male. His somewhat shy demeanor and neat outfit, despite the damage the desert and maybe a few battles might have caused to it, hinted at a more polite nature, which is usually uncommon in most adventurers; most of them are gruff hairy beast with barely enough manners to not cause a riot in any "civilized" settlements they visited. Perhaps this one belonged to one of the more organized mercenary groups? Or maybe something similar to a police force?

And then there was the other human male and another female newman. The human wore black robes and had a sinister, yet refined feel about him. The same could not be said about the newman, though; despite being covered in a dark cloak, her face didn't give off the same cold feeling as that of the human. Hers had more of a mischevious expression, reminiscent of that of those prank-loving kids who happily roam the outdoors, on the lookout for their next trick's victim. These two individual seemed to know each other and also seemed familiar to Frieda. A simple search of her memory would most likely easily uncover the identity of these two beings, but the caseal deemed it more interesting to do it in a more human way; slowly getting to "know" them and let new intel reach her memories and refresh them at its own pace. Thus, without a word, she walked over to the group and started talking to them:

Frieda:"Pardon me for intruding in your conversation in such a manner, but, are you, by any chance, not from here as well? I was looking for a decent place to rest, and I thought that a group of fellow -and most likely seasoned- adventurers such as yourselves would know a bit more about this town's features."

OOC: There you have it. Frieda meeting up with the group, as well as hints to her profession and to how she sees others. Now to hope it's not as long as I think it is...

Nov 25, 2010, 11:26 PM
OOC: No Mind Readers Here I Guess. More Of An Advantage Then...

RA: Ah Damn. Once A Femine, Allways One. *Quickly Takes A Look At Frieda Talking To The Group* Chatting As They F**king Please.*Looks Forward* I Wonder If She Even Went As Far To Call Them Organic Like This Other Caseal I Met? Who The Hell Does Such A Thing?! I Sure As Hell Don't.*Yawns* Then Walks By The Group While Twirling A Hidden 2000H* Pfft.* Continues To Walk Past The Group*

Nov 29, 2010, 12:23 PM
RAcast Daak comes walking in and points his Missouri Riverman at the writers and shouts write or some one dies !!!
No seriosly write !!! I love this story line so write !!!

Nov 30, 2010, 12:52 AM
OOC: Wow BLB... have you done this thing before? Thats some detail.


Amara looked up cheerfully at the group, exchanging greeetings, before a relitivly tall caseal walked over and started talking to the group. Amara just kept a quiet face and listend.

Seth Astra
Nov 30, 2010, 12:58 AM
When Ghoul said this, Seth glanced at Amara, blushed slightly, and mumbled out, "Oh, yeah, yeah, that's fine."
After the Caseal had finished, Seth chuckled and said, "Adventurer? Hmm... Never been called that before." Messing around with the pronunciation, he repeated the word a few times, and then said, "I like it. Certainly more positive than what people normally call me."

Nov 30, 2010, 11:13 PM
"Right..." Guy viewed the group, a tad wide-eyed for a moment, if only because he had now realized he was rapidly gaining more company. He scratched his head in his usual confused fashion, and then said, "Well, we've got the supplies. We've got a few more good... friends. And we've got a couple of outlaws tagged and bagged. What do you suppose we do now? The townspeople seem less than happy about our presence." As he said this, Guy turned and eyed a group of men that were also eying him back; little did he know they were the fellows from the sheriff's office and, more importantly, the hunter's guild. Guy nervously turned away from them and cracked his knuckles.

Nov 30, 2010, 11:33 PM
RA: Yeah Right... *Turns The Corner Outta Sight Then Continues To Walk* What Are They Gonna Do Huh? Oh Scary. Give Me A F**king Break. First This Then That Then This. Whats Next Huh?! A Gunslinger?! Oh Please. A Newman Doing It To? Seen It. *Yawn*What The Hell To Do Next?

Dec 1, 2010, 02:01 AM
"What were you guys doing before i came along?" Amara asked inisently, knowing full-well that they were seeking the towers. Though she kept a level face, leting nothing of her knowing show. "Is it something fun? I like the sound of adventurer, and adventures. There always exciting."

Seth Astra
Dec 1, 2010, 09:01 AM
Seth chuckled at Amara's act, but otherwise said nothing.

Dec 2, 2010, 12:32 AM
Ghoul saw right through the act.
People weren't normally so inquisitive to ask, then repeat their sentences so... Innocently. She was perfect at her act.
But too perfect.
"So how long have you been trailing us, exactly? I'm guessing you're the one with the train, since you weren't one of the bikers, and that seems to be the only logical solution." She said this, crossing her arms, sizing the newcomer up- both Amara and the CAST.

Dec 2, 2010, 01:39 AM
Frieda noticed the slight apprehension in the gruff newman's tone; she was most likely suspecting her and the other female newman as potential enemies. Frieda thought to herself...

("Hmhmhm. As expected. Like most mercenaries, she's hard to approach and keeps that hard, spiky shell toward others.")

The caseal let out a soft chuckle and looked at the hardened newman in the eyes...

"I can't say anything about that girl, but I, for one, have no ulterior motive for approaching you. You seemed like you were in a situation similar to mine, so it was only natural that I came over to ask you a few questions. So you can rest easy; I don't want, or need to harm you."

She paused and smirked...

"Besides, if I wanted to to harm you...I wouldn't put myself in such a disadvantegeous situation by appraoching you while you were with your companions."

After saying those words, Frieda seemed to suddenly remember something important...

"Ah, where are my manners! I intrude into your conversation and then make such remarks without even introducing myself. Hmhmhm...I guess I let this land's rough environment get the better of me. Anyways, I am Frieda. Frieda Lockheart. Pleased to meet you. And this is..."

She turned around, only to notice the RAcast had left her side...

"Oh, well it seems that mr. RAcast headed for other parts. A shame; he's quite the interesting fellow."

Dec 2, 2010, 03:26 PM
OOC: Just a note: When did you see the train before? I don't quite remember your group seeing it.


"About a day and a half" She answerd cheerfully, playing it as if it was a plesent converation. "I noticed Seth joined you a while back, and wanted to drop in and say hi."

OOC: If I remember right. There are 3 main power/jobs in this realm. Assassin, Hunter, and Mercenary. Yes?

Seth Astra
Dec 2, 2010, 06:19 PM
OOC: Yes. Also, all 3 want me dead.

Dec 2, 2010, 11:20 PM
RA: And there she goes again! I sware it enough to drive a person mad! Wait... Did she say *Freida's voice* interesting fellow? Hmm... *Normal voice* She couldent be... A Nice one? No... Shes tricking me! *Slams his fists then turns around then shouts* HA! YOU AINT FOOLING ME! ONCE A CASEAL ALWAYS A CASEAL! *Turns around then marches Off* Shes gotta try better than that!

