View Full Version : Game Kinect/PS3 Move: Cool or Mega Fail?

Nov 6, 2010, 09:01 AM
First off, if there is another thread on this, can a mod combine this with the other? (haven't been on these forums in a few weeks.)

So I was super bored a few days ago after playing Fallout New Vega's 24 7 and I thought it was time for something new. So I went to Wal-mart and picked up the new Kinect package for 140 bucks and Toy Story 3 (but nvm that lol) and went straight home to see if I'd had wasted 140 bucks on a dumb gadget.

Upon hooking it up ( which only took like 2 minutes) I was getting a few updates and tuts. To my surprise, this thing was actually kinda cool. It comes with a game "Kinect Adventures" which may not be "Major Fun", but it does give you an ideal of what ur getting yourself into.

On the negative side though, you are gonna need some decent room to get the full use outta this Son of a gun. Also, 150 dollars is kinda steep, especially considering it's not really a system, but just a gadget. However, only time will tell if this is truly a fail, game developers may use there heads and figure out creative and fun ways to take full advantage of this unique hardware.

Ok ok, last line sounded nerdy :P What do yall think?

Nov 6, 2010, 09:17 AM
I haven't had experience with it first hand myself, but it looks fun. Key word - fun. It certainly won't attract the hardcore gamers such as FPS / Fighting gamers. The thought of not using a controller would be mindboggling. As an avid CoD player, I would agree with 'em though, lol. I'll stick to my Wii for now until I hear more about it. I'm not a gadget whore anymore - I can wait a few months for bugs and whatnot to be worked out.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:22 AM
I can wait a few months for bugs and whatnot to be worked out.

That's what I was afraid of lol. Had 9 360's screw me over (literally) so I was skeptical on picking this up. Darn my boredness :3

Nov 6, 2010, 09:23 AM
Someone's gotta be the guinea pig ^^
You're serving the 360 community good!

Nov 6, 2010, 09:36 AM
Somehow, that doesn't seem very comforting :lol:

Nov 6, 2010, 10:25 AM
I'll probably get one once they start making hybrid games that use Kinect and the regular 360 controller. That could open up some pretty cool doors.

Nov 6, 2010, 10:51 AM
That's what I was afraid of lol. Had 9 360's screw me over (literally) so I was skeptical on picking this up. Darn my boredness :3

NINE 360's?! Shouldn't that have said something? Maybe go for a PS3 then? I can see one or two, but nine?

Nov 6, 2010, 11:00 AM
I'm on my third 360. I already have a Ps3 as well, but playing FPSs on it just feels so...awkward. Controller is so tiny c.c

Nov 6, 2010, 11:21 AM
I'm on my 3rd 360 (one of the new, glossy black "slims"). Only reason I went through more than two was because I made a mistake and bought one used off of eBay. Don't ever do that, by the way. No problems with the slim so far.

As for Kinect, I don't have any room in my house to play it. Apparently you need 6-8 feet of empty space, and every room in the house with a TV certainly doesn't have that. So I'm screwed even if I ever want to get a Kinect, which I kind of didn't in the first place.

But, knowing Microsoft, they'll keep adding more and more Kinect-only features to the dashboard, and basically force everyone to buy one at some point or another.

Nov 6, 2010, 12:08 PM
I'm on my 3rd 360 (one of the new, glossy black "slims"). Only reason I went through more than two was because I made a mistake and bought one used off of eBay. Don't ever do that, by the way. No problems with the slim so far.

As for Kinect, I don't have any room in my house to play it. Apparently you need 6-8 feet of empty space, and every room in the house with a TV certainly doesn't have that. So I'm screwed even if I ever want to get a Kinect, which I kind of didn't in the first place.

But, knowing Microsoft, they'll keep adding more and more Kinect-only features to the dashboard, and basically force everyone to buy one at some point or another.

Kinect only features? Care to elaborate? The only thing I can think of is voice control, which I've heard mixed things about.


On topic:

Call me back when all of those cool Kinect games at TGS come out. Also, Child of Eden.

i may or may not want to play harry potter and the deathly hallows with kinect j/s

Nov 6, 2010, 12:21 PM
Kinect only features? Care to elaborate? The only thing I can think of is voice control, which I've heard mixed things about.

It was only a prediction. Calm down.

