View Full Version : A bit off topic.. anyone play on a PSPGo?

Nov 3, 2010, 12:34 AM
Hey Folks,

I am thinking about getting a Go (that middle age male DNA drive to buy new gadgets taking over, but I digress)...) and am wondering if anyone here has (played) both the 3000 and the Go. I have rather big hands being 6'1 but a friend of mine of similar height loves his Go (albeit it was kind of odd as our wives asked why were were putting our hands up next to each other last time we went to the pub.. again I digress). In the store the Go is always mounted on lil' platform holders which don't allow much for getting a good grip on the system.. just wondering what PSPo2 players think of each system?

cheers and thanks for the opinions in advance

Nov 3, 2010, 12:42 AM
I have a go. Its great because of the 16 gig capacity. Its sorta comfortable but takes getting used to. The only thing that sucks is the online selection of games :(

If you do get a Go, I recommend using it with the travel case as its more comfortable (eg it doesn't dig into the sides of your fingers as much when you play). Plus on its own its a little bit too thin to handle. I'm 5'10, my hands are about 7.5" long from wrist to tip of middle finger if you want to make a comparison to your hands in comparison to my complaint :)

Nov 3, 2010, 06:01 AM
I have a PSPgo as well. The system is good for short bursts of play, but if you're playing for a stretch of several hours (which can happen when playing games like PSP2 and MH:U) I find its bluetooth connectivity most useful. Using a PS3 controller to play PSP2 is quite comfortable. In fact so comfortable that I bought a second PS3 controller, that way I don't have to constantly resync the one controller to play games on either the PSPgo or PS3.

Personally, I don't have a problem with the online selection of games, the bulk of the good ones are available. The main problem with the PSPgo is battery life. Playing a PSPgo online with a PS3 controller will drain a full charge in two hours. But you can remedy this by purchasing the PSPgo cradle. The cradle also allows you to run video-out to a television while simultaneously charging, with the purchase of additional items of course.

Nov 3, 2010, 09:12 AM
PSPgo is great. It also just just dropped in price from $249.99 to $199.99. I like the Pause ferature and PS3 controller option.

Nov 3, 2010, 10:08 AM
pspgo is ok for me so far. not great and not too bad. i was about
to buy 3000 to replace the go, but i dont like spending much since i already
got the go. the Go gets very dirty easily if you dont clean it regularly: fingerprint magnet.

i haven't try out the ps3 controller on the go yet or bought any other acessories
for the go. maybe those will make the Go experience better. i'll have to try it out.

i'm not so sure to recommend a Go for you if you have big hands though. it's
going to be very annoying once you play for about 1+ hrs. Your hands will start feelilng numb.
at least mine did, even though my hands are not even that big.

Nov 4, 2010, 02:33 PM
I have the similar setup as Magician. Pretty much have the same opinions as well. I also have the 2000, but thanks to the PS3 controller/TV feature, my PSPgo gets played the most. I really wish they had better batteries for the Go, though. It's just that they have no life improvement over the standard PSP 1000-3000 batteries (and half the life of the extended ones). If someone starts making a good *extended-life* battery for the Go, I'd do the operation right away.

So I usually play up to a few hours, when I'm away from the TV. I use the time I play with it on the cradle, to charge it back up.