Dec 4, 2010, 02:22 AM
((OoC: You're the reason we ducked into the dune, remember? xD))
Ghoul smirked.
"Y'all assassins are too good at actin' 'N all tha' jazz. 'Cuz no one acts like tha' inna real conversa'shun." She looked over to RA, cocking an eyebrow.
"He kinna looks a bi' stuck up.Like he's lookin' down on e'rybody, and thinkin' he's all high 'N mighty, 'N better 'N us all." She crossed her arms, shaking her head.

Dec 4, 2010, 02:31 PM
OOC: Wut pit?

RA: She can see around corners eh? Eh newmans. If a specific kind can do that then some were else this other type of newman cant do that. Oh well same applies to the others i guess. Go ahead and call me that but i dont care. im not this so called "god" ive seen some rise and fall but rest assured i'm not a "god". Just a tired as hell wanderer.Something tells me she acts like this 79% of the time or the very likely option... She knows someone loves her. The great pity of the soul that does such a thing. *Twirls a yasminkov 2000h* And i shall stop there as you don't seem interested. Good day. *Continues to walk away* Make that the whole race full of feminineness. Even after all those damn years wandering they don't make the slightest sense.

Seth Astra
Dec 4, 2010, 09:20 PM
"What's wrong with being stuck up?" Seth asked, cheery as ever. "I look down on all of you. But I like you guys, so I follow you guys around anyway. At very least you seem like you'll attract trouble, and I always enjoy a good fight."

Dec 5, 2010, 06:36 PM
"Ain't so much tha' he's stuck up, is that 'e prances 'round actin' all high 'n migh'y, like he's be'er 'n e'ryone. Like he's the best damned thing since fuckin' me'al were discovered." She said, shaking her head. She turned and walked toward the inn, but as she reached the door, there was almost an icy chill. She was sure she was imagining it, but her hand instinctively fell to her gun as she walked through.
The scene that met her eyes was utter chaos. Chairs were strewn about, tables turned over, liquor and glass littered the floor, men slumped against walls.
A singular man turned, from in the middle of the bar, in the act of sheathing a blade. The handle was black, but the blade was as blue as a clear sky, and it had what looked to be a wisp of clouds running along it. He smiled, his ice blue eyes staring straight into her soul.
"Good... So you're not late. I apologize for the mess, but there was a bit of a... Complication. Shots were fired, but no one was killed. Even those... Worthy of death are alive." His smile was like lightning, cracking a tree down the middle in the dead of winter.
"The hell you talkin' 'bout, me not bein' late or nothin' like tha'?" She asked, her finger resting on her trigger, ready to draw if need be. She stared back at the man, who had an air of authority and danger about him.
"Oh, so you don't know. Well, I suppose then, that I'll have to inform you about that... But later. Once we have a table to sit at." He said, turning and walking up the stairs. But then he paused, and said, "Oh, and don't worry. If I'd wanted to kill you, I'd have done so a while ago." He said, disappearing up the stairs. A door closing could be heard.
Ghoul shivered once, as the cold of the room dissipated.

Seth Astra
Dec 5, 2010, 11:13 PM
Seth pulled out the red cube that contained his scythe, and kept his finger on the activation button. He then asked, in an uncharacteristically grim tone, "Who was that? Do any of you guys know him?"

Dec 5, 2010, 11:48 PM
Amara stode back at the open door. She had a bit of a chill from that man and a unnerving feeling, but was otherwise, unchanged. "I have never really met him, but i did see him in his window from outside as he watch your group." She paused for a moment then briskly skiped up next to ghoul and spoke so only she could hear, with the thought of a possible listening in. "If you have a name, I bet my boss can find out his info".

Dec 6, 2010, 12:06 AM
OOC: And the man in black strikes!!!

Frieda had an amused look on her face while looking at the scene. She then casually walked in and started preparing a table and chairs for the others...

"That was certainly odd, wouldn't you say, hm? Well, there is not much to do instead of heeding that man's words, don't you think? Besides, you must all be tired and hungry, and since I don't see the patron anywhere...I guess I will assume his or her functions for now."

She winked at them.

"Do not worry, I have decent experience in this kind of field. Have a seat and think of something to order while I clean this whole mess. But you'll have to leave some money for the owners of this establishment, provided they are still alive of course. We are using their goods after all."

Upon saying these words, she took a broom that was in the vicinity and started cleaning up the floor, but then noticed the unconscious and injured men in the room...

"Erm...Someone will have to carry these men out though. I can't clean and tend to the injured at the same time, haha."

While cleaning the floor with the broom, Frieda thought to herself...

("Haha, I would have never thought I'd do this kind of work again. Especially under these circumstances...")

Dec 10, 2010, 11:37 AM
I feel kinda awkward just jumping into this...if it goes awry, I'm blaming you, Astra! You dragged me into this! :-?

I'm not too sure what OOC and the other terminology is and where this takes place (I have a general idea from Astra), so if anyone sees inconsistencies my typing, please don't hesitate to tell me!

Attached is an image of what Serizawa generally looked like when she fired the shot. I did not make the image (credit goes to cmstpp of DevArt), so imagine the hair being darker and longer.


Dust...dust...more dust...dust bunny! Dust...

"Dust to dust, huh..."

A lone, cloaked figure trudged wearily through a bleak region of desert. On the back of the person was a large satchel, filled with who knows what. The figure sighed and pulled the hood back, revealing waist-length jet-black hair, equally dark eyes, sharply shaped ears, and a single rogue lock of hair that refused to settle down.

Serizawa took a look at the remains of her map and sighed again. Where the heck was this place?

First things first, she needed to find civilization. Glancing around, she found a relatively large hill with a dead tree on its apex. Slowly, Serizawa hiked to the top of the hill, tripping and swearing at close encounters with scorpions all the way. Once at the top, she put down her large bag and cloak and in one swift motion leapt to the top of the unfortunate tree.

Far off in the distance, give or take a couple kilometers, Serizawa saw a small group of travelers hastily running from something. Curious, she looked for this 'something' and easily found it. A small group of bandits were chasing the poor travelers, probably aiming to mug them or something bad. Normally it wouldn't be much of an issue, as travelers these days are fairly heavily armed. The issue this time was that these travelers were on foot and the bandits were on mounts, namely horses.

Holding her arm out, a circular symbol appeared out of thin air just barely touching her right palm. Suddenly, Serizawa plunged her arm into the symbol, and for a second part of her arm disappeared through it. Yaking her arm back, she pulled a large rifle out of the symbol, took aim through the sights, and fired once.