Powder Keg
Nov 6, 2010, 12:54 PM
I just view Kinect (along with the Move) as just a gimmick answer that Sony and Microsoft needed to have an answer for the Wii. They're only fads that aren't going to last. I think Microsoft's presentation and marketing for the Kinect is a lot better than the move, which will help them out, but next year it's just going to quickly fade.

Nov 6, 2010, 08:25 PM
I just view Kinect (along with the Move) as just a gimmick answer that Sony and Microsoft needed to have an answer for the Wii. They're only fads that aren't going to last. I think Microsoft's presentation and marketing for the Kinect is a lot better than the move, which will help them out, but next year it's just going to quickly fade.

Bit of a difference between holding a remote and full body motion capture though.

At least Kinect is trying to improve upon the Wiimote (whether or not it's something worth improving on is for a different topic). Sony just stuck a ball on the end of a Wiimote and called it a day.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:57 PM
Had 9 360's screw me over (literally) so I was skeptical on picking this up.

Nine? What? The hell are you doing to them, shotgunning them bong hits?

Nov 6, 2010, 10:03 PM
In my unbiased opinion, since I don't play games as much as I used to in light of my recent hobby of filmmaking, I believe that the Move and Kinect each have their respective niche's. For example, them Move seems like it would make for a perfect controller for a Star Wars game (honestly, who DIDN'T think of that when they saw the move?) and... well, that's about it I think. ^_^;. The Kinect on the other hand eliminates the controller completely. I have gone out of my way to read a multitude of reviews on it and the general synopsis I've been seeing is that people jumped in expecting to have a 'meh' experience and quickly became impressed with the hardware. They have said that the motion tracking and voice/facial recognition technology is a lot more accurate than they were expecting, albeit whenever you move your hands in front of your chest, it may occasionally need to resync, but from what I've read, that only takes a second, if that, and then you're right back in the game. I had moderate to high hopes for the Kinect because from what I've seen and experienced over the years, Microsoft just seems to make good hardware. (VISTA is an OS, aka software, and yes, we all know how terrible it was). I'm going to wait until I get one. I'm personally more excited about the menu navigation without having to grab a controller and the voice/facial recognition technology. Suddenly, navigating your XBox 360 is like having your very own holodeck, and I personally think that's an awesome feature in and of itself. I also have to agree that the day developers start releasing games that support both Kinect and controller control schemes, I will be happy and will probably start gaming more. One slight downside to the Kinect is that it has been said that it is not quite accurate enough to support a first person shooter, which makes me sad, because that's one of the Kinect game types I was looking forward to! (even though I personally believe that there are ENTIRELY too many FPS' being made nowadays!). Now in the unlikely event that the next Phantasy Star title supports Kinect controls (and controller controls, but I'll stick with only the former if that's what were to happen) then I would be all over it! Miming your fighting and emoting with your body rather than creating macros sounds exciting! (even though they probably wouldn't do the realtime emotes due to the possibility of suggestive gestures being made in lobbies. Sad face).

Nov 7, 2010, 07:33 AM
Nine? What? The hell are you doing to them, shotgunning them bong hits?

Just read this if ya haven't read my rant about my 360 issues. This link also has the first link to the first part if ya feel like doing some reading. If nothing more, the replies get downright hilarious.


Nov 9, 2010, 04:53 PM
I've just been playing with one at work, prior to the midnight launch, and you need a whole ten square feet for it to work properly... It was a tiny, tiny, but noticably bit laggy, and it just felt like the Playstation Eye, but better. All I'll say is... don't buy Kinectimals.

Nov 12, 2010, 07:12 AM
Kinect works perfectly, in my house. It's a pretty impressive piece of hardware. Practically 1 to 1 body movement, and it tracks very fast for me. However be warned, the games tend to be a bit more high-impact than what you have the Wii, so your mileage may vary on the low side, for how long you can play these at once.

The camera can track. You, zoom onto specifics, and it is very good at reading your skeleton nigh without fail. It doesn't get confused as to what if your left or right hand, even if you cross them over. Seems to keep track of that due to what continuous joint is connected to which elbow, which is connected to which shoulder.

Kinect adventures worked well, and had some neat things like living statues, where you can sort of record several seconds of yourself moving around and talking, while some 3d pixar-like character moves around mimicking your precise movements and speaking your words, except modified to its voice. Kind of neat to turn something like a Pixar Mo cap into a little bonus. You can upload that so you could choose to share it.

