View Full Version : Sprained Knee :P

Nov 4, 2010, 05:31 AM
Uck. I hate rarely frequently these boards, I need to stop by more often >_>

OK, long story short I've been exercising again and lost 16lbs by doing the Couch-to-10K program, which is an interval training jogging exercise program. The most difficult day that I've done so far - day 8.1 of the program - consisted of (Jog 5 minutes + Walk 1 minute)x10 times.

I completed that day about 7 days ago. 3 days ago, I mildly sprained my knee on the last stretch of day 8.3 of the program. And I cannot jog for the next month, due to my fear of causing more damage to my knees.

So, I can swim because I know that is low-impact and good for rehabilitiating the knees. However, I'm not sure the best way of maintaining the stamina I've built up so far. Up until now, I had no problem jogging/walking 6 miles in about 70 minutes. And I don't want to let this go to waste within the next 4 weeks, or regress too far back.

Any suggestions PSOW'ers?

EDIT: I only know how to to do the crawl and backstroke.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:32 AM
My physiotherapy has me run on a treadmill in a pool. If you're going to swim you probably just want to do laps with a backstroke, or any stroke where most of the propulsion comes from your legs. Even treading water would probably help.

Knee problems suck. I have scarred cartilage in both me knee joints; it feels like they're coated with sandpaper. I just run through it, but with a sprain it's probably best to just stay off it for a few days and then work your way back to where you were.

Congratulations on the weight already lost, too.

Nov 6, 2010, 12:21 AM
Hopefully you don't start from step 1 and only stepping down from where you were at just a bit, backstep, should get you back there when you can.

Lest you just, "shake weight." Seen it for the men too.