The rifle made a blunt 'fhumph' sound, and a few seconds of silence entailed. Far off in the distance one of the pursuers flew off his horse, arm dangling dangerously at a wild angle. He crashed into one of his mates, sending them both flying under the hooves of the others. The bandits as a whole immediately broke off pursuit, not knowing where the attack came from.

"Huh. So they're not stupid." Serizawa held out her arm again in the same fashion as she did to pull out the rifle, but nothing appeared. "Damn. Out of charge." Sighing for the third time in minutes, she donned the tattered cloak, slung the large weapon over her shoulder, picked up her satchel, and began walking in the direction of what appeared to be houses in the direction the travelers had been heading towards.



Seth Astra
Dec 10, 2010, 11:46 AM
OOC: OOC means out of character. It's for stuff that's not directly part of the RP, but related to it. Also, please, call me Seth. I'm not much for being called by my last name, and this isn't so formal that you have to do so. And... Didn't you want to join? Anyway, good first post.

Dec 10, 2010, 11:48 AM
OOC: It's called being nervous when randomly jumping in to something. You were my potential scapegoat ^^;.


Dec 11, 2010, 12:45 PM
OOC: See A Blue RAcast On The Way? Mistress Sniper? And Ind I'll Give Ya Credit That.. DAT WAS ONE OF TEH BEST FIRST RP POSTS I EVER SAW. Right next to seth's... *Cough* Im Done. And dont mind me. Just Being"Confuseing" as always.

Dec 11, 2010, 01:37 PM
((HU's diverging from the group, and abandoning the story. Lawl.))

"I don't got a name, and I got no clue who that is. All I know is that he knows something I need to know..." She said, stepping completely into the bar, looking around, before the cast interjected.
"Thinkin' I'll stand, thanks." She said, leaning against a wall, reaching into her boot and producing a flask. She unscrewed the top, and took a few swigs out of it, before pulling out Scarlet Rain and checking it over, just to make sure. Then her Morganlote was in hands, and she twirled it.
"Wonder what the hell he meant by saying I wasn't late..." She muttered, taking another drink. She then clipped the flask onto her belt, her Morganlote held at her hands.

Seth Astra
Dec 11, 2010, 04:49 PM
Seth sat in a chair and leaned it back on two legs, putting his feet on the table."Ah well, seems like he might be a good fight. I hate easy kills. So... Boring..." the assassin commented, "Hey, Frieda, can you poor me a bloody drink? Nothing too strong, though, I'd prefer to stay sober. I'll pay whatever it bloody costs." He then pulled the mechguns from his belt and looked at them, checking the photon cartridges for any cracks that could cause a violent rupture.

Dec 11, 2010, 05:37 PM
(Naw. He's a bit over da top right now. Its eather he leaves... or.. you parish type of things.)*Gasp* Yeah. I Choose A. But dont explode. He'll be back like teh terminator.

Dec 12, 2010, 12:54 AM
OOC: I'll make this short. I need to study for AP Comparative Government & Politics...exam tomorrow ^^;.


A long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...



"...this is why I hate deserts..."

Pushing herself up off the sand, Serizawa closed her book and resumed her march towards a small town on the outskirts of this large, mundane desert. Reading while walking to pass the time didn't seem to be working much. Oh well. It was only about a kilometer left to the place.

Serizawa once again tried summoning the symbol on her palm, and this time it worked. She stuffed the large rifle back into the symbol with her other arm, and the symbol closed. With the encumbering object gone (except for the large satchel still on her back) , Serizawa began picking up her pace.

Before long, she had made it to the outskirts of the town. Luckily for her, there was an inn nearby. 2 hours of non-stop walking and that last 3 minute 1K run (for some reason she had run her best time in a desert) had left her quite fatigued, and she ambled over to the host (who for some reason was passed out or worse), threw the proper cash for a single room at his inert body , trudged up the stairs, and collapsed onto the soft bed in her room. She was asleep within a minute.



Dec 12, 2010, 01:39 AM
OOC: Gotcha form that post you do seem pretty KO'd to me.

RA: Why the hell do i feel something odd? Like i just did something stupid? *Walks into an ally and leans against one of the walls* Ugh. I Need time to think...*Head opens up and pulls out a bottle of whiskey from his side, looks at it then shrugs* Cant hurt. Besides...What else can i do at the moment? *Tosses the bottle into his head which closes as soon as its tossed in* Besides ranting about caseal hatred?

Dec 12, 2010, 02:29 AM
OOC: Just curious - how can a CAST drink? Wouldn't the liquid fry the circuits?


Seth Astra
Dec 12, 2010, 09:18 AM
OOC: Firstly, if you are in the same town as us, Wayu, there's only the inn we are sitting about in, and the innkeeper is out cold. Secondly, don't bother trying to logically explain HU or his characters. We have tried, and failed.

Dec 12, 2010, 09:54 AM
OOC: Oh. I'll go change that then. Thanks.

Just wondering - how the hell did the innkeeper end up unconscious?


Seth Astra
Dec 12, 2010, 10:37 AM
OOC: Some guy beat up everyone in the inn before we arrived.

Seth chuckled as this happened."Not every day that happens," he said, still chuckling.

Dec 12, 2010, 07:56 PM
OOC: Yay...Final exams beating the living snot out of me. Now to write something while I take a break from all this studying nonsense.

Upon hearing Seth's request for a drink, Frieda went to the bar counter which was near the back of the inn's lobby.

"Of course. Let's see what they have...Ah! This whiskey should do. Well, I hope it does, since the only other drink I see here is rum. Oh, and a few bottles of absinthe it seems. Who would have thought that was still popular..."

As the caseal filled a glass with the beverage, a female newman suddenly stumbled in the establishment and, after throwing a sum of money at the innkeeper's unconscious body, hauled herself upstairs. Soon after, a faint "thud" was heard. She most likely collapsed on one of the beds upstairs. Not paying much attention to that event, Frieda set the neatly filled whiskey glass on the table in front of Seth, who was chuckling as he looked at the scene.

"You'd be surprised. In one of my previous jobs, I saw some travellers that were so exhausted, they collapsed on the receptionist's counter after paying for their rooms. Some of them even spent the night on the floor because they were too tired to head to their rooms. But, as far as I'm concerned, as long as the required fee is paid, they can sleep anywhere within the building. But I don't guarantee the safety of their personal goods if they fall asleep outside of their rooms, hahahaha!"

Seth Astra
Dec 12, 2010, 08:39 PM
Seth laughed along with the caseal, and took a sip of the whiskey. "Oh, Frieda, make sure not to give me any more tonight, no matter how much I ask. I don't want to get drunk."