Controlling the Kinect Dashboard is kind of like a Minority report thing combined with that Using the force gesture with voice command ability. Voice commands are very accurate and I very rarely ever have to repeat anything twice. No need for voice calibration either. It works better than actual professional voice assist software used in the computer field. (Stuff I actually test with, on my real job, for 508 compliance dealing with assisted technologies and those softwares require a lengthy voice calibration process to get started.)

My favorite is the whole grab and swipe stuff, for controlling screen paging, and sometimes used for icons. It kind of harkens to that computer stuff I've seen most recently used by a detective in PS3's Heavy Rain.

Voice chat between Kinect devices works almost like magic. However, it is not advisable to use Kinect to talk to someone with a headset. The headset voice aspect does not do noise cancellation from the other side, so the headset user will hear the conversation with their voice echoing back with a delay. It's a bit disorienting. However, using Kinect to Kinect, even if your voice is loudly coming from the other person's soeakers, you'll clearly hear only the sounds produced from the other side, but your voice won't echo because it correctly cancels out sounds from your side that your friend's mic picks up.

Nov 12, 2010, 06:49 PM
If there was a floating keyboard for your hand to touch it with the sensor,it would be confusing like the Wii Mote + Sensor Bar,Kinect looks fine just some not decent games for it...

Nov 13, 2010, 08:53 PM
Ok....... I can see one or two and maybe three 360's breaking..... But NINE? That's gonna give me nightmares......
For me, the Wii seems to suit me well. I've only replaced it once, and that's because it was destroyed when my previous house caught fire. I've dropped the thing carrying it at least 30 times.... and there are no problems with it.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:35 AM
As an interface I think the kinect is pretty awesome. I think all TV's should come with a camera installed directly into it and have andriod for surfing the net, skype, weather and a bunch of other applications that would be awesome. (Like head tracking for no-glasses 3D)

As a controller; I'm pretty skeptical. The wii turned me off to motion controls. Wii I think is just a terrible system in general; it has no online, horrible third party support and really weak hardware. Most of the games played better on a normal controller, and when the only selling aspect of the system is a controller gimmick that doesn't work you just have a broken product.

That being said though, I'm kind of glad to see that the PS3 and x360 are picking up on motion controls. I think there's a lot of potential. The move looks much better to me. With gaming I really think you need something to hold and interact with. Everyone is writing it off as a wii rip off and focusing on the kinect.

As for the kinect, there's one thing that it really needs object recognition. Rather than waving your hands around like a mother fucking moron imagine if you could grab a tennis racket from around the house (not stupid peripherals) and use it in a tennis game. Or use a shinai or something in a fencing game. That would definitely trump anything else out there.

For now I'm going to sit back and wait to see what happens. TV's are also going through a weird 3D change (which doesn't look like it's sticking), motion controls and other crap. I'm just going to stick with my psp and wait a couple years for this shit to sort itself out.

Nov 26, 2010, 06:06 PM
[QUOTE=Kion;2567632]As for the kinect, there's one thing that it really needs object recognition. Rather than waving your hands around like a mother fucking moron imagine if you could grab a tennis racket from around the house (not stupid peripherals) and use it in a tennis game.
[QUOTE]Lol Virtua Tennis Kinect??

Roger Triton
Nov 26, 2010, 06:11 PM
I have played with Kinect.
It is cool.
It's better than Wii.

And definitely the next consoles (perhaps all of them) will have some sort of motion control when they are first brought out.

Now if Nintendo would just make a console that was not 5+ years graphically behind the others................they might have a good post-Wii future.

Nov 26, 2010, 10:29 PM
Nintendo is releasing the 3DS in March 2011, so I wouldn't be surprised if a new Wii gets announced at E3.

Roger Triton
Nov 26, 2010, 10:53 PM
To be fair, the same poll should be created for the PS3 Move. I could use the post count, so I will quickly do that myself :)


That controller blue blob thing is....extremely scary looking ^_^

Nov 27, 2010, 10:51 AM
the way i see it, this is just kind of sad, because when the Wii came out, all Microsoft and Sony could do was talk about how it was just a toy or it wasn't actually a video game system. And then when they realize that they aren't getting as much money, what do they do? They copy that "toy" and make their systems into the same idea, but only for some reason theirs arent"toys". I don't really want motion control at all in more than a few games, i like my controller in both hands and clicking buttons more, that's one of the reasons i've been doing a good deal of handheld playing recently. And the 3DS is looking absolutely incredible, but the PS3 move? The Kinect? these are just last grubs for some spare cash.