Dec 12, 2010, 10:22 PM
RA:*Facepalm* Oh you see? Gah Man. Always the same. Its quite unbearable. *Pulls out a spray can* Tada! *Quickly spays himself then is covered by a large spray cloud* Just a sec... *Stops spraying* Done! *Ends up looking like the pic int the spoiler box below.* Now since thats done with... *Sniff* Is that what i think it is? What?! *Marches off toward the inn* Yes... Yes! Absinthe! Haven't drunk that in years! *Dashes and quickly stops in front of the inn doors* Hm. *Leans on the side of the building outside the doors twirling that 2000H* In a little bit though.


Dec 13, 2010, 01:29 AM

For the umpteenth time in 24 hours, Serizawa's face hit a surface face-first. In this case it was the cold inn floor. She immediately grabbed her necklace, and once its presence was confirmed, she relaxed her muscles and calmed down.

The necklace wasn't something that would normally catch your eye. It wasn't particularly shiny or flashy, rather it was so plain and strange that one would double-take at it. A small piece of flat, disfigured metal lay attached on a silver chain, and on that piece of metal a brutal gash dashed across its surface. Not exactly necklace material, but extremely important nonetheless.

Standing up and stretching, Serizawa grabbed some spare clothes from her satchel. Changing out of her current clothes, Serizawa put on a change of underwear and peeked out the door into the hallway. No one around. Good. She quickly put on a tank top and a grey jacket with white patterning on top, followed by grey shorts, knee socks, and short boots. Taking a mirror from her satchel, she checked her appearance and made sure that the necklace was hidden as well as possible. Check, asides from a tiny glimmer on the left side of her neck. Tossing her dirty clothes onto her bed, she donned the damaged cloak and picked up the satchel (it still had stuff in it) and headed downstairs.

In the bar area on the first floor, she picked a seat far off from the rest of the people in here. She was especially wary of the man with the modified mechguns drinking with a female CAST...wait, what? Oh well...some things in this world are better left unexplained. Anyways, back to the mechgun man...one of the gun barrels had a gash near the body of the gun. Left untended it could potentially backfire, destroying the whole gun or worse, depending on the reactor used.

"Mh...not my problem. Not like I use photons..." That being said, she decided to run an inspection of her own weapons. Making sure to do it when no one else was looking, she once again summoned the symbol, took out the large rifle and set it on the table. She then began to disassemble the weapon, checking each and every part of any sign of damage. She eventually found sand stuck inside the scope, so she got to work trying to clean that out. In the meanwhile, she ordered some juice and kept her eye on the door and the other people populating the bar.


Seth Astra
Dec 13, 2010, 01:36 AM
Finishing the whiskey, Seth set it down and sighed. "Ugh... I already know I drank too much." He then put back the mechguns, unaware of the damage, took the handle off of his back, and started looking at it.

Dec 13, 2010, 01:54 AM
From her corner of the room, Serizawa watched the mechgun man anxiously. For a second it looked like he might've begun testing out his weapon on the far wall, but from this angle it was really hard to tell.

Since she was finished cleaning out the sand from her scope, she reassembled the rifle and kept one hand on the trigger while she folded a paper plane quickly from a piece of debris she found on the floor. When that was done, she donned a pair of gloves and returned her right hand to the trigger. Preloading her muscles, she tossed the paper plane over to the man with a message:

Don't fire. Those are damaged. Turn around and don't shoot. I can help.


Seth Astra
Dec 13, 2010, 01:59 AM
OOC: Since you probably didn't read the early posts, the hadle is a relatively plain blade handle, about a foot long, with a photon emitter at each end.

Seth chuckled lightly, stood up, turned around, saw the woman, and walked over, spinning the weapon handle idly. As he got within speeking distance, he said, "Hello, I'm Seth. How can I help you... Or, apparently, how can you help me?"

Dec 13, 2010, 03:22 AM
OOC: So it's like a double saber? Oh. I had no idea what this 'handle' was...sorry. Oh well...I'll go with the flow for now.

Serizawa examined the man carefully before speaking. Judging by his posture and tone, he was confident where he stood, with some degree of skill to back it up. He also didn't show any movements towards his mechguns, meaning that the immediate danger of them detonating had passed...for now. Her left eye also didn't notice anything.

Lifting the rifle upright on the table and turning the barrel towards this man - Seth, as he called himself, Serizawa cautiously began her approach:

"Your mechgun is damaged. Left gun. Barrel damage. Fire that thing again and it might just backfire and blow your arm off. I'm surprised it hasn't yet." With her free hand she held up a palm towards Seth - a sign of peace where she came from. Hopefully the people here understood...and hopefully she wouldn't screw up their language and cause a ruckus like in the previous town.

She continued, trying to get all of her cents in before Seth could reply. "Damage to the barrel is difficult to repair. Your average weapon shop won't be able to do it without a decrease in performance." Serizawa then slowly picked up her rifle with both hands and offered it towards Seth. "This is of my own design. It's modeled after the old 'sniper' rifles. Test it out, take a look at it, then decide if this degree of skill is worth your time."


Dec 13, 2010, 03:22 AM
OOC: I feel like i have the lest developed character here, or for that matter, the least creative....


Amara had taken a seat by the front window. I dindgy pane of glass, scratch from years of sandstorms. From here vantage point she could see the entirdy of teh bar, and what was happening outside. She mainly sat by the window to keep an eye on posible stangers coming or going from the bar. At tme moment, no-one was doing anying with the bar, as if they were avoiding it.

Seth Astra
Dec 13, 2010, 03:34 AM
Seth put the weapon handle back, and looked at the gun. Sure enough, the damage was there. "Hrm. That isn't good." Seeing her offering the rifle, he carefully took it and felt the weight. He then examined the rest of it, and nodded approvingly. "Not bad," he said, handing it back. "How much would it cost if you were to fix my gun?

Dec 13, 2010, 04:16 AM
Serizawa relaxed...partially. She had given the rifle to the man for two main reasons - one was to genuinely show him her handiwork, and the other was to confirm that this man indeed knew his way around a gun.

There was one decisive factor, though, that made her still maintain her guard. He may know his way around the gun, but it seemed that he knew next to nothing on physical weaponry. His current visual arsenal consisted of two photon weapons. Perhaps he couldn't handle them...or maybe not.

"First of all, I need to see how well you will perform with a physical gun. Also, please don't be surprised." Serizawa summoned the symbol with her right arm again, and pulled out a far smaller weapon and set it on the table, two of them.

"These are modeled after the Škorpion vz. 61, way back when. They're your very basic of the old 'sub-machine guns'. These use photon-propelled projectiles, but they can only fire 20 shots before they need a brief recharge, maybe about 2 seconds." The symbol still open, she pulled out 10 curved pieces of metal and closed the symbol. "These are magazines. I'll explain them later. Follow me."

Without missing a beat, she slung her rifle over her shoulder and forged towards the exit. "You may want to bring your friends along. The female CAST, the barkeep, and the one outside. The more customers, the more results I get." With that she left the two 'SMGs' on the table and headed outside.


Seth Astra
Dec 13, 2010, 04:22 AM
Seth picked up the guns and felt their weight. "Hrm... Not bad," he muttered, following the woman out.

Dec 13, 2010, 04:27 PM
OOC: Whoa, you guys post fast...Extremely fast. But, hey, it's nothing I should complain about, hm?

Frieda silently observed Seth and the newman woman while they were having their conversation. It seemed she had a lot of experience as a gunsmith. One could notice it just by looking at the elegant, yet efficient silhouette her creations had, as well as how carefully she handled the firearms. These weapons could effectively handle the strain of intense combat, provided the user gave them the basic maintenance periodically. After a while, it seemed the woman invited Seth and the others who were in the inn to join her outside for what seemed to be a demonstration of her gun's abilities. To this invitation, Frieda had a reaction that wasn't very Cast-like, as one would say...

"Well, I'll pass on that, so don't wait for me, Seth. I don't like guns too much; they don't suit my tactics very well. Too much maintenance...Too much tedious aiming and trajectory calibrations involved. Besides..."

Frieda grasped her right forearm with her left hand and her facial expression suddenly changed to a somewhat malicious, if not evil, smirk...

"...Guns do not retain the smell of the target's blood after killing. Neither do they allow you to feel the force generated from piercing your target's flesh and scrapping through its innards. Heehee."

Her face then quickly changed to a warmer and more cheerful expression...

"Anyways, don't let my illogical rambling delay your little test. Have fun!"

Dec 13, 2010, 07:20 PM
*Puts on a pair of DJ headphones on his head blasts the video below:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9v3WlGg99oM&feature=related Lets go. *Opens the door, looks around head spinning 360 degrees scanning the room then looks at frida* And there all bad... Bull****! *Puts his arm around her backside* Just like good ol FOnewm! He just loved blood... Drank 3 gallons of the damn thing a day. *Gives her a slight nugie then pats her on the back before walking to were the absinthe was stored* Hm hm hm. Guess its mine. *Head opens up and slides all the absinthe into his head* Good s***. *Head closes then heads toward the door all while still twirling the Yasminkov 2000h in his hand* Have a good one caseal. *Points the gun at her* Dont stress out and explode now. *Fires the gun at a row of glass bottles shattering the whole row as he leaves via the front door* Well well well. *Chuckles* I'll be damned. A newman and a gun. And a classic one? *Head opens up and lets out a big puff of black smoke before closeing* Bravo. *Claps* Bravo indeed. *Twirls the 2000h* Guess im not the only one who has been to earth. Heh. *Taps the window right next to him and points to amara* Do something else? Were pretty damn vigilant ya know... I Dont need a watcher. Besides, *Points the 2000h and pretends to fire it* Pow. That wholda happened hun. So get your stuff in check newman. Take a good look then think some more eh? *Turns around* Daaaaa-aaa-aaa-aaamn. * Slouches on a wall while twirling the 2000H* What to do, what to do... *Fires it upward* Hm. Heheheh. The Racast is back. Hell yeah. *Tosses the gun up and down while still spinning it* Kuso no mesu-ken no cherushī.... Shes gonna get it when i'm done here. *Coughs* Eh.

Dec 14, 2010, 02:02 PM
OOC: Hmm...


Amara almost jumped when the RAcast taped her window. For a bit there, she had drifted off, thinking of some way to really be a part of the group. With the new casts here, it was like her skills as a assassin were beig overshadowed with supirior machainics. And from what she knew from listening to her boss rant on in her past, was that frieda's model could warp. Almost making her Ryuker look like a low level exspariment.

Amara took a deep breath, sighed, and stode up. (At least I know my way around a gun) she thought, glancing down at her Viper on her hip. She followed the group outside to see what this was going to be about.

Dec 16, 2010, 02:11 AM
On the extreme outskirts of the town, there was a fairly large clump of boulders. These boulders were so insignificantly significant that they didn't have much significant use other than being insignificant. They were just there.

Well, not today, at least. They would make decent improvised targets. Glancing behind her, Serizawa counted 3 people following her, all of which were armed - Seth and potentially two of his friends. The CAST seemed a little too jolly, and the Newman seemed...well, a mix of emo and something else. Hopefully she wouldn't shoot herself in the foot with that overly large pistol of hers. A worn Viper, it seemed, but not damaged...at least from the outside. Photon magazines always decayed in output over an extended period of time, and recharging it would require an ample photon source...which is why Serizawa never used photon bullets. Photon propulsion systems were a different story, and replaced gunpowder and gas in her weaponry.

Another interesting fact was that the CAST sported a familiar weapon - YMK-2000H, or the Yasminkov 2000H. Coincidentally, Serizawa had been tinkering around with one earlier. Oh well, at least the CAST would learn to use physical weaponry fast. Yasminkov weapons used synthesized physical bullets that gave them similar levels of kickback and recoil. If this CAST was a fan of such weapons, he would make a good customer...

Serizawa stopped in front of the insignificant rocks and waited for the other three to catch up (she was a very fast walker). When they did, she motioned with her arm for them to stay there for the time being. She proceeded to line up some of the rocks in a line, propping them up with makeshift stands of smaller rocks. Once two groups of twenty rocks a piece had been lined up, Serizawa headed back to the group.

"Alright, here's an explanation of what this is." She walked over to Seth, pulled a Škorpion out of his hands along with two magazines (Seth flinched briefly at this) and walked back a bit so that all 3 people could see what she was about to do.

"Physical weapons used physical bullets. Now, physical bullets can't be fired at will, unlike photon weapons since they don't 'recharge'. Instead, they reload with a set number of shots per magazine. This is a magazine." She waved one around, to make sure these guys knew what it was. "There are several different kinds and shapes of magazines, but they all typically go into a certain weapon in a certain slot. In this case, the Škorpion's magazine 'slot' is here." She showed the trio the opening in the handle of the gun. "You put a magazine in with the tip of the bullet pointing towards the barrel, like so. Some guns require you to chamber the bullet. Basically, you pull back a lever on the gun, if there is." She chambered a round for the Škorpion. "Now you're ready to fire. Be warned, though, that it may hurt your ears. Luckily, this toy's pretty quiet."