Nov 27, 2010, 11:19 AM
PS Move is much better than the Wii. Sony got right what Nintendo half-assed. I haven't played Kinect yet, so no comment on that.

Nov 27, 2010, 11:30 AM
PS Move is much better than the Wii. Sony got right what Nintendo half-assed. I haven't played Kinect yet, so no comment on that.

I wouldn't go so far as to say they "got it right". It's pretty easy to improve on something when someone else does all of the work for you. The Wii's technology was actually pretty revolutionary when it was released, and Nintendo should still get the credit. Move is just an iteration that adds precision, but little else.

Nov 27, 2010, 05:28 PM
Kinect wins because of this


Imagine the possibilities

Nov 27, 2010, 08:42 PM
Kinect wins because of this


Imagine the possibilities

That technology plus this technology....


Equals THIS technology! ^_^ (kinda)


Nov 27, 2010, 09:35 PM
PS Move is much better than the Wii. Sony got right what Nintendo half-assed. I haven't played Kinect yet, so no comment on that.

doesn't matter if it's better, they're still huge hypocrites

Nov 27, 2010, 09:38 PM
doesn't matter if it's better, they're still huge hypocrites

How's that?

Nov 27, 2010, 09:43 PM
How are they hypocrites? Sony has never talked bad about motion gaming. Ever. The PS3 launched with the Six-Axis motion controller. It was a massive flop, but it was evident that Sony was interested in motion control.

Nov 27, 2010, 10:03 PM
doesn't matter if it's better, they're still huge hypocrites

Yeah, PS3 launched with motion control. Not sure what you're getting at here.

(Unless you're talking about motion controls mixed with controller rumble. In which case you'd be right, although about four years late.)

Nov 27, 2010, 10:03 PM
And they talked a ton about how the Wii was just a toy. just like microsoft. don't get me wrong, i know the wii's motion was very flawed, and it isnt all that great of a system on average (f you look deep in its library you will find some true gems, like i did for the system) but its definitely hypocritical that they called the wii a toy and now this.

oh, this years reveal of the playstation move at E3, this about sums up the shows. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2010/6/16/
also, look at the controller, its practically an identical copy of the wiimote button wise, theres nothing original about this.

Nov 27, 2010, 10:24 PM
I don't know whether or not Move or Kinect are win or fail, but I must say I'm looking forward to the PS3 Move controller porn that's sure to follow. The Wii dil..ah, controller was alright as a novelty, but that huge lolipop bulb on the end of Move's controller will take it to the next level.

Roger Triton
Nov 27, 2010, 11:33 PM
Have any of you noticed how the console generation spans are getting smaller & smaller all the time? The only reason the last gen (PS2/Xbox/GameCube/Dreamcast) was so long was because $ony strung it out with the whole 'cell processor change world hahaha powerful *BAM* POW***' marketing talk. I think the current gen consoles won't last 10 years (Sony wanted PS3 to last for 10 years, starting November 11th, 2006), and we'll be seeing either Microsoft or Nintendo (most likely Nintendo? Or maybe my wishful thinking) coming out with a new system by 2013.

Nov 28, 2010, 01:07 AM
Have any of you noticed how the console generation spans are getting smaller & smaller all the time? The only reason the last gen (PS2/Xbox/GameCube/Dreamcast) was so long was because $ony strung it out with the whole 'cell processor change world hahaha powerful *BAM* POW***' marketing talk. I think the current gen consoles won't last 10 years (Sony wanted PS3 to last for 10 years, starting November 11th, 2006), and we'll be seeing either Microsoft or Nintendo (most likely Nintendo? Or maybe my wishful thinking) coming out with a new system by 2013.

Umm...the average console generation length is five years, and that hasn't changed in quite some time. This generation is almost certainly going to be longer. The 360 is already five years old and there hasn't been a whisper of the next Xbox iteration. 2013 would put the generation at 7/8 years, which would be the longest so far.

The 10-year life cycle doesn't mean that a given console will be the front runner for 10 years. It just means that they will support it for ten years. The PS2 was released five years into the PS1's life cycle, but they continued to support the PS1 for another five years. The PS2 received the same treatment when the PS3 was released.