Without looking back, Serizawa sprayed fire over one group of twenty rocks, destroying all but one until she ran out of ammo. "This Škorpion can only fire 20 rounds per magazine, and fires them extremely quickly, maybe 10 times faster than your standard mechgun. It's also very accurate, but its iron sights, or the metal sights on the top of the weapon, aren't that good but good enough for CQC. Once you're out, you have to reload. Most handguns have a button on the grip to press to release the magazine, but the Škorpion and anything larger usually requires you to pull the magazine out along with pressing a button." She demonstrated and slammed in another magazine. She then handed Seth the Škorpion. "Hold on a second, and play around with the other one to get the feel of reloading." Serizawa mingled around the rocks for around 5 minutes and came back.

"From here, the start point, hit that lone stone over there, then reload and try taking down those 20 rocks without missing a single shot. Then run over to that boulder to the left, climb up and take the two magazines on the top. Reload, then take out the 10 targets in the circle to the north. Reload, jump off, and run back to the start point while taking out the 5 targets to our right. This is your test. Go."


Dec 16, 2010, 06:27 PM
RA: Wow. Reminds me of that one time i watched something that the humans refered to as drills... But they weren't real drills and they seemed on the same level that that women's lecture is. And *cough* Excuse me. I Also seen what they refereed to a browning. Something about a SAW? I Dunno. But i managed to grab something called an MP5SD... Pretty damn cool madam. And Nice 50. Cal you got there. Havent seen one in eons.

OOC: Uh wayu? You forgot this.

Škorpion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%A0korpion_vz._61

Dec 16, 2010, 08:22 PM
OOC: I figured that most of us would remember the gun from Modern Warfare...oh well. Links do help, I guess. Also, are the italics speech or..?


Dec 16, 2010, 08:27 PM
OOC: I figured that most of us would remember the gun from Modern Warfare...oh well. Links do help, I guess. Also, are the italics speech or..?


OOC: I Wont bother to ask about how you know about MW... But eh. So Seth didn't tell you i presume? Theres a first for everything i guess. Italics mean the charecters thoughts. If you can somehow read minds then i assume replying to them. Not forcing you to do so though. Id do the same by putting italics instead of "He/She thought." Get what i'm saying?

Seth Astra
Dec 16, 2010, 11:25 PM
OOC: I havn't played any CoD games.

Seth sighed and said, "I know how to use a gun. There are still a few bullet-based weapons around. They are rare, but I had the chance to, ahem, borrow one from a guy I killed." Twirling the gun, he took aim and fired the bullets into a small area on the rock. Dropping to one knee and reloading, he precisely hit the 20 targets, then rolled to his feet and started moving as fast as he could towards the large boulder. Instead of climbing it, he pulled out a red box, transformed it into his scythe, and used it to pole-vault onto the rock. Putting it away, he grabbed the magazines, and loaded another into the gun.
Seth carefully took aim and shot the targets, not wasting a single bullet. He then lept down, and fired 2 shots each at the targets as he ran back, hitting with nearly every bullet. Handing the gun and the unused magazine back to Serizawa he said, "Not a bad gun, lass. Probably too good for me, though. I don't use my guns too much, to be honest. I typically prefer a nice technique." As he said this, he summoned a ball of foie in his hand, then quickly extinguished it. "I guess I will just have to sell these for parts. It's a real shame, they have served me through many a duel."

OOC: FYI, Wayu, Seth walks with a bit of a limp. His left leg is damaged.

Dec 16, 2010, 11:35 PM
RA: Hard to find? Rare? *Puts the 2000H Into his side holster and pulls out a 7000V from his back* The hell were you raised? * Pumps it ejecting a shell into the air* But your a newman and i cant blame ya. After all you are accustomed to techs and all which is fine by me. *Lights a cigar and places it in his mouth* Ah yes... Those good ol' days.

Dec 17, 2010, 12:01 AM
Serizawa raised an eyebrow when she saw Seth's performance with the provided gun. Not bad, not bad at all, considering his leg. The red box was a curious contraption, and reminded her of an enigma of a time long past. Could it transform into other weapons? She had many questions about it and was itching to analyze it, but transformative weapons could be dangerous in the wrong hands.

Noticing the new rifle the CAST pulled out, Serizawa immediately put him on her customer list. He knew how to handle physical weapons, judging by the way he kept the hand not on the trigger right next to where the magazine would have been. Serizawa actually hadn't noticed the 7000V on his back; his torso blocked it from view.

Letting these issues slide, Serizawa refocused on Seth.

"Remember, I'm offering to modify your current mechguns. These Škorpions are merely tools for testing new marksmen. If you still prefer photon weaponry, the process is simpler and will cost less, but if you'd prefer something I've been working on for the past few years, you get the best of both physical and photon - the speed, precision, and penetrating power of the physical bullet and the endless charge & power of the photon."

Serizawa began walking in lazy circles around Seth. "I deal in a variety of weapons, of which physical weapons are my...specialty, many of which I design myself. Of course I can get my hands on almost any weapon one wishes, provided the proper fee is procured. Rifles, swords, explosives, heavy weapons, axes, knifes, anything you can think of I can get to you. Then there are...special...weapons. Their specs are far beyond the typical photon or physical weapons. They are not just weapons. They are not mere tools. They are not toys for the standard soldier. They are art."

As Serizawa finished her last sentence, she reached her right hand over her back and into her satchel and in a single movement invisible to the everyday commoner, drew a blur out of the bag and slashed it down at Seth, bringing the blur all the way down to the sand while dropping onto her right knee. Nothing happened to the potential customer, and after a short silence the boulder upon which Seth had vaulted upon during his test split cleanly in half.

The blur turned out to be a long, sheathed katana with several chains holding the blade in the sheath. The sheath itself was 2 meters long, and the hand guard was invisible behind the mass of chains.

Serizawa stood up, chained sword still at the ready, and began to slowly walk away from Seth and his friends. "I'll leave those Škorpions in your care for now." She flipped out 3 black metal business cards and tossed it into the air, letting them hit the sand. Engraved on them was silver lettering with a single numeral: 0. "My name is Serizawa. I'll be staying in the town for the time being. If you decide that you really want those guns upgraded or if you want to purchase a weapon, you'll know where to find me. See ya." With that, Serizawa's figure blurred and disappeared right as the sun set over the horizon.


Dec 17, 2010, 12:30 AM
RA: *Claps while taking the cigar outta his mouth* Bravismo! Ole! Cheer! Ōen shiyou! *Stops clapping and resumes smoking the cigar* Talk about some serious sh** toward guns eh? wait until she sees my armory back home... She'll freak! I Think. She seemed to be like he wanted to sell me something.... Damn.... There goes my chance. Oh well. *Walks over and picks up the card* Serizawa... Why does that name ring such a famiar*** bell? *Shrugs and resumes smoking while heading back to the inn* Hm. Wonder who that other newman is? *Turns around* Hey you! Your leg doesn't look good. Need help?

Dec 17, 2010, 12:36 AM
OOC: Serizawa's a girl ^^;. Not a 'he'. Also, there's a wall in the middle of the desert?


Dec 17, 2010, 12:43 AM
OOC: Dakara era-sōna... Done...

Other OOC: Toki ni, watashi no tsuma ni natta nodesu ka?! Geez!

Seth Astra
Dec 18, 2010, 02:53 AM
"Hmm, seems like a nice girl. Though, I think I'll just get my old guns fixed. It'd be cheaper, but I don't know how long it'll be till I get paid to kill someone again, so best be stingy," Seth commented, strolling back towards the inn. Hearing RA's comment, he replied, "No, it's been like this for years, there's no fixing it.

Dec 18, 2010, 03:04 AM
RA: *Shrugs* If you say so then. *Twirls the 7000V while whistling and heading back to the inn*

Dec 18, 2010, 05:23 AM
OOC: Attached is Serizawa's 3rd unveiled weapon. Renzo, you're probably reading this so this also applies to the PSP2 RP, as the two Serizawa's are one and the same. It's a pretty big hint from where she's originally from.

On the roof of the inn, a blur materialized and lightly landed on the chimney of the building. Propping her sword against the chimney and taking the scope off of her rifle, Serizawa peeked towards where she had just come from. She saw Seth and the other CAST slowly making their way back to the town, but the other female Newman was blocked by another building. From this angle, she could see the glint of two of her cards, the third presumably with the female.

As the sun finished setting over the horizon and the moon's bright light washed over the lonely desert, Serizawa sighed and reattached the scope onto the rifle, summoned the symbol and stuffed the gun away. Hopping down from the chimney, she grabbed her sword and inserted it into a holster specifically made for the weapon on her left hip. She then deftly backflipped off the roof, cloak billowing, and landed noiselessly on the open window sill of her room.

Hopping inside, she checked the room for any evidence of tampering and found none. Leaving the window open, she attached a fourth business card to the bottom of her window sill on the outside. Stretching, she took out a hammock from her satchel and placed it a foot or so above the door. She then took her satchel, sword, and a mop from just outside the door and placed in the bed in a fashion that imitated a person sleeping. Summoning the symbol for the final time today, Serizawa extracted a very large and strangely shaped black pistol and cradling it feel into a light sleep.


Dec 18, 2010, 05:48 AM
OOC: You read me like a book, Lady Wayu. And I shall keep that knowledge stored for further investigation on Serizawa's past.

Don't mind me, continue with your RP. Quite the nice read though.

Dec 18, 2010, 06:41 AM
OOC: Disasater averted ^^;.


Dec 18, 2010, 12:26 PM
OOC: I Thought it was pwn3d but your call Wayu.

Seth Astra
Dec 19, 2010, 01:05 AM
OOC: Let's put this on hold till Ghoul starts showing up more again. Without her, the plot is lost.

Dec 19, 2010, 01:55 AM
OOC: I'm trying to set something up while carefully making Ghoul's character's actions extremely vague. But I'll wait.


Dec 19, 2010, 03:02 AM
OOC: Any ideas for Amara... I feel lost in this plot, or moreover, the RP. :-( ^^; Like Amara is just following the group, haveing no skills to contribute that someone else doesn't already have... :-( ^^; ... honest.

Dec 19, 2010, 04:11 AM
OOC: Oh, so it was your character, not Ghouls that was following RAcast and Seth. Riiiiiiight.

Yeah, Serizawa's got a little something for your character anyways (actually, a bundle of goodies). That's why there are three business cards.


Dec 19, 2010, 04:16 AM
OOC: But again, nothing is happening until Ghoul posts anew. Until then, keep plotting.

Dec 28, 2010, 02:34 AM
((We NEED Doc to post. Being as his character is pretty much a huge part of the story. It's not like we can just go, "Guy doesn't exist anymore. :D" Especially if he posts, and then he exists, then leaves for a while and doesn't exist.... Lawl...))

The mercenary sat at the table, still drinking from her flask, though not big drinks, as she didn't want to get drunk. Still contemplating the man's purpose- which was obviously not to kill them, because he would have done that, or attempted to, if it had been- Ghoul glared at the floor. She remembered something very faintly, an outline, and a familiar feeling. He didn't seem like a stranger, but she didn't seem to know him exactly. Deja Vu.
She stood up, stretching. He back cracked, and she limbered up, before letting out a sigh. Cracking her knuckles and elbows, and rolling her neck, she began dragging the men out the door. They weren't wounded, other than bruising and some minor burns- wait, why were they burned? This meant the man had control over magic, since nothing else was burned.
The Newman had finished dragging the men out of the bar before returning and righting the tables. She put three at each of the tables at first, but there were too many left over. So she went with five- that was almost right, but one table only had four chairs. She found the fifth one under the steps, and set it up- picking up a spare broom, she began sweeping the floor, noting that nothing had been broken- simply knocked over. How strange.

Dec 30, 2010, 10:43 AM
OOC: Hey, Doc, stop trying to rape me on the chat and POST HERE?


Dec 30, 2010, 01:46 PM
OOC: Hey, Doc, stop trying to rape me on the chat and POST HERE?


Maybe we need both of them ya know? I Dunno.

Dec 30, 2010, 08:52 PM

OOC: Nah, I think he knows my venom by now. Unless he enjoys the pain, which he probably does. ^^;


Dec 30, 2010, 08:55 PM

OOC: Nah, I think he knows my venom by now. Unless he enjoys the pain, which he probably does. ^^;


Thats what she said.

Dec 30, 2010, 11:23 PM
During these various exchanges, Guy remained distant in mind. He had been thinking about the men outside, the Hunters - Wasn't Kerrigan's Stead out of Hunter jurisdiction? Wasn't it an independent settlement? How come the townsfolk don't seem bothered by their presence? Guy peeked out the window to take a look. One of them was standing there, and talking to a woman, who promptly pointed to the inn. The Hunter then gave her a nod and started walking towards it. Guy backed away from the window with a gulp, quickly making his way to Ghoul. "I think we've attracted attention from officials," he said hastily. "These Hunters are a part of a separate branch; they're more about maintaining the general peace than worrying about law and order. We may have a spot of trouble on our hands."

OOC: If I made any mistakes here, please correct me as soon as possible. >w<;

Jan 1, 2011, 03:33 PM
"So what? I'll just shoot 'em up if'n they try'na make any trouble with me." She said, her hand on her gun. She stood up fully and leaned the broom against the wall. She was pretty much done here- being as the floor had been pretty clean anyway. She felt that presence again- like Winter had suddenly appeared behind her.
"There's no need for that, Mercenary. I'm sure your... Friends... Will agree that you're of no fault in this matter. I'm also sure they'll agree that they'll just walk away, before there are any casualties." The armored man said, his black hair down to at least the middle of his back, and his piercing blue eyes staring at the men who approached.

Jan 2, 2011, 10:43 PM
OOC: May i ask where Amara is and what the group she is with is doing? Last i heard, Wayu gave me some sort of card that i have yet to pick up...

Jan 2, 2011, 10:51 PM
OOC: I'm not certain, Neona. Sorry. o.o;

"Er, anyways," Guy said with a bit of a sigh, "I'm going to go out there and see if I can talk to them. Just wait in here... I guess." Guy, not entirely sure of himself, walked out the front door and met the Ranger before he got the chance to enter. "Ahem, excuse me." Guy cleared his throat and removed his badge, holding it up. "I'm Guy Hendricks, a Ranger from the Central Division. Er, you didn't happen to be looking for me... Were you?..." The man crossed his arms and wiggled his jaw a bit. "Yeah, I've been lookin' fer ya. There's somebody down at the sheriff's office that'd like tuh meetcha. If'n ya don't mind wanderin' down there for a bit, we'll only take a little bit o' yer time." The man spat away from Guy, and Guy, nervous, nodded his head. "Okay," he said plainly. "Let's go, then." The other man gave him a nod, and Guy walked with him towards the sheriff's office, turning around to look at the inn one more time as he walked away.

Jan 2, 2011, 11:12 PM
Amara bent down to pick up her card, each of teh others had already done so. It was still shiny even though being tossed in the sand. She didn't know what to do with it really, so pocketed it and hurryed to catch up to the other two, who were now walking back into town.

Jan 3, 2011, 12:58 AM
OOC: Prepare for... Oddity. Maybe. I Dunno.

RAcast: *Head phones begin to play a different tune ^* Hey! I Was listening to that! *A long 4 foot antenna slowly emerges from his headphones then he facepalms* Oh right. *Puts his hand across the right headphone speaker* What is it? *Shrugs* So? I'm a free man. Free man. Doesn't mean you can go judging me like that and such. *A loud smash is heard from the headphones* Let me guess. There still going at it? *Facepalm* I swear they act like... Yeah. No wonder once in while he's not there. Or in the labs. Doing something behind you back. *Head shudders* The hell was that for? *Head shutters again* Oh so i have to keep my mouth shut? *Head shudders again* Ok stop it. *Head shutters yet again* Stop! *A faint femine voice could be maken out from the headphones and he whispers,* Theres other pepole around here.. * I Dont want to be looking like the weirdo here. Got it? Gotcha. And mind messaging me when you check my safe in my armory? 1-6-3-9-2-8-1-3-5. And make it snappy ya? Ok then little. Hear ya in a bit. *Antenna retracts outward 2 more feet*

Faint sounds from headphones:*Static is heard for a few second then what sounds like a soft female voice is heard as the following begins to play*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PxcYSa7kDDA Heya! Your tuned into... S-S-S-S-S-Shout Cast radio! Now kick back and relax with a lovely and relaxing tune from Me! Hubeastarl! Dont let your pressure and stress of your daily life get to ya! Feel calm and relaxed! Then you'll feel peace! Now chill out with the starlight zone! Only here! On shout cast!

RAcast: Whoa. Didn't see that coming. *Continues to walk toward the inn*

Jan 3, 2011, 03:24 PM
Frieda was silently watching the hunters leave with Guy. From the way they spoke, they didn't seem to be from the same division as Guy, nor did they seem to share any sense of camaraderie, like most members of the same group would...Or at least, they didn't follow the same code of conduct as him.

"If I were human, I'd say I have a bad feeling about Guy's situation, but...Seeing as I'm not, I'd usually say "'Given the current intel, simulations predict that Guy's current situation has a 66.92% chance of evolving in an undesired direction"' instead, but that does not exactly roll of the tongue."

As she said this, a malicious smirk appeared on her face.

"Anyways, I'll follow him just to be sure he does not get into any kind of trouble...Even though I'm secretly hoping he does, hahahahaha. It would be the perfect excuse for me to get some entertainment."

After saying that, Frieda vanished, only to reappear in an alley close to the path Guy and the other Hunter's Guild members were following, yet still quite a few meters away from them so she could follow them from afar and avoid being noticed.

Jan 3, 2011, 05:55 PM
Frieda was silently watching the hunters leave with Guy. From the way they spoke, they didn't seem to be from the same division as Guy, nor did they seem to share any sense of camaraderie, like most members of the same group would...Or at least, they didn't follow the same code of conduct as him.

"If I were human, I'd say I have a bad feeling about Guy's situation, but...Seeing as I'm not, I'd usually say "'Given the current intel, simulations predict that Guy's current situation has a 66.92% chance of evolving in an undesired direction"' instead, but that does not exactly roll of the tongue."

As she said this, a malicious smirk appeared on her face.

"Anyways, I'll follow him just to be sure he does not get into any kind of trouble...Even though I'm secretly hoping he does, hahahahaha. It would be the perfect excuse for me to get some entertainment."

After saying that, Frieda vanished, only to reappear in an alley close to the path Guy and the other Hunter's Guild members were following, yet still quite a few meters away from them so she could follow them from afar and avoid being noticed.
*Cough* Seth's caseal form. *Cough*

Jan 5, 2011, 05:58 AM
OOC: Who's next in line to post? ^^;


Jan 11, 2011, 02:50 AM
OOC: Its either Ghoul or Doc. Or if seth can post... maybe give his friend Amara something to do. (hint) ... lol


Jan 24, 2011, 12:42 PM
OOC: This one seemed to have its promises too, but now seems dead... Whats the plan with this one?

Jan 24, 2011, 06:13 PM
OOC: Patience.

Jan 24, 2011, 10:39 PM
OOC: I think school killed our brains.


Jan 29, 2011, 07:28 PM
Both the man and Ghoul followed Guy as soon as the hunters began to lead him away. As she slid out of the bar, her hand was on the grip of her pistol. The man in black strode purposefully, making no move to draw a weapon at all as he followed. He moved fast, and with a strange grace in every movement.
The two of them sped along together, making a strangely fitting duo. Taking care not to get caught or seen- as they both had the feeling they were unwelcome in what was about to go down, they slipped along, keeping to the shadows as best they could.